The Great Lie or Strong Delusion – Winds, Sun

Since Day 1
you have been told:
What to do,
What to think,
What to eat,
How to feel,
What to believe,
They have you perfectly in a box to keep
you “safe”
The Flammarion engraving is a wood engraving
by an unknown artist, so named because its first
documented appearance is in Camille
Flammarion's 1888 book L'atmosphère:
météorologie populaire ("The Atmosphere:
Popular Meteorology").[1] The engraving has
often, but erroneously, been referred to as a
woodcut. It has been used to represent a
supposedly medieval cosmology, including a flat
earth bounded by a solid and opaque sky, or
firmament, and also as a metaphorical illustration
of either the scientific or the mystical quests for
knowledge. The caption that accompanies the
engraving in Flammarion's book reads:
A missionary of the Middle Ages tells that he had
found the point where the sky and the Earth
touch...[1](Flammarion, Camille (1888). L'atmosphère:
météorologie populaire. Paris: Hachette. p. 163.)
Would it, could it, be possible that whomever originally engraved
this piece would have known of Ezekiel’s wheels found only in the
Holy Bible? How could the “islanders” around Matlock Island in the
Caroline Islands have the same story of being able to crawl beyond
the dome? Could this artist have talked to similar Island folk and
was fascinated enough to draw this image. Or was this a first hand
experience (1544 AD?) from the artist who had to represent this
image in an engraving?
According to Bruno Weber and to astronomer
Joseph Ashbrook,[4] the depiction of a spherical
heavenly vault separating the earth from an outer
realm is similar to the first illustration in
Sebastian Münster's Cosmographia of 1544,[5] a
book which Flammarion, an ardent bibliophile
and book collector, might have owned (Joseph
Ashbrook, "Astronomical Scrapbook: About an
Astronomical Woodcut," Sky & Telescope, 53 (5), pp.
356-407, May 1977.).
ing ).
Context in Flammarion's book
In Flammarion's L'atmosphère: météorologie populaire, the image refers to the text on the facing page (p. 163),
which also clarifies the author's intent in using it as an illustration:
Whether the sky be clear or cloudy, it always seems to us to have the shape of an elliptic arch; far from having the
form of a circular arch, it always seems flattened and depressed above our heads, and gradually to become farther
removed toward the horizon. Our ancestors imagined that this blue vault was really what the eye would lead them
to believe it to be; but, as Voltaire remarks, this is about as reasonable as if a silk-worm took his web for the limits
of the universe. The Greek astronomers represented it as formed of a solid crystal substance; and so recently as
Copernicus, a large number of astronomers thought it was as solid as plate-glass. The Latin poets placed the
divinities of Olympus and the stately mythological court upon this vault, above the planets and the fixed stars.
Previous to the knowledge that the earth was moving in space, and that space is everywhere, theologians had
installed the Trinity in the empyrean, the glorified body of Jesus, that of the Virgin Mary, the angelic hierarchy, the
saints, and all the heavenly host.... A naïve missionary of the Middle Ages even tells us that, in one of his voyages in
search of the terrestrial paradise, he reached the horizon where the earth and the heavens met, and that he
discovered a certain point where they were not joined together, and where, by stooping his shoulders, he passed
under the roof of the heavens...[6]
The same paragraph had already appeared, without the accompanying engraving, in an earlier edition of the text
published under the title of L'atmosphère: description des grands phénomènes de la Nature ("The Atmosphere:
Description of the Great Phenomena of Nature," 1872).[7] The correspondence between the text and the illustration
is so close that one would appear to be based on the other. Had Flammarion known of the engraving in 1872, it
seems unlikely that he would have left it out of that year's edition, which was already heavily illustrated. The more
probable conclusion therefore is that Flammarion commissioned the engraving specifically to illustrate this
particular text, though this has not been ascertained conclusively.
Literary sources
The idea of the contact of a solid sky with the earth is one that repeatedly appears in Flammarion's earlier works. In his Les
mondes imaginaires et les mondes réels ("Imaginary Worlds and Real Worlds," 1864), he cites a legend of a Christian saint,
Macarius the Roman, which he dates to the 6th century. This legend includes the story of three monks (Theophilus, Sergius, and
Hyginus) who "wished to discover the point where the sky and the earth touch"[8] (in Latin: ubi cœlum terræ se conjungit).[9] After
recounting the legend[10] he remarks that "the preceding monks hoped to go to heaven without leaving the earth, to find 'the place
where the sky and the earth touch,' and open the mysterious gateway which separates this world from the other. Such is the
cosmographical notion of the universe; it is always the terrestrial valley crowned by the canopy of the heavens."
In the legend of St. Macarius, the monks do not in fact find the place where earth and sky touch. In Les mondes imaginaires
Flammarion recounts another story:
This fact reminds us of the tale which Le Vayer recounts in his Letters. It appears that an anchorite, probably a relative of the
Desert Fathers of the East, boasted of having been as far as the end of the world, and of having been obliged to stoop his shoulders,
on account of the joining of the sky and the earth in that distant place.[11]
Flammarion also mentioned the same story, in nearly the same words, in his Histoire du Ciel ("History of the Sky"):
"I have in my library," interrupted the deputy, "a very curious work: Levayer's letters. I recall having read there of a good anchorite
who bragged of having been 'to the ends of the earth,' and of having been obliged to stoop his shoulders, because of the union of
the sky and of the earth at this extremity."[12]
The Letters referred to are a series of short essays by François de La Mothe Le Vayer. In letter 89, Le Vayer, after mentioning
Strabo's scornful opinion of Pytheas's account of a region in the far north where land, sea, and air seemed to mingle in a single
gelatinous substance, adds:
That good anchorite, who boasted of having been as far as the end of the world, said likewise, that he had been obliged to stoop
low, on account of the joining of the sky and earth in that distant region.[13]
Le Vayer does not specify who this "anchorite" was, nor does he provide further details about the story or its sources. Le Vayer's
comment was expanded upon by Pierre Estève in his Histoire generale et particuliere de l'astronomie ("General and Particular
History of Astronomy," 1755), where he interprets Le Vayer's statement (without attribution) as a claim that Pytheas "had arrived
at a corner of the sky, and was obliged to stoop down in order not to touch it."[14]
The combination of the story of St. Macarius with Le Vayer's remarks seems to be due to Flammarion himself. It also appears in his
Les terres du ciel ("The Lands of the Sky"):
With respect to the bounds (of the Earth)... some monks of the tenth century of our era, bolder than the rest, say that, in making a
voyage in search of the terrestrial paradise, they had found the point where the heaven and earth touch, and had even been
obliged to lower their shoulders![15]
The Round Earth and Satellites
The Round Earth is a philosophical extrapolation of a syllogism. This “round” earth theory is NOT provable because it’s based in
syllogism. “A syllogism (Greek: συλλογισμός syllogismos, "conclusion, inference") is a kind of logical argument that applies
deductive reasoning to arrive at a conclusion based on two or more propositions that are asserted or assumed to be true.
In its earliest form, defined by Aristotle, from the combination of a general statement (the major premise) and a specific statement
(the minor premise), a conclusion is deduced. For example, knowing that all men are mortal (major premise) and that Socrates is
a man (minor premise), we may validly conclude that Socrates is mortal. Syllogistic arguments are usually represented in a threeline form (without sentence-terminating periods)[citation needed]:
All men are mortal
Socrates is a man
Therefore, Socrates is mortal (”
By distorting human reasoning, all humanity is subjected to The LIE, or delusion sent by God who refuse to believe His truth (2
Thes. 2). This video is from Rayn Gryphon and some good insights into our “world view.”
Sun in an Earth Plane
On a flat earth, the sun moves in circles around what is commonly known as the North Pole. The sun is a lot closer
than you have been taught and acts like a spotlight, shining down upon the plane as it moves in a circular motion
around the earth. In the diagram below, provided by, the seasons are explained in
short detail. In winter, the sun is further away from the North Pole, it would be summer in the south hemiplane.
Tom Bishop on November 09, 2010, 06:56:33 PM ---1. The Sun is a
sphere. It is located approximately 3000 miles above the surface of the
2. The sun's path travels roughly over the equator, circling the earth
once every 24 hours. As the sun moves in its circular path it also
moves Northward and Southward throughout the year, at its northern
annulus during the northern summer and at its southern annulus
during the southern summer.
3. The sun does not "dip below the edge". Its disappearance at sunset
caused by natural laws of perspective.
4. The sun's light acts as a spotlight upon the earth, creating a circular
illuminated area. But it does not follow that the sun is flat. The sun is a
sphere which shines light in all directions around it. Its light is diluted
and bounded in its extent as it travels across the surface of the earth by
the simple fact that the atmosphere is not perfectly transparent.
Area that should be lit up
Points on Earth
3,000 miles
12,450 miles
13.5 degrees
Further Inspection of the Heating of the Earth as Pertaining to the Sun's Orbit
(sunrises and sunsets taken on September 21)
Buenos Aires, Argentina
34.61S, 58.37W (2388 mi South of equator) sunlight is 51 degrees angle when over longitudinal
High/Low Temperatures: 59F/66F
Sunrise: 6:36:02 am
Sunset: 6:50:48 pm
-- About 12 hours day/night --
Beijing, China
39.93N, 116.4E (2755 mi North of equator) sunlight is 47 degrees angle when over longitudinal line
High/Low Temperatures: 55F/64F
Sunrise: 6:02:06 am
Sunset: 6:15:43 pm
-- About 12 hours day/night -Now, taking into account time differences, this shows that (approximately) the sun set in one city as
it rose in another city, and vice versa. This means that, on the FAQ's map, approximately 1/2 of the
map would have to be lit up at one time to coordinate properly with the sunrise and sunset times
taken above. Note the drastic change in the angle of the Sun with the cities.;wap2
The Sun Is Clearly Not
92,960,000 miles Away
Q. If the sun is disappearing to perspective, shouldn't it slow down as it approaches the horizon?
A. The sun moves constant speed into the horizon at sunset because it is at such a height that already beyond the apex of
perspective lines. It has maximized the possible broadness of the lines of perspective in relation to the earth. It is intersecting the
earth at a very broad angle.
It's widely observable that overhead receding bodies move at a more constant pace into the horizon the higher they are. For an
example imagine that someone is flying a Cessna into the distance at an illegal altitude of 700 feet. He seems to zoom by pretty
fast when he is flies over your head, only slowing down when he is off in the far distance.
Now consider what happens when a jet flies over your head at 45,000 feet. At that altitude a jet appears to move very slowly
across the sky, despite that the jet is moving much faster than the Cessna. With greater altitude the plane seems to move more
consistently across the sky. It does not zoom by overhead, only seeming to slow when in the far distance.
When a body increases its altitude it broadens its perspective lines in relation to the earth and the observer, and thus appears to
move slower and at a more constant pace into the horizon. In FET the stars and celestial bodies are at such a great height that they
have maximized the perspective lines. They are descending into the horizon at a consistent or near consistent velocity. As
consequence they do not slow down in the distance by any significant degree, and hence the stars do not appear to change
configuration and build up in the distance, nor does the sun or moon appear to slow as they approach the horizon. The rate of
descent of two bodies at different altitudes is more constant because it take a lot longer for a high altitude body to reach the
horizon than it does for a low altitude body. The higher a body is, the broader its perspective lines, the longer and more constantly
it will appear to approach the horizon to the observer.
The Setting of the Sun
Although the sun is at all times above the earth's surface, it appears in the morning to ascend from the
north-east to the noonday position, and thence to descend and disappear, or set, in the north-west. This
phenomenon arises from the operation of a simple and everywhere visible law of perspective. A flock of
birds, when passing over a flat or marshy country, always appears to descend is it recedes; and if the
flock is extensive, the first bird appears lower or nearer to the horizon than the last, although they are at
the same actual altitude above the earth immediately beneath them. When a plane flies away from an
observer, without increasing or decreasing its altitude, it appears to gradually approach the horizon. In
a long row of lamps, the second, supposing the observer to stand at the beginning of the series, will
appear lower than the first; the third lower than the second; and so on to the end of the row; the farthest
away always appearing the lowest, although each one has the same altitude; and if such a straight line
of lamps could be continued far enough, the lights would at length descend, apparently, to the horizon,
or to a level with the eye of the observer. This explains how the sun descends into the horizon as it
Once the lower part of the Sun meets the horizon line, however, it will intersect with the vanishing
point and become lost to human perception as the sun's increasingly shallow path creates a tangent
beyond the resolution of the human eye. The vanishing point is created when the perspective lines are
angled less than one minute of a degree. Hence, this effectively places the vanishing point a finite
distance away from the observer.
Usually it is taught in art schools that the vanishing point is an infinite distance away from the observer,
as so:
However, since man cannot perceive infinity due to human limitations, the
perspective lines are modified and placed a finite distance away from the observer as
This finite distance to the vanishing point is what allows ships to ascend into horizon
and disappear as their hulls intersect with the vanishing point. Every receding star and
celestial body in the night sky likewise disappears after intersecting with the vanishing
In addition to this modified law of perspective the remaining light of the sun bouncing around in
the atmosphere will be lost by the non transparent atmosphere. After the sun sets the sky is still
relatively illuminated. It takes a couple hours for the deep blackness of the night to set in. The
cause of night is simply due to a non-transparent atmosphere. As the sun recedes its light is
dimmed and lost to the increasing number of atoms and molecules which intersect the light rays.
Take note that at sunset the sun is already dimmed by an order of magnitude compared to its
intensity overhead at noonday. At sunset it is possible to look directly at the sun without a straining
of the eye, while overhead at noon looking directly at the sun can be quite painful. This severe
reduction of intensity at sunset is a striking example of how the atmosphere can reduce the
intensity of an object with distance.
As the sun descends it will create a tangent into the horizon. The perspective lines nearly merge,
causing the receding body to appear to collapse in on itself. Next the light of the receding sun is
dimmed to blackness by a non-transparent atmosphere.
"At these times it appears close to the horizon where the density of the air differs greatly. The air
near the ground is denser than the layer of air just above it, and the layer of air above that is less
dense still, and so on upwards until the Earth's atmosphere peters out at some 400 km. Now
consider what happens when the Sun is setting. When the Sun is at the horizon, light from the top
of the disc is going through the air at a different angle than that from the lower part. So the rays
are bent by different amounts before they reach the observer's eye. The result is that the bottom
part of the Sun's disc appears to be lifted up. In consequence the Sun's disc appears slightly
compressed." - Samuel Birley Rowbotham
Rowbotham calculates distance to the sun (less than 700 miles) He states all stars etc are below 1000 miles.
Time Zones
Globalist Argument #4: "What about time zones? How can you have time zones on a flat earth?" This argument
presupposes a couple of things: 1) the earth is essentially a flat piece of paper with continents on it and 2) the sun
is just shining straight down on the whole thing. The Flat Earther model refutes this by showing something like the
following, depicting the sun and moon in an enclosed system, much smaller and much closer than where we
consider them to be in our standard globalist view:
In this model, the sun acts like a "point light" with a limited throw of light, leaving the unexposed areas in the dark.
This effectively gives the same results as a rotating earth would in terms of time zones. It also helps to explain the
vertical meter stick and shadow experiment. If the much smaller and closer sun is standing over one meter stick,
the shadow will be straight down, whereas the one further away will be casting a longer shadow. It's not rocket
Daylight Savings Time is a FRAUD – if the earth is flat or round it is still a joke.
Flat earth and the deceivers of the sun
Eric Dubay
(Eric Dubay - The greatest deception. Flat earth - )
The North Pole is the center point and the Antarctic Ice Rim is surrounding it. The equator is half way. The Sun starts at 23.5
degrees North Latitude in the Summer Solstice and it makes a circle around the flat earth in a 24 hour period. The circle of the
sun gets bigger and bigger and faster and faster everyday until the Winter Solstice at the Autumn Equinox 3 months later or past
the equator and then another 3 months and it’s at the Winter Solstice and then it will be at 23.5 degrees south latitude which is
the Tropic of Capricorn. Then, for the next six months it will slow down day by day until it makes smaller and smaller circles as
it passes the equator on the vernal equinox 3 months later, smaller and smaller, slower and slower, all the way back to the tropic
of cancer at 23.5 degrees North Latitude. The sun makes this cycle.
In this video:
There is a hot spot just beneath the sun on the clouds as it’s passing and it’s just underneath the sun and it’s not
anywhere visible, which proves, the sun is not 5,000,000 nor 95,000,0000 miles away
Thank you SealMan from youtube for this 1892 Gleason Map.
By watching the angles
of two sun rays that
break through clouds,
you can see with your
own eye where the
source of light is coming
from, NOT millions of
miles away, but directly
over our heads.
“THEY” (will touch on
this in The Lie slides)
want you to believe that
all the suns rays should
be parallel.
For more information on theories on flat earth sun, please visit these sites:
Magnification of the Sun at Sunset -
The Midnight Sun in Antarctica -
Why Do We Call It A Sunrise and Sunset? - - a lot of this site delves into pagan historical mythology, so please be discerning.
If A Flat Earth, Why Does the Sun Go Down? - - a lot of this site delves into pagan historical mythology, so please be discerning.
$5,000 For Proving the Earth is a Globe -
Time Zones in a flat earth -
Moon in an Earth Plane
(Eric Dubay - The greatest deception. Flat earth - )
The moon makes the same cycle as the sun but doesn’t change it’s speed – “Twice per year the moon and the sun
overtake one another and that’s when the eclipse happens. The sun and the moon appear to be and are the exact
same size. The ball earth model they claim that the sun is very big and very far away, being 400x’s bigger than the
moon and 400xs further away and that’s why from our perspective that it just seems like they are the same size. In
reality, you can measure with Sextants and plane Trigonometry, that the sun and moon are 32 miles in diameter
and about 3000 miles off the surface of the earth.
Anything more about the Moon, I will have to hold off for now. Unfortunately, I am still doing research on this
topic. I’m having difficulty that the moon is even “real” these days. I say this because of a gentleman on YouTube
called Crrow777 - What this man caught on his digital camera
of the lunar wave was so impressive and that his proof is backed up by others across the earth is stunning. Check
him out.
Stars in an Earth Plane
This one became SUPER simple when I saw a video about Sonoluminescence.
Are there REALLY other suns like our sun millions and millions of light years away, gleaming forth their
untouchableness and inconceivableness to us insignificant humans here on the Earth?
The “universe” is fixed inside the firmament (Gen. 1).
NASA tells us that Polaris, the North Star, is 2 quadrillion miles away from the earth and we are orbiting
the sun at ~67,000 mph, while spiraling at the edge of the Milky Way at ~500,000mph, and of course,
zooming through the “universe” at ~670,000,000mph. Yeah! Where are we going? Oh, that’s right,
that Big Bang theory again. Anything to get rid of a Creator God and that He is close to you and the
Earth. These kinds of ideas of an immense universe are LUDICROUS! So impossible that people don’t
want to learn more about these ideas because it makes them feel stupid, but that’s exactly how they
want you to feel – so stupid that you give up and quit searching for the truth and instead, “Just trust
me.” Where have we heard this before??? Simply put, God set the lights in the firmament (Gen 1:17)
and so if the stars are in the firmament, they could be very simple to explain.
This is a good video to watch:
If you truly want to know the truth about stars…
Think… Star in a jar.
Sonoluminescence is a phenomenon that occurs when a small gas bubble is acoustically suspended and
periodically driven in a liquid solution at ultrasonic frequencies, resulting in bubble collapse, cavitation,
and light emission. The thermal energy that is released from the bubble collapse is so great that it can
cause weak light emission.[1] The mechanism of the light emission remains uncertain, but some of the
current theories, which are categorized under either thermal or electrical processes, are Bremsstrahlung
radiation, argon rectification hypothesis,[2] and hot spot. People are beginning to lean more towards
thermal processes as temperatures have consistently been proven with different methods of spectral
analysis.[3] In order to understand the light emission mechanism, it is important to know what is
happening in the bubble's interior and at the bubble's surface.
A setup similar to the following is required to create a bubble that can sonoluminesce.
Pistol Shrimp, one of the loudest
creatures on Earth, the action of
the shrimp’s strike generates
cavitation bubbles between the
appendage and the striking
surface. The pop of such bubbles
produces measurable forces of
upto 1,500 newtons, because of
the impact of the appendage
against the striking surface. The
resulting shock wave, from this
bubble alone can be enough to kill
or stun the prey. The bubble even
produces sonoluminescence: light
and heat ranging in temperatures
of several thousand kelvins within
the collapsing bubble.
Sonoluminescence is the production of light from sound. This effect, discovered
just over ten years ago, has been, and continues to be, the subject of
considerable experimental and theoretical research.
Sonoluminescence (SL) refers to the phenomena in which a micron size gas
bubble is both spatially trapped and oscillated by an acoustic field in such a way
that on each compression of the bubble a small burst of light is emitted. This
light emission is in the form of extremely short bursts (< 100ps), but is periodic,
occurring in phase with each and every cycle of the driving pressure field. Each
bubble collapse produces about 500,000 photons.
The bubble collapse is so violent that some predicted theoretical accelerations
are larger than those associated with a Black Hole! The actual emission
mechanism has not yet been explained, although theories are as plentiful as
they are diverse.
Students begin their exploration by first understanding some basic acoustical
principles, such as resonance behavior, quality factors, variation of sound speed
with temperature, and the eigenmode structure of a 3-dimensional resonance
"cavity." Once these principles are understood there are a large number of
experiments that can be performed focusing on the liquid sample preparation
and the light emitted from the bubble.
The basic apparatus, shown to the right, consists of a rectangular cell that
houses the water with a high frequency piezo microphone, an ultrasonic horn
that is used to deliver acoustical energy to the system, and a control box that
contains an integrated amplifier and resonance detection circuitry. The control
box also contains active components that can filter and rectify the signals from
either the cell's transducer or from the separate high frequency hydrophone
Among the other features in the control box are two separate adjustable power
supplies, one for an optional temperature controlled cell and another for an
optional photomultiplier, as well as a peak detector for the photomultiplier unit.
Forbidden Science: From Ancient Technologies to Free Energy
edited by J. Douglas Kenyon
Eclipses on a “ball” model are wrong. In fact, people, as usual, make stuff up to keep their “theories” and beliefs in a
round earth perpetuating by “bending” facts. The common term for this is “lying”. Last years 2nd blood moon
eclipse did something UNUSUAL and I truly believe that God allowed this to happen so people, who are paying
attention, will seek out the truth for themselves and STOP BEING LIED TO AND LIKING IT. I don’t know about you
What is wrong with eclipses on the ball model is that eclipses can happen during the day time. This is when the
sun is coming up while an eclipse is happening, yet the eclipsing shadowed portion on the moon is happening the
opposite way it should be. This is called “Selenhelion.” “A selenelion or selenehelion occurs when both the Sun and
the eclipsed Moon can be observed at the same time. This can only happen just before sunset or just after sunrise,
and both bodies will appear just above the horizon at nearly opposite points in the sky
This blood moon occurred Oct. 8th, 2014 –
the second in the tetrad of blood moons –
and it was a rare event. NOT TO MENTION
– no one in the Christian community talked
about the significance of this kind of
selenhelion moon because of fear of
persecution for a belief in a flat earth. The
evidence is mounting. Christian’s should
not be hiding their heads in the ground
anymore and seeking the truth while it still
may be found!!!!
Selenehelion 4-15-2015 Colorado
Both of these shots were taken at
dawn. Cannot do this on a
sphere earth only on a flat earth.
My husband
took this shot
I took this shot
“…Geometrically speaking, this kind of phenomenon should not be possible…, A lunar eclipse is one of the only
times that the moon and sun are exactly 180 degrees apart on Earth's sky, which means that right after the moon
sets, the sun should rise, making it technically impossible to see both at once.
But a simple trick of the light changes everything, and as a result, crafty observers can see this wild, and otherwise
impossible, event (
Correct, it is impossible on a round earth. But again, people have to make stuff up and say it’s refraction or
bending of light to make sure they have some excuse for the lies they tell themselves. Don’t let these deceived
people fool you. DO YOUR HOMEWORK before you scoff and mock.
“Another assumption and supposed proof of Earth’s shape, heliocentrists
claim that lunar eclipses are caused by the shadow of the ball-Earth
occulting the Moon. The idea is that the Sun, Earth, and Moon spheres
perfectly align like three billiard balls in a row so that the Sun’s light
casts the Earth’s shadow onto the Moon. Unfortunately for heliocentrists,
this explanation is rendered completely invalid due to the fact that lunar
eclipses have happened and continue to happen regularly when both the
Sun and Moon are still visible together above the horizon! For the Sun’s
light to be casting Earth’s shadow onto the Moon, the three bodies must
be aligned in a straight 180 degree syzygy.
“According to the globular theory, a lunar eclipse occurs when the sun,
earth, and moon are in a direct line; but it is on record that since about
the fifteenth century over fifty eclipses have occurred while both sun
and moon have been visible above the horizon.” -F.H. Cook, “The
Terrestrial Plane”
As early as the time of Pliny, there are records of lunar eclipses
happening while both the Sun and Moon are visible in the sky. The
Greenwich Royal Observatory recorded that “during the lunar eclipses of
July 17th, 1590, November 3rd, 1648, June 16th, 1666, and May 26th,
1668 the moon rose eclipsed whilst the sun was still above the horizon.”
McCulluch’s Geography recorded that “on September 20th, 1717 and
April 20th, 1837 the moon appeared to rise eclipsed before the sun had
set.” Sir Henry Holland also noted in his “Recollections of Past Life” the
April 20th, 1837 phenomena where “the moon rose eclipsed before the
sun set.” The Daily Telegraph recorded it happening again on January
17th, 1870, then again in July of the same year, and it continues to
happen during lunar eclipses to this day. Therefore the eclipsor of the
Moon cannot be the Earth/Earth's shadow and another explanation must
be sought (
Payen and the horizontal eclipse
A horizontal eclipse of the Moon takes place when both the Sun and the eclipsed Moon are visible for a
short time above the horizon. According to Pliny the Elder, the phenomenon had been recognized two
centuries earlier than his time by Hipparchus; and in the most important discussion of the phenomenon
in antiquity the Hellenistic astronomer Cleomedes correctly ascribed what he called the ‘paradoxical
eclipse’ to atmospheric refraction, whereby the observed altitude of bodies near the horizon exceeds
their actual altitude.1 The fact of atmospheric refraction itself was well known, and although Ptolemy's
Optics remained in manuscript until modern times, its discussion, in the fifth book, of atmospheric
refraction influenced medieval students of optics, including Witelo, Roger Bacon and John Pecham, and
through them their early-modern successors.2
The horizontal eclipse continued to exercise early-modern astronomers. Some simply denied its
possibility.3 Others supposed it to be due to atmospheric refraction or the operation of vapours rising
from the Earth.4 Kepler's teacher Michael Mästlin claimed to have observed a horizontal eclipse in
1590, and Kepler recalled this observation in his 1604 Ad Vitellionem Paralipomena in the context of
his own discussions of the refractive properties of the atmosphere.5 Kepler himself apparently managed
to observe a horizontal eclipse in Linz on 26 August 1616, and Pierre Gassendi was frustrated three
times by bad weather between 1643 and 1648, before a domestic servant of his caught sight of one at
sunrise on the plain of Avignon.6 By the mid-century, therefore, three horizontal eclipses had been
recorded as observed, and the emphasis now shifted to explanation
( pg 1).
Aurora Borealis
John D. Ladd, “Commentary of the Book of Enoch,” states on pg.77, “The Aurora Borealis (northern lights) have long
baffled scientists. Many theories have been proposed to explain such phenomena. All are unproven, and
unexplainable. But allow me to offer another, that the truth of sheol allows us, the lights are the reflection on the
particles in the atmosphere of the light from the hell-fire, the central sun, of sheol.”
In 1692, Halley (yep Halley’s Comet guy) put forth the idea of a hollow Earth
consisting of a shell about 500 miles (800 km) thick, two inner concentric shells and
an innermost core, about the diameters of the planets Venus, Mars, and Mercury.[14]
He suggested that atmospheres separated these shells, and that each shell had its own
magnetic poles, with each sphere rotating at a different speed. Halley proposed this
scheme to explain anomalous compass readings. He envisaged each inner region as
having an atmosphere and being luminous (and possibly inhabited), and speculated
that escaping gas caused the Aurora Borealis.[15] Carroll, Robert Todd (13 February
2006). "hollow Earth". Skeptic's Dictionary. Retrieved 23 July 2006.
This topic has been briefly touched from time to time by people such as Halley, but for
the most part this would deserve an independent research investigation into the North
and South (if permissible) to validate any of these claims. To this day, not even
scientist, astronomers, etc… know the truth about the aurora’s but they do cling to
their theories.
Over 2600 years ago, ancient Hebrew, Near Eastern people and others had a cosmology like
the picture above. The Holy Bible and it’s cosmology consistently agree throughout the
scriptures as a relatively flat or circular disk. The disk is covered by the firmament or what
some term a dome or vaulted sky. Beneath the Earth or land that holds the circle of the earth
are the pillars of the earth. There are waters under the earth, waters above the firmament that
release water from the “windows of heaven.” Interestingly, the clouds, heavenly bodies, sun,
moon and stars are all placed in the firmament.
Isa. 40:22 - It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof
are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them
out as a tent to dwell in:
The “circle” of the earth is not a sphere as most
people like to translate the Hebrew word to but,
Chug – Strong’s H2329 – can also mean circuit,
compass or vault. Also if you follow the root word
etymology you will find more clearly that the word
in no way resembles a sphere but a circle as flat as
you would draw on a piece of paper. Isaiah in this
passage is portraying God as sitting above the
firmament as in this picture to the right. Let’s take
a brief look at Strong’s H7549 – raqiya – firmament
means extended surface (solid), expanse, expanse
(flat as base, support), firmament (of vault of
heaven supporting waters above), considered by
Hebrews as solid and supporting “waters” above.
The etymological root word is H7554 – raqa –
means to beat, stamp, beat out, spread out, stretch.
The first time I saw this, I remembered Prov. 8:30.
When God made the firmament, literally crafted by
hand, He also divided the waters above from the
waters below. Is there water in heaven?
Continuing with Strong’s H7549, we see Gesenius’s Lexicon stating clearly that the Hebrews believed
there was a heavenly ocean. If these scriptures are true, then NASA could NOT have ever gone into
“space” as they have told us they did.
Gen. 1:7 - And God made the firmament, and
divided the waters which were under the
firmament from the waters which were above the
firmament: and it was so.
Gen. 7:11 - In the six hundredth year of Noah's
life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of
the month, the same day were all the fountains of
the great deep broken up, and the windows of
heaven were opened.
Ps. 104:3 - Who layeth the beams of his chambers
in the waters: who maketh the clouds his chariot:
who walketh upon the wings of the wind:
Ps. 148:4 - Praise him, ye heavens of heavens, and ye waters that be above the heavens.
Ps. 136:6 - To him that stretched out the earth above the waters: for his mercy endureth for ever.
These are some very thought provoking scriptures that not too many that I know have pondered
these things. I suppose I will add my neck to the small group of people who will attempt to
understand how the Bible views the Earth and our reality. This will be fun
What does the Bible
say? Flat or Round???
Rev. 7:1After this I saw four angels standing at the four
corners of the earth, holding back the four winds of the
earth, so that no wind would blow on the earth or on the sea
or on any tree.
This verse has always been interesting to me as I always try
to picture in my mind how these angels would appear to me
and then others all over the planet to make this scripture
seem accurate. I guess my question is, “How can someone in
China see the angels standing on the four corners and I see
them standing on the four corners at the same time?” I
think the obvious question is the you can’t.
It all comes back to a matter of perspective.
If the guy in China sees the angels standing on the four
corners, let’s say one angel on each pole – south and north,
then where would the other two be for him? Maybe, Africa
and out in the middle of the Pacific ocean or Hawaii? Then
to me, in America, would the angels appear at both poles
then one in the Pacific ocean and one in the Atlantic?
We could also ask how the Apostle John saw the angels at
the corners, since the view was from his perspective in
heaven. Another thought is, “Where do they hold the four
winds back?” On a flat earth it seems easy but a round earth
we would need to know how the winds flow.
We are to take God’s Word Literally
There has been a lot of schlack (yiddish for Shoddy, trashy) thrown around by both unbeliever’s and believer’s that
not all God’s Word is to be taken literally, but instead we should be saying God’s Word should be taken seriously.
Some even go so far as to say that reading the Bible literally distorts its witness. For those of us who do study the
Bible with the Holy Spirit right there teaching us all things (John 14:26), we understand that it is dangerous to take
things out of context in the Bible, even if we do not understand why the Bible is saying something one way, then,
changes it a few scriptures later. The problem is NOT the Bible but our understanding of God’s Word. Take for
example a favorite “literal” argument from secularists, Ps. 61:4 “Let me dwell in Your tent forever; Let me take
refuge in the shelter of Your wings. Selah.” They mock and scoff at literalists, “God has wings.” Most people don’t
even give two brain cells to try and understand what God is saying, nor do they pray to the Lord for the answers to
these questions.
Instead, people will brush off the Bible and sum it
all up as a metaphor and go on with their lives as if
nothing is wrong. If we took just a little time and
turn to God for our answers we will find what
those meanings are and be rightly able to divide the
Word of Truth. I’ll say this, Jesus does have wings.
The tallit (also pronounced tallis) is a prayer shawl,
the most authentic Jewish garment. It is a
rectangular-shaped piece of linen or wool (and
sometimes, now, polyester or silk) with special
fringes called Tzitzit on each of the four corners.
The purpose of the garment is to hold the Tzitzit
and acts as a head covering for prayer. “Tallit”
simply means gown or cloak, reflecting the fact that
it was originally worn throughout the day. It
probably resembled the abbayah (blanket) still
worn by Bedouins.
The lady with the issue knew that if Jesus were the promised Messiah, there would be healing in His wings
(fringes). One important Jewish concept, which is often missed in English translations of the Bible, concerns the
story of a woman with an issue of blood, recorded in Matthew 9:20-21. Having heard that the Messiah was near,
the woman said within herself, “If I may but touch His garment, I shall be whole.” The text indicates that it was
specifically the hem of His garment that she touched, an important detail from an Hebraic viewpoint.
Certainly the woman with the issue of blood knew of these traditions, which would explain why she sought to
touch the corner (the wings) of Jesus’ prayer garment. The same word used in Numbers 15:38 for corner is used in
Malachi 4:2 for wings.
With this understanding in mind, an ancient Jew under the prayer shawl could be said to be dwelling in the secret
place of the Most High and under His wings (Ps. 91:1-4). When one realized the significance of this concept to the
first-century Hebraic mind, it becomes clear why this woman was instantly healed. She was expressing her faith in
Jesus as the Son of Righteousness with
“But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings,” Malachi 4:2
That this was the opinion of many other people is revealed by the crowd who sought his healing powers, “that they
might only touch the hem of his garment: and as many as touched were made perfectly whole,” Matthew 14:36.
“And, behold, a woman, which was diseased with an issue of blood twelve years, came behind him, and touched the
hem (tzitzit) of his garment (tallit): For she said within herself, If I may but touch his garment (tallit), I shall be
whole- Matt 9:20-21
A thought aside…Why her reluctance to admit her condition? Leviticus said that her unclean state would have
made everyone around her who touched her also unclean also for a short time.
So the word got out that everywhere Jesus went people where healed by touching him.
“And besought him that they might only touch the hem (tzitzit) of his garment (tallit): and as many as touched were
made perfectly whole.” Matt 14:36 “And where ever He entered, into villages, or cities, or country, they laid the
sick in the streets, and besought him that they might touch if it were but the border (kanaph) of his garment (tallit):
and as many as touched him were made whole.” Mark 6:56
And remember the lady at the well that Yeshua asked for a drink of water from; how did she know He was a
Jew? “A woman of Samaria came to draw water. Jesus said to her, “Give Me a drink.” For His disciples had gone
away into the city to buy food. Then the woman of Samaria said to Him, “How is it that You, being a Jew, ask a
drink from me, a Samaritan woman?” For Jews have no dealings with Samaritans.” John 4:7-9. She perceived Him
being Jewish because Jesus, like all Jews during that time, was wearing a tallit.
He will also being wearing a tallit when He returns as we can see from John’s description in Revelation
19:11,16: “Then I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse. And He who sat on him was called Faithful and
True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war…..And He has on His robe (tallit) and on His thigh a name
written (tzitzit): KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.” I recall reading the above passage and thinking to myself,
‘what kind of wild designer jeans is Jesus coming back wearing?’
But he is a Jew – and wears a tallit , Rev 19:16 makes perfect sense; if Jesus is riding on a horse and He’s wearing a
tallit the tzitzit will naturally be lying on His thigh.
Zechariah prophesies concerning the millennial reign of Yeshua that people from all over the world will recognize
those who belong to the Lord God by their tzitzit. “Thus saith the Lord of hosts; In those days it shall come to pass,
that ten men shall take hold out of all languages of the nations, even shall take hold of the skirt (kanaph) of him
that is a Jew, saying, We will go with you: for we have heard that God is with you.” Zech 8:23
Nearly all scholars agree that this passage of Scripture pertains to the millennial reign of Christ, so it’s safe to say hat
in those days God’s people will be wearing tzitzit in the borders of their garments.
In Conclusion – The church at Rome was admonished by Paul that the Christian faith was never intended to be a
repudiation of its Jewish roots, but rather, the engrafted Gentile Church was actually a branch that grew out of these
roots (Rom. 11:18). The essence of these teachings is that without Judaism there would be no Christianity.
The word tallit isn’t originally Hebrew and does not appear in the Bible; rather, other words meaning robe or
garment are paired with words meaning tassel or fringe to indicate the proper attire.
Many rabbinic authorities, however, favor a simple tallit of pure white wool as the classic biblical garment, basing
themselves on the verse “let your garments always be white” (Ecclesiastes 9:8).5 The tzitzit (threads or fringes)
attached to each corner are traditionally made of the same fabric as the tallit; however, wool fringes are always
These tassels in Hebrew is called “tzitzit” (singular) pronounced “seet-seet.” In the King James Version of the Bible
they are translated as “fringe” or “fringes.” These fringes are attached to the “borders” or “corners” of their
garments, or tallit.
The KJV translates the Hebrew word “kanaph” as “borders” in Numbers 15:38. According to the Brown-DriverBriggs’ Hebrew dictionary the Hebrew word “Kanaph” means:
1) wing, extremity, edge, winged, border, corner, shirt
1a) wing 1b) extremity 1b1) skirt, corner (of garment)
Hem: Greek: kraspedon (GSN-2899), a tassel of twisted wool (Matthew 9:20; Matthew 14:36; Matthew 23:5;
Mark 6:56; Luke 8:44). This word in the Greek language means latterly fringes. The woman was reaching for the
fringes of His Garment. The Hebrew word is: “tsiytsith”. It was required to be on the four corners of the clothing of
every Jewish male in accordance with God’s instructions.
The earliest mention of Kanaph is found in Exodus 19:4 : “Ye have seen what I did unto
the Egyptians, and how I bare you on eagles’ wings (kanaph), and brought you unto
Many Bible teachers have stated that the first use of a word sets the stage for the
underlying meaning of the word throughout the remainder of the Scriptures.They call
this the “law of first reference.” Here we can concur that through the “kanaph” there is
deliverance. The children of Israel were delivered or set free from the Egyptians because
God bare them on eagles’ kanaph, and brought them unto Himself.
The wearing of the “tallit” (pronounced tal-eet), also called the “tallis” or “prayer shawl,”
was commanded by God.
In Deuteronomy 22 :12 and Num.15:37-40; “Speak unto the children of Israel, and bid them that they make them fringes in the borders of
their garments throughout their generations…and it shall be unto you for a fringe, that ye may look upon it, and remember all the
commandments of the Lord.”
Num.15:37-40; “Speak unto the children of Israel, and bid them that they make them fringes in the borders of their garments throughout
their generations…and it shall be unto you for a fringe, that ye may look upon it, and remember all the commandments of the Lord.”
In Numbers 15:38 the word translated border or corner is a Hebrew word which can also be translated wings as it is some seventy-six times
in the biblical text.
For this reason, the corners of the prayer shawl are often called wings. Each tzitzit consists of five double knots and eight threads, a total of
thirteen elements. This number added to six hundred, the Hebraic numerical value of the word tzitzit points to the six hundred and
thirteen commandments of the Torah. As the Atorah was placed over the head, it formed his own tent. WINGS of the garment were formed
when the arms were held out. For this reason, the corners of the prayer shawl are often called “wings.”
“And Samuel said unto Saul, I will not return with thee: for thou hast rejected the word of the Lord, and the Lord hath rejected thee from
being king over Israel. And as Samuel turned about to go away, he laid hold upon the skirt (kanaph) of his mantle (tallit), and it rent. And
Samuel said unto him, The Lord hath rent the kingdom of Israel from thee this day, and hath given it to a neighbour of thine, that is better
than thou.” 1 Sam 15:26-28
Saul, after disobeying God, was told by Samuel that his kingship was over. Pleading with Samuel, Saul rips the tzitzit out of Samuel’s tallit,
which becomes a symbolic picture of Saul’s kingdom being ripped from him. The reason Saul lost his authority was because he no longer
placed his trust in the kanaph of the Lord God.
“And he came to the sheepcotes by the way, where was a cave; and Saul went in to cover his feet: and David and his men remained in the
sides of the cave. And the men of David said unto him, Behold the day of which the Lord said unto thee, Behold, I will deliver thine enemy
into thine hand, that thou mayest do to him as it shall seem good unto thee. Then David arose, and cut off the skirt (kanaph) of Saul’s robe
(tallit) privily.” 1 Sam 24:3-4 Saul, who out of jealousy had been trying to kill David, stopped off at a cave to “relieve” himself. Little did he
know that David and his men where in that same cave. They told David, here’s you chance to kill your enemy. But David, being a man
after God’s own heart, knew that it was wrong for him to kill Saul and opted to cut off the tzitzit of Saul’s kanaph. (Remember: the tzitzit
was attached to the kanaph) In that way, David showed Saul that he very well could have killed him if he so desired.
Why did David do this, and why did his conscience smite him for having done it? Was there some special significance in what he had
done? In fact the act of cutting off the skirt (fringe) of Saul’s robe was of very great significance, which Saul was not slow to recognize.
When the shouting began next day Saul said: “And now, behold, I know well that thou shalt surely be king, and that the kingdom of Israel
shall be established in thine hand” (1 Sam. 24:20). David had robbed Saul of his status symbol, the fringe of his robe that identified him as
king.In the Psalms David often refers to the safety of Gods wings. “Keep me as the apple of the eye, hide me under the shadow of thy wings
(kanaph)” Psalms 17:8
“Be merciful unto me, O God, be merciful unto me: for my soul trusts in thee: yea, in the shadow of thy wings (kanaph) will I make my
refuge, until these calamities be past.” Psalm 57:1
For too long, we have downgraded God’s Word with frivolous comments and snickering’s. We need to understand
why the words say what they say. Seriously means in a solemn of considered manner. Literally means exactly. If
we are to apply this to the flood of Noah, we know literally that the flood waters covered the whole earth or we can
take the flood seriously and just consider some of the exceptions that could be the cause of the flood or even if the
flood was throughout the whole earth. If you were telling someone their house is on fire, would you want them to
take you seriously or LITERALLY!
Jewish weddings are sometimes performed under a prayer shawl held up during the ceremony by four poles called
a chupa or huppah. In Mid East culture they cast a garment over one being claimed for marriage.
Ruth is a foreigner and through loving kindness to her mother in law Naomi catches the attention a wealthy
landowner, Boaz. He makes the comment to her
May the LORD repay you for what you have done. May you be richly rewarded by the LORD, the God of Israel, under
whose wings you have come to take refuge.” Ruth 2 v 12
Later Ruth approaches him at the threshing floor…
In Ruth 3:9 Ruth found herself at the feet of Boaz, and as he awakened, he was moved with her vulnerability.
Women were not to do things of this nature in those days, but in complete honesty and openness she said to him,
spread thy skirt over thine handmaid; for thou art a near kinsman Ruth was saying, Take me under your WING.
Cover me, is a term of intimacy.
Boaz was an honorable man and did the honorable thing. They were married, and she became his bride. Here she
was, a Moabite woman from a foreign country, grafted into the nation of Israel. She had the right to be covered by
her Jewish spouses Talis. This is a symbolic expression of marriage.
It is interesting to note that a similar custom still prevails at an orthodox Jewish wedding, when the bridegroom
covers his bride with his tallit, his prayer shawl, with its tassels at each corner, signifying that he is taking her into
his care.
The skirt of Boaz would doubtless be edged with the fringe and tassels that indicated his status. This request by
Ruth was for his protection and his care as symbolized by his personal fringe – his status symbol.
With this understanding in mind, an ancient Jew under the prayer shawl could be said to be dwelling in the secret
place of the Most High and under His wings (Ps. 91:1-4).
The Winds
For this portion of the study, I need to rely heavily on the book of Enoch, since he seems to be the only
one who was shown in depth the truth of spiritual and material things. I might remind those who
pooh-pooh the use of these extra biblical books because if the Apostles who were trained by Christ
Himself accepted as authentic the text of Enoch 1, that this is all the credibility we need to rely upon the
truth of this witness.
Enoch 18:1-7 “I also beheld the four winds, which bear up the earth, and the firmament of heaven. And I beheld the
four winds occupying the height of heaven. Arising in the midst of heaven and of earth, and constituting the pillars of
heaven. I saw the winds, which turn the sky, which cause the orb of the sun and of all the stars to set; and over the
earth I saw the winds, which support the clouds. I SAW THE PATH OF THE ANGELS.”
The winds Enoch is describing are not meteorological weather patterns. This could very well be the description of
gravity so many scientists have looked for proof for hundreds of years. People have tried to explain what holds
objects to the Earth since they calculate such enormous speeds (1037 miles/hr at the equator) and why things do
not fly off the Earth, which is just as silly as the round earther’s making fun of flat earthers for falling off the edge
of the earth if they get to close – sorry, I had to say it. Children never tire of finding ways to mock other children
Gravity is known as a “force” that holds everything in place and directs movement, just as light and its movement
creates time! Enoch further elaborates that this “force” supports all the clouds and the path of the Angels. Let’s
take a look at 2 Sam. 22:10-12 – “He lowered heaven and came down
with thick darkness under his feet.
11 He rode on a keruv and flew,
he was seen on the wings of the wind.
12 He made darkness his canopy around him,
thick clouds in the skies dense with water. (CJB)”
2 Sam. 22:10-12 - 10 He bowed the heavens also, and came down; and darkness was under his feet.
11 And
he rode upon a cherub, and did fly: and he was seen upon the wings of the wind.
12 And he made darkness pavilions round about him, dark waters, and thick clouds of the skies (KJV).”
Compare this to Ps. 18:9-11 – “9 He bowed the heavens also, and came down With thick darkness
under His feet. 10 He rode upon a cherub and flew; And He sped upon the wings of the wind. 11 He
made darkness His hiding place, His canopy around Him, Darkness of waters, thick clouds of the
We are to take God’s Word literally, but how do we do this with verses like this? Firstly, this is NOT a
poetical description of someone seeing God flying through Heaven to come to Earth. The Hebrew word
for Bowed is Natah, Strong’s H5186. It means to stretch out, extend, spread out, pitch, turn, pervert,
incline, bend, bow or parting away or entering through. This can be seen as a portal or the bending of
“space”. Some of the Hebrew translations of thick clouds, and darkness of waters could possibly mean a
black hole or wormhole between heaven and earth.
This theory can be proven by how God or the Lord can bind himself while still in heaven on the earth
in a cloud as He did with ancient Israel (Ex. 13:21-22). Technically, heaven exists outside of our space
and time, which Christ so eloquently stated to Pilate, “John 18:36 Jesus answered, "My kingdom is not of
this world. If My kingdom were of this world, then My servants would be fighting so that I would not be
handed over to the Jews; but as it is, My kingdom is not of this realm.”
The word “world” is mistranslated and should read: Strong’s G2889 – kosmos, which means cosmos or
the entire order or arrangement of the entire material construct (some ppl call this the universe.). Many
people when reading the New Testament when they see the word “world” they immediately bring to
mind a ball Earth suspended in a vast Universe. This is not as accurate as the larger picture that is
attempted in such compacted words like World. God, Christ, was basically saying, “Mu kingdom is not
of this dimension.” THEN, Christ further clarifies what HE is trying to say to Pilate in the same sentence,
“My kingdom is not of this realm (or hence).” The word “realm” is Strong’s G1782 – enteuthen – from
on the one side and on the other or on each side. Following the Etymology out a little we find G1759 –
enthade – means here, hither, then G1722 has the primary meaning – a primary preposition denoting
(fixed) position (in place, time or state)…. You, personally, can explore further Strong’s G1519 and
G1537 on your own, but both draw out the conclusion that God operates from a position in time – just
like I theorized about the differences between Heaven and Earth. We were meant – created – to be in
that specific place in time with God, but we fell and fall we did into the dimension of space that
confined and caused us to experience death.
So to sum this up, it could be said that Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this dimension.”
To further this just a tad: Eccl. 3:15, “That which was is here already;
and that which will be has already been,
but God seeks out what people chase after.,” shows us that heaven is outside of our experienced time
and space. If God requires that which is past (KJV), then this also verifies God is outside of our time and
space because He knows what has all ready happened to mankind, thus 1/3 of the Holy Bible is
prophecy. Just think of it, the Bible itself is the WHOLE record of mankind from beginning to end. This
also proves the Bibles complete and absolute authority that there is only ONE GOD – God the Father,
God the Son and God the Holy Spirit all walking together and ONE.
Getting back to the winds and clouds. We run into some tricky scientific explanations of gravity and
winds when scientists try to explain what is happening to matter on the microcosm. Gravity winds are
explained as such: Winds that flow downhill under the pull of gravity. These occur in mountainous or
glacial regions where cold dense air from glaciers and mountain tops flow down the slopes under the
influence of gravity. When slope are very steep, the cold air can gather tremendous kinetic energy
which give strong winds – i.e. Santa Ana winds coming from the Great Basin into the Sierra Mountains,
specifically the San Gabriel Mts. and then into Los Angeles.
Here we delve into Newton’s second law of motion which states: The rate of change of momentum of a
body is proportional to the force acting upon the body and is the direction of the applied force.
Interestingly, Gravity “supposedly” does not act horizontally, so it cannot influence the horizontal winds,
but does influence vertical air motions, and can be directed downward towards the center of the Earth.
BUT…. As always there are exceptions to these rules….
This is the crazy moment a gravity-defying 80ft waterfall flows
UPWARDS as the UK was battered by the tail end of Hurricane
Three people died and several were injured as strong winds of up to
108mph hit the country.
The clip, filmed yesterday in the Derbyshire Peak District, shows the
river Kinder come to a halt as the water is blown all over the place.
It was uploaded to YouTube by user Rod Kirkpatrick who wrote: "As
storm force winds batter the Derbyshire Peak District, near Hayfield,
the river Kinder is stopped in its tracks.
"It is blown back up onto Kinder Scout Plateau at the point where it
would normally cascade 80ft down Kinder Downfall."
Since gravity is considered so strong, apparently it has its limits when I comes to the wind. Just
108 MPH wind forced the Kinder River to flow upwards. The “forces” at work to make a river flow
backwards cannot be attributed to the Earth’s rotation or Coriolis Effect. This would mean that
events like the Kinder River and the Mississippi River flowing backwards for THREE days after an
earthquake would be counter intuitive to the rotation of the Earth. Either the rotation of the Earth
is not as “strong” as they mathematically suggest or they are dismissing the truth of the Winds or
what I’m going to describe now as the Ether. One more mentionable about winds and the
strongest force gravity, is that no one can describe what is happening in Racetrack Playa, Death
Valley, CA.
Sailing Stones, Racetrack Playa, Death
Valley, CA
No one has ever seen one of the “sailing
stones” on Death Valley’s Racetrack Playa
move, but evidence of their travels is
visible in the long track marks that trail
behind them in the dusty ground.
Scientists aren’t sure exactly how the
rocks—which can weigh hundreds of
pounds—make their way across the dry
lake bed. The prevailing theory is that
when the rocks are wet or icy, they’re
pushed along the flat playa by strong
winds. The deep groove marks they leave
behind indicate they may travel up to 700
feet from their point of origin.
Winds have been described in ancient past as the Ether.
Our studies of the winds bring us ultimately to the questions revolving around power and light. Isn’t
that interesting. Round in circles we go but always end up back at the same starting point In
“Pursuing Power and Light: Technology and Physics from James Watt to Albert Einstein, by Bruce J.
Hunt, this author examines the experiments of Albert A. Michelson (1852-1931) who was a young
physics instructor at the U.S. Naval Academy in 1880. He was a master of precision optical
measurement, and realized that if he could split a beam of light, sending two parts off in different
directions, then recombine them, the waves would interfere and produce a pattern of fringes that would
be exquisitely sensitive to any change in the speeds or path lengths of the beams. By noting the position
of this pattern, turning his “interferometer” through a 90-degree angle, and then looking for any shift in
the fringes, he should be able to detect a difference as small as one part in 100 million between the
speed of a beam that went with and then against the ether wind and one that simply went back and
forth across it. Michelson built his first interferometer while on a study trip to Germany and took
careful observations with it early in 1881. To his surprise, he found no significant shift of the fringes
and no sign of the expected ether wind….. In 1881, Michelson used his interferometer to try to measure
how fast the earth was moving through the ether by splitting a beam of light and sending the two
resulting rays bouncing back and forth both with and across the earth’s line of motion, which he hoped
to be able to detect the slight effect of the “ether wind” blowing across the moving earth ought to have
on the speed of light. He found no measurable effect, however, either in 1881 or when he repeated the
experiment more carefully with E. W. Morley in 1887. Michelson’s results raised deep questions about
the ether and our supposed motion through it that were not fully resolved until Albert Einstein
formulated his theory of relativity in 1905 (Pursuing Power and Light: Technology and Physics from
James Watt to Albert Einstein, by Bruce J. Hunt).” With the failure of these experiment because of fringe
drift, the idea remains the same, although, they could not prove aetheral dragging, they realized...
…that special relativity from Einstein in 1905 that was derived from the Lorentz transformation and
thus length contraction and time dilation from the relativity postulate and the constancy of the speed of
light, Einstein emphasized the kinematic foundation of the theory and the modification of the notion of
space and time, with a stationary aether that no longer played any role in his theory, but instead was
motivated by Maxwell’s theory of electromagnetism (in the form as it was given by Lorentz in 1895)
and the unfortunate lack of evidence for the luminiferous aeither. Thus, scientists concluded after just a
mere few decades of experimenting and some failures that, “for a co-ordinate system moving with the
earth the mirror system of Michelson and Morley is not shortened, but it is shortened for a co-ordinate
system which is at rest relatively to the sun – Albert Einstein, 1916.
Overall, MANY historians argue that the Michelson-Morley experiment had no significant role in the
path to special relativity, BUT other statements show forth Einstein’s complete reliance upon one single
object - the Sun for their theories. Based on the “null results” of the Michelson-Morley experiment, this
helped the notion of the constancy of speed of light to gain rapid acceptance. Thus we are
CATAPOLTED into the Heliocentric Model by none other than a complete reliance on the Sun for all our
mathematics and calculations to base an imaginary view of the universe into our perceptions so as to
indoctrinate every child that goes through school to these theories even though there was NO physical
proof to their existence. Amazing. Can I sell you some tickets on my elevator to Trail Ridge Road????
Stachel, John (1982), "Einstein and Michelson: the Context of Discovery and Context of Justification",
Astronomische Nachrichten 303 (1): 47–53, Bibcode:1982AN....303...47S, doi:10.1002/asna.2103030110 Michael
Polanyi, Personal Knowledge: Towards a Post-Critical Philosophy, ISBN 0-226-67288-3, footnote page 10–11:
Einstein reports, via Dr N Balzas in response to Polanyi's query, that "The Michelson–Morley experiment had no
role in the foundation of the theory." and "..the theory of relativity was not founded to explain its outcome at all."[1]
The total surface of the Earth is 197 million square miles. The estimated weight of the Earth is 6 septillion
tons (Earth weighs about 13,170,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 pounds {or
5,974,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 kilograms}. Also remember since there is no scale big enough to
weigh the Earth physically, it must be weighed by mathematics and “laws of gravity”). If the Earth were
solid, its weight would be much greater. Scientists have ample evidence to know the Earth is not as they
have taught us in a round and dense ball, but a hollow Earth that exists on a plane.