MGT545: Strategic Planning and Innovation


MGT545: Strategic Planning and Innovation

Credit Hours: 3

Contact Hours: This is a 3-credit course, offered in accelerated format. This means that 16 weeks of material is covered in 8 weeks. The exact number of hours per week that you can expect to spend on each course will vary based upon the weekly coursework, as well as your study style and preferences. You should plan to spend 10-25 hours per week in each course reading material, interacting on the discussion boards, writing papers, completing projects, and doing research.

Faculty Information



CSU-GC Email:

Virtual Office Hours:

Course Description and Outcomes

This course is an exploration of the essentials of business, marketing, and innovation in relationship to their impact on organizational strategic choice. The course focuses on setting strategy, developing market opportunity analysis, and goals for an organization with consideration of internal and external resources, market opportunities, and return on investment. Topics include strategy, market opportunity analysis, market research, the use of new technologies, and tactics for achieving competitive advantage.

Course Learning Outcomes:


Demonstrate an understanding of the strategic management terms, models, and processes.


Apply the benefits and pitfalls of strategic management and planning within an organizational context.


Analyze the competitive advantages of three or more strategic options.


Produce an organizational risk assessment of a strategy implementation.


Differentiate the strategic choices of different organization types.


Apply the concepts and processes of strategy evaluation within an organizational context.


Synthesize financial, ethical, and environmental factors within a strategy formulation process.


Identify and analyze organizational environmental factors within the context of global reach.

Participation & Attendance

Prompt and consistent attendance in your online courses is essential for your success at CSU-Global Campus.

Failure to verify your attendance within the first 7 days of this course may result in your withdrawal. If for some reason you would like to drop a course, please contact your advisor.

Online classes have deadlines, assignments, and participation requirements just like on-campus classes. Budget your time carefully and keep an open line of communication with your instructor. If you are having technical problems, problems with your assignments, or other problems that are impeding your progress, let your instructor know as soon as possible.

Course Materials


David, F. (2013). Strategic management concepts and cases: A competitive advantage approach (14th ed.).

Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. ISBN-13: 978-0132664233

Course Schedule

Due Dates

The Academic Week at CSU-Global begins on Monday and ends the following Sunday.

Discussion Boards: The original post must be completed by Thursday at 12 midnight MT and Peer

Responses posted by Sunday 12 midnight MT. Late posts may not be awarded points.

Mastery Exercises: Students may access and retake mastery exercises through the last day of class until they achieve the scores they desire.

Critical Thinking Activities: Assignments are due Sunday at 12 midnight MT.

Week #





Chapter 1 in Strategic Management Concepts and


Chapter 2 in Strategic Management Concepts and


Chapters 3 & 4 in Strategic Management Concepts and


Akman, G., & Yilmaz, C. (2008). Innovative capability, innovation strategy and market orientation: An empirical analysis in Turkish software industry.

International Journal Of Innovation Management,

12(1), 69-111.


Discussion (25 points)

Critical Thinking (75 points)

Discussion (25 points)

Discussion (25 points)

Critical Thinking (125 points)






Chapters 5 & 11 in Strategic Management Concepts

and Cases

Chapter 6 in Strategic Management Concepts and


Chapters 7 & 8 in Strategic Management Concepts and


Chapter 9 in Strategic Management Concepts and


Chapter 10 in Strategic Management Concepts and


Discussion (25 points)

Discussion (25 points)

Critical Thinking (125 points)

Discussion (25 points)

Discussion (25 points)

Critical Thinking (125 points)

Discussion (25 points)

Portfolio (350 points)

Assignment Details

This course includes the following assignments/projects:

Module 1

Critical Thinking: Practical Application: Stages of Strategic Management (75 points)

Select a publicly held company that interests you and log on to the company’s corporate website to learn how it engages in strategic management. Keep in mind that larger, more formal companies will have more information available on their strategic management processes. Perform a keyword search of the following terms on the corporate website of the company that you have selected:

Strategic management/planning

 Strategy formulation

 Strategy implementation

Strategy evaluation

At the corporate website, look for the most current Form 10K and review it. If you have any difficulty finding the

Form 10K on the corporate website, you can use a search through your preferred search engine using both the company’s name and “Form 10K” in the search criteria.

In a well-written paper, discuss how your chosen company engages in the three stages of strategic management.

Provide as much of the following information as possible:

Give specific examples of how the company formulates strategic decisions.

Give specific examples of how the company implements strategic decisions.

 Give specific examples of how the company evaluates strategic decisions.

Give specific examples of whether or how the company relies on innovation strategies.

Are the three stages of strategic management process separated and well defined within the company?

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

Be 1-2 pages in length, plus a title page and reference page

Be formatted according to CSU-Global graduate-level APA guidelines

Substantiate explanations with at least two credible, well-cited resources. The CSU-Global Library is a good place to find these resources.

Module 2

Portfolio Project: Target Organization Selection (0 Points)

This week you will choose the target organization for your Portfolio Project. Your target organization will be one of the companies used as case studies in the textbook. You can find a list of case studies under Cases in the back of your textbook after the subject index.

Once you’ve chosen a case study, check the Discussion Board to be sure no other student has selected it, then post your chosen case study. Once a student has chosen a target company from the case study list, that target company will not be available to other students, so choose early. Time stamps on postings will be used to determine case study assignment in the event that two students select the same case study.

At the end of the week, your instructor will announce approval of all students’ choices and your target organization will not change through the remainder of the course unless you and your instructor agree.

Module 3

Critical Thinking: Environmental Analysis (125 points)

Using the Portfolio Project target organization that has been approved by your instructor, complete the following three-step process:

First, conduct an external assessment and complete either an EFE or CPM. Use the following five websites in conducting your assessment:

Second, conduct an internal assessment and complete an IFE. Use the following documents, which may be found in the target organization’s corporate website:

Most current Form10K document

Most current Annual Report

Then develop a well-written paper describing the findings that you discovered by analyzing the data from the external assessment and from the internal assessment. Present facts. Consider putting some of the data into a graphical display (chart, figure, table) to present information in a clear way. Use citations to substantiate your ideas. Insert the completed matrixes as appendixes and reference them within the body of the paper according to

APA standards.

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

Be 2-3 pages in length

 Be formatted according to CSU-Global graduate-level APA guidelines

 Cite a minimum of three outside sources. The CSU-Global Library is a good place to find these sources.

 Include all required elements, including a reference page and required appendixes.

Module 5

Critical Thinking: Strategy Formulation: The Matching and Decision Stages (125 Points)

Module 7

The Module 5 Critical Thinking assignment is a continuation of assessment of your target organization and a building block to the Portfolio Project.

Before beginning this exercise, review the Strategy-Formulation Analytical Framework in Figure 6.2 of the textbook. This Critical Thinking assignment focuses on Stage 2: The Matching Stage.

Then, choose two tools that are used in the matching stage that are appropriate for your target organization; there are a number of tools/matrixes displayed and explained in the textbook. At least one of those tools for this assignment must come from your textbook (SWOT Matrix, SPACE Matrix, BCG Matrix, IE Matrix, Grand Strategy


When you have completed the matrixes, write an executive summary to include the following:

An overview of your target organization

An explanation of the Strategy-Formulation Analytical Framework (Figure 6-2)

The synthesized findings from Stage I: The Input Stage

The rationale for the Stage 2 tools that you chose for this assignment

You may use figures and tables within the executive summary to condense information if you wish.

Include both Stage 1 and Stage 2 exhibits that you have developed as Appendixes. Adhere to APA standards for tables, figures, and appendixes. Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:

Be 1-2 pages in length (but no more than 2 pages)

 Cite a minimum of three outside sources. The CSU-Global Library is a good place to find these sources.

 Be formatted according to CSU-Global graduate-level APA guidelines

Critical Thinking: Strategy Implementation and Evaluation (125 points)

Perhaps more important than choosing strategies is evaluating their effectiveness. Decision makers are faced with the complexity of gathering organizational performance data, reviewing results, assessing and analyzing the information, and making an informed decision on what to do next. This strategy management part of the process is all within the context of an ever-shifting competitive environment.

In this week’s Critical Thinking assignment you will construct an evaluation framework that may be appropriate for your target organization. Develop a deeper understanding of review, evaluation, and control by completing the required reading in the textbook, studying the module lectures, and identifying four academic studies from scholarly journals that are relevant to the topic. The four studies should have been conducted within about the last three years.

For this assignment, the PowerPoint software program (or a similar program) will be used. Using Figure 9.2 from the textbook as a basis and example, construct a strategy-evaluation framework that may be useful to your target organization. In other words, customize and create a framework that contains elements necessary for review, evaluation, and control.

Then, in the notes section of the PowerPoint slide, provide an explanation of why this framework was a good choice to meet the demands of 21 st century issues and unique aspects that are related to your target organization.

Review CSU-Global APA guidelines for PowerPoint . You may also want to view the Sample PowerPoint that is cited in APA that is located in the Additional Resources of the CSU-Global APA guidelines.

Include a title slide and reference slide. Thus a total of three slides will be submitted for this Critical Thinking assignment.

Module 8

Portfolio Project: Comprehensive Written Case Analysis (350 Points)

The Portfolio Project for this course is a comprehensive written case analysis. To complete the comprehensive written analysis, you will apply the strategic management process that is studied in every module within this course. To support the understanding of a comprehensive written analysis, review Part 6, Strategic-Management

Case Analysis in the textbook.

Your comprehensive written analysis of an approved target organization from the textbook case studies (identified in Week 2) should include the following elements:

Current vision, mission, objectives, and strategies

Recommendations for improvement of vision and mission

Competitive Profile Matrix (CPM)

External Factor Evaluation Matrix (EFE)

Internal Factor Evaluation Matrix (IFE)

 A total of three Stage 2: Matching Stage tool outputs. At least two of the three tools used must be from

Chapter 6 of the textbook. There is an option to use one Matching Stage tool not found in the textbook that is a tested, credible instrument.

Recommendations for specific strategies and long-term objectives

Strategy implementation risks: cultural, operational, systems, financial

 Projected financial statement with assumptions

 Recommendation for annual goals and policy according to projections

 Recommendation for strategy review, evaluation, and improvement process.

Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:

Between 7 and 10 pages in length plus exhibits

Divided into the following sections: o Strategy Formulation

 Input Stage

 Matching Stage (choose 3)

 Decision Stage (prioritize to 1) o Strategy Implementation

 Projections

 Risks o Strategy Evaluation

Written as though you are a consultant being asked to analyze the target organization’s internal and external environment to recommend strategies for the future

Written in graduate level, clear and concise business language

Formatted according to CSU-Global graduate-level writing and APA guidelines

Course Policies

Late Work

Students are permitted a 7 day grace period during which they may submit a Critical Thinking assignment after the original due date without penalty. Papers submitted between 8 and 14 days after the original due date will be accepted with a potential 10 percent reduction in grade for late submission. Papers submitted 15 or more days beyond the original due date may not be accepted unless prior arrangements have been made with the instructor. No Portfolios will be accepted late and no assignments will be accepted after the last day of class unless a student has requested an incomplete grade in accordance with the Incomplete Policy.

Course Grading

20% Discussion Participation

45% Critical Thinking Activities

35% Final Portfolio Paper












Grading Scale and Policies

95.0 – 100

90.0 – 94.9

86.7 – 89.9

83.3 – 86.6

80.0 – 83.2

75.0 – 79.9

70.0 – 74.9

60.0 – 69.9

59.9 or below

Failure for Nonparticipation


* Students who stop attending class and fail the course for nonparticipation will be issued the “FN” grade. The FN grade may have implications for financial aid and scholarship awards.

** An “I” grade may be assigned at the Instructor’s discretion to students who are in good standing (passing) in the course. Students should have completed a majority of the coursework in order to be eligible for the “I” grade. Students should request an "I" grade from the Instructor with a written justification, which must include explanation of extenuating circumstances that prevented timely completion of the coursework. If the request is approved, the Instructor will require a written agreement consisting of a) the specific coursework to be completed, b) the plan to complete the coursework, and c) the deadline for completion. The agreement will be kept on file at CSU-Global Campus. An incomplete course must be satisfactorily completed within the time frame stipulated in the agreement, but no later than the end of the following semester from the date the “I” was given. An incomplete not removed within one year shall convert to an F and be included in the computation of the student’s grade point average.

Academic Integrity

Students must assume responsibility for maintaining honesty in all work submitted for credit and in any other work designated by the instructor of the course. Academic dishonesty includes cheating, plagiarism, unauthorized possession of academic materials, and falsification. The Student Handbook provides information on how students can avoid plagiarism by understanding what it is and how to use library and internet resources appropriately with proper citation. Please refer to the Academic Catalog for complete policies regarding plagiarism and academic dishonesty.


Students are expected to follow the CSU-Global APA requirements when citing in APA (based on the APA Style

Manual, 6th edition). For details on CSU-Global APA style, please review the APA resources located under the

Library tab in Blackboard.


All posts and classroom communication must be conducted in a professional and respectful manner in accordance with the student code of conduct. Think before you push the Send button. Did you say just what you meant? How will the person on the other end read the words?

Any derogatory or inappropriate comments regarding race, gender, age, religion, sexual orientation, are unacceptable and subject to disciplinary action.

If you have concerns about something that has been said, please let your instructor know.

Institutional Policies

Refer to the Academic Catalog for comprehensive documentation of CSU-GC institutional policies.
