Enzyme Power point Notes Sheet Enzymes are . They are found as

Enzyme Power point Notes Sheet
1. Enzymes are _____________________. They are found as tertiary and quaternary
2. Enzymes act as __________________ in chemical reactions.
3. What does a catalyst do?
4. Enzymes catalyze reactions by weakening chemical bonds, which ____________ activation
5. Each enzyme has a unique 3-D shape, including a surface groove called an __________
6. The enzyme works by binding a specific chemical reactant (_________) to its active site,
causing the substrate to become unstable and react.
7. The resulting __________ (s) is then released from the active site.
8. Enzymes are ____________ for what they will catalyze.
9. Enzymes fit with substrate like a ____________ and _____________.
10.Enzymes are ______________. They are never used up in any reaction.
11.Enzymes have names that usually end in ___________.
12.Formats for writing an enzymatic reaction:
____________ + _______________ ------ __________________
________________ ------- ________________ ________________
13.How do you stop an enzyme? ________________ ____ ! (Ex. apply heat or change pH)
14.Factors that influence enzyme activity include:
15.Temperatures far above the normal range _________________ enzymes and most enzymes
work best near ___________________ pH. (6-8).
16.Cofactor vs. Coenzyme. ______________________ is the more general term. It includes
both inorganic and organic molecules. _____________________ is a type of cofactor, but
specifically organic molecules.
17. Two types of inhibition:
a. __________________ __________________- substrates compete for the enzyme’s active
b. _______________________ ________________ - substrate binds to another part of the
enzyme causing the enzyme and active site to change shape.
18. Many _______________________ are enzyme inhibitors. Enzyme inhibitors are also used
as _____________________ and ______________________.
19. Meet the enzyme: CATECHOLASE
Found in ________________ and ____________________. It is the enzyme that
facilitates the ____________________ of cut fruits and vegetables. _____________ juice is used
to preserve the color in fruits by lowering the _________ and removing the cofactor that
allows the enzyme to function.
20. Meet the enzyme: BROMELAIN
Pineapple contains the enzyme bromelain which can _____________ ________________.
Jell-O is made of gelatin, a processed version of a structural protein called _________
found in many animals, including humans.
Bromelain is a ______________ enzyme that facilitates hydrolysis of protein.