Plot Early spring, a season of dangerous skies There was something very special and secret about being quiet in the kitchen before sunrise Obie drew in his claws and puffed up the pads on his feet Tunes Smith was Buck’s best friend ever since he can remember They grew together from infancy Tune’s dad was manager of Buck’s far Tune’s mom worked in Buck’s house cleaning and cooking When Tunes was born, Tune’s mom brought her along and looked after Buck and Tunes together When Tunes mom died after two Character Trait Buck’s mom: caring Vocabulary Connection Snoothfulenough p.128 Cherelle is like an ayi in China. Gran: caring p.44 disorientedmake someone feel confused p. 142 I always felt uncomfortable talking about my privacy or even how my parents thinks about me. Tunes: positive p.46 rosemaryscented Buck: caring p.46 bustled-move with energy Jumbo: hates dog p.50 aislepassage between rows of seat p.87 Restash Buck’s mom: always corrects Buck Buck: care about Obie p.111 Maneuver Jumbo: evil p.111 Rearview Emmett Timmonsgreedy & mean p.111 Maddening years, Gran and Mama looked after Buck and Tunes Buck and Tunes turned 13 in the summer of 1991 Retired folks would call Tunes “Negro” instead of saying “African American” Tunes can find fish better than any living thing on the Eastern Shore, better even than Obie Jumbo’s drink a snootful of whiskey and sometimes get into fights on a Saturday night. p.44 Buck says “We goin’ to church?” Buck’s mom corrects him. p.44 Buck likes corn pancakes with Gran’s blueberry preserves. p.45 Obie is waiting for pancake to drop beneath the table when Buck is Buck: Curious p.114 perennial Buck: Friendship more important than laws. p.114 dilapidated p.136 inletinserted piece of material p.144 Padlock p.144 breeze p.144 aputtering p.147 pickerelweed eating. p.45 Buck slips two pancakes for Obie p.45 Gran turns around and arch her eyebrow at Buck. p.50 Mama, Gran, Dad, and Buck, passed by New Bethel Hungars . p.50 Church was a stout brick building p.50 Jumbo Rawlin was showing Miz Thales to her pew. p.59 Kneebone not answering Buck’s question p.82 Obie snuffled in the bushes while Tunes was shooting the gun. p.83 Buck was near the target to keep Tunse information of her accuracy. p.83 A red flash of fur exploded out of the bush. p.83 A fox hesitated a moment, black nose working and eyes leaping to find way to safety. p.83 Tunes motioned Buck and Obie toward an ancient oak with branches that traveled low and far. p.84 They heard a voice behind the barn p.85 Emmett Timmons whistled for the pack, but no one cared. p.87 They headed toward the shed to restash their slingshots. p.94 Emmett Timmons told Sheriff that his chickens were gone and that he saw Tunes out in the woods behind the barn. p.94 Timmons always let it be known if something is missing and thinks others are responsible for it. p.107 No progress in investigation into Jorge’s death. p.107 Knee bone was busy plowing and laying irrigation lines. p.107 Itinerant labors began planting cucumbers and quash in Buck’s fields. p.108 Gran always fussed Sheriff because he lost so much weight. p.108 Tunes and Buck spent time fishing and crabbing off the end of their dock. p.109 Tunes often helped Kneebone around the farm weekends and sometimes baby-sat Mazie’s grandbabies after school and evenings. p.110 Buck bumped bang into Jumbo Rawlin. p.111 Buck wondered if Miz Parson knew Sheriff was going to arrest Tunes. p.114 Buck picked up a flat seedling and carried it out to perennial boarder p.115 Tune’s cousin sister DanDan comes out. p.120 Buck is mad about dad taking Mr. Rawlin’s word over Tunes p.121 Jumbo told Sheriff he saw Jumbo and Tunes together Friday night. p.124 Buck notices he caused some of Tunes’ difficulties by lying. p.135 Dad praise Buck for his good behavior. p.135 Buck had a strong hunch where Tunes was hiding. p.136 The mouth of the inlet was hidden by overhanging branches p.137 Mama relaxed a little after school let out for the summer. p.137 Buck thinks his dad can be so vigilant is because he was afraid for him. p.137 Buck’s dad wearing work clothes means he was fixing to go somewhere. p.141 Kneebone stood on the back of the tractor, letting Buck drive. p. Kneebone tells Buck, “Your daddy wants to do best by you, and I want you to do best by tunes.” p.147 Tunes propped up shutter on one side just a bit to let in some air and light. p.150 The shame Buck felt talking to Kneebone came over him again.