ACES 2013 - Office of the Corporate Controller

Equipment Policies
Equipment Policy
Scott Cingle –
Property Supervisor
Property Inventory
814-863-1378 Personal
814-865-7531 Office
Plant Assets
• Land
• Buildings
• Improvements Other Than Buildings (IOB)
 Roads, parking, sidewalks
 Usually called Infrastructure
• Equipment
 Both Movable and Fixed
 UNIV, GOVT or Sponsor
Get IBIS Access to
• Property Inventory System (Equipment)
- M2PI - menu for equipment
- ITAG – function to see individual tag numbers
- M3PB – menu for equipment
- 17 Browse Screens
• Facilities System (Buildings & IOB)
- M3BL – menu for buildings and IOB
-IFBD – function to see individual building number
-IFAR – function to see individual
addition/renovation to a building number
-BFBD – browse by building code
-BFBL – browse by building number
Capital Equipment Definition?
• Single item that:
Has a value of $5,000 or more and
useful life of two (2) or more years.
• See GURU Procedure CR2019
– Guru Website
• Procedure
• CR2019 Accounting of Capital Equipment
Federal Regulations
OMB = Office of Management & Budget
FAR = Federal Acquisition Regulation
• FAR part 45.1 & 52.245-1 – sets the principles for
controlling property and conducting physical
• New 2 CFR 215, Old A-110 – sets standards for
consistency among federal agencies in the
administration of grants, contracts and agreements
with educational institutions, hospitals and other
non-profit organizations.
Federal Regulations (Cont.)
Office of Managment and Budget Website
• Click on OMB Circulars
Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Webpage
• Click on Federal Acq. Regulations (FAR)
Equipment Tag Examples
• Basic tag number is 8 numerical bytes and 1
alpha byte. The alpha byte is a virtual tag, it
is part of the main equipment item.
Example: 00123456
Cost On
• Government Tags have a Red Strip
• Sponsor Tags have a Yellow Strip
• Cost On = multiple funds purchased item
or it was paid over multiple fiscal years
• Trade In = a tagged item was traded in and
there was net value left on the traded in
• Upgrade = the main item was upgraded
• Accessory = item that add value, usually
purchased to aid in the usage of the item
Object Classification Codes
(OCC) you need to know
• 452 - Software (Non-Capital)
Less than $100,000
License Fees (usually multiple users)
• 716 – Software (Capital)
More than $100,000
Example – Oracle (Basic charge;
usually doesn’t include user charges)
Computer OCC
• 480 – Computer & Accessory Equipment
Non-Capital :
Costs Less than $5,000
• 751 – Computer & Accessory Equipment
Costs $5,000 or more
Computer consists of:
 Monitor
 Keyboard
 Mouse
 Cabling
 Internal items such as memory, boards, etc.
 Initial operating software
Items not considered a computer
External disk drive
External storage drive
Video Camera
Optional software
Computer Cluster
1. Is multiple cpu’s, nodes, blades, drives that work as
one unit
2. Replacement nodes are non-capital
3. New cpu’s, nodes, blades, drives, etc. that are added
to an existing cluster to improve its performance
(upgrade) are capital equipment:
Property Inventory will need the tag number on
the cluster to add detail information
4. If any of the cpu’s nodes, blades, drives, etc. are
permanently removed:
Property Inventory will need to know the number
of items being removed to reduce book value.
Capital OCC
710 – Capital Equipment
• Non-Computer Related
• Per item value: $5,000 or
Non-Capital Equipment OCC
Both these codes are non-computer
457 – Items greater than $5,000, but are defined as material
(Primarily ARL use)
459 – Items costing less than $5,000
• Adding machines
• Automatic staplers
• Office Furniture
Fabrications – OCC 705
 Guidelines are available in your packet.
 You must ask permission in writing to the Supervisor of
Property Inventory to use this classification code prior to
using the code.
 Please place assigned Fab number on all documents.
 Upon completion of the item being built you must email
the Supervisor of Property Inventory to get this item
tagged and entered into the Property Inventory System.
Pre-acquistion form GF 2.12
< $100K – At the College or AA
> $100K – Approval from
– College or Admin. Area
– Corporate Controller’s office
OCC 711
• Non-PSU title – Penn State does not own this
• Do not confuse with Government, Sponsor or
Leased/Loaned Equipment
• Call prior to using; the Supervisor of Property
Inventory needs a detailed reason for allowing the
use of 711 in an email or memo
• We also use this for equipment items that may be:
- Sent into space and not returning
- Heading to the depths of a volcano
- Sensors at the bottom of the sea
OCC 715 – Lease Purchases
Each item must be valued at $5,000 or greater
and will be tagged and capitalized if just one
of the following criteria is met:
– Ownership is transferred to PSU at the end of
lease term
– The lease contains a buyout option
– Over the entire lease term, PSU pays 90% or
greater of the total purchase price
– If the lease term is 75% or more of the useful life
of an asset
OCC 715 – Operating Lease
• If items meet any one of the
conditions for a lease purchase, but
costs less than $5,000
Ownership Codes in IBIS
University Owned
Government Owned
Sponsor Owned
Leased or Loaned
= U
= G
= S
= L
Internal or External Note Pad Area
Please utilize the header note pad areas on
documents to tell Property Inventory:
– Tag number of item being traded-in
– Tag number of item being upgraded
– Pertinent information to help us find the
– Special circumstances…such as Sponsor
requires all equipment items over $2,500 to
be tagged.
Government or Sponsor
Owned Equipment
Government Acquired OR Contractor
Acquired - Purchased by Penn State
• We will tag at whatever level contract
states; usually $5,000 and above; under
$5,000 is normally University Owned
Government Furnished (GFE) – Provided by
the Government
• We tag it all
Government Owned Equipment:
Prior written approval from the Government’s
Administrative Contracting Officer and/or
Sponsor is required to:
• Transfer or Lend,
• Upgrade or Disassemble,
• Dispose or Destroy,
• Trade or Sell,
• All GFP issues must go through Property
Government Owned Equipment
As a standard practice the respective
administrative area’s:
1. Financial Officer and
2. Research Administration Office should:
First review any action involving Government
Owned Equipment.
Then contact Property Inventory for
instructions on how to proceed.
Continued Government Owned
Contact Property Inventory immediately
if you discover that a Government
Owned equipment item is:
– Hand carried to Penn State and not tagged
with Penn State tag
– Missing
– Not being utilized
Physical Inventory
• University conducts inventories on a two
year cycle
• Inventory kick off meetings
• Bar Code Scanners
• By Building, except when conducting a
Government inventory
• Off campus forms
• Permanent transfer forms
Ask New Professors/Researchers
• Did they bring any equipment with them?
• Whose equipment is it? (OWNERSHIP)
• Property Inventory needs to know:
Is it Government Owned?
Is the proper paperwork completed and
where is the paperwork?
Its value, condition, model and serial
numbers, contract numbers, etc.
Professors/Researchers Leaving
• See BS 15 in GURU for specific details
on how to proceed.
• Risk Management
• Lion Surplus
• FIS – OPP run Furniture warehouse
• They must complete the requirements
for taking the equipment with them.
Procedures in GURU to review and
have a basic knowledge of
• CR2019 – Accounting for Capital Equipment
• CR2055 – Pre-acquisition Screening & Shared
Use of Federally Funded Capital
• CR2068 – Property Inventory Depreciation &
Usage Fee Guidelines
• BS2011 – Salvage & Surplus Operations
Including Sales Store
• Property Section in GURU
• General Forms Usage Guide -Appendix 9 (Object
Classification Codes)
Procedures in GURU to review and
have a basic knowledge of continued
• Also see Cost Analysis and Property Inventory
web site @:
Cost Analysis
Property Inventory
• Click on Property Inventory
Disposing of Equipment
“DISP” on IBIS or Form GF6.2
• Verify Ownership – You can only dispose of equipment
that is University Owned
• Verify that the equipment is in your Administrative Area
• List the tag, model and serial number
• Send forms for stolen items
• Send forms to Property Inventory after required
• Property Inventory forwards to Lion Surplus
Property Reporting Requirements
Currently this requirement may be:
If you are made aware of a special
equipment reporting requirement, contact
Property Inventory immediately.
• This includes subcontractors under PSU
Is there GFE listed in the contract
Equipment Ownership
FDP IV (Grants) – 120 day issue
Special awards (URS) $300.00 limit
• Will there be equipment purchased
• Equipment Ownership (PSU or Sponsor?)
• Contract flow downs – New DOD
IUID reporting
• Non profits vs For profits
• Special awards – Lower thershold
IUID (Item Unique IDentification)
– May be on new contracts after 01/01/2006
– Requirement by the Department of Defense
– Replacing the yearly and final Form DD 1662
reporting requirement
– Look for Contract Modifications that may add
this requirement for existing contracts
– DFAR Clause 252.211-7003 & 252.211-7007
– More information will be available at a later
This Concludes This Presentation