DIE FRANKEN Valerie Chavez und Katrin McKean AM ANFANG… Sie waren ein Westgermanisch Volkstamm im dritten Jahrhundert nach Christus. Sie waren wanderten ständig um den Reich der Römer. Frank: bedeutet “frei” oder “tapfer”. DER REICH DER RÖMER Der römische Kaiser Julian eroberte die Franken im dritten Jahrhundert nach Christus. Die Franken besiedelten das römische Territorium um den Rhein. Die Franken blieben über ein Jahrhundert den Römern treu. ROMAN MILITARY During the 4 th century, general and commanding positions were granted to many Franks by the Romans. These of ficials were given responsibility of their territory in the Empire. MOVING FORWARD… Childeric I (463 AD) was an important Salian Frank commander who strengthened the Franks’ power among the Empire and the Gaul. In only a few years to come, the Salian Franks would be united with the remaining Frankish people. This included the Ripuarians and the Eastern Franks. CLOVIS In 482 AD, Clovis, the son of Childeric I, came to power. He established the Merovingain Dynasty, becoming the first and most famous ruler. Clovis was known for his desire to expand the Franks’ territory. Eventually converted to Christianity. This made Clovis seen as the King of the Franks by the Pope and expanded their popularity. DOWNFALL OF MEROVINGAIN After Clovis died, his kingdom was divided among his four sons. This division of power became accustomed to the Merovingain reign. Unfortunately, many descendants were too young to rule because of this, so they began to rely on advisors to rule during the heirs’ delinquency. This group of people gained a tremendous amount of power. Around 700 AD, Charles Martel declared himself as an advisor and the rightful king of the Franks. A NEW BEGINNING… Martel and his family began the Carolingain Dynasty. As the Merovingain Dynasty withered away, this new dynasty strengthened among the Franks. In 800 AD on Christmas Day, Pope Leo III crowned the first Holy Roman Empire to be Charles Augustus; otherwise known as Charlemagne. A LASTING IMPRESSION The Franks grew from just a small tribe to one of the most unified and influential kingdoms in all of Europe’s history. Their spread of Christianity left a remarkable impression on the surrounding nations. FRÄNKISCHE SITTEN Die Franken hatten dünne Schnurrbäarte. Die Römer beeinflüssten die Franken sehr viel; besonders in der Kultur, im Militär, und in der Politik. DIE SPRACHE: ALT FRANKISCH Dieser Dialek ist gestorben, aber er wurde alt Höllandisch. Alt Frankisch beeinflüsste die alte römische Sprache von Gaul. DIE RELIGION Die Franken waren Ursprünglich Heiden. Clovis brachte das Christentum zu den Franken. Das Christentum wurde die Hauptreligion der Franken. FRANKISCH ZU FRANZÖSISCH ZU GERMANISCH French word Old Frankish Germanic conginitves Bleu ( blue) Blao Blau Choquer ( to shock) Skukjan Schokken (to shock, to shake) Batir ( to build) Bastian (to bind with bast string) Besten ( to sow up, to connect ) BEZÜGE http://www.jrank.org/history/pages/6096/Franks -FrankishEmpire.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_Frankish http://www.historyworld.net/wrldhis/PlainTextHistories.asp?h istoryid=ab74 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franks http://www.fofweb.com/NuHistory/MainPrintPage.asp?iPin= WHII095&DataType=Ancient&WinType= Free http://www.fofweb.com/NuHistory/default.asp?ItemID=WE49 &NewItemID=True http://www.thenagain.info/webchron/westeurope/ Franks.htm l http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/ 06238a.htm http://www.tacitus.nu/historical -atlas/francia.htm