DNA and RNA Notes


DNA and RNA Notes


DNA is a double-stranded double helix (twisted ladder)

A base pair creates one rung of the ladder

The sequence of bases (ATCG) determines instructions for life

4 Nitrogen Bases:

A – Adenine

T – Thymine

C – Cytosine

G – Guanine

Adenine always pairs with thymine

2 hydrogen bonds between them

Cytosine always pairs with guanine

3 hydrogen bonds between them

DNA backbone is made of:

P – Phosphate

S – Sugar (deoxyribose)


RNA is single-stranded DNA

Used for making protein

4 Nitrogen Bases:

A – Adenine

U – Uracil (Replaced Thymine in DNA)

C – Cytosine

G – Guanine

Adenine always pairs with uracil

2 hydrogen bonds between them

Cytosine always pairs with guanine

3 hydrogen bonds between them

RNA backbone is made of:

P – Phosphate

S – Sugar (ribose)

DNA Replication:

Purpose: to make an exact copy of DNA for cell division

Process: o DNA Gyrase unwinds the DNA o DNA Helicase unzips the DNA o Free bases attach to the DNA

RNA Transcription:

Purpose: To make protein

Process: o DNA Gyrase unwinds the DNA o RNA Polymerase unzips the DNA o Free RNA bases attach to one side of the DNA

RNA Translation:

Purpose: To make protein

Process: o Every three bases creates one amino acid o Amino acids connect to make a protein

Gene: section of DNA that codes for a trait (hair color, eye color, etc.)


Substitution o Base pair is substituted for another

Deletion o Base pair is deleted

Addition o Base pair is added

Mutations can:

1. Can help you.

2. Can harm you.

3. Have no effect on you.

Restriction Enzyme:

Enzyme that cuts DNA at a specific sequence

Example: o TATA o CCCGG
