April 21, 2000 - VIVA, The Virtual Library of Virginia

VIVA Resource Sharing Committee
Minutes of the April 21, 2000, Meeting
University of Virginia
Present: Don Samdahl, VMI and chair; Jean Cooper representing UVA for
Doug Hurd; Ruth Kifer, GMU; Yolanda Merrill, Washington & Lee; Andrew
Morton, VCU; and Mary Molineux, W&M.
1. Call to order: Chair Don Samdahl called the meeting to order at
10:35 a.m.
2. Don welcomed Yolanda Merrill, the new representative for private
colleges, and Jean Cooper, representing UVA for Doug Hurd.
3. Minutes: March 3, 2000, meeting minutes were approved as corrected.
ACTION: Jean Cooper will post on the VIVA ILL web page.
4. VIVA ILL Community Forum: Don reported that Dennis Robison's Report
& Recommendations from the January 11, 2000, Forum were approved by the
VIVA Steering Committee. ACTION: Jean will also post a copy on the
VIVA ILL web page.
5. ILL Subcommittee: Andy distributed and reviewed minutes of the
subcommittee's April 7, 2000, meeting. Topics discussed by the Resource
Sharing Committee were:
a. Annual meeting: tentatively planned for Friday, July 14, 21, or
28 at UVA's Newcomb Hall with the Association of Research Libraries'
Mary Jackson presenting a "best ILL practices" workshop. ACTIONS: Don
will draft and present a budget estimate (to cover the speaker,
attendees' travel, food, and facilities rental) to Kathy Perry, VIVA
director, and Roy Strohl, VIVA Steering Committee chair. Jean will
check availability of Newcomb Hall, confirm selected date with Mary
Jackson, and discuss start and end times, with the RSC committee
recommending a possible 9 a.m.- 1 p.m. program; 1 - 1:30 p.m. lunch; and
1:30-3:00 p.m. breakout sessions.
b. Ariel guidelines: Jean presented the ILL Subcommittee's proposed
streamlined changes. ACTION: For further streamlining, the ILL
Subcommittee will consider incorporating these Ariel guidelines into the
VIVA ILL Guidelines.
c. VLA program: Ruth, as a member of the VLA Academic Round Table,
is working with Andy about a possible VLA-VIVA co-sponsored interlibrary
loan program for next October's annual VLA conference. Possible topics
include maintaining ILL statistics, ILL management software, and
d. Training: Statewide and regional ILL training, separate from the
annual community forum, was discussed, with a recommendation that an
early Spring 2001 program would be useful. To organize regional
training, it was suggested that VLA's regions might be used, with a
program repeated in more than one region. Using satellite/distance
education technology to reach more ILL staff was also suggested.
ACTIONS: the ILL Subcommittee will, after the annual forum, consider
such training; Jean and Mary will research satellite/distance education
options with UVA and ODU, respectively.
6. VIVA ILL web page: Don noted that we should think about using the
VIVA ILL web page for posting useful information for ILL staff, such as
"best practices."
7. OCLC requests problem: Jean reported on the problem of OCLC
requests not always being updated. Her initial troubleshooting
indicates that it may be a Micro Enhancer problem. ACTION: She will
send out information on the VIVA ILL listserv and run additional tests.
8. VIVA ILL Guidelines: Don reported that the VIVA Steering Committee
members are still reviewing the proposed "special formats" addition to
the ILL Guidelines.
9. Document delivery/physical: The new statewide UPS contract was
discussed. Many institutions are still taking a "wait and see"
approach. Andy reported that VCU had learned that if they were able to
get a lower price from another vendor, they could use that other vendor.
The committee also discussed if and how to take a more proactive role in
working with the state on future document delivery statewide contracts.
10. Document delivery/electronic: Discussion centered on UnCover's
costs, options, and limitations and whether the committee should
investigate a VIVA contract for an electronic document delivery service.
ACTION: Don will check with the VIVA Resources for Users Committee to
see if this topic is being discussed there as well.
11. VIVA ILL web page: Don thanked Jean for posting the OCLC
statistical reports in pdf format on the VIVA ILL web page. Jean noted
that posting an interactive database of libraries' names, addresses,
etc., which each institution could update would cause a security problem
for UVA's servers. ACTION: Jean and Mary will investigate other
options for the database, including a free web page that could be linked
to the VIVA ILL web page.
12. Vendor ILL license clauses: Ruth distributed a draft spreadsheet
(being compiled by Kathy Perry's staff) of vendors of VIVA-supplied
electronic resources. The chart lists each vendor's authorization to
libraries to use the resources to fill ILL requests in either electronic
or paper format, and the contract period. The Resource Sharing
Committee noted that the chart will be very useful. ACTION: Ruth will
report back to Kathy Perry and will check to see if any vendors require
libraries to report the number of loans made using these resources.
13. Next meeting: Friday, May 19, 2000. UVA, Alderman Library, Room
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Molineux 4/27/2000