Chapter 7

Chapter 7
States of Consciousness
• Mental awareness of sensations,
perception, memories, and feelings
• Mainly waking consciousness
• Altered states of consciousness (changes
in quality and pattern of mental activity,
such as sleep and dreaming)
Sleep-deprivation psychosis
EEG measures sleep activity
Awake, alert: beta waves (small, fast)
Immediately before sleep: alpha waves
(larger and slower)
4 Stages of Sleep
• 1. Light sleep: heart rate slows, muscles
2. Body temp. decreases: EEG shows sleep
spindles, boundary of sleep
3. Delta waves (very large and slow): deeper
sleep, decreased consciousness
4. Deep sleep: shift between light and deep sleep during
the night
REM Sleep
• Rapid eye movement, associated with
• Increased by day-time stress
• Early in life: may stimulate the developing
• In adults: help process emotional events,
integrate memories
Sleep Disturbances
• Insomnia: difficulty going to sleep, waking up
during night, early-morning awakening
• Temporary insomnia may be due to stress
• Sleepwalking
• Nightmares are bad dreams that occur in REM
and are remembered
• Night terrors occur in Stage 4: total panic,
hallucinations, not remembered
• Imagery rehearsal: imagine positive ending to
Sleep Disturbances
• Narcolepsy: sudden, irresistible sleep
• Fall directly into REM
• More than 50% also have cataplexy
(sudden temporary paralysis of muscles)
• Treated with Ritalin
Sleep Disturbances
• Sleep apnea: breathing stops
• Snore loudly
• Tired during the day
• Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) or
“crib death”
• Risk factors: prematurity, teen mother
high-pitched cry, frequent awakening
Most people dream 4 to 5 times per night
Most dreams reflect everyday events
Half of dreams have sexual elements
Reflect waking thoughts, emotions,
Psychodynamic Dream Theory
Freud wrote The Interpretation of Dreams
Dreams based on wish fulfillment
Expression of unconscious desires
Desires are disguised as dream symbols
Activation-Synthesis Hypothesis
• Hobson and McCarley
• During REM, brain cells activated that control
eye movement, balance, and actions
• Messages blocked from body (no movement)
• Cells tell brain of activities, lead to a dream
• Brain activated, triggers sensations, memories,
synthesize activity into visual images and stories
• Altered state of consciousness
• Narrowed attention and increased
openness to suggestions
• Began with Mesmer in the 1700’s
• When hypnotized, people remain in control
of their behavior and do not do things that
they feel are immoral or repulsive
• Used for pain relief
Drug-Altered Consciousness
• Psychoactive Drug: substance capable of
altering attention, judgment, memory, time
sense, self-control, emotion or perception
• Influence activity of brain cells, imitate or
alter neurotransmitters
• Stimulant: increases activity in body and
nervous system
• Depressant: decreases activity in body
and nervous system
• Physical dependence (addiction): most
common with drugs that cause withdrawal
symptoms (alcohol, barbiturates, opiates)
• Psychological dependence: drug is
necessary for feelings or comfort, wellbeing
Patterns of Abuse
• Experimental: short-term curiosity
• Social-recreational: occasional social use
for pleasure
• Situational: cope with specific problem
• Intensive: daily use with some
• Compulsive: extreme use with extreme
• Amphetamines, cocaine, MDMA, caffeine, nicotine
• Cocaine: CNS stimulant, highly addictive, effects last 15
to 30 minutes, one of most dangerous drugs of abuse
• MDMA (“Ecstasy”): lowers scores on tests of memory
and mental functioning.
• Caffeine: most frequently used psychoactive drug in
North America, abuse causes irritability, insomnia
• Nicotine: most used psychoactive substance after
caffeine, addictive, carcinogenic
• Sedatives, tranquilizers, alcohol
• Barbiturates: sedative drugs, decrease brain
activity, can OD because people forget they took
• Tranquilizers: decrease anxiety, strong addictive
potential, interaction with ETOH multiplies the
effects of both (Valium, Xanax, Halcion, Librium)
• Alcohol: impairs memory in young adults,
abusers drink to cope, genetic factors
• Marijuana: sense of euphoria, perceptual
distortions, paranoia and hallucinations in
high doses, psychological dependence,
some decrease in learning, memory,
Predictors of Adolescent Drug Use
Having friends who use drugs
Parental drug use
Troubled family life
Poor self-esteem
Social nonconformity
Stressful life changes
Impulsive, antisocial behavior, school failure