grant information

Black Disciples
Endowment Fund
The Black Disciples Endowment Fund is an endowment
fund owned by the National Christian Missionary
Convention invested with the Christian Church Foundation
to help take advantage of the Foundation's experience and
track record as a prudent manager of permanent funds with
a diversified portfolio.
The purpose of the Black Disciples Endowment Fund is
to undergird Black ministries within the Christian Church
(Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada. This
purpose is achieved through grants to ministries of:
Leadership Development
Ordained Minister Recruitment, training, certification, placement and renewal; Lay
Ministry development and training;
Undergraduate and graduate scholarships to enable Christian vocation.
• Congregational Growth and Vitality New
Congregation Establishment;
Congregational vitality;
Black Church work enhancement
• Response to and advocacy for the wellbeing of African American Community
Proactive ministries of social justice;
Identification, conceptualization and communication of the gifts of the African
American journey to the wholeness of the church;
Effective response to crisis in the community.
 Scholarship Assistance
Assistance with tuition; program participation of broader
church activities; Assistance for attending seminars,
workshops and conferences that strengthen Black
In furtherance of the purpose of the Black Disciples Endowment Fund this opportunity is
extended for grant proposals that advance leadership development, congregational growth
and vitality or response to and advocacy for the wellbeing of the African American
The completed grant application should be submitted to:
Black Disciples Endowment Fund
Trustees c/o National Convocation
1099 N. Meridian St. Suite 700
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204
Grants are awarded for an amount up to five thousand dollars ($5,000). The deadline for
receipt of the application at the above address is December 31, 2015 for consideration of
a calendar year 2016 award. All applicants will be notified by March 30, 2016 of their
Grantee status. Any grant application selected for funding requires a Post Award Report at
the mid-way point and completion of the project for which the grant was awarded. Any
funds not used for the stated and approved project within the approved period must be
returned to the Black Disciples Endowment Fund. Any questions should be directed to
The Black Disciples Endowment Fund Trustees at the above address.
Application for Black Disciples Endowment Fund Scholarship or
A. Applicant Information
1. Name and address of individual or group submitting application
Legal Name:
E-Mail Address:
Zip Code
B. Application Information
1. Provide a brief summary statement of the nature of this proposal identifying the
specific Black ministry within the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) to be
served. Attach additional pages as necessary.
2. Provide a brief description of the sponsoring agency, organization, church or
individual. Any application for undergraduate or graduate scholarships must be
accompanied by an official transcript. Attach additional pages as necessary.
3. Provide a detailed description of the purpose of this project, listing the goals,
objectives and target audience. You should include details on how the
effectiveness of this project will be measured along with the evaluation method to
be utilized. Attach additional pages as necessary.
4. Provide the amount of the request along with sufficient details of the budget
request. Attach additional pages as necessary.
C. Project Director: --------------------Address:
Zip Code
Authorized Representative Information
I affirm under penalty of perjury that to the best of my knowledge and belief all
information in this application is true and correct. The amounts of the grant if awarded
will be used for the above stated purposes. A report at the mid-way point of the term of
your project must be submitted to the Board of Trustees. A formal report will be
submitted to the Board of Trustees upon completion of this project.
Signature and Title of Grant Applicant
The completed application and all relevant documents should be submitted
to: Black Disciples Endowment Fund Trustees
C/o National Convocation
Kimberly Caudle
1099 N. Meridian St. Suite 700
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204
Black Disciples Endowment Fund Grant- Post Award
After the grant is awarded, the grantee must submit this completed report to the Board of
Trustees at the mid-way point of the project term or grant period and upon completion of
project or end of grant period.
Grantee/Project Name: ----------------------Contact Person: ---------------------------_ Phone#:
Grant Start Date (mm/dd/yy):
End Date: -
I-- I ---
This Report Period
From: - I- I--- To:
Report Status (check one):
----' ---'
Mid Report
Final Report
Part 1: Project Narrative. (Attach additional typed pages as necessary)
Briefly summarize the progress of the project since the grant award or since the
last report. In the project narrative, please address the following:
1. What activities did the grant support and what Black ministry within the
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) are you serving as grantee?
2. What objectives/goals/outcomes has the project achieved so far?
3. Beyond the project's direct accomplishments, what was the impact on, or
benefit to, your organization, community, discipline/field, target audience,
and/or church?
Note: We encourage you to include testimonies or human interest stories about the
project. You may also include programs, reviews, relevant news clippings, or other
evidence of your acknowledgment of BDEF [Black Disciples Endowment Fund]
Part II: Financial Status. (The Board of Trustees reserves the right to request grantee to
provide evidence that BDEF grant award is being used for approved purposes.)
II This
Total Grant Amount Awarded
Total Grant Expenditures (Actual)
Grant Funds Remaining (Balance)
Note: Attach any explanations or financial information/documents deemed necessary
to show compliance with proposed budget or changes/deviation from proposed
Part III: Certification
I affirm under the penalty of perjury that to the best of my knowledge and belief all
information in this report is true, correct, and complete.
Typed or Printed Name and Title of Project Director/Authorized Representative
Signature of Project Director/Authorized Representative
The completed application [Post Award Report] and all relevant documents should be
submitted to:
Black Disciples Endowment Fund Trustees
C/o National Convocation
Kimberly Caudle
1099 N. Meridian St. Suite 700
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204