Early Republic PPT

Early Republic
George Washington
Who was George Washington?
Home State- Virginia
Commander in Chief during
the American Revolution.
1st President of United States.
Why was George Washington so
• Known for honesty,
leadership, and
• War Hero during the
American Revolution.
• Richest man to be
What were George Washington’s
economic policies?
• George Washington was a
• Believed the National
Government should help the
• George Washington created
America’s first National
Government Bank.
What was the Whiskey Rebellion?
• Farmers in Pennsylvania
rebelled against a new tax on
whiskey in 1791.
• George Washington sent
troops and crushed the
farmers using the army.
• Whiskey Rebellion proved the
new government was
What was the Federal Judiciary Act?
• Law that designed
the federal court
system with multiple
levels with the
Supreme Court being
the highest level.
What was George Washington’s advice
in the Farewell Address(1796)?
(1) Told America to stay away
from European events (stay
neutral in foreign affairs).
(2) Political Parties are bad
and will fight each other
instead of helping America.
America should not have
political parties.
What was the “Cabinet”?
• The Cabinet is a group of
advisers that help the
• They are called
• (Ex): Secretary of Defense.
What is George Washington’s legacy?
• Washington set the
example for future
• He created the
• Started the tradition
of Presidents only
serving two terms.
Political Parties
What is a Political Party?
• A political party is a
group of individuals
who work together
to win elections,
operate the
government, and
shape people’s
What did America’s first political
parties disagree about?
• The biggest
disagreements in
America were about
the size of the
government (big or
small) and whether
the economy should
be farmed based or
city based.
Who were the Federalists?
• Believed in a strong, national
• Believed in a National Bank.
• Believed the government
should help businesses.
• Mostly lived in cities.
Who were some famous Federalists
and what did they accomplish?
• Alexander Hamilton- First
Secretary of State of the U.S.
• John Adams- 2nd President
of the U.S.
• John Marshall- 1st Chief
Justice of the Supreme
Who were the DemocraticRepublicans/Anti-Federalists?
• Believed in a weak, national
• Against a National Bank.
• Believed the government
should be as small as possible.
• Mostly lived in farms.
Who were some famous Democratic
Republicans and what did they
• Thomas Jefferson3rd President of the
• James Madison- 4th
President of the U.S.
• James Monroe-5th
President of the U.S.
John Adams
Who was John Adams?
Home State-Massachusetts
Federalist who promoted a strong,
central government.
Second President of the United
What were John Adam’s economic
• John Adams was a
• Believed the National
Government should help
the economy.
• Supported the National
What was the XYZ Affair?
• The French and British were
taking American trading ships.
• John Adams sent diplomats to
speak to the French, but the
French disrespected the
Americans by refusing to speak
to them without a bribe.
Why did John Adams become
• Many Americans wanted
to go to war with France.
Adams felt that the U.S.
Army and Navy was not
strong enough to fight a
major power.
• Adams was labeled a
What was the Naturalization Act?
• Increased the number
of years someone had
to live in America
before being eligible
for citizenship from 5
to 14 years.
• Immigrants voted
What was the Alien Act?
• Authorized the
president to deport
any aliens
considered to be
• Authorized the
president to detain
any enemy aliens in
a time of war.
What was the Sedition Act?
• Made it illegal for
newspapers to criticize
the president or
• Imposed heavy
penalties for editors
who violated the new
– Fines
– Imprisonment
What is John Adam’s Legacy?
In weighing his presidency, we have to consider the
negative along with the positive:
• Relationship with
France damaged.
• New taxes imposed.
• Party politics become
• Keeps U.S. out of war,
preserves neutrality.
• Strengthens the Navy.
• Peaceful transfer of
power in 1800.
Thomas Jefferson
Who was Thomas Jefferson?
Home State-Virginia
Democratic Republican who
believed in States Rights.
Third President, purchased the
Louisiana Territory.
What were Thomas Jefferson’s
economic policies?
• Thomas Jefferson
was a DemocraticRepublican.
• He wanted the
government to be
smaller and was
against the National
What was the Louisiana Purchase?
• 1803.
• Thomas Jefferson
bought the Louisiana
Territory from France.
• America doubled in
Why did Thomas Jefferson buy the
Louisiana Territory?
• The Mississippi River.
• 2,300 Miles.
• New Orleans Harbor
opens trade.
• Farmland for farmers.
What happened in Marbury v.
Madison (1803)?
• Chief Justice John
Marshall and the
Supreme Court gave
themselves Judicial
• The Supreme Court can
now declare laws
What was the Embargo Act of 1807?
• Forbade export of all goods
from U.S. because
American sailors/ships were
being robbed.
• Embargo Act was a disaster
to the U.S. economy. Why?
We need foreign business
more than they do.
What is Thomas Jefferson’s legacy?
• Doubled the size of
• President during America’s
most important court case.
• Promoted smaller
John Marshall
Who was John Marshall?
Home State-Virginia
Helped establish Judicial
Review as Chief Justice. Ruled
over some of the most
important cases in U.S. History.
What is the Supreme Court?
• America’s highest
• 9 Justices, appointed
for life.
• Decides if laws are
What is a Chief Justice?
• The Chief Justice
usually writes the
opinion of the
majority of the
Supreme Court.
What is the Significance of
Marbury v. Madison? (1803)
• The Supreme Court
can now “check” the
other branches of
government with
Judicial Review.
What is Judicial Review?
• Judicial Review
means the courts
can review laws and
declare them
What is the significance of
Mcculloch v. Maryland? (1819)
• (1) States can’t stop the
Federal Government from
using its rightful powers.
• (2) The Government has
more powers that are
written in the Constitution;
called implied powers.
What is the significance of Gibbons
v. Ogden? (1824)
• The National
Government can
regulate trade
between the states.
• National
Government is
important in the
What is the legacy of John
• The 1st Chief Justice
of the Supreme
• Marshall’s rulings
made the National
Government more
James Madison
Who was James Madison?
Home State-Virginia
Father of the Constitution
President during the War of
What were the causes of the War
of 1812?
• British interference with
American trade.
• Impressment of American
• British help with Native
American revolts.
What were the important events of
the War of 1812?
• Francis Scott Key
wrote the “Star
Spangled Banner”
during the Battle of
Baltimore (1814).
• British captured and
burned Washington
What happened during the Battle
of New Orleans?
• General Andrew Jackson
became a National hero
by beating the British
even though he was
• Battle actually happened
after the war ended.
What were the political effects of
the War of 1812?
• The Federalist Party
lost all power
because they were
against the war even
when the war
became popular.
What were the economic effects of
the War of 1812?
• Americans became
more independent.
• More factories, less
dependent on
Europe for its
James Monroe
Who was James Monroe?
American President who wrote
the Monroe Doctrine which
changed American foreign
policy by making it more
What was the “Era of Good
• “The Era of Good Feelings”
was a period of national
pride and political peace
associated with James
• Jeffersonian Republicans
accept Hamilton’s
economic plans.
What was the Monroe Doctrine?
• Warned European nations
that they cannot set up
colonies or interfere in
Latin American problems
• The United States will
protect North and South
America from Europe.
What is the legacy of James
• James Monroe
changed America’s
foreign policy from
staying neutral to
being involved and
even forceful.