THE ASSET 1 • HISTORY OF ACCOUNTING 2 • LUCA PACIOLI: THE FATHER OF MODERN ACCOUNTING 3 • DEFINITIONS OF ACCOUNTING 4 • CAREERS IN ACCOUNTING 2014 EDITION VOULUME 1; ISSUE 1 A ccounting is involved in the recording, analyzing, classifying and interpreting of the financial affairs of a business. Accounting is a science that is involved in the recording, monitoring and assessment of the financial affairs of a business at any time. Accounting was developed in ancient times. The system we have today arose from that ancient development. We know that previous communities kept primitive records by way of drawings on rocks or caves or cutting into trees. Later on these records were put onto stone and paper which were a lot easier to use and had a longer life. One of the first editions of complete documentation about how to keep books of accounting was written by a professor of mathematics in Rome. This documentation described the double-entry system of accounting which was used by the Venetian merchants. It was adopted and still used today around the world. 1 THE ASSET 2014 EDITION VOULUME 1; ISSUE 1 1880 - In 1880, the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales was formed, bringing together members from a number of individual accounting organisations. The newly formed institute developed standards of conduct and examinations for admission. Books such as Book-keeping exercise for accountant students, The student’s business methods and commercial correspondence and Australian elementary bookkeeping represent examples of the shift towards professional education and accreditation in the accountancy profession.Double Entry Bookkeeping for technical classes and schools gives examples of civil service examination papers for accountants from this period. 20thCentury On the 19th of June 1928, a Royal Charter was granted by George the Fifth, establishing The Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia upon recognition that the “profession of Public Accountants in the said Commonwealth [Australia] is practiced by a considerable number of persons and the duties and functions of such public accountants are of great and growing importance in respect of their employment in the capacities of Liquidators acting in the winding up of Companies and of Receivers under Decrees and Trustees in Bankruptcy or Insolvency, arrangements with creditors and in various positions of trust under the Courts of Justice in the said Commonwealth of Australia, and also in the auditing and certification of the accounts of Public Companies and other business, and various other kindred matters, in all of which a technical knowledge of the duties imposed is of essential importance.” Biography Name : Luca Bartolomeo Pacioli aka : Fra Luca Pacioli Birth date : 1446 – 1447 Died: June 19, 1517 Parents: Bartholomeus Pacioli Education his teacher was Piero della Francesca attended mathematics lecture at mathematician Domenico Bragadino in the Scuolo di Rialto Work “The quest for our origin is the sweet fruit's juice which maintains satisfaction in the minds of the philosophers.” (Luca Pacioli) teaches university mathematics at different Italian universities author of different books of mathematics chair in mathematics of two universities private tutor of mathematics taught mathematics to Leonardo da Vinci 2 THE ASSET I n 1494, the first book on double-entry accounting was published. The author was an Italian friar, Luca Pacioli. His impact on accounting was so great that five centuries later, accountants from around the world gathered in the Italian village of San Sepulcro to celebrate the anniversary of the book's publication.The first accounting book actually was one of five sections in Pacioli's mathematics book titled "Everything about Arithmetic, Geometry, and Proportions." This section on accounting served as the world's only accounting textbook until well into the 16th century. ince Pacioli was a Franciscan friar, he might be referred to simply as Friar Luca. While Friar Luca is often called the "Father of Accounting," he did not invent the system. Instead, he simply described a method used by merchants in Venice during the Italian Renaissance period. His system included most of the accounting cycle as we know it today. For example, he described the use journals and ledgers, and he warned that a person should not go to sleep at night until the debits equalled the credits! His ledger included assets (including receivables and inventories), liabilities, capital, income, and expense accounts. Friar Luca demonstrated year-end closing entries and proposed that a trial balance be used to prove a S 2014 EDITION VOULUME 1; ISSUE 1 balanced ledger. Also, his treatise alludes to a wide range of topics from accounting ethics to cost accounting. umerous tiny details of bookkeeping technique set forth by Pacioli were followed in texts and the profession for at least the next four centuries, as accounting historian Henry Rand Hatfield put it, "persisting like buttons on our coat sleeves, long after their significance had disappeared." Perhaps the best proof that Pacioli's work was considered potentially significant even at the time of publication was the very fact that it was printed on November 10, 1494. Guttenberg had just a quarter-century earlier invented metal type, and it was still an extremely expensive proposition to print a book. ccounting practitioners in public accounting, industry, and not-for-profit organizations, as well as investors, lending institutions, business firms, and all other users for financial information are indebted to Luca Pacioli for his monumental role in the development of accounting. N A It is a service activity. it's function is to provide quantitative information, primarily financial in nature, about economic entities, that is intended to be useful in making economic decisions. ACCOUNTING STANDARDS COUNCIL Accounting is an art or recording, classifying and summarizing in a significant manner and in terms of money, transactions and events which are in part at least of a financial character and interpreting the results thereof. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS Accounting is the process of identifying, measuring and communicating economic information to permit informed judgment and decision by users of the information. AMERICAN ACCOUNTING ASSOCIATION 3 THE ASSET A. Public accounting can be viewed as firms of accountants that serve clients such as business individuals, nonprofits and governments. The services provided by public accounting firms will vary by the size and the expertise of the firm. The people employed in public accounting are often certified public accountants or CPAs. Many accountants leave the larger public accounting firms after several years of experience and become an employee of a single business. In their new position they will be referred to as a private accountant, corporate accountant or internal accountant.The positions in public accounting often consist of staff, senior, manager and partner. Public accounting services: review, and auditing of the clients' financial statements tax work including the preparation of income tax returns, and estate and tax planning consulting and advice involving accounting systems, mergers and acquisitions 2014 EDITION VOULUME 1; ISSUE 1 B. Private Accounting C. Government Accounting Private accountants perform many of the customary functions as any other type of accountant. However, their duties do differ somewhat from those of the other typical types of accounting: public and governmental accountants and internal auditors. Private accountants are also known as management or corporate accountants. They often achieve executive level positions within their companies. Private accountants are concerned with the collection and analysis of financial data strictly within a particular company. The work of private accountants is provided to other managers and executives within the firm as tools to allow them to make business decisions based on sound financial data. Private accounts are also usually charged with performance evaluation, cost management, budgeting and asset management within the company. They are often also involved with strategic planning and developing new products. Public sector accounting refers to the field of accounting that specifically finds application in the public sector or government. A special field of accounting exists because: - The objectives to which accounting reports to differ significantly from that for which generally accepted accounting practice has been developed for in the private (business) sector; and - The usage of the results of accounting processes of government differs significantly from the use thereof in the private sector. The governmental accounting system has a different focus for measuring accounting than private sector accounting. Rather than measuring the flow of economic resources, governmental accounting measures the flow of financial resources. Instead of recognizing revenue w hen they are earned and expenses when they are incurred, revenue is recognized when there is money available to liquidate liabilities within the current accounting period, and expenses are recognized when there is a drain on current resources. 4 THE ASSET D. 2014 EDITION VOULUME 1; ISSUE 1 Academe/ Accounting Education Certified public accountants can also be part of the academe. They can be instructors for accountancy students in a certain university, speakers in seminars, review sessions and trainings for accountants, authors for books and the like. Benefits of a CPA Career Today, the CPA credential equates to a world of possibilities. Gone are the days of back-room numbercrunchers and in their place are a diverse group of professionals involved in shaping the futures of the businesses and individuals they serve. Today's CPAs are the CEOs and CFOs of major corporations, technology managers, forensic experts and much more. Following are the Top 10 Benefits of a career as a CPA. 1. Job Satisfaction 2. Diversity of Career Options 3. Creativity 4. Challenging and Rewarding Work 5. Job Security 6. Opportunity to Contribute to Society 7. Involvement with People 8. Financial Security 9. Intellectual Development 10. Prestige 5 THE ASSET 2014 EDITION VOULUME 1; ISSUE 1 6