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Connections with Energy related topics: Photosynthesis and
Cellular Respiration
Your task is to make one giant PLANT cell. A green plasma membrane and cell wall
along the edges is required, along with a minimum of a chloroplast and mitochondrion.
Other organelles can be added if your group has time. The objective of this group
project is to trace light energy from the sun used by the chloroplast to produce
carbohydrates used as chemical energy to produce ATP by the Mitochondrion for
cellular processes. In order to do this, the following major structures/processes will be
necessary in one combined photosynthesis and cellular respiration poster.
Part 1: Photosynthesis: Trace the path of energy from absorption of
sunlight through the production of carbohydrates.
____Draw the Chloroplast structure. Labeled parts should include: outer
membrane, inner membrane, thylakoid, granum, and stroma.
____Details of the thylakoid membrane should include: photosystem I & II,
proteins, splitting of water, NADP+, electrons, H+ ions, ATP synthase, and
____Include the light dependent reactants and products: H2O, O2, ATP,
____Include the Calvin Cycle (dark reactions) in stroma along with Carbon
fixation of CO2 with rubisco (the cycle)
____Include the reactants and products of the Calvin Cycle: ATP, NADPH,
CO2, NADP+, ADP, P, and carbohydrate (G3P)
Part 2: Cellular Respiration: Trace the path of energy from glucose to the
formation of ATP from the electron transport chain to the oxidative
phosphorylative production of ATP
___Draw the Mitochondria structure/label parts to include: Outer
membrane, Inner membrane, Cristae, Matrix, and the intermembrane
___Include glycolysis reaction in the cytoplasm from glucose to pyruvate.
Include the production of NADH and ATP, along with reactants and
products of glycolysis.
___Include the Acetyl CoA formation and the reactants and products of
the acetyl CoA formation (pyruvate, NADH, CO2, and Coenzyme A.
___Include the Krebs Cycle. Include CO2 released from the intermediates,
ATP from ADP & P, the reactants and the products of the Krebs Cycle.
(Acetyl CoA, NADH, FADH2, also)
___The electron transport chain on the mitochondrion inner membrane.
Include Oxygen as final electron acceptor, proteins, electrons, H+ ions,
ATP synthase, ADP, and P.
___Account for ATP production during entire cellular respiration process.
___What connections can you make between photosynthesis and cellular