VIVA Resource Sharing Committee UVa/VT Richmond Center September 11, 2009 Minutes Present: Ralph Alberico (Chair), Stuart Frazier (ODU—via speaker phone), Dorothy Lockaby (GMU), Katherine McKenzie (W&M), Bruce Obenhaus (VT), Laurie Preston (RM), Shirley Thomas (VCU), Bethany Wright (TCC), Tansy Matthews (VIVA) Welcome and introductions Delivery service vendors, options and turnaround times VIVA 48-hour turnaround goal; use and issues with expedited delivery services (e.g. UPS “nickel and diming” charges) Discussion of the various services, UPS, Fedex and some other regional services. Of the institutions represented at the meeting, UPS was generally the service of choice based on reliability in pick-ups/deliveries and ability to easily track and make claims when necessary. However, high cost is noted. Would collecting data from VIVA institutions about expedited services (vendor performance) be useful? May be more appropriate for the ILL subcommittee to conduct survey. **Action item: Update UPS and Fedex contract information on the RSC website (Tansy). ILL Subcommittee membership and charge (Stuart) Since the Resource Sharing Committee has not been meeting consistently, new appointments to the ILL subcommittee have not been made and people are working longer than 2 consecutive 2-yr terms (“perpetual membership” problem). We need to get back to appointing new members in August in order to have sufficient time to plan the Forum the following summer. The Forum is usually a good place to recruit volunteers, but there has not been much response lately. Call for nominations rather than volunteers Specify duties (number of meetings, arranging Forum) Need to ensure staggered terms; this year some members may need to remain on. Replacing missing members this year would accomplish this 8 members should be plenty Plan a joint meeting with RSC (has not been done since 2005) **Action item: Put out a call for ILL subcommittee nominations, then schedule joint meeting Contract provisions page (Tansy) Some contracts need to be added to the “ILL Provisions in VIVA’s Contracts for Full Text Resources” page. We might also want to consider non-VIVA vendors—especially some of the larger ones. Institutional negotiators should be reminded to push for electronic ILL in contracts. The BioOne contract is a good example of clear language explicitly permitting e-ILL. IDS Project ALIAS--Article License Information Availability Service Based licensing assumptions on publishers’ publicly-declared policies concerning electronic resource sharing—individual agreements would not be more restrictive than what was ordinarily available. ALA committee has also discussed the issue of electronic resource sharing in licenses **Action item: update contract information on the VIVA Resource Sharing Committee website (Tansy). **Action item: suggest recommended contract language concerning ILL use for electronic resources (Laurie). What is Resource Sharing? Trends? Projects/programs we should emulate? (Working lunch) Tools like ALIAS, RAPID VCU has looked at IDS and will soon begin testing RAPID. (RAPID requires an ILLiad host and accurate serial records). As a Kudzu (subgroup of ASERL) participant, turnaround time is already 24 hours. VIVA community is varied in size in regard to ILL and Systems staffing. Some libraries are purchasing (or considering for purchase) recent imprints requested via ILL. IDS: taking advantage of data at the point of request—maybe should have less distinction between ILL and Acquisitions. For example, buying used books requested and shipping them directly to the patron--potential problems with tracking and procedures. Textbook requests GMU has identified highly-requested items, ordered copies, and placed them on Reserve as a test. ODU screens incoming requests based on a bookstore list, but will get prior editions through ILL if available. Thinking in terms of content delivery…all represented institutions are currently using a link resolver to route to electronic ILL forms. This has sometimes resulted in a greater number of requests due to the ease of request submission. Statewide borrowing card? We already have multiple regional consortia for direct borrowing. UVA and VPI issue borrowing cards to Virginia residents. There is a distinction between direct borrowing and direct, patron-initiated ILL requests. Options could be implemented at the discretion of individual institutions. Focus should be on the VIVA community, esp. community colleges near larger universities. There could be a benefit to distance learners. Financial issues would have to be very efficient and planning would have to involve circulation staff. Some institutions already stressed by high numbers of users could be overburdened. Does Resource Sharing include more than just collections? Ariel came about as a purchase Duracloud (merging of DSpace and Fedora)—common way to manage e-content & streaming video Technology in support of access to information resources Union list idea ALIAS (UVA is pursuing this) - Grew out of IDS - Combined union list=>ERM license dbase (what can be loaned)=>patron-initiated ILL - Requires online serials holdings info. Would like to see more sharing of these products at the forums; hope to have ALIAS demo by Midwinter Possibilities for strategic priorities for Academic Year 2009-2010 Universal/statewide borrowing cards ALIAS Training and updating in trends and development Investigation: ILL and Special Collections/AV materials Scan to loan What are institutions doing with deflections? Scanning: Establish scanning standards (document on Share-ILL) When we meet with ILL subcommittee; identify or endorse standards ALA annotations to ILL Code ASERL best practices Color scanners Scanning for assisted technology Survey to gather information (possibly ILL subcommittee) Data collection priorities—infrastructure and practice Planning logistics for future meetings For November meeting, might conduct a virtual meeting using Illuminate - Receive invitation to meeting - Need microphone/headset - There is a moderator Next face-face meeting in March (probably at the same location UVA/VT Richmond Center) **Action item: each committee member to send Google account information to Ralph. Respectfully submitted, Katherine McKenzie