
Business & Technology Department Unit Plan for Course Name
Unit Length: 2 weeks
Date Create: Summer 2010
Unit 4 Title: Research
National Business Education Association Standards
Standard #6: Technology Operations and Concepts—Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology
concepts, systems, and operations
Illinois State Standards:
Use standard English to edit documents for clarity, subject/verb agreement, adverb and adjective
agreement and verb tense; proofread for spelling, capitalization and punctuation; and ensure that
documents are formatted in final form for submission and/or publication.
Produce grammatically correct documents using standard manuscript specifications for a variety of
purposes and audiences.
Using contemporary technology, produce documents of publication quality for specific purposes and
audience; exhibit clarity of focus, logic of organization, appropriate elaboration and support and overall
Write for real or potentially real situations in academic, professional and civic contexts (e.g., college
applications, job applications, business letters, and petitions). (Seeking and applying for employment
Unit Overview
Unit Components:
Stage 1: Desired Results
Research is an important component in education. Students are responsible for properly formatting a report including sources..With
today’s changing technology, students need to understand how to utilize software to organize and present information in the report and
works cited to avoid plagarism and professionally present information to improve communication with the reader.
How can technology improve a student’s ability organize, compose, revise, and present research?
Why is organizing, recording, and citing sources important in the process of researching?
Vocabulary : Key terminology
Research Paper
Citation / Internal Citations
Works Cited
Long Quote
MS Word 2007
Page Layout Ribbon-Margins&
Indents, Page Break, Vertical
Insert-Headers, Page Numbers,
Page Break
Reference Ribbon
Review Ribbon-Spelling,
Ruler Bar-Indent Markers &
Hanging Indents, tab markers
Home Ribbon-Font, font size,
increase indent, format paragraph,
line spacing
Page 1
Grammar, Punctuation, Format
Spacing/Punctuation Rules
Capitalization Rules
Grammar Rules
MLA Format
APA Format
Knowledge and Skills:
Student “I Can Statements”
 I can identify and apply correct MLA format to reports with
and without title pages, single and multiple page, and
work cited pages.
 I can identify and apply proper source citations using MS
Word 2007 Reference toolbar.
 I can create a professional-looking report, error-free in
regards to format, grammar, and punctuation
 I can choose the appropriate Word features to format
various documents
 I can utilize ribbons, menus, buttons, and shortcuts to
create documents in MS Office 2007.
 I can identify and label icons, buttons, and commands in
 I can determine which MS Word features should be used
in various situations
 I can choose the correct word choice, grammar, and
Products--Microsoft Word reports
Selected Response--multiple choice quizzes and tests
Products--Microsoft Word reports
Selected Response--multiple choice quizzes and tests
Products--Microsoft Word documents
Products--Microsoft Word documents
Products--Microsoft Word documents
Process—observations/technique evaluation
Selected Response--multiple choice quizzes and tests
Constructed Response--labeling parts of the MS Word
Selected Response--multiple choice quizzes and tests
Constructed Response--labeling parts of the MS Word
Products--Microsoft Word documents
Products--Microsoft Word reports from PSAE books
Selected Response--multiple choice quizzes and PSAE
Products--Microsoft Word documents
Selected Response--multiple choice quizzes and tests
 I can compose, edit, and identify proper sentence
structure specific to grammar, punctuation, and number
 I can improve my keying speed and accuracy
Process—Timed Writings
nd Quarter
Weights for 1st Quarter
Weights for 2Technique
Stage 2: Assessment Evidence
Suggested Points
MLA Assignments in PSAE English Book
MLA Assignments from Handouts
MLA Test
APA format Assignments
5 points each=100
Performace Task Summary
Research Activities
MLA Report Activities
APA Report Activities
Works Cited Activities
Rubric Titles
Other Evidence, Summarized
Compare feature in Microsoft Word
Research Activities
MLA Report Activities
APA Report Activities\
Page 2
Week 9: Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Key Reinforcement-Concentration on technique, endurance, and accuracy
Review technique & keys: Skill Builder—Microtype Speed & Accuracy Emphasis
MLA Reports—ACT English Preparation
Key Reinforcement-Concentration on technique, endurance, and accuracy
Communication Skills using MT: Commas & Semicolons: Pretest, Discuss Rules, then Posttest.
MLA Reports—ACT English Preparation
Key Reinforcement-Concentration on technique, endurance, and accuracy
MLA Reports—ACT English Preparation
Key Reinforcement-Concentration on technique, endurance, and accuracy
MLA Reports—ACT English Preparation
Key Reinforcement-Concentration on technique, endurance, and accuracy
MLA Quiz—Without a title page
Focus on Technique & Accuracy. Finish MT
Timings—Three timings
Tests/Quizzes: MLA quiz
Technique Grades: eyes, feet, wrists, stationary fingers, posture
Timings: top three speed grades
Production grades for MLA Reports
Key Reinforcement- Warmup & Timings-Concentration on technique, endurance, speed, and accuracy
Day 1
MLA Reports—With a Title Page & Works Cited —ACT English Preparation—ACT English
Key Reinforcement- Warmup & Timings-Concentration on technique, endurance, speed, and accuracy
Day 2
Communication Skills using MT: Pronoun Agreement: Pretest, Discuss Rules, Posttest.
MLA Reports—With a Title Page & Works Cited-Using the References Ribbon
Key Reinforcement- Warmup & Timings-Concentration on technique, endurance, speed, and accuracy
Day 3
MLA Reports—ACT English Preparation
Key Reinforcement- Warmup & Timings-Concentration on technique, endurance, speed, and accuracy
Day 4
MLA Reports—ACT English Preparation
Key Reinforcement- Warmup & Timings-Concentration on technique, endurance, speed, and accuracy
Day 5
MLA Reports—ACT English Preparation—with a Title Page
Timings: top three speed grades
Production grades for MLA Reports
Page 3
MLA Reports WITHOUT a Title Page:
One Page & Multiple Page Reports
Step 1: Change the font type and size.
All of your reports should be
keyed in Courier New, Size 12.
Your screen should look as
shown above before you begin
your report.
Step 2: Change the line spacing & spacing after each paragraph
In the Paragraph group, click
the group button to display
the Paragraph dialog box.
Change the spacing AFTER
paragraph to 0 points and
the Line spacing to
Page 4
Step 3: Set up the MLA heading.
Notice that the date is in military style
Include your name,
teacher’s name, subject,
and date on the first line of
the document.
These items should be
double spaced.
Step 4: Key the title of the report.
The title should be keyed
one double space below
the heading. It should be
centered using the format
button on the toolbar.
Step 5: Key the report.
Page 5
Page 6
MLA Multiple Page Reports WITHOUT a TITLE page
Report Set Up
Step 7: IF THE REPORT GOES TO TWO OR MORE PAGES…add a your last name and
the page number to the header. Click the Insert tab. Click on Page Number. Choose Top
of Page, Plain Number 3. Once the page number is inserted into the header, click in front of
the number and key your last name. Highlight your last name and the page number and
format to Courier New, size 12.
The heading
appears the
If the document goes to two or
more pages, you must enter your
last name and use the page
numbering feature in the header
of the document.
Remember that you must change
the font style and size because it
is different from the body.
Page 7
Creating MLA Reports WITH a Title Page
Creating the Title Page:
Center the title page vertically and horizontally on the
Step 1: Start a new document. Click the Page Layout Tab,
then Page Setup Group button. Click on the Layout tab and
change the vertical alignment to Center.
Step 2: Change your horizontal alignment to Center by
clicking the center button on the formatting toolbar.
Step 3: Change your line spacing to Double and your space
after each paragraph to zero by clicking on the Home Tab,
then the Paragraph Group Button.
Step 4: Change the font to Courier New, size 12.
Key the title page:
Step 5: Key the title of the document. Enter. Key By. Enter. Key your name. Enter 10 times.
Step 6: Key your teacher’s name. Enter. Key Computer & Keyboarding Technology. Enter. Key the Date.
Step 7: Save the title page as MLA Report Page ___ Title page.
(Type the correct page number from the textbook)
Next, create the report.
Page 8
Step 1
Computers in Education
Christine Fox
Title Pages are
vertically and
(Page Layout, Page Setup,
The font is still
Courier New, Size 12
and the items are
Ten Double Spaces
between Title and
Class Information.
Mrs. Lincoln
29 October 2008
Page 9
MLA Reports WITH a Title Page
Creating the Report:
Step 1: Key the title page as a separate document according to instructions.
Step 2: Set up margins (2” top margin on
first page only).
Step 3: Change the font style and size
(Courier New, size 12).
Step 4: Change the line spacing to double
and spacing after paragraphs to zero point
by clicking on the Home Tab, then the
Paragraph Group Button.
Step 5: Key the title of the report (first line of
the document, at the two-inch top margin
mark, centered horizontally.)
Step 6: Key the body of the report.
Step 3
Step 7
Step 5
Step 6
Page 10
MLA Reports WITH a Title Page
Step 7: If the report goes to two or more pages…add your last name and the page number to the header. Click
the Insert tab. Click on Page Number. Choose Top of Page, Plain Number 3. Once the page number is
inserted into the header, click in front of the number and key your last name. Highlight your last name and the
page number and format to Courier New, size 12.
Step 8: Click on the top of the second page. Change the top margin to 1 inch for page 2 on by choosing “From
this point forward” in the margins dialog box.
Make sure that your insertion point is before the
first character at the top of the second page.
In the Page Layout tab, click the Margins button,
then Custom Margins. Choose a 1” top margin,
then change the “Apply to:” to “This point
You will now have a 2” top margin on the first
page and a 1” top margin on the top of the
second page.
Page 11
Long Quotes & Hanging Indents
Indent Markers
First Line Marker
Hanging Indent Marker
Left Indent Marker
The screen print below displays a first line indent.
The screen print below displays a hanging indent.
Page 12
The screen print below displays a long quote.
Page 13
Works Cited:
LastName 3
Works Cited
Document Line 1
Anderson, J.
page 3.
“Keats in Harlem.”
Anzaldua, Gloria.
Burka, Lauren P.
MUD History.
New Republic 204.14 (8 Apr. 1991):
29 Dec. 1996
Borderlands/La Frontera.
The New Mestiza.
Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1987.
“A Hypertext History of Multi-User Dimensions.”
history.html (5 Dec. 1994).
The screen print below illustrates the ruler settings and spacing required for MLA Works Cited pages. Note
especially the parts that are circled or indicated by arrows.
Move the hanging indent marker to ½”
Use word wrap
for each source.
Only use the hard
Citing your sources in Microsoft Word is easy using the References, Citations & Biblioreturn
new source
Works Cited—Citing Your Sources
Microsoft Word 2007 has a built in citation maker. The References Tab contains features for all sorts of citations.
For MLA, use the Citations & Bibliography Tab, selecting MLA as the Style. Different sources require different
information. This citation maker will allow you to choose the type of citation and prompt you for the required
Page 14
information. Word will insert the internal citation and the Works Cited page for you. This feature allows you to
add all the sources you MAY use in your report and insert only the citations that you DO use in your report.
Step 1: Either start a new document in Microsoft
Word to key your report or open your report.
Save the file. Your citations must be added to
your report document. Follow the MLA rules to
format your report.
Step 2: Add the citations to the report. Directions: From the References tab, click change the style to MLA. Click
Manage Sources button, then the New button. Choose the type of source (Book, Website, Interview, Journal). Add the
sources on the following page.
Choose the type of source. The fields for that
type of source will appear. Key the appropriate
information. The source will save within the
document until you are ready to insert it.
Page 15
Step 3: After your report is keyed and your citations are created, click the Manage Sources button on the References Tab.
Use the Copy button to copy the sources you plan to use from the Master list to the Current list. The sources will now be
available at the bottom of your Insert Citation button to insert into your document.
These are the sources keyed in. Add
the ones you DID use to the current list.
They will then be available to insert into
your document and Works Cited page.
Step 4: Add internal citations within your report to identify where the information came from in your report. Failure to cite
sources is considered plagiarism.
Page 16
Step 5: At the end of the document, create a page break. Your cursor should now be on a blank page—the last page of
the MLA report. This will be your Works Cited Page.
Step 6: Microsoft Word will create your
Works Cited page for you. In the
Reference tab, click Bibliography, then
Works Cited. Your Works Cited page will
created (alpha order with the correct
citation format), but it does not format the
Works Cited page correctly.
Step 7: Format the Works Cited Page to double space (no space after paragraphs) with a hanging indent. Center the title
“Works Cited.” Format to Courier New, size 12.
Change the indent
markers on the ruler
bar. Move the left
indent over to the half
inch mark.
Before--not formatted
Page 17
Screen Shots of Word Labeled or blank boxes to be labeled:
References Tab:
Insert Tab
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