Chapter 5 Section 3

is the father of
Renaissance Humanism?
Who added perspective to the
Northern Artistic Renaissance?
What three artists dominated
the High Renaissance?
Ctd from Sec 2…
Renaissance Artists
Masaccio – 15th century frescoes are
considered the 1st masterpieces of early
Renaissance art.
 Fresco – painting done on wet plaster with
water-based paints.
 This creates depth and the illusion of 3D.
Made advances in sculpture.
 Modeled his figures on Greek and Roman
 Most famous was Saint George.
Filippo Brunelleschi
Created a new architecture based on
Roman classical buildings.
 Offer a space fit for human needs.
 Reflected a human-centered world.
The Protestant Reformation
Chapter 5 Section 3
Based on the classics, the literary works of
ancient Greece & Rome.
 Studied subjects that are now known as
the humanities. (poetry, philosophy, &
Petrarch did the most
to foster humanism’s
 Emphasized using
pure classical Latin.
Christian Humanism
believed in the ability of
human beings to reason and
improve themselves.
Christian humanists wanted to
reform the Catholic Church
Desiderius Erasmus
 Desiderius
Erasmus is the best
known Christian humanist
because he developed “the
philosophy of Christ” which meant
to show people how to live good
lives on a daily basis rather than
how to achieve salvation.
Desiderius Erasmus continued..
Setting the Stage for Reformation
called for reform
because of…..
theological beliefs (ieChristian Humanism)
Doctrinal disagreements (iemarriage for priests)
Setting the Stage for Reformation
 People
called for reform because
 Corruption in the Catholic Church
(ie- Popes more concerned w/
political interests than spiritual
 Indulgences
 An
indulgence is a release from all
or part of punishment for sin
according to the Catholic Church at
the time and were sold by priests.
 Salvation (acceptance into heaven)
through indulgences became a
mechanical process that many people
didn’t agree with.
Martin Luther (1483-1546)
Martin Luther continued
 Luther
was a……
 German Monk
 Priest
 Professor
 Theologian
Luther continued…..
teachings inspired
the Reformation
Luther influenced the
doctrines and traditions of
Protestant churches
Luther’s 95 Theses
 In
1517 Luther posted NinetyFive Theses on the door of the
Castle Church in Wittenberg,
 The Ninety-Five Theses
attacked the abuses of
indulgences and thousands of
copies were printed.
Castle Church in Wittenberg
Martin Luther
1520 – called for the German princes to
overthrow the papacy & establish a
reformed German church.
 Wanted to keep 2 sacraments – baptism
and Communion – and called for the
clergy to marry.
Edict of Worms
Catholic Church
excommunicated (kicked him
out) Luther in 1521.
The Catholic Church also
issued the Edict of Worms
which made Luther an outlaw.
 Luther’s
religious movement soon
became a revolution.
 Luther set up new services to replace
the Mass which featured Bible
readings, preaching the word of God
and songs.
 His doctrine became the known as
Lutheranism, the 1st Protestant faith.
What did the Christian Humanists believe?
 Who is the best known Christian
 What is an indulgence?
 Where did Luther post his 95 Theses?
 What did the Edict of Worms do?