The English Civil War, France Under Louis XIV, and Eastern Europe 1. Netherlands, Venice, Switzerland few democracies & republics 2. Netherland won total independence from Spain as a result of the 30/80 years war *Parliamentary monarchy (England) and political absolutism (France-Dicatator) were the two models. What is Parliamentary monarchy and absolute monarchy? Parliament limits monarch’s power; monarch has all the power *if you wore a crown, you are both political absolute & absolute monarch. But if you weren’t a leader before & rose to power, you are only a political absolute Summary of Unit 3 Line of Succession – brief history of English throne 1509 = Henry VIII – marries Catherine of Aragon daughter of Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain former wife of Henry’s brother Arthur had a daughter – Mary B. 1531 = Henry is recognized as head of the church in England 1533 = Henry VIII – marries Anne Boleyn had a daughter – Elizabeth 1534 = Act of Succession – made Anne’s children heirs to the throne 1536 = Anne executed for treason and adultery 1536 = Henry marries Jane Seymour 1537 = Jane dies giving birth to Edward VI Henry marries Anne of Cleves – later annulled by Parliament Henry marries Catherine Howard – beheaded for adultery in 1542 Henry marries Catherine Parr – outlives Henry 1547 – 1553 = Edward VI becomes king ten years old – reigned under regencies 1553 – 1558 = Mary becomes queen of England married to King of Spain restored Catholic religion in England ----1558-1603 = Elizabeth becomes Queen of England- -- 1. Dies with no _children___ or heir to the throne. 1603 – King James VI of Scotland – son of Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots, becomes King James I of England (King of Scotland & England) inherited large royal debt and divided church= Anglican & Puritan wrote True Law of Free Monarchies – advocated divine right of kings= All kings chosen by God a. 1.Scottish Calvinist 2. now head of the Anglican Church 3.lenient towards Cath. levied impositions = custom duty (tax/tariff) members of Parliament resent inability to control purse sold peerages and titles to the highest bidders- titles of nobility (sold by Duke of Buckingham for James I) *Parliament only convened when James __summoned___ it. 1604 – Hampton Court Conference established Anglican Church over Puritan demands= purify the Anglican church of certain elements of RCC doctrine, don’t like the rule of bishops 1611 – publication of the King James version of the Bible 1620’s – English colonization of the new world: 1. Jamestown (is the first permanent Eng colony in the new world) 2. Plymouth 3. Massachusetts *James I foreign policy (how you treat other countries) made his people suspicious because he: concluded peace with Spain in 1604 tried to arrange a _marriage__ between his son and a Spanish princess hesitated to rush English troops to aid German Protestants in the Thirty Years’ War attempted to relax penal codes (penalties) against _Catholics___. Just before James death England went to war against _Spain__ mainly in response to parliamentary pressures. *To fund a new war with Spain, Charles levied new tariffs and duties, attempted to collect discontinued taxes, subjected his people to forced loans to raise money, and enforced previously neglected laws. Refuse to give money, go to jail! forced people to quarter troops *1628 – Parliament passes Petition of Right – Charles agrees no forced loans or taxation without the consent of Parliament no freeman should be imprisoned without due cause troops should not be billeted in private homes male subjects with property worth more than 5 pounds would have right to vote for members of Parliament. (House of Commons) 1629 – Charles dissolves Parliament when it tries to limit his power of taxation & church/ 1630 Charles makes peace with Spain. 1634 – Charles imposes ship money to all of England ship money = tax on a coastal county to pay for naval protection sold titles & knighthoods just like his father James I 1637 – Book of Common Prayer = Charles tried to have all churches conform even those in _Scotland___. Scotland was a Calvinist (Presbyterian) kingdom. Charles imposes the rule of bishops on Scotland. Scots rebel (Prayer Book Riots) afraid of Catholic influence in church Short Parliament – Charles called to get funding for war against Scots Parliament makes list of grievances to which Charles must agree. Charles dissolves Parliament. Short Parliament only met for 3 weeks from April 13 to May 5, 1640. Presbyterian Scots invaded England – Charles recalls Parliament 1. Scots win the battle of Newbern Long Parliament Nov.1640-1648: Charles agrees to demands of Long Parliament in the *Grand Remonstrance: #1, 2 , 3, & 4 below. *levying of new taxes without consent of Parliament and the inland extension of ship money became illegal *Parliament resolved that no more than 3 years should elapse between its meetings *Parliament could not be _dismissed_ without its own consent. *Parliament determined that no king could again govern without consulting it. a. the leader of the Long Parliament was ___John Pym____. b. executed Charles’s advisors _Strafford (Thomas Witworth)____ (1641) and __Laud__. 1645 c. Charles’s arrest attempt (Jan. 1642) : Charles & Musketeers bust through doors of the House of Commons, but Pym & buddies escaped through the back door House of Commons pass Militia Ordinance= Authority to raise an army Eruption of Eng. Civil War 1642-1646/ 2nd Eng. Civil War 1647-1649 . Charles I-had to flee London vs. 2. Parliament/Oliver Cromwell a. Cavaliers – supporters- long hair a. Roundheads- supporters- short hair b. Charles tried to regain absolute b. Militia Ordinance=Par. monarchy. raised an army. Scotland c. Edgehill: 1st major battle: draw then joins side of Parliament. 2. Roundheads _win_ decisive battles of Marston Moor and Naseby during first ECW a. May 1646: Charles defeated/captured. a. Cromwell was a devout He was allowed to keep crown and Puritan and great military then escaped in Nov. 1647. Start of commander. (New Model Army) 2nd Eng. C.W. _Scotland__ now helps b. Cromwell later defeats Charles. Scotland & Ireland after ECWs 1648 Parliament wins the Battle of Preston during 2nd ECW. Roundheads win the __2nd ECW__ Roundheads won both civil wars; Cromwell eventually becomes Parliament’s military commander Rump Parliament Dec. 1648-1653 1. Prides Purge: Colonel Pride (subordinate of Cromwell) removed those members of Parliament who wanted to negotiate with the king for surrender. a. January 1649: King Charles was executed (beheaded). Chopped Charlie executed with his crown 2. Rump Parliament dismissed by __Cromwell____= leads to despotism (dictatorship). Oliver Cromwell (Lord Protector) establishes dictatorship1653-1658 (Top 10 best generals in history) (extreme Puritan) 1. *officially England was a Puritan Republic, but in reality it was a dictatorship. Protectorate Parliament-dismissed twice-during the reign of Cromwell. The Anglican Church was temporally abolished in England. 2. army and foreign adventures (especially to Ireland) inflated budget 3. commerce suffered throughout England 4. religious problems continued – Anglican Church & Presbyterians replaced by Puritan Republic=*strict laws such as. . .No theater, no dancing, taverns closed, cut maypoles down, cancelled Christmas . Richard Cromwell (2nd Lord Protector) briefly rules England-9 months 6. Rump Par. returns. / replaced by Long Par./ replaced by Convention Par.= invited Stuart Monarchy back to England Clarendon Code – Parliament excluded Roman Catholics, Presbyterians, & Independents (Congregationalists) from religious and political life in England (reaction to Puritanism) penalties for attending non- Anglican services required strict adherence to the Book Of Common Prayer demanded oaths of allegiance to the Church of England from all persons serving in local government. Anglican church restored through the Clarendon Code Navigation Acts – required all imports to be carried on English ships or ships registered to the country from which the cargo originated. (1663) angered Dutch since they carried much trade between colonies and Europe war started (First Anglo-Dutch War) finances needed – Parliament appropriates only so much money Charles II increases custom duties . *Treaty of Dover – secret alliance between England & France against Holland (Only Charles II & Louis XIV knew) other names for Holland are . . .Netherlands, Dutch Republic, United Provinces France (King Louis XIV) gave money to England for war Charles II allows Catholicism in England (Charles II suppose to convert to Catholicism.—never does convert until on his deathbed) Declaration of Indulgence – 1672 suspends all laws against Roman Catholics & Protestants Parliament refuses to grant money until law is rescinded/ Charles II rescinds law Test Act – Parliament requires all gov’t officials & military to swear an oath against the doctrine of transubstantiation= no good Catholic goes against transubstantiation (it’s heresy) James, Duke of York, Charles’s brother, heir to the throne, and devout Catholic, was targeted by the Test Act. Parliament tries to enact a bill excluding James from succession to throne. Charles II disbands Parliament before they could enact bill. 2. 1685 = Charles II dies dissolved Parliament after they refused to repeal Test Act appointed Catholics to gov’t and military positions * 1687 Declaration of Indulgence – suspended all religious tests and permitted free worship . . . James’s wife gives birth to male Catholic heir to throne Parliament urges William of Orange (husband of Mary, eldest daughter of James II, a Protestant) to invade England to preserve Anglican Church & Parliamentary gov’t * 1688 Glorious Revolution = very little bloodshed William of Orange invades England James II flees to France and later to Ireland. Parliament declares William & Mary new monarchs of England. Equal Power! Bill of Rights (actually lasts) = limited powers of monarch and guaranteed civil liberties of the English privileged classes= Nobility monarch subject to law and would rule by the consent of Parliament prohibited Roman Catholics from occupying English throne Toleration Act of 1689 permitted worship by all Protestants (except Unitarians-don’t believe in the trinity) and outlawed Cath. Act of Settlement of 1701 ensured that a Protestant would inherit the throne if Queen Anne (second daughter of James II, Protestant) died without heir to throne she outlived all of her children 1. 1707, Act of Union officially unites _Scotland_ and __England___.= United Kingdom, later Wales and N. Ire. The Age of Walpole and George I (First Hanover King) (Ruler of HRE state of Hesse) George I almost immediately confronted a challenge to his power from James Edward Stuart (defeated when he invaded Scotland), the son of James II. *Those who supported the Stuarts return to power were called the …Jacobites *Robert Walpole ( the first _Prime Minister___) took over the helm with the support of George I and was able to control the House of Commons. Walpole maintained _peace__ abroad and controlled government patronage. King Charles I (Chopped Charlie) John Pym Leader of Long Parliament Queen Anne Pre notes: Louis XIV wanted to weaken the noble’s power The groundwork for Louis XIV’s absolutism was laid by powerful ministers Richelieu (under Louis XIII) and Mazarin. (under Louis XIII & XIV) Mazarin died in 1661 and Louis XIV was left to rule France by himself. (23 yrs old) Versailles becomes new capitol of Fr under Louis XIV Louis and many of his ministers became masters of propaganda. *Sun King: called this b/c the sun is the center of the solar system (levee-rising & setting of the king) Versailles Palace: biggest palace in European history 87,728,720 sq ft, originally designed as a hunting lodge Bishop Jacques-Benigne Bousset (Louis XIV’s tutor) gave the concept of divine right theory to Louis XIV. Louis’s Early Wars Because of the economic policies of Jean-Baptiste Colbert, his most brilliant finance minister, Louis could afford to raise a powerful army. The first war was the War of the Devolution; Louis XIV asserted that his first wife should rule the Spanish Netherlands= Belgium & Luxemburg In 1667, Louis’s armies invaded __Flanders____ and Franche-Comte. He was repulsed by England, Sweden, and the United Provinces (Netherlands); these countries made up the Triple Alliance. The 1668 Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle ended the war and gave him control of certain towns in the Spanish Netherlands. In the secret Treaty of Dover, England and France became allies against the Dutch. This started the next war, called the Franco-Dutch War or simply the Dutch War in Fr. In Eng. it was called the Anglo-Dutch War. Louis invaded the Netherlands in 1672. The Prince of Orange (Holland), the Holy Roman Emperor, Spain, Lorraine, and Brandenburg fought off Louis= Quadruple Alliance France gained more territory as a result of the Treaty of Nijmwegen. Louis Repressive Religious Policies Jansenism arose in 1630’s opposed to the Jesuits. Jansenism won considerable support in Paris. What is Jansenism? RCC movement by some Catholics in FR. That opposed the theology & political influence of the Jesuits (loyal to Pope). Said ppl can’t contribute to their own salvation. The Pope and Louis XIV declared the Jansenists illegal. For the time being Jansenists died out. *Revocations of the Edict of Nantes= Huguenots don’t get religious freedom Louis now began to persecute Protestants (Huguenots) He revoked the Edict of Nantes in October 1685 *This revocation was a major blunder. i. many highly skilled people left France. ii. France became a symbol for religious in toleration. iii. the sentencing of Huguenots who would not convert to the galleys. (slave ships) iv. exile of _Huguenot___ ministers closing of protestant (Huguenot) schools and churches vi. ceremonial baptism of __Huguenot___ children by Catholic priest. The League of Augsburg and the Nine-Years War. 1689- 1697 Louis XIV army now invaded the free city of Strasbourg The League of Augsburg was formed against him. i. The countries included England, Spain, Sweden, the United Provinces, and the major German states. ii. The Peace of Ryswick, signed in September 1697 secured _Holland’s____ border and thwarted Louis XIV’s expansion into Germany. War of Spanish Succession 1701-14 (called Queen Anne’s War in __North America___) The last Hapsburg king of Spain, Charles II (different king), died without a direct heir. Charles II left his entire empire to Louis XIV’s grandson Phillip of Anjou, who became Phillip V of Spain=first Bourbon King of Spain. In September 1701, England, Holland, and the HRE formed the Grand Alliance. In 1701, the War of Spanish Succession began and soon enveloped all of Western Europe. i. The English had advanced weaponry (paper cartridges and flintlocks rifles) and French were ill prepared. (And great military commander John Churchill) ii. Separate peaces were signed that ended the war. Great Britain got Gibraltar (land)____. Austria got the Spanish Netherlands. Phillip V (Bourbon) got to keep the crown of Spain. France after Louis XIV (Louis XIV ruled France for 72 years!) 1715-He was succeeded by his five year old great grandson Louis XV. Mississippi Bubble: financial disaster for France Parlements: Local courts dominated by nobility. (nobilities power went up) 2. Local diets or assemblies (power went up during Louis XV’s reign) a. established local laws & rules b. laws are not supposed to conflict w/ the king’s laws French King Louis XIV (ruled 1643-1715) . Poland A. Absence of a strong central government allowed nobles to exercise more control. Nobles elected their own king. 1. Nobles in the Polish government (diet) had to agree on everything= Each Polish noble had absolute veto power 2. * The Polish Government was not at all___effective____. II. The Habsburgs (Austria and HRE) and the Pragmatic Sanction The Habsburgs retained a firm hold on the HRE- (Austria is home-base) 1. Despite internal difficulties, HRE Leopold (r.1658-1705) managed to resist the advances of Ottoman Empire into central Europe. a. 1683: Battle of Vienna/Second Siege of Vienna i. Ottomans lay siege to Vienna ii. Polish King John III Sobieski’s military arrives and saves the capital of the Habsburg Empire ( Vienna ) *Pragmatic Sanction: allow a female to rule a central European country 1. This provided the legal basis for a single line of inheritance within the Hapsburg family from Charles VI to his daughter Maria Theresa.= This allows her to rule by herself 2. Maria Theresa was challenged by Prussian King Frederick II when he invaded Silesia. (Dec. 1740) The rise of _Brandenburg__-Prussia occurred within the German power vacuum created by the Peace of Westphalia. B. *Frederick William or the Great Elector-expanded Pruss. terr. His Son Frederick I became first King of Prussia when the HRE allowed him to take that title in 1701. C. *The Hohenzollerns became a powerful family. D. Frederick II (ruled 1740-1786) became known as Frederick the Great. E. *Prussian nobles are called ___Junkers______= Almost complete authority over serfs Peter the Great (ruled 1682-1725) Czar (Tsar)= Russian King Romanov Family Only ten years old when he came to the throne in 1682 Russia was a very backward country when compared to the rest of Europe. Peter visited Western Europe to see their progress. When he returned, his goal was to reshape Russia. Peter wanted to bring all of Russia under his control. He even controlled the Russian Orthodox Church. The serfs continued to be in bondage in Russia while it had almost completely disappeared in W. Europe. Peter improved education and infrastructure= business *Peter weakened the power of the Russian nobles known as the __Boyers____. Beards were a sign of backwardness in Russia. Peter made all men shave their beards and pay a tax if they refused to shave their beard. *St. Petersburg was modeled after a western European city. Built with __serf___ labor. Became the new capital of Russia. *1722-Table of Ranks: equated a person’s social position with their rank in the gov’t or military 11. *The _Romanv______ dynasty ruled Russia from 1613-_1914____. Her husband Peter III was assassinated. Peter III was . . . She treated serfs harshly when they rebelled. After defeating the Ottoman Empire, Russia acquired a warm water port. Catherine, Frederick of Prussia, and Emperor Joseph II of Austria partitioned or divided up Poland. Peter the Great Catherine the Great *English Kings or Leaders (Protectors) from James I to James II* 1. King James I (r. 1603-25) 2. King Charles I (Chopped Charlie) (r. 1625-48) ---Rump Parliament rules collectively from December 1648-53. Cromwell begins to control the Rump Parliament at its’ end.--- 2nd Lord Protector: Richard Cromwell Lord Protector: Oliver Cromwell (r.1653-58) (r. Sept. 1658-May 1659) 9 months King Charles II (r. 1659- 1685) King James II (r.1685-1688) 1688 Glorious Revolution=William III and Mary II (r.1688-1702) become dual rulers of England.---- ---- Queen Anne (r.1702-1715), sister of Mary II dies, having outlived all of her children=end of the Stuart Dynasty.