Lesson 12-4: Reconstruction Collapses

Reconstruction Collapses
The Main Idea
A variety of events and forces led to the end of
Reconstruction, which left a mixed legacy for the nation.
Reading Focus
• What problems caused support for Reconstruction to decline?
• What events brought Reconstruction to an end?
• What was Reconstruction’s legacy for the South and for the rest
of the nation?
Bell Ringer
• “We were born slaves. Now that we’re free, we work the same
land and get a portion of the landowner’s crop.”
• “We came from the North to help rebuild the South.”
• “We never owned slaves and now support Reconstruction. Other
southerners have a nasty name for us.”
• “I took the Senate seat once held by Jefferson Davis.”
Problems with Reconstruction
Terrorist Groups
• Reconstruction brought
violent opposition
throughout the South.
• The KKK and similar
organizations wanted to
restore the old political
• Their methods included
threats, house burnings,
and killings against not
only blacks but whites as
• State governments were
unable to control violence.
Enforcement Acts
• Three Enforcement Acts
were passed, setting
heavy penalties for anyone
attempting to prevent a
qualified person from
• They gave the army and
federal courts power to
capture and punish KKK
• While the KKK was soon
brought under control,
other groups continued to
Problems with Reconstruction
Support declines
Lost faith
• White southerners felt the
Acts threatened individual
• Costly building programs
raised taxes and put state
governments in debt.
• Northerners were
dismayed that the army
was still needed to keep
the peace in the South.
• Liberal Republicans
helped the Democrats
regain control of the
House of Representatives.
• State governments were
seen as ineffective.
• Economic factors came
into play, with the
depression that began in
1873 taking more
• There was widespread
poverty and lack of land
reform for African
The End of Reconstruction
the South
The election
of 1876
Three Supreme Court decisions seriously weakened
the goals and operations of Reconstruction. The
Slaughterhouse Cases, United States v.
Cruikshank, and United States v. Reese served to
limit the impact of the 14th and 15th Amendments.
Violence increased, and southern Democrats grew
stronger and bolder. Grant refused assistance since
the northern public was “tired out” by South’s
continuing problems. By 1876 Redeemers had
won back almost all of the states.
The presidential election was disputed with charges
of massive voting fraud. With the Compromise of
1877 Republicans agreed to withdraw federal
troops in the South, and in return, Rutherford B.
Hayes became president.
Reconstruction’s Legacy
The 14th and 15th Amendments began permanent changes
across the United States. Former slaves were now citizens
with voting rights.
The New South was becoming industrial, but in many ways
it remained the same. White southerners deeply resented
that the federal government controlled their states.
For a century after Reconstruction ended, the South was
know as the Solid South, always voting Democratic. It was
not until the 1970s that the Republican Party was able to
gain ground in the South.
Success and Failures of Reconstruction
• Union restored and South
• Blacks remained in cycle of
• 14th and 15th amendments
guaranteed African
Americans equal
protection under the law
• KKK kept blacks from
• Freedman’s Bureau helped
many black families get
housing, jobs, and
• South adopted mandatory
tax-supported education
for blacks
• Racist attitudes remained
• Long lasting bitterness in
South towards Republicans
and the North
• South economy continued
to emphasize agriculture
• Did not address concerns
of other groups such as
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