Kingsnorth Little Stars Dealing with Ill/Infectious Children Policy Policy Statement While it is not our policy to care for sick children, who should be at home until they are well enough to return to the setting, if a child attends the setting with an illness/disease or becomes unwell during the day the following procedures would apply. If a child is Ill or Infectious upon arriving at the Setting (or during setting hours) If a parent discloses that a child is infectious and they wish them to attend setting the Manager (or other relevant member of staff) will check the Health Protection Agency poster (on display in the cupboard within the office) which outlines guidelines for various illnesses and using these recommendations will decide whether they should be allowed to attend or not. The parent will be informed of the number of days their child should be excluded from the setting. Likewise if they have recently suffered from sickness or diarrhoea they are NOT to return to the setting until 48 hours have passed from the last incident. This is to protect the spread of infection not only to other children but also to staff members. If a child becomes ill whilst at the Setting If a child becomes ill whilst at the setting they will be initially assessed to see if they have a temperature, sickness/diarrhoea or pains, particularly in the head or stomach. Once assessed it is most likely that they are removed from the main environment (to prevent infection of others) and for their own comfort. The parent (or nominated emergency contact as from registration form) will be contacted with an explanation to their child’s condition and the child will be kept as comfortable as possible until they are collected by the parent. The child will be continually checked until the parent/carer arrives and will never be left unsupervised. In certain circumstances hospital support may be required for the child. Should this be the case the medical services will be called (999) and the child taken to hospital for further checks/assessments/treatment. During this time the parents or a nominated emergency contact will be contacted and informed of the events and whereabouts of their child. If the parent has not arrived at the setting by the time the ambulance arrives a member of staff will go with the child to hospital. We have signed authority from a parent on our Terms and Condition Form to send their child to hospital receive necessary treatment in the case of an emergency and to act in Loco Parentis until the parent arrives. Any relevant medications and care plans will be sent to the hospital with the adult accompanying the child. Statutory Framework Staff Qualifications Training Support and Skills 3.25 Health – Medicines 3.44 & 3.45, 3.46 Legal framework SEN & Disability Act (2001) Human Medicines Regulations (2012) This Policy has been read and understood by the following members of staff: Signed ................................................. Print Name ............................................ Signed ................................................. Print Name ............................................ Signed ................................................. Print Name ............................................ Signed ................................................. Print Name ............................................ Signed ................................................. Print Name ............................................ Signed ................................................. Print Name ............................................ Signed ................................................. Print Name ............................................ Signed ................................................. Print Name ............................................ Signed ................................................. Print Name ............................................ Signed ................................................. Print Name ............................................ Signed ................................................. Print Name ............................................ Dated: ................................................. 2016 Date Policy to be reviewed : July