D170 W15 The Axial Skeleton Williams Name the bones that make

D170 W15
The Axial Skeleton
Name the bones that make up the axial skeleton.
What is the hyoid bone? Where is it located? Why is it unique? What is its function?
What are the functions of the vertebral column?
How many bones are found in it?
What are these bones called and how are they separated?
What are the five major regions of the vertebral column (spinal column or spine)?
How many vertebrae are in each region? Are the vertebrae fused or unfused?
How does the shape of the vertebral column change superiorly to posteriorly? How
does this affect the function of the vertebral column?
How are the vertebrae held together vertically by ligaments? Note the following ligaments:
Anterior longitudinal ligaments –
Posterior longitudinal ligaments –
What is an intervertebral disc? What is its function?
Describe the structure and function for each of the following general features of a vertebra.
Body –
Vertebral arch (composed of pedicles and laminae) –
Vertebral foramen –
Spinous process –
Transverse process –
Inferior articular process and facet –
Superior articular process and facet –
Intervertebral foramina –
Review Table 7.2 and be able to identify the general features and describe the structure and function of
the three main types of vertebrae.
Below are some questions that relate to some of the special characteristics of the regions of the vertebral
What are the special features of the atlas (C1)? What is its function?
What are special features of the axis (C2)? What is the dens? What is its function?
What is the function of the transverse foramen in cervical vertebrae (C3 – C7)? What is the vertebra
Describe the regional characteristics of cervical vertebrae (C3 – C7).
Describe the regional characteristics of thoracic vertebrae (T1 – T12).
What is the function of the superior, inferior, and transverse costal facets of thoracic vertebrae?
Describe the regional characteristics of lumbar vertebrae (L1 – L5).
Why are the lumbar vertebrae the largest vertebrae?
Describe the structure and function of the sacrum, noting the following features:
Sacrum –
Sacral promontory –
Transverse ridges –
Sacral canal –
Median sacral crest –
Describe the structure and function of the coccyx.
What are the regions that form the thoracic cage? What is its function?
Describe the structure and function of the sternum. Note the
following features and markings:
Manubrium –
Clavicular notches –
Body –
Xiphoid process –
Jugular notch –
Sternal angle –
Xiphisternal plate –
How many pairs of ribs are there? With what vertebrae do they articulate?
What parts of a rib articulate with what parts of a vertebrae?
What is the difference between true, false, and floating ribs?
Describe the typical structure of a rib using the terms head, neck, tubercle, and shaft (body).
How do ribs 1, 10, 11, and 12 differ from the other ribs?