Online Orientation Document (required)

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Course Orientation
for online courses in
Table of Contents
 Introduce myself
 Where to get course information
 What is Economics / What is an SSOL course
 How to best study
 Overview of Syllabus / Course Policies / Prof.
Discussion Board Examples
 Overview of Course Software
 How to get started in the course
Professor Schmidt
Prof. Website:
Course Website:
B. Schmidt
AH N123
706.680.6123 (n123)
 Teaching philosophy:
Gaining Knowledge: Course assignments
Retaining Knowledge: Relating topics to real life
I DO NOT give out grades, Students EARN them.
Where to Find Course Resources
 Online Lab Software Website –
 Professor Schmidt’s Website –
 Professor’s Email –
SSOL – Self Study Online Course
 (SS) Self Study:
 Must teach yourself the material
You are the Professor and the Student
 There are numerous tools online to assist you
 (OL) Online:
 All assignments are online
 Pace:
 Paced course (Not an independent study course)
 Time:
 Requires meticulous time management skills
 More time consuming than classroom instructed course
 More flexibility with your schedule
SSOL – Self Study Online Course
Self Study is NOT for everyone,
If in Doubt,
 Take the classroom instructed format
 Check out this page on the Professor Website for
insight into Online Course Skills
Click Here
Economics– WHAT?
 Economics is a Social Science
 Economics studies people and their behaviors
 Economics utilizes graphs and mathematics to display its
 Economics requires Right & Left Brain function
 Social Science  Right Brain (artistic, creative, abstract
thought, reading/writing)
 Mathematics & Graphs  Left Brain (analytical, planned,
logical thought, math/science,)
 Economics requires use of both sides of the brain at
the same time…
this can be difficult if this is the first time a course has required
this type of thought/application.
Instructional Level
This course is evaluated at a Blooms Level 3 and 4
Click Here: Check out this page on the Professor Website for
explanation of Level 3 and 4 – be sure to scroll all the way
Level 1 and 2:
You have been doing this since you were 2 or 3 yrs old
High school specializes in this level of assessment
Level 3 and 4:
Perfect for this class and helping you learn to think
like a college grad
Level 5 and 6:
These levels are used in Graduate Schools
Instructional Level
Why are Level 3 and 4 Perfect for this class and
helping you learn to think like a college grad
Corporations do not hire you (a college grad) for your knowledge
– they can teach you most of what you need to know
Corporations hire you for the skills you obtained in college
Critically thinking skills
 Application skills
 Analysis skills
 Time Management skills
 Endurance (college degrees are not easy and they do not come quickly)
Professor’s Job/Goal = To assist you in obtaining these skills
STUDY TIPS for Succeeding in Economics
Economics is a subject you learn by doing,
not by memorizing.
The more you work problems,
the better you understand the concepts –
and the better you’ll do on tests.
Treat this like a math class – practice every day – in order to succeed
Study Tip#1: Practice, Practice, Practice
MyEconLab gives you lots of practice and study
resources. For every chapter, you get:
Practice Tests
Homework if assigned by the instructor
*Study Plan drill down by chapter/section and work problems
Study Guide
Flash cards
Live Tutoring
eText upgrade optional
*Study Plan grade comes from 10 hours spent in this area.
Study Tip#1: Practice, Practice, Practice
Homework helps you practice :
No limit on time
No limit on number of attempts
Saves your answers when you exit
Questions come from end of chapter questions
20% of overall grade
This is the only assignment that can be worked late – However,
Your grade penalty is 5 points per day
The password to work the Homework late is - five
Difficulty with a HW Question – Click here to see if there is a solved
example on Professor Schmidt’s Course Concept Help Webpage
Study Tip#2: Identify your strengths
and overcome your weaknesses
You’ll do better on quizzes and tests when you
identify which topics you know well,
and master topics you don’t know yet.
MyEconLab helps you do both.
2. Determine YOUR LEARNING STYLE – Click here to go to
Professor Schmidt’s website and download document
3. Remember the BLOOMS Levels of Knowledge and
Read/Study for Application Knowledge – Click here to go
Professor Schmidt’s Webpage on Blooms
Study Tip#3:
Properly Prepare for Quizzes
 How to study for quizzes
 Read Chapter
 Review Powerpoint slides
 Complete sample test
 Work study plan problems in critical areas
 Complete sample test
 Complete Chapter Homework
 Work end of chapter problems in critical areas
 Work Powerpoint Review Questions
 Work in study groups and talk through trouble areas
 Use ‘Guided Solution’ on MyEconLab
 Use ‘Ask my Professor’ button on MyEconLab
Study Tip#4:
Properly Utilize 2nd attempt on Quizzes
QUIZ: Questions  50% end of chapter / 50% test bank
You may take quizzes twice
Use 1st attempt
Make notes on concepts covered on quiz
Study those concepts more closely
Use 2nd attempt
Your grade will be Higher
Your ACTUAL quiz grade is the AVERAGE of both attempts
If you utilize both attempts back-to-back  Your grade will likely be Lower
Study Tip #5:
Seek out help when you need it
When studying by
Office Hours with your
Tutoring through Pearson
MyEconLab for guided
solutions, study aids,
flashcards, and additional
Email Professor Anytime
When studying by
Pearson Tutor Services
real-time, one-on-one
submit questions for a
response within 24 hours
pre-schedule a tutoring
view archives of your past
MyEconLab for guided
solutions, study aids,
flashcards, and additional
Study and Help
 How to study for quizzes
 Read Chapter
 Review Powerpoint slides
 Complete sample test
 Work study plan problems in critical areas
 Complete sample test
 Complete Chapter Homework
 Work end of chapter problems in critical areas
 Work Powerpoint Review Questions
 Work in study groups and talk through trouble areas
 Use ‘Guided Solution’ on MyEconLab
 Use ‘Ask my Professor’ button on MyEconLab
Study and Help
 How to study for utilize 2nd attempt on quizzes
 Complete chapter HW with the best score you can obtain
 Review main concepts from chapters covered
 Take quiz – noting topics and concepts covered in your
course notebook
 Study the concepts that you jotted down as you took the
 Utilize the 2nd attempt at the quiz
 *Remember you can only review quizzes immediately after
Study and Help
 Study groups are an Excellent resource!
 However, if I get stuck and need help, I should
 First, Check the Professor’s Website first
 Then, Contact the professor:
 Text the professor if it is a quick question
 Email my questions to the professor
 Email
the professor again if I have received a response within
24 hours
Request a meeting with the professor
 Email
the professor a few times that work for me and she will
let me know which one works best for her
Overview of Syllabus
 All students are responsible for ALL information
contained within the syllabus.
Course requirements
Course policies (be sure to read these)
Course assignments
 Go to
 Professor’s contact information
 All course information
 Online Tools are there to help – Use them 
Overview of Syllabus
 Mandatory Review of Orientation Document
Document can be downloaded from SSOL Homepage on
professor’s website
 Mandatory Registration in Online Software
 Any student not registered in the Pearson Lab Environment by
the 5th day of classes will be DROPPED
 Any student not completing the Orientation Quiz with the
required score of 90% by the 5th day of classes will be
Overview of Syllabus
 Dropped by the teacher for
Not registering in Pearson Lab by the 5th day of class
Not completing the Orientation Quiz by the 5th day of class
 Withdrawals by student
 Click here for specific withdrawal information
 Before midterm: You will receive a ‘W’. Please see the
instructions on professor door or webpage
 After midterm: You will receive a ‘WF’ in accordance with
ASU’s guidelines
 You must complete your own paperwork. I will not withdraw
you from a course (except as described in the section above).
Check my website for process!
Overview of Syllabus
 *Online Students*: I do not reset quizzes/tests.
 Please be sure that you are utilizing a reliable
computer and internet connection prior to beginning
your quizzes. If your internet connection is lost
during a test or quiz. Wait a few minutes and try to
log back in to complete your quiz. If your time
elapses, I am sorry, but I will not reset your
Overview of Syllabus
 Assignments are Never Accepted Late!
 There are several days built into the course with no deadlines
allowing students to get ahead of course deadlines
 Plan your schedule now, time management is a valued trait
 Contact professor before issues arise, responsibility is a valued
 Homeworks are due on Monday at 11:59PM
 Quizzes are due on Wednesday at 11:59PM
 Tests are due on Thursday’s at 11:59PM
 Discussion Boards are due on Thursday’s at 11:59PM
Overview of Syllabus
 Before you begin working in the course assignments
 You must have registered in the Online Course
You will need the Course Code which you get in your email once
you have attended the orientation
You must complete an Orientation Quiz with a grade of 90%
 Before you can take a chapter quiz
 You must complete the corresponding chapter Homework with
a grade of 70%
 All assignments are open and you may work to
complete the course as quickly as you desire
Staying ahead of deadlines is a must because items are not
accepted late!
Overview of Syllabus
 Study Plan/Participation (10%)
 Easy 100
 It is a formula based on the use of online study plan problems
– see syllabus for details
 Discussion Boards (20%)
 Easy 100
 Posts are read and evaluated against criteria stated in syllabus
 Progression of Difficulty
 HW’s are 100% end of chapter questions (Easy 100)
 Quizzes are 50% end of chapter and 50% test bank questions
 Tests are 100% test bank questions
 In Economics, topics build on each other thus it is important
to get a solid foundation in the first few weeks
Overview of Syllabus
 50% of course grade is an Easy 100
 Homework (20%)
 Discussion Board (20%)
 Study Plan/Participation(10%)
All I have to do is put in the effort!!!
 20% of the course grade is from quizzes
 I get two attempts at each quiz
 30% of the course grade comes from Tests
 The last test is 15%, the other tests are only 5% each
 Final is 20% in Summer
It should be nearly impossible to not earn at least a 70% in this course
Overview of Syllabus
 All Extra Credit opportunities are outlined on the
professors website
All extra credit is due TWO WEEKS prior to the end of the
Late assignments and resubmissions are not accepted. Be sure
to read all instructions before submitting/completing the extra
credit assignments
Extra Credit is not provided on an individual basis
 Specific instructions for all assignments are available
on the Professor’s Website
Check the syllabus first
Check out links on the SSOL homepage
Examples of
1. Test Questions and
2. Discussion Board posts
are provided on Professor’s
Overview of Website
 There’s a webpage for that (on Professor Schmidt’s Website)
 Extra Credit – Specific events and guidelines
 Study Guides by chapter (Macro Only)
 Tutor services – even one that will meet you on campus
 Grade calculation to help me determine where I stand overall
 How to get a signature on my withdrawal form
 How to determine if an Online course is for me
 How to determine my Learning Style to better help me study
 How to register in the Online Course software
 How to determine which Text book I need
All of this (and more) is found on the Course Resource Webpage
Overview of Website
 There’s a webpage for that (on Professor Schmidt’s Website)
 Course Schedule of deadlines
 Course Syllabus
 This orientation document
 Explanation of Online Software Tools
 Specific Instructions for Discussion Board Assignment
 Examples of good/bad Discussion Board Posts
 Sample Test Questions – to help me understand what an
Application Test Question is
 Powerpoint slides – to help me determine the key points in the
 Power point slides with chapter review quiz– 10 questions
All of this (and more) is found on the SSOL Home PageWebpage
Overview of Website
 There’s a webpage for that (on Professor Schmidt’s Website)
 Professor Schmidt’s Office Hours
 Professor Schmidt’s Class Schedule
 Professor Schmidt’s Phone Number for Texting
 Professor Schmidt’s Office Location
 Information about NEIS contest – I could go to Washington, DC
 Information about PBL – I could win a national title
 Information on the annual trip to the Federal Reserve
 Information on why I should Minor in Economics
All of this (and more) is found on Prof Schmidt’s Home Page Webpage
Overview of Course Software
 Course Home – Read posted Announcements, Calendar
 News – Read articles to help relate economic concepts with
current events/real life
Assignments – Do Homework, Quizzes, Tests, and Practice
tests (not graded)
Study Plan – Drill down by chapter and section to work
Practice problems (Participation grade)
Results – Current grades
Document Sharing– Professor contact and website
information, Solutions to Instructor Assignable Problems and
Sample Test Questions
Multimedia Library– Study guide, Flash cards, news videos,
animations, powerpoints, economic data, graphers, etc
Chapter Resources – Your one stop shop for all chapter
Communication Tools– Discussion Boards, emails, chat
Overview of Course Software
Online Learning Aids
 Animation – Automated example of graph or calculation
 Guided Solution – Step by step instruction on how to solve a
Ask My Instructor – Email professor providing a link to the
exact question and comments from you
Grapher – Tool to allow you to graph out the problem in order
to determine the correct answer
Print – Print screen
Video – View video related to the current question
Etext – View the exact page of the text that addresses or
provides answer for current question
Media – View additional media options available for current
Today’s Assignments
How to Get Started in the Course
 Review and follow instructions on the webpages
provided under ‘Online Courses Information’
Click Here
Step by Step instructions on
registering are provided on this site
(steps also on next slide)
How to Get Started in the Course
1. Go to
2. Click on 'Student' under the REGISTER heading
3. Click next
4. Enter the ‘Course ID’ provided during your course orientation or in an
email from your professor
5. Enter your Access Code that came with your text book or select the Buy
Now option
6. Click next and Follow the Directions entering personal information when
Be sure to enter your NAME as it appears on your GRU Admissions Form....DO NOT USE
Be sure to enter your First and Last names in the correct sections
You have correctly registered for your Economics Course when:
 a. You see your course name at the top of the screen
 b. You see a welcome message from Professor Schmidt in the middle of
the page
NOW, to prevent being DROPPED FROM THE CLASS
Questions about MyEconLab?
Student Tech Support Hot-line
• Toll free: 800-677-6337
• Monday through Friday, 8 AM to 8 PM
• Sunday, 5 PM to midnight
Online Tech Support Form
• 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
• Support via Chat also available
Questions about Course
 Contact Professor according to information provided
within this document