Tavern Mingling

Zeus was a carefree god who loved to laugh out loud. He was regarded as wise
and often gave fair judgement. He was also unpredictable—nobody was able to
guess the decisions he would make.
He was also easily angered which could be very destructive. When antagonized,
he would hurl lightning bolts and cause violent storms that wreaked havoc on
Zeus fell in love easily and had many affairs with various women, however, he
would severely punish anybody who attempted to escort/fall in love with his
wife Hera.
Poseidon was considered to be the bad-tempered, moody, and greedy god among
the Olympians. Once insulted, he wouldn’t hesitate to seek revenge. As the god
of the sea, he had control over a large portion of the Earth, but he was constantly
seeking more. He wanted to have it all, but Zeus often got in the way of him
achieving total control.
Hermes had wings on his sandals and therefore was the speediest of all Greek
gods. Because of his speed, Hermes received the role of the messenger and leader
of souls to the Underworld. Furthermore, Hermes was the only Olympian god
who was authorized to visit Heaven, Earth, and the Underworld, which made
him very popular among the other Gods, but this popularity often went to his
head and came across as arrogance.
Hermes, for instance, felt an irresistible impulse of stealing ever since he was a
baby, which soon caused him to be known as the god of cheaters and thieves.
He was even so bold as to cheat on Zeus with his wife, even though Zeus
(unaware of his treachery) highly valued his skills and often went to him for
Tiresias was known as a “blind seer.” In other words, he could see the future,
but had actually lost the use of his real eyes. His gifts were especially helpful in
the mind of the gods and he was known for giving wise and valuable advice. He
wasn’t born without his ability to see, though; it is rumored among the gods that
he happened to walk in on Athena bathing and, humiliated and infuriated, she
retaliated by blinding him forever.
Hephaestus was the son of Zeus and Hera and, despite his parents being known
for both their beauty and over-all attractiveness, Hephaestus was quite possibly
one of the ugliest gods there was. Knowing that he would not find a wife on his
own, Zeus arranged for him to marry Aphrodite, whom several other gods were
currently fighting over. By taking her off the market, Zeus hoped to end the
feud for her hand in marriage, but Aphrodite could not remain faithful to
Hephaestus and she was known for having numerous lovers on the side, such as
Agamemnon was the king of Argos and husband to Clytemnestra. He is known
for being a proud and authoritative character, but he can also be uncaring,
uncompromising, and unreasonable. He shows that he is rude, arrogant, and
constantly in need of advice from his council (though he rarely heeds it).
Though he commands one of the greatest armies the world has ever known, he is
constantly putting his own needs and desires before those of his soldiers. His
wife and him had a less than affectionate relationship and he was even willing to
sacrifice his own children if it meant bettering his odds. The only person he
truly cares for is his brother, Menelaus.
Just like his mother Hera, Ares was a very difficult character to deal with and
was therefore rather unpopular among the other deities and mankind. Ares was
not very respected for his attitude and his actions. He was a bloodthirsty fighter
and had a quick temper. This was one of his bad habits, he did not think before
he did things. No matter the outcome. Some of his strengths were that he was
decisive, determined, and fearless. Ares was characterized as a murderer, brutal,
and would slaughter the weak.
Apollo was famous for his music. Whenever he could, he took out his
instruments to please the crowds of gods and mortals alike. He was also known
for his abilities to see the future. This ability, called a “gift of prophecy,” was
given to him by his father, Zeus, and many would come from all around just for
the chance to speak with him and get a glimpse into their own futures. Apollo
was delighted to entertain his guests with both of his unique abilities.
Achilles was most famous for being one of the fiercest fighters among both gods
and men, and some would even call him invincible. He was loyal to a fault—
doing whatever was required of him in the field of battle, resulting in him ending
up in numerous situations in which any normal man would not have made it out
He was also proud and temperamental. He was known for making large,
sweeping displays of emotion if someone upset, hurt, or offended him.
Hades is the ruler of the underworld and he was often depicted as stern and
unyielding (big-headed, stubborn), though just as powerful as his brothers Zeus
and Poseidon. After spending so much time as the ruler of the dead, he
developed a morbid, dark personality, which was not much liked by the other
gods or humans, especially since Hades seemed to enjoy being feared,
Odysseus, though a skilled and honorable warrior, was most well-known for his
smarts and ability to problem solve. He could think himself out of any
situation, but that caused him to become overconfident and arrogant. Without
his ingenious tactics and cunning maneuvers, though, it is unlikely that his army
would have made it out alive.
While he was adored by some gods, like Athena, he was despised by others, like
Poseidon. In his quest to return to his homeland and his faithful, loving wife
Penelope and son, Telemachus, the gods were constantly intervening. While
those in favor gave him a boost that he could not have made it home without,
those against him stood in his way and made it seem nearly impossible that he
would ever see the end of his journey.
Suffering from a troubled youth, Aegisthus was an angry, tempermental
individual. Even as an adult, he mourns the death of his two siblings who were
boiled alive as children. He spends his time plotting ways to get revenge against
those who have wronged him.
He was also Clytemnestra’s lover, though she was married to Agamemnon.
Because it was Agamemnon’s father who had killed his siblings, Aegisthus felt no
remorse in this act of infidelity and was even seeking to take their relationship to
the next step by murdering Agamemnon.
Telemachus, the son of Odysseus and Penelope, is known for being rather naïve.
His father has missed out on much of his life due to being away at war, so
Odysseus’s intelligence and cunning was not passed onto his son. He respects
his father greatly, though, and is constantly looking for ways to help him get
home—though he usually ends up causing more harm than good.
Antinous was the ultimate “bachelor.” He was young, handsome, but full of
arrogance and pride. As any bachelor would, he was constantly hunting for a
lover/wife, and he had his sights set on a woman named Penelope, but she was
already married to a man named Odysseus. Penelope was also faithful to her
husband and not interested in other men whatsoever. However, Antinous
pursued her anyway.
He was prone to violent behavior when he didn’t get what he wanted, and he was
also rude and disrespectful to just about everyone. He wouldn’t take no for an
answer when he found something/someone he wanted.
Menelaus was the husband to Helen, the most beautiful woman in the world,
whom he was very protective of. Many other men had interest in her, so he was
constantly on the look-out for those who were trying to steal her away.
Whenever she went missing, he was willing to send his entire army to find her,
starting wars if necessary. b
Though being a king, he wasn’t the best at giving advice. He usually spoke in
clichés (i.e. “What goes around comes around,” “head over heels,” “brave as a
lion”). He thought these made him sound wiser, but people usually ended up
groaning at his overused phrases instead.
Polyphemus, son of Poseidon, was a massive, intimidating cyclops. He is known
for being very loud, inhospitable (meaning that he really doesn’t like new
people), violent, and even murderous. He likes to eat people who get on his
He is also blind, thanks to a man named Odysseus, whom Polyphemus has a
personal vendetta against. At one time, Odysseus was stuck in the cyclops’s cave
and, in order to escape, stabbed him in the eye in order to get away.
Polyphemus, still fuming with rage, wants nothing more than to end Odysseus
for wronging him.
Helios was the god of the sun and was famous for knowing too much about
everybody else’s business. He went out of his way to find “dirt” on the other
gods and goddesses, and then when he did, he didn’t hesitate to tell the others—
especially if the “dirt” involved them. Especially if he found out that someone
was being cheated on, he felt compelled to tell them of their spouse’s infidelity.
Because of this, some gods really appreciated him while others despised him
Nestor was often depicted as a “wise, old sage,” meaning that, in his old age, he
is known for giving advice to those around him. Much like an experienced
politician, though, Nestor’s advice is usually long winded and pompous. In
other words, all of his advice involved stories about himself and he acts like he
knows everything. He rarely stopped talking long enough for anyone else to
contribute to the conversation.
Helen was, by far, the most attractive and desirable woman among humankind—even gods acknowledged her beauty. Men from around the world sought
after her and were constantly fighting for her hand in marriage. At one point,
her suitors even started a war (which ended up lasting 10 years).
She, herself, was very soft spoken and didn’t have much say in who she actually
ended up with. Other than her beauty, there was nothing really exciting about
who she was and some would even classify her as “dull.”
Penelope was the faithful and wise wife to Odysseus. Despite being approached
by many men who are interested in her, she consistently turns them away and
awaits for her husband to return home from war. She does not humor any of
their attempts at getting her attention.
Nausicaa, a young princess, was Odysseus’s biggest fan. He was the perfect man
in her book because it was strong, weathered (seen/experienced many things),
and most importantly, intelligent. When she expressed her interest, though, she
discovered was already married, though, which caused her to become eternally
depressed. Though she knew she could never be with him, that didn’t stop her
from being in love with him and she was constantly seeking ways to be in his
presence—because that was better than nothing.
Wife to Zeus, Hera is the queen of the gods. Though being celebrated as the
Goddess of Marriage and Birth, she was not entirely satisfied with her own
marriage. She was known for being very jealous and vengeful towards the many
lovers and offspring of her husband, who didn’t hesitate to spread his love.
She is also known for reacting harshly towards those who have wronged her, and
has held a grudge against Aphrodite for all eternity because, although being
overwhelmingly beautiful herself, Aphrodite was considered to be the most
beautiful of all the goddesses. Hera disagreed and believed herself to be the most
beautiful and retaliated against anyone who thought otherwise.
Overall, she is a terrifying and overwhelming individual who embodies the
statement “a woman scorned.” Both gods and mortals (even Zeus) alike feared
her wrath and no one stood in her way when someone ticked her off.
Clytemnestra was the wife of Agamemnon, though she did not have much
affection for him. After he willingly sacrificed one of their daughters, she lost all
love for him completely. She did, however, have an interest in Aegisthus—who
also happened to be Agamamnon’s cousin. They became involved in a
passionate affair while her husband was away at war.
Clytemnestra soon realized that she wanted to make her relationship with
Aegisthus more permanent and so she began plotting her husband’s death.
Because of this, she became very brooding, moody, and overall unapproachable
by anyone other than her lover, Aegisthus.
Athena was known for being a fierce and ruthless warrior. She was also quick to
anger, often holding grudges and not being willing to forgive those who have
wronged her. She was a very intense individual, bestowing confidence, courage,
and skill upon those who get the chance to speak with her.
Because she was very beautiful herself, she was not very fond of Aphrodite
because many people considered Aphrodite to be more beautiful. Because of her
intensity and war-like behavior, it made it hard for others to view her as feminine
and a suitable mate.
Artemis—a highly independent goddess—refused to conform to convention and
tradition, fiercely valued and protected her freedom, and never allowed herself to
depend on men or give in to love. Known for her unyielding chastity, she would
much rather live her life without the distractions of love, men, and marriage.
Aphrodite was known for being the most beautiful and attractive goddess there
ever was. She smiled often and embodied everything stereotypically feminine,
such as being frail, weak, timid, and caring.
Though Zeus arranged for her to marry Hephaestus, her heart belonged to Ares,
with home she was having a passionate, but secret love affair.
Circe was both powerful and enchanting, often using her magical abilities as a
witch-goddess to seduce men and make them feel like they were in love with her.
If men gave into her seduction, though, they were never seen again. She took
many men as lovers, and when she had had her fill of them, would often resort to
turning them into swine.
She was both extravagant and nearly irresistible, which showed through in her
personality. She had little concern for anyone else’s opinions/desires and cared
only about which man would be her next toy to play with.
Calypso was a beautiful sea nymph who becomes obsessed with Odysseus and
forced him to spend time with her (held him captive on her island). You could
call it love at first sight. While Odysseus didn’t reject her affection, ultimately
he decided to leave her in order to get back to his wife, Penelope, which made
Calypso both infuriated and heartbroken. She was willing to do anything to get
him back, including offering him the power of immortality.