Standard: 3.1.7.A1 Describe the similarities and differences of physical characteristics in diverse organisms 3.1.7.A5 Explain how the cell is the basic structural and functional unit of living things. 3.1.7B2 Compare sexual reproduction with asexual reproduction. Objective: SWBAT contrast distinguishing characteristics of each phyla of invertebrates INVERTEBRATES - (Porifera, Cnidarians, Platyhelminthes, Nematodes, Mollusks, Annelids, Echinoderms, Arthropods, five classes of vertebrates: fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. As the students work individually, in pairs, and in small groups, they will be able to identify the basic structures and functions of animals belonging to each class and to differentiate between vertebrates and invertebrates. Vocabulary: Radial Symmetry- symmetry around a center Bilaterial Symmetry-two same sides can be cut laterally Asymmetry-no symmetry invertebrates are animals without backbones or internal skeletons vertebrates are animals with backbones and internal skeletons Cold Blooded Vertebrates-cannot maintain body temperature homeostasis REQUIRE environment help Fish: aquatic animals, breathe through gills, cold-blooded, most have scales, most develop from eggs that the female lays outside her body Amphibians: live part of their lives in water and part on land, have gills when young, later develop lungs, cold-blooded, usually have moist skin Reptiles: hatch from eggs, cold-blooded, dry, thick, scaly skin Warm Blooded Vertebrates maintain body temperature homeostasis Birds: warm-blooded, most can fly, feathers and wings, most build nests, hatch from eggs, most baby birds must be fed by parents and cared for until they can survive on their own Mammals: warm-blooded, hair on their bodies, parents care for their young, females produce milk for babies, breathe through lungs, most are terrestrial (live on land) though some are aquatic (dolphin) herbivore, omnivore, insectivore, and carnivore HOMEWORK FOR THE WEEK OF JANUARY 19TH TO JANUARY 24TH • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Monday January 19th No School MLK 1 U2L6 Animal Behavior digital lesson, lab only to the simulation using radar, cool how birds crash planes 2 define bottle neck, seasons of migration, converge 3 Fusion pages 150 to 161 if not done already CW Introduction to Animals Lesson 1 Tuesday JANUARY 20th Read LIfe Science page 300-312 Wednesday January 21st Read Life Science Read 314-318 Future: you will be making a chart for Platelhyminthes, Nematoda, and Annelids. Future: you will be using a rubric to make a poster the same as page 303 that will need space to include words to show major evolution. Thursday January 22nd Life Science Read 310 Cnidarians p. 310 to 312 Complete a chart just like you glued in your notebook for Cnidarians Friday January 23rd Concept Mapping Introduction to animals Reinforcement Experiments Using Animals Study Guide Simple Invertebrates Use upper level DOK so use phyla not examples of organisms Lesson One: Introduction to Animals ”Vertebrates vs. Invertebrates” The Simplest Invertebrates” “Sponges” Objective: SWBAT Differentiate between vertebrate and Invertebrate and recognize that most animals and invertebrates, create a pie chart to demonstrate DOK, and evaluate the ethics of Experiments using Animals. Process YOU DO Turn in HW (prior lesson ended with quarterly so no HW) and Copy HW I DO Credit HW, distribute animal packet Blank Poster Page, “Animal Phylenology” Transparency 21, Concept Mapping The Simplest Invertebrates, SGR 53 The Simplest Invertebrates I DO discuss Animal Kingdom Poster Rubric Tree of Life Poster and Poster Rubric p. 303 Life Science Book and Blank Poster Page, “Animal Phylenology” Transparency 21 Show model of prior poster done by a student WE DO check for understanding of Poster and Homework WE DO watch and discuss media for concept and vocabulary of the day SPONGES 6_0.html SPONGE EATING SEXUAL REPRODUCTION IN SPONGES I DO give instructions for group activity simulation of filter feeding WE DO Complete group activity HOMEWORK Complete Math Connection #17 Introduction to animals Reinforcement 53 The simplest invertebrates Transparency Introduction to Animals Color individual organs different colors, if systems exist, keep these organs the same color Review Concept Mapping Introduction to Animals Using page 303 Life Science, phyla/class charts, and Transparency 21 students will create a poster of the Phylogeny of The Animal Kingdom and record the major Structural change that resulted in the creation of a new phylum. Students use rubric Poster Rubric Porifera Sponges Cnidarian Jelly fish Coral • Review Concept Mapping The Simplest Invertebrates • Porifera Planarian Sponges Platyhelminthes • • • • Cnidarian jellyfish sea anemone coral hydra • Platyhelminthes planarians tapeworm • • Nematoda Trichinella hookworm heartworm Trichinella Nematoda Heartworm hookworm Study Guide 53 The Simplest Invertebrates 1. B 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. C 7. Meduca 8. Egg and sperm 9. Sexual reproduction 10. Larvae C 11. A polyp 12. meduca 13. Asexual reproduction Reinforcement 52 Experiments Using Animals 1. A, B, F 2. C, D, E 3. D 4. A 5. Antibiotics rats, Pesticides dogs, drug addiction cats, malaria canaries, diabetes dogs and rabbits, pigs, organ transplants cows 6. Animals can only be tested if they are not harmed unless already injured or sick in a comparable manner to the tested illness and are kept in humane conditions. Refer to file Lesson Plan Jan 19 to 23 intro to animals DOL.pptx for answers to U2L5 Introduction to Animals Fusion Slides Week of January 26th to Jan. 30th Standard: 3.1.7.A1 Describe the similarities and differences of physical characteristics in diverse organisms 3.1.7.A5 Explain how the cell is the basic structural and functional unit of living things. 3.1.7B2 Compare sexual reproduction with asexual reproduction. Objective: Lesson Two Continuation of Introduction to Animals, Porifera, and Introduce Cnidarians Objective: Evaluate the characteristics of Porifera that resulted in Taxonomist creating the Animal Kingdom to theorize the most likely Phylum and Class of Origin (Protista and animal like protista) YOU DO Turn in HW and Copy HW I DO Credit HW, distribute new HW and HW that has been stamped or signed for credit WE DO check for understanding of HW and Review Prior HW WE DO watch and discuss media for concept and vocabulary of the day I DO give instructions for group activity as needed WE DO Complete group activity Vocabulary 1 coevolution 2 Incomplete and complete systems Homework Week of January 26th to January 30th • January 26th early dismissal • January 27th No School • Animal Kingdom / Phyla Poster with a completed Rubric Check List will be due the day after completing Mammals. • Tree of Life Poster • JANUARY 28TH • REINFORCEMENT 53 THE SIMPLEST INVERTEBRATE • STUDY GUIDE EXPERIMENTS USING ANIMALS • MATH CONNECTION INTRODUCTION TO ANIMALS • January 29th • Graphic organizer color phylum and examples the same color • SGR 54 Simple Worms • January 30th • with your substitute review • Graphic organizer color phylum and examples the same color • SGR 54 Simple Worms • Watch Clips for Mollusk • Complete SGR Mollusk and worksheet • Add a table for mollusk in your notebook refer to link on homework page for Animal Phyla • mollusks song • 6th phylum mollusks January 27th no school January 28th Lesson Three Cnidarians I DO provide purpose or listening which is SWBAT complete phyla chart for Cnidarians and discuss the evolution from Porifera to Cnidarians WE DO Classwork Watch and discuss HYDRA, SEA ANEMONE, JELLY FISH orgpages/525_0.html ANEMONE EATING ASEXUAL (polyp make polyp) BUDDING IN JELLY FISH AND SEXUAL REPRODUCTION (mudusa can be male or female so sperm and egg meet in water) A JELLY FISH IS BORN January 28th Lesson Four Platyhelminthes or Flat Worms I DO provide purpose or listening which is SWBAT complete phyla chart for Platyhelminthes and discuss the evolution from Cnidarians to simple worms (Platyhelminthes) WE DO Classwork Watch and discuss PLANARIAN EATING ALL ABOUT PLATYHELMINTHES I DO PROVIDE WORDWALL CARDS LINK TO HOMEWORK PAGE KINGDOM PHYLA CHART DATA TO BE IN STUDENT NOTEBOOKS AS A CLASS FOR EACH PHYLUM INCLUDES… Phylum MEANS BODY PLAN CELL ORGANIZATION IS OMITTED AT SIMPLE WORMS AS FULL SYSTEMS NOW EXIST. ORGANS AND SYSTEMS FEEDING SYMMETRY EXAMPLES January 29th Lesson Five Nematoda Round Worms Objective: I DO provide purpose or listening which is SWBAT complete phyla chart for Nematoda and discuss the evolution from Platyhelminthes to Nematoda WE DO Classwork Watch and discuss Nematoda and Annelids I DO PROVIDE WORDWALL CARDS LINK TO HOMEWORK PAGE KINGDOM PHYLA CHART DATA TO BE IN STUDENT NOTEBOOKS AS A CLASS FOR EACH PHYLUM INCLUDES… Phylum MEANS BODY PLAN CELL ORGANIZATION IS OMITTED AT SIMPLE WORMS AS FULL SYSTEMS NOW EXIST. ORGANS AND SYSTEMS FEEDING SYMMETRY EXAMPLES WE DO in small groups observe preserved organisms and organize jars by evolution of phylum January 30th Lesson Six Mollusks Objective: SWBAT infer from models, text, and media evidence animal structures that support coevolution or organisms from Mollusks to Arthropods and in future lessons from Echinoderms to Chordates. I DO provide purpose or listening which is SWBAT complete phyla chart for Mollusk and discuss the coevolution of species. Invertebrates Diversity Mollusks A case Study part 2 Invertebrates Diversity Part 1 Porifera to Annelids octopus tool use: the world's smartest invertebrate I DO PROVIDE WORDWALL CARDS LINK TO HOMEWORK PAGE KINGDOM PHYLA CHART DATA TO BE IN STUDENT NOTEBOOKS AS A CLASS FOR EACH PHYLUM INCLUDES… Phylum MEANS BODY PLAN CELL ORGANIZATION IS OMITTED AT SIMPLE WORMS AS FULL SYSTEMS NOW EXIST. ORGANS AND SYSTEMS FEEDING SYMMETRY EXAMPLES WE DO in small groups observe preserved organisms and organize jars by evolution of phylum YOU DO Students will individually observe and feed snails. I DO provide snails, algae, and tweezers. Instruct students on proper care and respect of life forms before giving out snails. Discuss mantle of a snail. Cool testing site Homework February 2nd to February 6th February 2nd 1 Go to the link on the homepage for Animal Phyla to watch videos to complete notebook page for Annelids and Mollusks. 2 Also watch for your enjoyment the link demonstrating how smart an octopus can be and an giant annelid being eaten by a leech. 3 Order and Number Animal Packet Worksheets 1 Concept Mapping Introduction To Animals 2 Math Connection Introduction to Animals 3 Experiments Using Animals SG Experiments Using Animals R 4 Simplest Invertebrates SG Simplest Invertebrates R 5 Flow Chart Animal Kingdom through Planarians Transparency Introduction to Animals Planarians 6 SGR SimpleWorms 7 Flow Chart Animal Kingdom through Chordates 8 SGR Mollusks February 3rd SGR Segmented worms Transparency 25 Invertebrates Color Complex Invertebrates February 4th Under each class on the Arthropoda flow chart draw an example of a member and define if it undergoes complete or incomplete metamorphosis. Read Article in Packet to discover difference between insect and bug. Answer Q/A after article Watch clips on Animal phyla weblink Feb. 5th Insect Parts and Insect Development SGR 59 Echinoderms goes with pages 342-344 Chart Echinoderms FEB. 6th Finish Evolution Drawings for Your Sort from class today Watch Enchinoderm eating Reveiw Answers to Animal Phylum worksheets in this PP. February 2nd Maps Testing both 7th grades had class it was just disrupted Lesson Seven Annelids Objective: SWBAT infer from models, text, and media evidence animal structures that support coevolution or organisms from Nematoda to Annelid and refer to the organs of an earth room to make connections to evolution of mammals. I DO provide purpose or listening which is SWBAT complete phyla chart for Annelids and discuss the coevolution of species. EARTHWORM LEECHES Monstor Leech swallows giant worm I DO PROVIDE WORDWALL CARDS LINK TO HOMEWORK PAGE KINGDOM PHYLA CHART DATA TO BE IN STUDENT NOTEBOOKS AS A CLASS FOR EACH PHYLUM INCLUDES… Phylum MEANS BODY PLAN CELL ORGANIZATION IS OMITTED AT SIMPLE WORMS AS FULL SYSTEMS NOW EXIST. ORGANS AND SYSTEMS FEEDING SYMMETRY EXAMPLES WE DO in small groups observe preserved organisms and organize jars by evolution of phylum YOU DO Students will individually observe earthworms. I DO provide worms, petridish, lenses and tweezers. Instruct students on proper care and respect of life forms before giving out worms. Discuss complete digestive system and satea. Have students turn petri dish over and watch worm cling. February 3rd Maps Testing Lesson Nine Echinoderms Objective: SWBAT infer from models, text, and media evidence animal structures that support coevolution or organisms from Mollusks to Arthropods and in future lessons from Echinoderms to Chordates SWBAT infer from models, text, and media evidence animal structures that support coevolution or organisms from Echinoderms and refer to the organs Echinoderms and Annelids to make connections to evolution of mammals. I DO provide purpose or listening which is SWBAT complete phyla chart for Echinoderms and discuss the coevolution of species. BRITTLE STAR, SEA STAR, SEA URCHIN, SAND DOLLARS, SEA CUCUMBERS SOFT BODY I DO PROVIDE WORDWALL CARDS LINK TO HOMEWORK PAGE KINGDOM PHYLA CHART DATA TO BE IN STUDENT NOTEBOOKS AS A CLASS FOR EACH PHYLUM INCLUDES… Phylum MEANS BODY PLAN CELL ORGANIZATION IS OMITTED AT SIMPLE WORMS AS FULL SYSTEMS NOW EXIST. ORGANS AND SYSTEMS FEEDING SYMMETRY EXAMPLES WE DO look at real modesl of echinoderms February 4th Objective: SWBAT infer from models, text, and media evidence animal structures that support coevolution or organisms from Mollusk to Arthropoda I DO provide purpose or listening which is SWBAT complete phyla chart for Arthropoda and discuss the coevolution of species. 5 CLASSES 1 ARACHNIDS 8 LEGS 2 BODY PARTS 2 CENTIPEDE CARNIVORES A PAIR OF LEGS ON EACH SEGMENT 3 MILLIPEDES HERBIVORES TWO PAIRS OF LEGS ON EACH SEGMENT 4 CRUSTACEAN CLAWS PINCHERS 5 INSECTS SIX LEGS 3 BODY PARTS FOSS FIND THE 9 INSECTS IN ON LAND OR IN A POND I DO PROVIDE WORDWALL CARDS LINK TO HOMEWORK PAGE KINGDOM PHYLA CHART DATA TO BE IN STUDENT NOTEBOOKS AS A CLASS FOR EACH PHYLUM INCLUDES… Phylum MEANS BODY PLAN CELL ORGANIZATION IS OMITTED AT SIMPLE WORMS AS FULL SYSTEMS NOW EXIST. ORGANS AND SYSTEMS FEEDING SYMMETRY EXAMPLES WE DO in small groups observe preserved organisms and organize jars by evolution of phylum YOU DO Students will individually observe earthworms. I DO provide worms, petridish, lenses and tweezers. Instruct students on proper care and respect of life forms before giving out worms. Discuss complete digestive system and satae. Have students turn petri dish over and watch February 5th and February 6th were needed to regroup and review work missed from Maps testing and makeup maps testing that resulted in more than half of classes being absent since the first day students were told not to report to Maps testing. Friday Feb. 6th while some students made up work from being out at MAPS testing other students had the opportunity to make a flow chart of phyla from agar models of organisms. The objective was to see if students recognized that arthropoda and chordata had classes within the phyla represented in the samples. Next Week February 9th through Feb 13th Lesson Nine Chordates Standard: 3.1.7.A1 Describe the similarities and differences of physical characteristics in diverse organisms 3.1.7.A5 Explain how the cell is the basic structural and functional unit of living things. 3.1.7B2 Compare sexual reproduction with asexual reproduction.= Objective: SWBAT distinguish between the classes of cold and warm blooded chordates and determine the evolutionary structures as well as functions that resulted in the creation of a new class in the Chordata phylum ANNELID COMPLEX INVERTEBRATES ARTHROPODS-INSECT PARTS INSECT DEVELOPMENT ECHINODERMS-STUDY GUIDE REINFORCMENT