Who is the Holy Spirit, Te Wairua Tapu?

Te Wairua Tapu
• To Share in prayer – with a Holy Spirit focus
• To discuss and assess the effectiveness of the Holy Spirit strand – strand
evaluation completion.
• Work through an entry meeting for the Church strand – professional
reading, theological focus, Over arching statement, planning, integration.
• Break…
• Some key Liturigical Year dates – Ascension and Pentecost
• Prayer… resources and ideas
• A glimpse into the Sarcrament Strand
May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love
of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be
with you.
All: And with your spirit
Pour out your Spirit
upon your people,
and grant us
a new vision of your glory,
a new experience of your power,
a new faithfulness to your word,
a new consecration to your service, that your
love may grow among us, and your kingdom
through Christ, our Lord.
(From Welcome the Spirit – A Catechist’s Confirmation
Handbook by Sr M. Bernard Potter SP and Nigel Bavidge)
Reading: John 14: 15 – 18; 26 - 27
If you love me you will keep my
commandments. And I will ask the
Father and he will give you another
Advocate, to be with you forever.
This is the Spirit of truth, whom the
world cannot receive, because it
neither sees him nor knows him. You
know him, because he abides with
you and he will be in you. I will not
leave you orphaned… the Advocate,
the Holy Spirit, whom the father will
send in my name, will teach you
everything and remind you of all that
I have said to you. Peace I leave with
you; my peace I give to you.
The Gospel of the Lord
All: Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ
The Holy Spirit gives the gifts of
Wisdom, Understanding, Right
judgment, Courage, Knowledge,
Reverence, Awe & Wonder.
Prayer is spending time with God. On
the prayer table are some Holy Spirit
Gifts card. Please take one that you are
drawn to and/or a mandala circle. We
are going to spend a short time in
(e.g. Holy Spirit give us the gift of
Wisdom that we may judge in the way
God does.)
Praying with Mandalas: An interview with Shelley Skoza
What is “praying with mandalas”?
My personal definition for “praying with mandalas” is using art media in the form
of a circle to engage and interact with God.
What is a mandala?
The word mandala means circle in the ancient language of Sanskrit. Because of
this, many people associate mandalas with Buddhist or Hindu art, but they can
also be found in other religions and cultures around the world. Rose windows on
European Cathedrals are forms of mandalas. A broader understanding is that a
mandala is anything created with the frame of a circle to express wholeness.
How do you create a mandala? Do you have a preconceived idea of what you will
draw and pray?
One creates a mandala by beginning with a circle. I do not typically have a
preconceived idea of what I will draw or pray, although sometimes an image or
scripture will come to me at some time during the day, and I will want to pray
with it by drawing and colouring it. At other times, I begin by quieting myself
and drawing a circle on the paper, and then choosing what supplies and colors
seem to be speaking to me that day. There really is no rule or standard that I
For me it is all about showing up to the prayer time and following what I might
have to share with God, or what God may have to share with me. It is about
spending the time in active – and often interactive – prayer.
Welcome Holy Spirit
Leader: Jesus promised to send
his Holy Spirit to us and so we
All: Come, Holy Spirit, fill the
hearts of your people
Leader: Send us your Spirit to
help us to live like Jesus
Leader: Send us your Spirit to
give us strength and courage.
Leader: Send us your Spirit so
that we may know that you
are always with us. (Response)
Concluding Prayer:
All: Lord Jesus Christ,
You promised to send your Holy Spirit that we may live and love
like you.
We ask you to send your Holy Spirit upon us now, to dwell within
us and among us;
To remind us how to live according to your Word;
To help us faithfully teach and preach your Gospel;
To help us when we struggle to pray;
To encourage us to worship and honour God’s holy name;
To transform us into your Living Body that we may be your hands,
your voice, your feet in our world;
We ask this in your Name
Overarching Statement:
Key Learning Intentions/Concepts
Areas of Greatest Progress
Analysis of Learning of Key Learning Intentions:
Not Achieved
Assessment Used:
Difficult Concepts to Teach
Further resources that are required?
Student Engagement:
Identified Concept Deficit (‘Hotspot’) & Next Step to Incorporate
Identified Future Professional Learning and/or ‘Wondering’
Home-School Links: Frequent
Who is the Holy
Spirit, Te Wairua
• The Holy Spirit did not just
appear at Pentecost!
• As God, He always existed!‡.
• He is the life-giving breath of
• He is God’s greatest gift to us: the
gift of Himself dwelling within
• The third person in the Trinity
What does the Holy Spirit, Te Wairua
Tapu do?‡
• Strengthens and matures
the gifts we received at
• Acts as our Advocate and
our Defender guiding and
protecting us‡
• Gives us the light to
discover the Truth‡
• Helps us in prayer‡
• Helps us speak God’s word
with boldness
What else does the Holy Spirit ,
TeWairua Tapu do?
• ‡Comforts and consoles us‡
• Empowers us to overcome sin‡
• Energizes people (Mary at the Annunciation, Jesus at
his Baptism, the disciples at Pentecost)
• ‡Builds up the Body of Christ, the Church, and makes it
Titles of the Holy Spirit, Te
Wairua Tapu
Paraclete Advocate
• When he proclaims and promises the coming of the
Holy Spirit, Jesus calls him the "Paraclete," literally, "he
who is called to one's side," "Paraclete" is commonly
translated as "consoler," and Jesus is the first consoler.
• Paul lets us know that the Spirit of God can change
hearts and behaviour.
• Stephen filled with the Holy Spirit and the gifts that are
bestowed upon him of courage and confidence
• Peter is invited by the Spirit to offer the Good News to
the Gentiles
What are the
images of the Holy
Spirit Te Wairua
In our churches, religious art, and
liturgical prayers are used as a variety
of symbols to represent the Holy
Spirit, all of which come from the
• The symbolism of water signifies the Holy Spirit's action
in Baptism, since after the invocation of the Holy Spirit it
becomes the sacramental sign of new birth.
• Water signifies birth and life. (Matthew 3:11; John 3:5)
The symbolism of water is addressed in the Catechism of
the Catholic Church (#694):
• Fire is another popular representation of the Holy Spirit.
• The fire that appeared on Pentecost (Acts of the Apostles 2:3)
was reminiscent of the burning bush on Mount Sinai from which
God spoke to Moses. (Exodus 3:2)
• During the Exodus, the people of God were led by a pillar of fire
at night. (Exodus 13:21) Fire calls attention to the strength and
force of the Holy Spirit.
• One of the most common symbols of
the Holy Spirit is a dove.
• It comes from the story of Jesus'
baptism, when Jesus saw “the Spirit, like a
dove, descending upon him.” (Mark
• The other three Gospel writers use similar
wording to describe the event Matthew
3:16, Luke 3:22, and John 1:32).
• Noah: Genesis 8: 8
• The Holy Spirit is also
represented by wind. In fact,
the original Hebrew and
Greek words for “Spirit” can be
translated as “wind.”
• The wind that appeared on
Pentecost (Acts of the
Apostles 2:2) was reminiscent
of the wind that blew over the
waters at the beginning of
Creation. (Genesis 1:2)
• The wind calls attention to the
Holy Spirit breathing life into
the Church.
• The symbolism of anointing
with oil also signifies the Holy
Spirit, to the point of
becoming a synonym for the
Holy Spirit.
• In Christian initiation,
anointing is the sacramental
sign of Confirmation
• Anointing with oil is a symbol of
the Holy Spirit's uniting us with
Jesus, the Messiah, the Anointed
One. (Acts of the Apostles 10:38;
1 John 2:20-27)
What the Holy Spirit gives us
• Gifts
• Fruits
The GIFTS of the Holy Spirit
• ‡WISDOM-helps us to see clearly; helps us to see
ourselves & others as God sees us‡
• KNOWLEDGE-ability to see how God is in our life and
• REVERENCE - respect for the Lord and respect for others
• COURAGE - helps us give witness to our faith and stand up for what
we know is right; helps us act on our beliefs and persevere in faiththe strength to do the right thing.
• UNDERSTANDING-helps us grasp the truth and see the world from
God’s perspective; leads us to reconciliation and peace in times of
• RIGHT JUDGEMENT -helps us act in morally good
ways; often involves asking others for help and offering
good advice to others‡
us remain open to the loving presence of God; helps us
appreciate the mystery of the Trinity
‡ atience
The Holy Spirit in Your Life‡
• In what ways is the Holy Spirit present in you and with
• What aspects of nature help you glimpse the Spirit?‡
• How have you experienced the presence of the Spirit
during hard times and suffering?‡
• How do you experience the work of the Spirit in your
faith community or your school?
EP I (Roman Canon)
[*Choice of dozens
of texts, as
appropriate for the
particular feast or
liturgical season.]
It is truly right and just, our
duty and salvation, always and
everywhere to give you thanks,
Father most holy, through your
beloved Son, Jesus Christ, your
Word through whom you
made all things, whom you
sent as our Saviour and
Redeemer, incarnate by the
Holy Spirit and born of the
Virgin. Fulfilling your will and
gaining for you a holy people,
he stretched out his hands as
he endured his Passion, so as
to break the bonds of death
and manifest the resurrection.
And so, with the Angels and all
the Saints we declare your
glory, as with one voice we
[*Choice of dozens
It is truly right to give you
of texts, as
thanks, truly just to give you
appropriate for the glory, Father, most holy, for
particular feast or you are the one God living and
liturgical season.]
true, existing before all ages
and abiding for all eternity,
dwelling in unapproachable
light; yet you, who alone are
good, the source of life, have
made all that is, so that you
might fill your creatures with
blessings and bring joy to
many of them by the glory of
your light. And so, in your
presence are countless hosts
of Angels, who serve you day
and night and, gazing upon the
glory of your face, glorify you
without ceasing. With them
we, too, confess your name in
exultation, giving voice to
every creature under heaven
as we acclaim:
• The spirit is acknowledged as God’s first gift to those who
• In sacramental rites of the church we acknowledge the effective
power of the Spirit.
• It is Jesus’ spirit we are honouring not some other Holy spirit.
• The Holy Spirit of God and Jesus is the fruit and gift of the God
who loved the world as to enter into community with itin the
person of Jesus of Nazareth.
• St Augustine: Described the Spirit as the mutual love
between a Father and Son, - Love is the spirit.
• Thomas Aquinas : compared the Spirit to a friend
• Pope Jon XXlll: in preparing for the Second Vatican
Council prayed for the gift of the Holy Spirit to ‘Renew
thy wonders in our day, as by a new Pentecost.
• The Spirit made divine reminded us all of the
Prayer Reflection
Holy Spirit of God,
• Grant us the wisdom to see what
is truth.
• Help us grow in understanding
you, our Creator.
• Help us grow in knowledge of all
your creation.
• Give us right judgement to know
what is fair.
• Grant us reverence to adore you.
• Grant us wonder & awe of the
Lord to respect ourselves.
• Give us the courage to act as
Jesus would.