The Periodic Table of Elements Click Here to Begin 11th Grade Chemistry Miss Bouselli Click the group you would like to start with 1 Group 1: Alkali Metals 3 2 4 5 6 7 8 Group 3: Boron Group Transitions Group 4: Carbon Group Group 2: Alkaline Earth Metals Group 5: Pnictogens Group 6: Chalcogens Transition Metals Group 7: Halogens Group 8: Noble Gases All Done? Click here! Group 1: Alkali Metals Click the element you would like to learn more about. *Even though Hydrgen is in Group 1, it is actually a gas Return to Full Periodic Table Group 2: Alkaline Earth Metals Click the element you would like to learn more about. Return to Full Periodic Table Group 3: The Boron Group Click the element you would like to learn more about. Return to Full Periodic Table Group 4: The Carbon Group Click the element you would like to learn more about. Return to Full Periodic Table Group 5: The Pnictogens Click the element you would like to learn more about. Return to Full Periodic Table Group 6: Chalcogens Click the element you would like to learn more about. Return to Full Periodic Table Group 7: Halogens Click the element you would like to learn more about. Return to Full Periodic Table Group 8: The Noble Gases Click the element you would like to learn more about. Return to Full Periodic Table The Transition Metals Click the element you would like to learn more about.* *Note these are just the most common transition metals Return to Full Periodic Table Hydrogen Symbol: H Atomic Mass: 1.0794g/mol Atomic Number: 1 Return to Alkali Metals Lithium Symbol: Li Atomic Mass: 6.941g/mol Atomic Number: 3 Return to Alkali Metals Sodium Symbol: Na Atomic Mass: 22.99g/mol Atomic Number: 11 Return to Alkali Metals Potassium Symbol: K Atomic Mass: 39.10g/mol Atomic Number: 19 Return to Alkali Metals Rubidium Symbol: Rb Atomic Mass: 85.47g/mol Atomic Number: 37 Return to Alkali Metals Cesium Symbol: Cs Atomic Mass: 132.9g/mol Atomic Number: 55 Return to Alkali Metals Francium Symbol: Fr Atomic Mass: 223g/mol Atomic Number: 87 Return to Alkali Metals Beryllium Symbol: Be Atomic Mass: 9.012g/mol Atomic Number: 4 Return to Alkaline Earth Metals Magnesium Symbol: Mg Atomic Mass: 24.305g/mol Atomic Number: 12 Return to Alkaline Earth Metals Calcium Symbol: Ca Atomic Mass: 40.078g/mol Atomic Number: 20 Return to Alkaline Earth Metals Strontium Symbol: Sr Atomic Mass: 87.62g/mol Atomic Number: 38 Return to Alkaline Earth Metals Barium Symbol: Sr Atomic Mass: 137.327g/mol Atomic Number: 56 Return to Alkaline Earth Metals Radium Symbol: Ra Atomic Mass: 226.025g/mol Atomic Number: 88 Return to Alkaline Earth Metals Boron Symbol: B Atomic Mass: 10.811g/mol Atomic Number: 5 Return to The Boron Group Aluminum Symbol: Al Atomic Mass: 26.982g/mol Atomic Number: 13 Return to The Boron Group Gallium Symbol: Ga Atomic Mass: 69.732g/mol Atomic Number: 31 Return to The Boron Group Indium Symbol: In Atomic Mass: 114.818g/mol Atomic Number: 49 Return to The Boron Group Thallium Symbol: Tl Atomic Mass: 204.383g/mol Atomic Number: 81 Return to The Boron Group Carbon Symbol: C Atomic Mass: 12.011g/mol Atomic Number: 6 Return to The Carbon Group Silicon Symbol: Si Atomic Mass: 28.086g/mol Atomic Number: 14 Return to The Carbon Group Germanium Symbol: Ge Atomic Mass: 72.61g/mol Atomic Number: 32 Return to The Carbon Group Tin Symbol: Sn Atomic Mass: 118.7g/mol Atomic Number: 50 Return to The Carbon Group Lead Symbol: Pb Atomic Mass: 207.2g/mol Atomic Number: 82 Return to The Carbon Group Nitrogen Symbol: N Atomic Mass: 14.007g/mol Atomic Number: 7 Return to The Pnictogens Phosphorus Symbol: P Atomic Mass: 30.974g/mol Atomic Number: 15 Return to The Pnictogens Arsenic Symbol: As Atomic Mass: 74.922g/mol Atomic Number: 33 Return to The Pnictogens Antimony Symbol: Sb Atomic Mass: 121.760g/mol Atomic Number: 51 Return to The Pnictogens Bismuth Symbol: Bi Atomic Mass: 208.980g/mol Atomic Number: 83 Return to The Pnictogens Oxygen Symbol: O Atomic Mass: 15.999g/mol Atomic Number: 8 Return to The Chalcogens Sulfur Symbol: S Atomic Mass: 32.066g/mol Atomic Number: 16 Return to The Chalcogens Selenium Symbol: Se Atomic Mass: 78.09g/mol Atomic Number: 34 Return to The Chalcogens Tellurium Symbol: Te Atomic Mass: 127.6g/mol Atomic Number: 52 Return to The Chalcogens Polonium Symbol: Po Atomic Mass: 208.982g/mol Atomic Number: 84 Return to The Chalcogens Fluorine Symbol: F Atomic Mass: 18.998g/mol Atomic Number: 9 Return to The Halogens Chlorine Symbol: Cl Atomic Mass: 35.453g/mol Atomic Number: 17 Return to The Halogens Bromine Symbol: Br Atomic Mass: 79.904g/mol Atomic Number: 35 Return to The Halogens Iodine Symbol: I Atomic Mass: 126.904g/mol Atomic Number: 53 Return to The Halogens Astatine Symbol: At Atomic Mass: 209.987g/mol Atomic Number: 85 Return to The Halogens Helium Symbol: He Atomic Mass: 4.003g/mol Atomic Number: 2 Return to The Noble Gases Neon Symbol: Ne Atomic Mass: 20.180g/mol Atomic Number: 10 Return to The Noble Gases Argon Symbol: Ar Atomic Mass: 39.948g/mol Atomic Number: 18 Return to The Noble Gases Krypton Symbol: Kr Atomic Mass: 84.80g/mol Atomic Number: 36 Return to The Noble Gases Xenon Symbol: Xe Atomic Mass: 131.29g/mol Atomic Number: 54 Return to The Noble Gases Radon Symbol: Rn Atomic Mass: 222.018g/mol Atomic Number: 86 Return to The Noble Gases Titanium Symbol: Ti Atomic Mass: 47.88g/mol Atomic Number: 22 Return to the Transition Metals Vanadium Symbol: V Atomic Mass: 50.942g/mol Atomic Number: 23 Return to the Transition Metals Chromium Symbol: Cr Atomic Mass: 51.996g/mol Atomic Number: 24 Return to the Transition Metals Manganese Symbol: Mn Atomic Mass: 54.938g/mol Atomic Number: 25 Return to the Transition Metals Iron Symbol: Fe Atomic Mass: 55.847g/mol Atomic Number: 26 Return to the Transition Metals Cobalt Symbol: Co Atomic Mass: 58.933g/mol Atomic Number: 27 Return to the Transition Metals Nickel Symbol: Ni Atomic Mass: 58.693g/mol Atomic Number: 28 Return to the Transition Metals Copper Symbol: Cu Atomic Mass: 63.546g/mol Atomic Number: 29 Return to the Transition Metals Zinc Symbol: Zn Atomic Mass: 65.39g/mol Atomic Number: 30 Return to the Transition Metals Silver Symbol: Ag Atomic Mass: 107.87g/mol Atomic Number: 47 Return to the Transition Metals Gold Symbol: Au Atomic Mass: 196.97g/mol Atomic Number: 79 Return to the Transition Metals Mercury Symbol: Hg Atomic Mass: 200.59g/mol Atomic Number: 80 Return to the Transition Metals Let’s see what you’ve learned! Which group is the element Tellurium found? A. The Alkali Metals C. The Chalcogens A. The Noble Gases D. The Halogens Oops! Your Answer: The Noble Gases Sorry, that’s incorrect! Try again! Oops! Your answer: The Alkali Metals Sorry, that’s incorrect! Try again! Oops! Your Answer: The Halogens Sorry, that’s incorrect! Try again! Congratulations! You’ve finished The Periodic Table of Elements! Return to the Start