MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY Budget and Planning Overview 1 Context Bolder by Design Financial Framework Budget While maintaining credit rating and debt capacity; sufficient working capital and liquidity; investment performance and endowment; comparability to peer financial composition and performance 2 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY Budget Planning – Pro forma 2013-14 Final BOT Approved 2014-15 Preliminary BOT Approved Comment/Update 1.82% 2.0% Monitoring additional support/tuition caps 1.9% Lower Div 3.6% Upper Div 3.0% Lower Div 3.0% Upper Div Appropriation/tuition caps, alternate structures Financial Aid 4.5% 4.0% As planned Graduate Assistants 2.0% 2.0% As planned 2.25%* 2.0%** Big Ten trending higher/Evaluation of additional allocation Utilities 4.0% 4.0%*** Monitor natural gas market Health Care 1.5% 5.0% Reviewing necessary increment Academic Competitiveness $2.0 $2.0 Under Review $0 $0 Budget Item State Appropriations Tuition & Fees Faculty Salaries Balance Preliminary 2014-15 budget approved by the BOT in June 2013 ** Includes 1.5% general merit, 0.75% college market, and 0.5% provost market pool *Includes 1.5% general merit, 0.5% college market, and 0.5% provost market pool ***Infrastructure financing 3 MSU Revenues: MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY MSU planning requires $17M from two sources Resident Undergraudate Tuition and Fees: 1% = $3.95M State Appropriations: 1% = $2.5M 0% 0.50% 1.00% 1.50% 2.00% 2.50% 3.00% 3.50% 4.00% 4.50% 5.00% 5.50% 6.00% 6.50% 7.00% 7.50% 8.00% 0% $0 $1 $3 $4 $5 $6 $8 $9 $10 $11 $13 $14 $15 $16 $18 $19 $20 0.50% 1.00% 1.50% 2.00% 2.50% 3.00% 3.50% 4.00% 4.50% 5.00% $2 $4 $6 $8 $10 $12 $14 $16 $18 $20 $3 $5 $7 $9 $11 $13 $15 $17 $19 $21 $4 $6 $8 $10 $12 $14 $16 $18 $20 $22 $6 $8 $10 $12 $14 $16 $18 $20 $22 $24 $7 $9 $11 $13 $15 $17 $19 $21 $23 $25 $8 $10 $12 $14 $16 $18 $20 $22 $24 $26 $9 $11 $13 $15 $17 $19 $21 $23 $25 $27 $11 $13 $15 $17 $19 $21 $23 $25 $27 $29 $12 $14 $16 $18 $20 $22 $24 $26 $28 $30 $13 $15 $17 $19 $21 $23 $25 $27 $29 $31 $14 $16 $18 $20 $22 $24 $26 $28 $30 $32 $16 $18 $20 $22 $24 $26 $28 $30 $32 $34 $17 $19 $21 $23 $25 $27 $29 $31 $33 $35 $18 $20 $22 $24 $26 $28 $30 $32 $34 $36 $19 $21 $23 $25 $27 $29 $31 $33 $35 $37 $21 $23 $25 $27 $29 $31 $33 $35 $37 $39 $22 $24 $26 $28 $30 $32 $34 $36 $38 $40 4 1% Planning Parameters Expense Variables Revenue Varaibles Appropriations Tuition Resident Undergraduate $2.5M Financial Aid $1.2M Faculty Salaries $3.4M Graduate Assistants $0.4M Coalition Salaries $2.2M Health Care $0.8M $4.0M Domestic Non-Resident $0.9M International $1.1M Other Benefits $1.0M Grad/Professional $2.0M Utilities $0.6M Supplies and Service $1.0M University Operations $0.9M Other Revenue ($2.8M) $0.92M 5 Long-Term Financial Framework Gap Analysis to Inform Long-Range Planning Update ten-year analysis of critical university areas requiring long-term support Category Academic Competitiveness Computing Research Critical Space Goal/Comment Advance top 100 status Academic, student needs Advance top 100 status Updated classroom and laboratory space JIT Maintain existing space in usable condition Power and Utilities Expand supply, meet energy transition goals Health Care Monitor ACA impact, bargaining agreements Financial Aid Fill $20M donor income gap to peers 6 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY Budget Planning – Pro forma 2013-14 Final BOT Approved 2014-15 Preliminary BOT Approved 2015-16 Planning Update 1.82% 2% 2.0% 1.9% Lower Div 3.6% Upper Div 3.0% Lower Div 3.0% Upper Div 3.0% Lower Div 3.0% Upper Div Financial Aid 4.5% 4.0% 4.0% Graduate Assistants 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.25%* 2.0%** 2.0%** Utilities 4.0% 4.0%*** 4.0%*** Health Care 1.5% 5.0% 5.0% Academic Competitiveness $2.0 $2.0 $2.0 $0 $0 $0 Budget Item State Appropriations Tuition & Fees Faculty Salaries Balance Preliminary 2014-15 budget approved by the BOT in June 2013 ** Includes 1.5% general merit, 0.75% college market, and 0.5% provost market pool Comment/Update Big Ten trending higher/Evaluation of additional allocation Under review *Includes 1.5% general merit, 0.5% college market, and 0.5% provost market pool ***Infrastructure financing 7 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY Financial Health 8 Multi-Year Perspective • MSU has managed through the most difficult decade of economic circumstances in its recent history • Despite Michigan fiscal circumstances being more severe than in surrounding states, MSU financial indicators approximate the Big Ten median • Reflective of prudent financial policies, a focus on costcontainment, and efficient operations 9 Economic Trends • Federal fiscal policy suggests continued pressure to reduce “discretionary” spending including research activities and possibly financial aid, next Sequester deadline is January 15, 2014 with an estimated $20B impact • In addition to the above, possible Medicare – Medicaid reimbursements including support for graduate medical education at risk • Federal Affordability of Care Act initiates most significant health care changes in decades, potentially increasing baseline health care costs beginning in FY15 • Economy improving at state level, full spring back not anticipated 10 MSU Credit Rating and Debt • MSU’s Aa1 long term credit rating reflects its overall financial strength • Current external debt approximates $860M which includes $256M for Residential and Hospitality Services and $56M for Athletics • An additional $169M in short-term commercial paper to be repaid by internal units • Other obligations include: Internal loans of $20.5M, Federal student loans of $38M, and current leases totaling $44.3M • Ongoing need to prioritize debt funded projects, manage debt capacity, debt service availability, and ratings optimization … additional debt capacity of $300M to $500M available within current rating, additional capacity at lesser ratings 11 Sufficient Working Capital & Liquidity • Currently exceeds targeted liquidity level of $284 million • Liquidity risk may exist if significant deviations from planned state or federal allocations occur • External line of credit established to optimize longer-term investment strategy 12 Investment Performance & Endowment Status • Over ten years, MSU investment performance ranks in the 16th percentile versus national peers, most recent year performance at 12.1 percent ranks in the top third • Annual giving low in Big Ten but improving, donor based financial aid is lowest in Big Ten, lags median by $20 million • Endowment growth (includes return and annual giving) ranks 6th in Big Ten, total endowment is noted at $1 Billion, and includes the Foundation at $327M 13 Peer Financials • Combined tuition & fees and appropriations per student over $1,700 less than Big Ten median, representing over $75M in annual revenue • Contracts and grants received in immediate past year at $478 million (reflects impact of Sequester), up 27 percent over 5 years • FY12 research expenditures up $53M over previous year, at 11.6 percent reflects the largest institutional increase across the Big Ten 14 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY Revenues 15 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY University Revenues 1989-1990 All Funds Revenue - $734M Departmental, $40, 6% Other, $14, 2% Auxiliary, $121, 16% Departmental, $179, 8% Tuition & Fees, $134, 18% Proportion of Revenue Appropriations – 28% Sponsored Program – 19% Tuition– 18% Auxiliary – 16% Gifts – 6% Auxiliary, $305, 13% Tuition & Fees, $697, 31% Other, $158, 7% Gifts , $44, 6% Sponsored Programs, $137, 19% 2012-13 All Funds Revenue - $2.3B Appropriations, $206, 28% AgBio Research/MSUE, $38, 5% Gifts , $215, 9% Sponsored Programs, $434, 19% Proportion of Revenue Appropriations, $245, 11% AgBio Research/MSUE, $54, 2% Tuition – 31% Sponsored Program – 19% Auxiliary – 13% Appropriations – 11% Gifts – 9% 16 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY State of the State • Manufacturing job growth leads all states • Added 221,00 private-sector jobs over 3 years • Per capita income growth tied first in Great Lakes states • Out migration trend halted, population up for first time since 2003-04 • Make Michigan a leader in STEM fields 17 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY State Issues • There remains a negative view of universities in parts of the legislature – assumption that our costs are out of control (Progress evident but not over) • Continuing push on transferability of credits • Continued efforts to micromanage several aspects of University activity – including benefits for same-sex couples, stem cell research and faculty bias • However, we are starting to see some recognition of the role the State has had in raising the costs of education 18 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY Appropriation Trends • Appropriations down 15% over last decade • State appropriations approximate 20% of general fund budget • Recent cycles have yielded modest increases ~1-2% • Future year increases anticipated given consistent funding model formulations and state economic performance • Current state economic indicators anticipate a 2.9% increase to GF/GP in 2014 and 4.4% in fiscal 2015 19 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY Appropriations History 380,000,000 360,000,000 If increased at inflation, MSU appropriations would be $120M more than current levels 340,000,000 320,000,000 300,000,000 280,000,000 Appropriations down $44M over 10 years 260,000,000 240,000,000 220,000,000 200,000,000 03-04 04-05 05-06 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 20 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY Performance Funding Model • Continuation of Business Leaders for Michigan metrics and scaling • Institutional Support as % of Core • Undergraduate critical skills degrees Expenses • R&D Expenditures • Total undergrad FYES (scaling) • Graduation rate • Continuation of tuition restraint provisions for resident undergraduate students, particularly in the context of incremental state support • Need to address variance in per FTE funding among State’s research universities 21 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY State Outlook • State financially is recovering • $900 Million Surplus • • • • • Big push for tax cut Transportation $1 b shortfall DCH $200 M shortfall County winter budgets exhausted (salt, plows) State pension liability growing • Base funding for University expected to be >3% - but how much won’t be known until Feb. • Opportunities for initiative funding – Engineering Capacity, Autism, Ag Processing/Workforce 22 Accelerating Growth for Michigan Food and Agriculture MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY MSU Food Processing and Innovation Center (FPIC) • • • • Space for high-growth companies to innovate, scale up and market new products/processes State of the art USDA/FDA facility permits product and process development and finished products Flexible production capabilities Surveyed high-growth firms show interest in facility Food Processing Workforce Development Program • Partner with community colleges to establish 2-year training programs • Revitalization of fruit and vegetable lab Detroit Initiative for Advanced Food Processing and Export • Phase I – Develop advanced-processing-and-export plan while strengthening existing city capacity • Phase II- Implement and create state-of-art processing center 23 Accelerating Growth for Michigan Food and Agriculture Summary of Investments FPIC (business plan & feasibility study complete) MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY Total Capital Costs Leverage One-time State Appropriation Recurring Operating Request $5.25 million EDA $2.5 million $2.75 million -----* $3.0 million $3.0 million $550,000 $2.0 million $2.0 million $500,000 ----- -----* $7.75 million $1,050,000 Workforce Program (plan complete) Detroit Initiative Phase I Phase II (first estimate) Total $15.0 million $25.25 million Private investors 24 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY Appropriation: “What if” Analysis • Pro-forma FY15 MSU Budget projected a $17M revenue increase from a combination of Appropriations at 2% ($2.5M X 2) and Resident Undergrad Tuition at 3% ($4M X 3) Alternatives • A 5% appropriation increase and tuition capped at 1% balances the proposal • Caps at 2% and 3% would provide additional resources of $4M and $8M, respectively • A 4% appropriation increase and tuition capped at 1.75% balances the proposal. • Caps at 2% and 3% would provide additional resources of $1M and $5M respectively 25 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY Tuition and Fee Considerations • Constrained ability to increase tuition and fee rates • Public sensitivity to non-resident student mix • Peer standing across dimensions • Resident/NR tuition rates • Residency mix • Structure 26 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY Alternate Tuition Approaches Improve existing incentives for accelerating time to degree Accommodate increasing numbers of advance placement credit and student desire to affiliate with a major sooner in academic career Maintain economic opportunity for students to attain degrees in college of choice Increase comparability of tuition and fee structure with peer institutions 27 Alternative Tuition Structure by Core vs Professional and Other MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY Core Colleges Arts & Letters Nursing Engineering Natural Science Social Science UUD Osteo Med Music Lyman Briggs James Madison RCAH Comm Arts Vet Med Education Business Human Med Agriculture Core college model; includes “admit when ready” modification 28 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY Michigan Resources per Student Revenue per Student Revenue per Resident Student Appropriation Tuition Total Rank Appropriation Tuition Total Rank Michigan State University University of Michigan Ann Arbor Wayne State University $5,392 $6,265 $7,871 $17,363 $26,705 $13,983 $22,755 $32,969 $21,853 3 1 4 $6,522 $11,185 $8,778 $13,904 $16,074 $13,016 $20,426 $27,258 $21,794 4 1 3 Michigan Tech. University Western Michigan University $6,939 $4,552 $17,514 $12,069 $24,453 $16,621 2 6 $8,765 $5,087 $14,553 $11,077 $23,318 $16,164 2 6 Central Michigan University Oakland University $3,289 $2,693 $11,359 $12,508 $14,648 $15,201 12 9 $3,342 $2,751 $10,959 $12,227 $14,301 $14,978 12 9 Eastern Michigan University Ferris State University Grand Valley State University Saginaw Valley State University University of Michigan Dearborn University of Michigan Flint $3,621 $3,625 $2,489 $2,843 $3,325 $2,889 $11,286 $11,826 $11,810 $9,599 $14,072 $11,956 $14,907 $15,452 $14,299 $12,442 $17,398 $14,845 10 8 14 15 5 11 $3,862 $3,931 $2,643 $3,058 $3,584 $3,134 $10,211 $11,696 $11,546 $8,666 $12,962 $11,196 $14,073 $15,627 $14,189 $11,724 $16,546 $14,330 14 8 13 15 5 11 Northern Michigan University $4,948 $9,564 $14,512 13 $5,991 $8,813 $14,803 10 Lake Superior State University $5,383 $10,396 $15,778 7 $5,626 $10,199 $15,826 7 29 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY Estimated Big Ten Non-Resident Undergraduate Enrollment % 60% 50% 40% Big Ten Avg. 36% 30% 20% 10% 0% University of Iowa Fall 2012 Purdue University University of Wisconsin University of Michigan Indiana University University of Minnesota Ohio State University University of Illinois University * of Nebraska Michigan State University 30 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY 2012 Federal Budget Sources and Uses Total Federal Budget Sources: $3.7T Total Federal Budget Uses: $3.7T [Defense R&D], $83, 2% Borrowing, $1,033, 28% Other Taxes (excise, gas, estate, etc), $218, 6% Social Insturance and Retirement (Payroll Taxes), $914, 25% Income Taxes, $1,196, 32% Defense Discretionary, $647, 17% Net Interest, $242, 7% Other Mandatory, $625, 17% [Nondefense R&D], $69, 2% Nondefense Discretionary, $542, 15% Social Secuity, $761, 20% Medicare, $485, 13% Medicaid, $269, 7% Corporate Taxes, $333, 9% Source: American Association for the Advancement of Science 31 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY Status Update • FY14 Omnibus Appropriations legislation for entire federal government passed the House of Representatives by a vote of 359-67 on January 15. • Senate passed the Omnibus on January 16 by a vote of 72-26. • Omnibus funds all federal agencies, such as USDA and the National Science Foundation, through the end of September 2014. • Some relief from sequestration provided for FY14 and FY15 in the 2013 Bipartisan Agreement Act • Sequestration cap lifted by $63 billion ($45 billion in FY14 and $18 billion in FY15). • Sequestration Cuts remain in place from FY16 to FY20. 32 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY Federal Discretionary Spending 33 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY Federal Budget Request: Research Agency FY12 Appropriation Adjusted FY12 Appropriation FINAL FY14 APPROPRIATION Difference: FY14 to Adjusted FY12 (Inflated to FY14) National Science Foundation $7.03 B $7.46 B $7.2 B -$0.26 B Hatch Act $236 m $250.4 m $243.7 m -$6.7 m Smith Lever $294 m $311.9 m $300 m -$11.9 m Ag & Food Research Institute $265 m $281.1 $316 $35.9 m USDA 34 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY Federal Budget Request: Research Agency FY12 Appropriation Adjusted FY12 Appropriation (Inflated to FY14) FINAL FY14 APPROPRIATION Difference: FY14 to Adjusted FY12 NIH $30.7 B $32.6 B $29.9 -$2.7 B DOD Basic Research $2.11 B $2.2 B $2.17 B -$0.03 B Energy Office of Science ARPA-E $4.87 B $275 m $5.17 B $291.7 m $5.07B $280 m -$0.10 B -11.7 m $593.7 m $629.9 m $576.9 m -$53 m Education Institute of Education Sciences 35 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY FRIB Federal budget includes $55 Million for FRIB State of Michigan Strategic Fund to induce FRIB bonds for $91M on February 25 36 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY Pell Grants Funded at last year’s level of $22.8 billion. Increased mandatory spending will bump up the maximum award next year by $85 to $5,730. Number of recipients is expected to increase from 9.1 million to 9.3 million. 37 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY Graduate Programs Department of Education • Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need (GAANN) and Javits Fellowship funded $29.3 million – the same level as last year. NSF • EHR/Division of Graduate Education - $846 million ($13 million more than FY13) • EHR/Alliances for Graduate Education - $7.84 million (the same as last year) 38 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY Next Steps Department of Education • Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need (GAANN) and Javits Fellowship funded $29.3 million – the same level as last year. NSF • EHR/Division of Graduate Education - $846 million ($13 million more than FY13) • EHR/Alliances for Graduate Education - $7.84 million (the same as last year) 39 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY Expenses 40 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY Expense Considerations • Financial Aid – Federal budget funding of high-need students, distribution of family income, appropriate discounting • Faculty salaries – Peer monitoring salary/compensation; Big Ten ranging upward • Coalition salaries – Per contract • Health Care – ACA impact and planning, continuation of 5% cost cap • Utilities – Continuation of energy transition plan, commodities monitoring • Research – Federal budget impact on grants and contracts 41 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY Total Student Assistance 2001-02 Student Assistance - $242M Private, $17,963,520, 7% State, $18,622,567, 8% MSU, $34,021,872, 14% 2012-13 Student Assistance - $625.3M State, $3,314,970, 1% Private, $54,221,752, 9% Federal, $172,154,612, 71% MSU, $146,185,777, 23% Federal, $421,619,726, 67% Over the last five years, MSU has increased financial aid by 50% over the last five years, more than 2 times the increase to resident undergraduate tuition rates 42 Financial Aid Rates of Change and Tuition/Appropriation Rates of Change MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY 20.00% 18.00% 16.00% 14.00% 12.00% 10.00% 8.00% 6.00% 4.00% 2.00% 0.00% 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Financial Aid 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Weighted Rev Change 43 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY Family Income Distribution 1,600 1,400 2013 Five Year Average 1,200 1,000 # of Families 800 600 400 200 0 Adjusted to 2013 dollars 44 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY Significant Affordable Care Act Provisions MSU Implications Element Cost Drivers: Shared responsibility Timing Increased costs due to wider eligibility Est. $2.3M-$6.1M 2%-5% annual increase Mitigate employee cost-sharing FY15 Assessed for FY15FY16 $2.0M -$2.5M Mitigate employee cost-sharing (Temporary levy on employer group health plans) Excise tax on “Cadillac” plans 40% tax applied to plans valued above $10,200 (individual) and $27,500 (family) MSU Costs FY15 fees, individual insurance mandate, expanded eligibility for MSU plans Transitional Reinsurance Fee Employee Relations 2%-2.5% increase Fee ranges between $60$100 per member FY19 MSU exposure a function of cost increases @6% annual growth, $175K Mitigate employee cost-sharing @8% growth, $1.6M Other Notes: Other provisions include W-2 reporting, group health plan fees, preventative care additions, revised flex spending limits, auto enrollment, and employer access to state exchange. In total, anticipated cost increases of $0.3M to $0.4M are anticipated. 45 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY 2012-13 Big Ten Faculty Salaries $160,000 $140,000 $120,000 Big Ten Median $106,245* $100,000 $80,000 $60,000 $40,000 $20,000 $0 *Median does not include Northwestern $101,564 46 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY 2012-13 Big Ten Faculty Compensation $200,000 $180,000 $160,000 Big Ten Median $135,344* $140,000 $120,000 $100,000 $80,000 $60,000 $40,000 $20,000 $0 $135,344 *Median does not include Northwestern 47 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY 2012-13 Big Ten Faculty Compensation (Adjusted for post-retirement healthcare) $200,000 $180,000 $160,000 Big Ten Median $133,852* $140,000 $120,000 $100,000 $80,000 $60,000 $40,000 $20,000 $0 *Median does not include Northwestern $133,214 48 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY 2011-12 Big Ten RA Compensation 25,000 20,000 Big Ten Median $17,652 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 A B C D Michigan State E F G H I $17,654 49 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY 2011-12 Big Ten TA Compensation $25,000 $20,000 Big Ten Median $16,426 $15,000 $10,000 $5,000 $0 A B C Michigan State D E F G H I $17,053 50 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY Background 51 Alternative Tuition Structure by Core vs Professional and Other College Arts & Letters CNS CSS UGE UOE Comm Arts & Sciences Resident Heads 1,545 3,977 4,715 741 54 2,587 % 5.38% 13.84% 16.41% 2.58% 0.19% 9.00% JM LBC RCAH 954 1,633 214 3.32% 5.68% 0.74% Ag & Nat Resources Broad College of Business CVM Education Engineering Music Nursing 2,592 3,965 202 1,898 2,653 213 790 28,733 Total% % 4.84% 12.91% 16.13% 2.49% 0.38% 8.92% Total % 19.22% 35.63% 38.21% 38.39% 47.40% Total Heads 1,695 4,520 5,646 873 134 3,124 50.72% 56.40% 57.15% 1,088 1,728 231 3.11% 4.94% 0.66% 48.79% 53.73% 54.39% 9.02% 13.80% 0.70% 6.61% 9.23% 0.74% 2.75% 2,916 6,189 224 2,116 3,418 282 822 8.33% 17.68% 0.64% 6.04% 9.76% 0.81% 2.35% 100% 35,005 100% MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY 17.75% 33.88% 36.38% 36.76% 45.68% 52 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY Big Ten Resident Tuition & Cost of Attendance MSU ranks 7th in the Big Ten for resident tuition and fees and 8th cost of attendance Resident Tuition & Fees Northwestern University Penn State University University of Illinois University of Michigan University of Minnesota Rutgers University Michigan State University University of Wisconsin Indiana University Ohio State University Purdue University University of Maryland University of Iowa University of Nebraska $ 45,527 $ 16,992 $ 15,258 $ 13,997 $ 13,618 $ 13,465 $ 12,863 $ 10,609 $ 10,208 $ 10,010 $ 9,900 $ 9,161 $ 8,061 $ 7,984 Resident Cost of Attendance Northwestern University Penn State University Rutgers University University of Illinois University of Michigan Ohio State University University of Minnesota Michigan State University University of Wisconsin Indiana University University of Maryland Purdue University University of Nebraska University of Iowa $63,193 $33,580 $29,770 $29,594 $27,095 $25,452 $25,124 $24,751 $24,144 $23,832 $23,733 $23,468 $21,700 $20,691 53 Big Ten Non-Resident Tuition & Cost of Attendance MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY MSU ranks 3rd in the Big Ten for non-resident tuition and fees and 3rd cost of attendance Non-Resident Tuition & Fees Northwestern University University of Michigan Michigan State University Indiana University University of Illinois Penn State University Purdue University University of Maryland Rutgers University University of Iowa University of Wisconsin Ohio State University University of Nebraska University of Minnesota $ 45,527 $ 41,811 $ 33,750 $ 32,350 $ 29,640 $ 29,566 $ 28,702 $ 28,347 $ 27,184 $ 26,931 $ 26,863 $ 25,726 $ 20,734 $ 19,868 Non-Resident Cost of Attendance Northwestern University University of Michigan Michigan State University Penn State University Indiana University University of Illinois Rutgers University University of Maryland Purdue University Ohio State University University of Wisconsin University of Iowa University of Nebraska University of Minnesota In addition, MSU international students are assessed a $500 per semester fee $63,193 $54,909 $46,292 $46,154 $45,974 $43,976 $43,490 $42,919 $42,480 $41,816 $41,034 $39,561 $34,450 $31,374 54 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY Student Debt 55 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY Big Ten Resources per Student State Michigan Minnesota Indiana Illinois Purdue Ohio State Iowa Michigan State Wisconsin Nebraska Tuition & Total Appropriation Ranking Fees Ranking Approp & Tuition Ranking $7,683 6 $24,956 1 $32,639 1 $12,578 1 $16,286 4 $28,864 2 $6,213 9 $18,281 2 $24,494 3 $6,806 $7,960 $7,954 $8,699 $6,449 $10,690 $5,066 7 4 5 3 8 2 10 $17,271 $15,918 $15,773 $14,721 $15,132 $10,741 $7,162 3 5 6 8 7 9 10 $24,077 $23,879 $23,727 $23,420 $21,581 $21,431 $12,228 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Source: IPEDS 2010-11. Net of AES/CES component 56