Campus Improvement Plan Crossroads High School/Right Turn Discipline Center Ms. Janna McCollough, Principal 2013-2014 The Burleson ISD does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender, or disability in providing education services, activities, and programs, including vocational programs, in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972; and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended. BISD Mission Statement The Mission of the Burleson Independent School District is to engage and support every learner with a rigorous curriculum so that they graduate college and career ready. BISD Vision Statement Burleson Independent School District's vision is for every learner to graduate with 21st Century problem solving and reasoning skills, ready to embrace their dynamic future. Crossroads High School Mission Statement The mission of Crossroads High School is to believe in and provide a quality education for non-traditional students so that their individual needs are met in a way that they become successful, productive graduates who are college or career ready. Right Turn Discipline Center Mission Statement The mission of Right Turn Discipline Center is to provide students with a rigorous and relevant program of academcis and social skills so that they experience success and are prepared to return to their home campuses with the confidence to meet daily challenges and future endeavors with self-assurance and optimism. Crossroads High School/Right Turn Discipline Center Site-Based Decision Making Team 2013-2014 Member Term(s) Name Teacher 1 Year Teacher 2 Years Teacher 1 Year Teacher 2 Years Marci Young (2nd year) District Office Representative 1 Year Kathy Marsh Non-Teaching Professional 2 Years Paraprofessional 1 Year Michelle Clore Parent 2 Years Ryan Insall Parent 1 Year Community Member 2 Year Community Member 1 Year Business Member 2 Years Business Member 1 Year Andy Norman (1st year) James Tidmore (2nd year) Carissa Brunson (1st year) 4 Classroom Teachers- to be nominated and elected by the teaching staff 1 District Office Representative- to be nominated and elected by non-teaching professional staff 1 Non-teaching Professional – to be nominated and elected by all professional staff assigned to that campus 1 Paraprofessional – to be nominated and elected by all campus staff 2 Parent Members- must advertise/solicit and must have a child currently enrolled 2 Community Members- must advertise/solicit and must reside in the district 2 Business Members – must advertise/solicit/not necessary to have a business in the district Campus Needs Assessment Executive Summary The following are some of the most important needs that we will be addressing this school year: 1. Increasing our 4 year graduation rate from 67% to 78%. 2. Increasing our Completion rate from 82.9% to 83%. 3. Increasing our Attendance percentage 88.9% to 93% for the school year. In order to accomplish the above we will be implementing the following: 1. Graduation Rate Increase: a. Provide Nova Net options b. Meet with 4th year students on a regularly to discuss progress c. Discuss issues about 4th year students and needs during faculty meetings 2. Completion Rate Increase: a. Discuss issues about 5th year students and needs during faculty meetings b. Offer OFSDP as option for success c. Create individual timelines for 5th year students so diplomas or GEDs are completed by May of 5th year 3. Attendance Increase: a. Monthly perfect attendance incentives b. Contact parents of absent students daily c. Yearly perfect attendance drawings Many more things go into making our campus one that is a successful and productive place for students to be. The above are just a few things that will be done so that our campus improves this year. Campus Needs Assessment Data Sheets Goal #1: We Will Maintain Safe Schools and be Prepared For, and Capable of Responding to, Unusual Incidents and Emergencies with the District and Community. AREA GROUP MEASURED BY QUANTITATIVE CRITERIA Safety Campus Wide Crisis Management Plan and Roster Increase number of staff certified in CPR from Safety Campus Wide Student Surveys Reach 100% of students who feel safe while on the CrHS/RTDC campus Safety Campus Wide Teacher Participation 100% of teachers will participate in staff development training in positive behavior supports, i.e. Why Try and Boys’ Town Discipline Management All Students PEIMS Discipline Data, Bullying Reports Maintain the number of reported safety incidences at 0 Discipline Management All Students PEIMS Discipline Data Decrease the number of discipline referrals from ___????______ to ___????______ Discipline Management All Students PEIMS Discipline Data Decrease assignments to ISS and OSS from 16 to __0 Discipline Management All staff and students PEIMS Discipline Data Decrease number of placements in DAEP from ___5__ to __0 MET GOAL Goal# 2: We Will Continuously Improve Student Performance AREA GROUP MEASURED BY QUANTITATIVE CRITERIA Graduation Administrators, Counselor, CrHS Teachers Content-area Teachers, Counselor, Administrators Content-area Teachers, Counselor, Administrators Administrators, Counselors, CrHS Teachers CrHS Teachers, Counselor, Administrators Teachers Administrators Counselors AYP Increase the percentage of students graduating high school by the end of their fourth year from 67% to 78%. AEIS Increase the percentage of students passing the Math EXIT TAKS by 10% EOC Attain an 80% pass rate for End-of-Course Tests. AYP Increase the percentage of students completing high school (graduates + GED recipients + continuing students) from 82.9 to 83%. Increase the percentage of students meeting credit minimum requirement each quarter 1 TAKS Pass Rate 2 3 EOC Pass Rate Completion Rate 4 5 Credit Completion 6 Discipline Credit Slips PEIMS Decrease the recidivism rate of Right Turn Discipline Center students MET GOAL Goal #3: We Will Employ Efficient and Effective Processes AREA GROUP MEASURED BY QUANTITATIVE CRITERIA Attendance Teachers, Administrators, Receptionist PRS Director, Administrators, PEIMS RTDC Teachers PEIMS Increase the percentage of students attending school daily from 88.9% to 93% PEIMS 100% of students eligible to receive services will continue to receive services Positive Survey responses 100 % of students assigned to RTDC in drug/alcohol related offenses will participate in “Why Try?” Program. CrHS Teachers, Counselor, Administrators Administration Survey Responses 100 % of students preparing for EXIT TAKS will have the opportunity to participate in group or individual tutoring HR Feedback 100% of teachers will meet highly qualified criteria Parenting and Related Services RTDC and Drug/Alcohol Programs EXIT TAKS Tutorials Highly Qualified Teachers MET GOAL Goal #4: We Will Develop and Maintain Strategic Parent Engagement and Community Partnerships AREA GROUP MEASURED BY QUANTITATIVE CRITERIA Allow 100% of parents to participate at CrHS and RTDC Parental Participation Administrators, Office Personal # of Parents unable to participate Community Partnerships Administrators, Teachers # of Businesses who participate through the year Documented colleges who participate with students College/Career Opportunities Teachers, Administrators Contact 10 businesses to partner in various endeavors Allow 100% of students to participate in at least 2 college/career opportunities at CrHS MET GOAL Campus Improvement Plan 2013-2104 Goal 1: We will Maintain Safe Schools and be Prepared for, and Capable of Responding to, Unusual Incidents and Emergencies within the District And Community. Objective 1: Expect 100% of CrHS and RTDC will respond on a survey that they feel successful and safe while on the CrHS/RTDC campus. Strategy/Activity Person(s) Responsible Timeline Resources Formative Evaluation Summative Evaluation 1. Implement "Why Try?" program which corresponds to Rachel's Challenge. Administrators Teachers August 2013- June 2014 Time and Effort "Why Try?" materials Student surveys each 6 weeks Graduation survey 2. Require students to complete an exit survey upon completion of courses at CrHS or assignment at RTDC. 3. Reward students who exhibit the characteristics of respect, responsibility, resiliency, fun to be around, and gratitude. Administrators Receptionist August 2013- June 2014 Time and Effort Laptops Student surveys Student survey Administrators Teachers August 2013-June 2014 Time and Effort Budget Teacher recommendations Recognition Board Bracelet Ceremony Objective 2: Require 100% participation in teacher training in intervention techniques for positive behavior supports. Strategy/Activity Person(s) Responsible Timeline Resources Formative Evaluation Summative Evaluation 1. Participate in self-help book studies. Not sure about. Administrators Teachers August 2013- June 2014 Campus funds Approval for book study Teacher presentations 2. Participate in reviews for “Why Try?” lessons. 3. Participate in Boys' Town refresher course. 4. Visit other districts' DAEP's and AEP's. Administrators CrHS/RTDC Teachers Administrators RTDC Teachers Administrators Teachers August 2013-June 2014 August 2013- June 2014 August 2013- June 2014 Time and Effort Faculty meeting Sign-in sheets Campus funds Time and effort Time and effort Faculty meeting Sign-in sheets Teacher assignments Teacher summary reports Goal 2: We Will Continuously Improve Student Performance. Objective 1: Increase graduation rate to meet AYP target of 78%. Strategy/Activity Person(s) Responsible Timeline Resources Formative Evaluation Summative Evaluation 1. Communicate needs for other schools to identify high-need students BEFORE their 4th year in high school. 2. Conference with teachers about 4th year students during each faculty meeting, focusing on academic achievement. 3. Provide Nova Net options for students to complete courses for credit recovery. Administrator August 2013June 2014 Time and effort Principal meetings Administrators August 2013June 2014 Time and effort Faculty meetings Nova Net specialist Counselor Administrators Teachers August 2013June 2014 Time and effort Faculty meetings Number of students enrolled at CrHS before last half of 4th year of high school Sign-in sheets and meeting minutes kept by principal secretary List of students completing courses in NovaNet August 2013June 2014 Time and effort Teacher/Student conferences Documentation kept in cum folders 4. Continue teacher/student conferences with 4th year students. Objective 2: Increase Math TAKS passing rate by 10%. Strategy/Activity Person(s) Responsible Timeline Resources Formative Evaluation Summative Evaluation 1. Provide TAKS tutorials to facilitate remediation strategies in accordance to the needs of each student who has previously not met the state standard on the MATH EXIT TAKS or students who have never taken the MATH EXIT TAKS. 2. Continue TAKS Bowl the week before TAKS. Administrators Counselors CrHS/RTDC Math Teachers August 2013June 2014 Time and effort Previous testing data Attendance records Teachers August 2013June 2014 Time and effort Campus funds List of TAKS testers Attendance records Time and Effort Faculty meeting Sign-in Sheets Time and Effort List of testers Test Results Objective 3: Attain an 80% pass rate for End-of-Course Tests. 1. Present the writing rubrics for English EOC. 2. Use remediation strategies in accordance to the needs of each student who has previously not met the state standard on the End-of-Course Tests. CrHS/RTDC English teachers CrHS/RTDC teachers August 2013June 2014 August 2013June 2014 Objective 4: Attain a 83% completion rate (graduates + GED recipients + continuing students). Strategy/Activity Person(s) Responsible Timeline Resources Formative Evaluation Summative Evaluation 1.Implement Individual Graduation Plans for each student to keep and keep one copy with advisory teachers. 2.Conference with teachers about 5th year students during each faculty meeting, focusing on academic achievement. 3. Create individual timelines so that 5th years students either graduate or have a GED by May 2014. Administrators Counselor Teachers Administrators Counselor Teachers Administrators Counselor Teachers 5th year students Administrators Counselor Teachers Administrators August 2013June 2014 Time and effort Individual Graduation Plans Completed Graduation Plans August 2013June 2014 Time and effort Meeting agenda Meeting minutes August 2013June 2014 Time and effort Individual timelines, Student conferences Number of completers August 2013June 2014 Time and effort 2012-2013 student data Contact logs List of newly enrolled students August 2013June 2014 Time and effort Contracts Attendance verification through the receptionist, Graduation records 4. Call all students in August and September who have not enrolled from the previous year. 5. Offer OFSDP to encourage students to re-enroll in school who have extenuating circumstances that hinder their attendance. Objective 5: Increase % of students meeting credit minimum requirement each quarter. Strategy/Activity Person(s) Responsible Timeline Resources Formative Evaluation Summative Evaluation 1. Continue and document RTI strategies. Administrators Counselor Teachers Advisory teachers August 2013June 2014 Time and effort Meeting minutes Meeting minutes August 2013June 2014 August 2013June 2014 Time and effort Completion charts Individual Graduation Plans Time and effort Timeline on grade sheets Completed grade sheets List of former students Contact log 2. Incorporate data charts/ credit completion charts with advisory students. 3. Create individual timelines to monitor student completion of courses. Teachers Objective 6: Decrease the recidivism rate of Right Turn Discipline Center students 1. Visit former discipline center students on their home campuses and remind them of “Why Try?” strategies. RTDC teachers August 2013June 2014 Time and effort Goal 3: We Will Employ Efficient and Effective Practices. Objective 1: Attain 85% or higher attendance for the year. Strategy/Activity Person(s) Responsible Timeline Resources Formative Evaluation Summative Evaluation 1. Offer perfect attendance incentives. Administrators Campus funds PEIMS List of student recipients 2. Track absences and call parents of students for absences. 3. Offer drawings for students with 90% attendance. Receptionist August 2013June 2014 August 2013June 2014 August 2013June 2014 Time and effort PEIMS Contact logs Time, effort, and resources PEIMS Students draw for rewards Administrators Teachers Objective 2: Provide PRS services to 100% of pregnant students who are enrolled. Strategy/Activity Person(s) Responsible Timeline Resources Formative Evaluation Summative Evaluation 1. Account for TEA Attendance Section IX for PRS. 2. Offer the opportunity to receive instruction related to parenting knowledge and skills, including child development, job readiness training, and other CTE courses. 3. Provide Compensatory Education Home Instruction during a medically necessary prenatal period and during postpartum periods for PRS students. PRS Teachers August 2013June 2014 August 2013June 2014 TEA funding; Campus allotment District CTE budget allotment; CTE campus budget allotment PRS/SCE funds for time and travel PRS Documentation Course availability PEIMS PRS Records Student course completion PRS documentation PRS documentation PRS Teachers CTE Teachers PRS/CEHI Teachers August 2013June 2014 Objective 3: Require 100% of students assigned to RTDC for drug/alcohol infractions to participate in social skill development related to their assignment. Strategy/Activity Person(s) Responsible Timeline Resources Formative Evaluation Summative Evaluation 1. Utilize 3rd Millennium for students to have more direction on not using drugs and alcohol. RTDC Teachers August 2013-June 2014 Students scheduled for 3rd Millennium Student survey 2. Provide "Why Try?" lessons to give information focusing on drug/alcohol prevention, responsible behavior, and positive relationships. RTDC Teachers August 2013-June 2014 Students scheduled in Social Skills class Student Point-sheets 3rd Millennium program at $15 per unit. $1500 spend from Title 4 monies in 2009/2010. Campus funds Time and effort Objective 4: Offer 100% of students preparing for EXIT TAKS or End-of-Course Exams the opportunity to participate in group or individual tutoring. Strategy/Activity Person(s) Responsible Timeline Resources Formative Evaluation Summative Evaluation 1. Schedule individual and group tutorials for students who have not passed one or more sections of the TAKS tests or the End-ofCourse Tests. Intervention strategies will be determined by the subject area teachers and implemented by instructors, which may include any staff member. Administrators Counselors Teachers Paraprofessionals August 2013-June 2014 TAKS disaggregated data; TAKS objectives; State Compensatory Funds Testing data Student schedules Objective 5: Recruit and hire 100% highly qualified teachers at the campus level. Strategy/Activity Person(s) Responsible Timeline Resources Formative Evaluation Summative Evaluation 1. Participate in Burleson Independent School District Job Fairs, as made available. Principal April and May 2014 Time and Effort Participation in Fairs Documentation of persons hired 2. Require that new teachers to our school be ESL certified within their first year at BISD. Principal August 2013-June 2014 Time and effort Certification records Certification records Goal 4: We will Develop and Maintain Strategic Community Partnerships. Objective 1: Allow for 100% parental participation in CrHS and RTDC. Strategy/Activity Person(s) Responsible Timeline Resources Formative Evaluation Summative Evaluation 1. Require parents to attend application interviews or in-take meetings before a student is enrolled or starts at CrHS or RTDC. Administrators Office personnel August 2013- June 2014 Time and effort Interview/Intake Attendance Sign-in Sheet 2. Maintain CrHS/RTDC website with up-todate information throughout the year. Administrators August 2013- June 2014 Time and effort Access to computer Website Website Objective 2: Contact at least 10 community organizations and businesses as needed. Strategy/Activity Person(s) Responsible Timeline Resources Formative Evaluation Summative Evaluation 1. Provide career ideas during Thrive and Survive Day. Administrators Teachers Time and effort Faculty meeting Thrive and Survive Day 2. Ask local businesses to support our school through donations or services or community service projects. Administrators Teachers August 2013- June 2014 August 2013- June 2014 Time and effort Communication Contact logs Contact logs Objective 3: Expose 100% of students to college or career opportunity at least two times during school year. Strategy/Activity Person(s) Responsible Timeline Resources Formative Evaluation Summative Evaluation 1. Counsel all potential graduates regarding CCRS. Counselor Time and effort Documentation of participation Student participation log 2. Walk interested students through FAFSA and college application process. Counselor Time and effort Documentation of participation Student participation log 3. Offer the opportunity to attend at least 1 field trip to a local college campus. Administrators Time and effort Campus funds Documentation of participation Attendance records 4. Offer CTE courses to vary students' future career opportunities. CTE teachers Time and effort Documentation of availability Course list 4. Emphasize college with school-wide college days. Administrators Counselors Teachers Staff Counselor Teachers August 2013- June 2014 August 2013- June 2014 August 2013- June 2014 August 2013- June 2014 August 2013-June 2014 Time and effort Scheduled days Calendar August 2013-June 2014 Time and effort Contact logs Student attendance 5. Offer ASVAB and Career Cruising several times a year.