Plagiarism prevention

Do Your Students Plagiarize?
Practical Strategies on Preventing and
Detecting Plagiarism
Dr. Jun Wang
Dealing with Plagiarism at SJDC
(An article from The Record)
Does any of
these ring a
Common Types of Plagiarism
• Paraphrasing without giving credits to
the original source
• Quoting less than what has been copied
• Creating a paper by cutting and pasting
phrases, sentences, or paragraphs from
other publications
• Working on an individual assignment
with a partner and turning in identical
Based on Robert A. Harris’ Plagiarism Handbook: Strategies for Preventing, Detecting, and Dealing
with Plagiarism. Los Angeles, CA: Pyrczak Publishing, 2001..
Desperate Types of Plagiarism
• Copy an entire article from the Web
or a subscription online database
• Download a free research paper from the Web
• Buy a paper from a commercial paper mill
• Fake a citation to get by so as to meet the
• Use a paper with permission from a friend who
took the same course or chose the same
research topic
Based on Robert A. Harris’ Plagiarism Handbook: Strategies for Preventing, Detecting,
and Dealing with Plagiarism. Los Angeles, CA: Pyrczak Publishing, 2001..
What Can We Do to
Prevent or Ward off
Plagiarism Prevention Tutorials
• Build an awareness by introducing students to
plagiarism prevention resources or tutorials
 html plagiarism
Major Writing Styles
• Introduce students to print and online resource guides on
major writing styles
– MLA:
• MLA Handbook (Reference: LB2369 .G53 2003)
– APA:
• Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association
(Reference: BF76.7 .P83 2001)
– Turabian (Chicago):
• A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations
(Reference:LB2369 .T8 1996)
Useful Resources
• Quizzes & Activities:
Plagiarism Attitude Scale
Citation Quiz
Using Sources Quiz
Acceptable Use Versus Plagiarism Exercise
“You Be the Judge” Activity
Robert A. Harris’ Plagiarism Handbook: Strategies for Preventing,
Detecting, and Dealing with Plagiarism. Los Angeles, CA:
Pyrczak Publishing, 2001. 139-152.
(Main Book Collection: PN167 .H37 2001)
Other Recommendations
• Recommend unique/specific topics or topics on
current issues for students’ research papers
• Encourage students to start their research process
as early as possible
• Remind or require students to include complete
bibliographic information on their printouts or
note cards as they gather the information for their
research paper
• Encourage students to cited sources under Works
Cited or References as they write their paper so
that you won’t miss any citations
•Level of language use
•Context & coherence
•Similarities in papers…
Plagiarism Detection Tools
• Subscription online databases
• Suggested methods of searching:
– Conduct a keyword search, using appropriate online databases
from the database list
• Start with a comprehensive database (e.g. Expanded Academic
Index ASAP)
• Type in the search box a phrase from a suspected paper,
surrounding the phrase with quotation marks, or
• Conduct a Boolean search by entering some keywords
from a suspected paper, using the Boolean operator,
“AND” to nest the keywords together
(e.g. school and connectedness and youth and violence)
Plagiarism Detection Tools
• Web Search Engines:
– Google
– Fast
-- Yahoo
-- Dogpile
• Suggested Methods of searching
– Conduct an exact-phrase search in a Web or Directory
search box
• Enter a phrase from a suspected paper, using quotation marks
– Conduct a keyword search
• Enter a few keywords from a suspected paper in the Web
search box
(e.g. school connectedness youth violence anger behavior)
– Perform the searches in more than one search engines
Papermills & Essay Sites
• Free Essay network:
• Essay Crawler:
• Term Paper Sites:
• Search Cowboy:
Popular Commercial Tool
Group Discussions & Recommendations