1 COLLEGE/CAREER READINESS FALL 2014 2 SEATING CHARTS ARE MANDATORY!! • A seating chart MUST be used for every CCR assessment that is administered by a staff member • Seating charts MUST be submitted MONTHLY • Please send one batch per month. • EXCEPTION: • ASVAB – Does not require a seating chart since it is administered by the military • Industry Certifications – Will not require a seating chart when administered by an industry member who is NOT a staff member at your school. 3 CCR TRAINING VERIFICATION FORM • MUST be completed by any staff member administering and/or assisting with College/Career Readiness assessments. • Staff members will mark each of the CCR trainings that they have completed and submit the form to the JCPS Testing Unit. • Updated forms may be submitted as the staff member completes additional trainings throughout the year. • The CCR Training Verification Form will be available on the Testing Unit website. 4 COLLEGE/CAREER READINESS RATE • Based on grade 12 students (graduates or completers with G-Codes in IC) • Includes best score on English, Mathematics and Reading from all The ACT State and National Administrations in Kentucky • Data reviewed by schools and districts prior to fall reporting Must meet CPE’s ACT Benchmarks Use Student Name from IC College/Career Readiness Rate College Ready: Must meet benchmarks on one of the following: College Ready ACT COMPASS KYOTE Career Ready: Must meet benchmarks for one requirement in Career Academic area and must meet one requirement in Career Technical area Career Ready Career Ready Academic Technical Armed Services Kentucky Vocational Aptitude Occupational Battery (ASVAB) Skills Standards Assessment ACT WorkKeys (KOSSA) (Applied Math, Locating information, and Reading for Information) Industry Certificates 5 Bonus: College AND Career Ready must meet at least one from each area College Ready Academic ACT or COMPASS or KYOTE NOTES: (1) By meeting the College Ready Academic definition, the student does not have to take the additional tests of ASVAB or WorkKeys for the bonus area. (2) For accountability purposes, the bonus shall not allow the readiness percentage to exceed 100 percent. Career Ready Technical KOSSA Industry Certificates 5 OPPORTUNITIES TO DEMONSTRATE COLLEGE READINESS • The ACT – Junior year (required) • ACT Compass or KYOTE – Senior year (optional) • The assigned grade level shall determine the state tests to administer. 703 KAR 5:240 KDE:OAA:DSR:cw, pp: 8/20/2014 6 What If… Student received a nonparticipation on the ACT his/her junior year. How does this student demonstrate college readiness? ACT Compass or KYOTE COLLEGE READY STATUS 7 •Tracking of College Readiness is available on the JCPS CCR dashboard. • https://portal.jefferson.kyschools.us/bi/slc/CCR/Pages/Def ault.aspx • If you do not have access to this please contact: • Jimmy Genslinger: james.genslinger@jefferson.kyschools.us College-Career Ready Dashboard Roundup Data Management, Planning, & Program Evaluation Jimmy Genslinger: 485-3591 (Designer) james.genslinger@jefferson.kyschools.us HOW TO ACCESS (INTERNET EXPLORER SUGGESTED) Go to JCPS homepage (http://www.jefferson.k12.ky.us) and click on About Us District Data. 9 HOW TO ACCESS (INTERNET EXPLORER SUGGESTED) Next scroll to the bottom and click on College/Career Ready Dashboard… 10 CCR HOME PAGE 11 • UNOFFICIAL State Report…but very close to final results • Students now entering senior year College AND Career Ready 12 • COLLEGE/CAREER TRACKING REPORTS Student College-Career Tracking Report is your student’s status at a glance • The Student Career Tracking & Student College Tracking Reports offer more detail into those specific areas • Color coding allows you to quickly see what areas your students need additional instruction 13 14 ACT-PLAN-EXPLORE TRACKING COLLEGIATE ENTRY-LEVEL TRANSCRIPT • 1st page of report is your school’s prior year senior roster • Click on a student’s name, and the above one-page report will be created • Click on the blue disk to select a host of downloadable options, including PDF 15 TIPS & TRICKS 1. Each report has a School Year filter to see prior year’s data 2. Clicking on the title of the report will take the report “full screen” and allow you to see more things at once 3. Most reports are multiple pages, clicking the single arrows will take you to the next page; while clicking on the arrows with a bar will take you to the beginning or end of the report 4. You can adjust the size of the report with this drop-down box 5. Use the search box to select for a specific student by typing in all or part of their name 6. Most reports have an “Excel – Friendly Version” link, clicking on this link will strip away all the formatting that tends to create problems in Excel and provides a nicer downloaded report 7. Any of the columns that have the up/down arrows after the name of the column means the report is sortable by that column; clicking it once sorts is A to Z; clicking it a second time sorts it Z to A. 16 CCR “NEED TO KNOW” • College Cut Scores (COMPASS/KYOTE results loaded each Monday morning) • English: • ACT: 18 COMPASS: 74 KYOTE: 6 COMPASS: 36 KYOTE: 22 COMPASS: 85 KYOTE: 20 • Math • ACT: 19 • Reading • ACT: 20 • Career Cut Scores • ASVAB: 50 • Work Keys: Silver or Gold 17 FOCUS AREA 2: GRADUATION AND BEYOND 100 SUCCESS MEASURE 1: INCREASE % OF STUDENTS COLLEGE/CAREER READY (WITH BONUS) 80 67 54 60 40 43 33 32 20 0 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 College-Career Ready Dashboard Contact Jimmy Genslinger: 485-3591 (Designer) james.genslinger@jefferson.kyschools.us Data Management, Planning, & Program Evaluation 20 COLLEGE READINESS College Entrance Exam COLLEGE READY ACT 1 point 21 • Reading = 20 • English = 18 • Mathematics = 19 COMPASS KYOTE • Reading = 85 • English (Writing Skills) = 74 • Mathematics (Algebra) = 36 • College Ready Math= 22 • College Algebra = 14 • English (Writing) = 6 • Reading = 20 College Placement Tests 22 ACT COLLEGE ADMISSIONS EXAM 23 THE ACT • All grade 11 students, except Alternate K-PREP, Foreign Exchange and First Year EL. • Any student retained in grade 11 should complete The ACT assessment again. • Administered to all high school juniors in March. • Confirm that high schools have determined test site establishment and accommodations procedures. • Any calculator with a built-in or downloaded computer algebra system, such as ZoomMath, cannot be used on The ACT. KDE:OAA:DSR:cw, pp: 8/20/2014 24 THE ACT Initial Test Day March 3 KDE:OAA:DSR:cw, pp: 8/20/2014 Makeup Day March 17 Accommodations Window March 3-17 ACT ACCOMMODATIONS AFFECT ACCOUNTABILITY 25 ACT-Approved Accommodations = College Reportable Score State Allowed Accommodations = Non Reportable College Score • Used in Growth calculation • Used in College/Career Readiness • Used in Growth calculation • Not used in College/Career Readiness (even if benchmarks met) THE ACT 26 ACT Customer Service 800-553-6244 General Questions ext. 2800 Accommodated Testing ext. 1788 www.act.org/aap/state/contact.html KDE:OAA:DSR:cw, pp: 8/20/2014 27 COMPASS / KYOTE ACCOMMODATIONS DO NOT AFFECT ACCOUNTABILITY • Students taking COMPASS or KYOTE may receive any accommodation that is listed on a current IEP, PSP or 504 Plan • These accommodations DO NOT affect accountability 28 COMPASS® College Placement Assessment for Seniors http://compass.act.org/eCompass ACT COMPASS 29 • College placement test administered through KDE and available to grade 12 students who have not met the CPE benchmarks on the ACT. • Open August 1—June 15 • Use of any calculator with a built-in or downloaded computer algebra system, such as ZoomMath, is prohibited. KDE:OAA:DSR:cw, pp: 8/20/2014 30 OVERVIEW OF PROGRAM • Opportunity for SENIORS who have not met ACT CPE benchmarks in: • Reading • English • Mathematics • Seniors may test TWICE 31 SECOND ADMINISTRATION Seniors may take each eligible assessment twice. Steps: • Students receive intervention • First COMPASS® administration • Students who did not met benchmarks completed an additional intervention (MINIMUM FIVE DAYS BETWEEN ADMINISTRATIONS) • Second COMPASS® administration (only after intervention) 32 Computer Adaptive Seating Charts Accommodations (No Special Forms) COMPASS® Interventions Test Irregularity Report COMPASS® TESTING DATES No testing window restrictions 33 34 COMPASS & COLLEGE READINESS • College Readiness will include scores meeting the benchmarks from: • KDE’s COMPASS • KCTCS’ COMPASS • Other Colleges’ scores added during Data Review • All Kentucky public colleges and universities can access KDE COMPASS scores. 35 TRAINING FOR COMPASS® ADMINISTRATORS • ALL STAFF: • Annual Administration Code and Inclusion of Special Populations Regulations TRAINING FOR COMPASS® ADMINISTRATORS 36 • New staff must complete the New Administration Training • Online COMPASS® Training Series available from the JCPS Testing Unit website. MUST COMPLETE ALL 37 TRAINING FOR COMPASS® ADMINISTRATORS • Previously trained staff must view the COMPASS® Update Training (approximately 30 minutes) 38 COMPASS® Contact Information •KDE • Intervention Information • April Pieper (NGL) (502) 564-2106 •JCPS • Testing Unit • Ryan Goepper • (502) 485-3388 •ACT • COMPASS® Technical Support • (800) 645-1992 • Option 2 • Available 24 x 7 39 KYOTE College Readiness Placement Exam for Seniors https://www.kyote.org KYOTE 40 • Kentucky Online Testing placement exams for grade 12 students who have not met the CPE ACT benchmarks in English, Reading or Mathematics. • Trainings are available in August on the KDE website. • Program details are available from the user manual and the training sessions. • Irregularity Report Spreadsheet • ZoomMath or any calculator with a built-in or downloaded algebra system cannot be used on KYOTE. KDE:OAA:DSR:cw, pp: 8/20/2014 KYOTE USER’S GUIDE 41 • Step by step approach • Create class and student accounts • Administer exam • Access results • BAC’s must grant access to Erica Thompson, Jimmy Genslinger and Joe Prather so data can be added to the JCPS Dashboard • Information • Preparing computers for exams • Calculator policies • Testing frequency policies • Passing scores KYOTE • Mathematics ACT (18 and below) College Readiness Exam • Mathematics ACT (19-21) • College Algebra Exam • Purpose: • Purpose: Students to be placed in entry level mathematics credit bearing courses • Included in CCR calculation 42 Students to be placed in College Algebra as require by their college major • Included in CCR calculation KYOTE MATHEMATICS 43 TESTING FREQUENCY (PAGE 5 KYOTE USER’S GUIDE) 1. MATHEMATICS COLLEGE READINESS EXAM – This is the primary test seniors take (seniors who did not meet the ACT CPE benchmark of 19). Administration – • Must be taken at the end of the trimester or semester or after an intervention of at least two months. • Students who are within 2 points of passing the exam (20 or 21 on Mathematics College Readiness Exam) should be given the opportunity to retake the exam within one week. This process can be repeated each semester or trimester of their senior year. 2. • • MATHEMATICS COLLEGE ALGEBRA EXAM– Only if students need a higher ACT benchmark (above a 19) for a college course they want to take. Math placement exam – Contact KY college for specific admission/major requirements. Must be taken at the end of the trimester or semester or after an intervention of at least two months. Students who are within 2 points of passing the exam (12 or 13 on Mathematics College Algebra Exam) should be given the opportunity to retake the exam within one week. This process can be repeated each semester or trimester of their senior year. KYOTE READING 44 TESTING FREQUENCY (PAGE 5 KYOTE USER’S GUIDE) READING– Administration Take at the end of a trimester or a semester or after an intervention of at least two months. Student may take only one time regardless of score. KYOTE READING 45 TESTING FREQUENCY (PAGE 5 KYOTE USER’S GUIDE) Writing Administration Take at the end of a trimester or a semester or after an intervention of at least two months. Your school MUST have a staff member who is trained to score KYOTE Writing exams before you may administer them. KYOTE PLACEMENT ACCOUNTS It is strongly recommended that schools create a placement account for each student: • Log on to www.kyote.org. • Click on Register under Students. Enter the student’s • e-mail address, • first name, last name and • unique SSID- ten digit KDE Infinite Campus student number . It is essential that this number be entered correctly. There is no way to change it once the account is created. • For the complete process of setting up placement accounts consult the KYOTE User’s Guide 46 KYOTE DATA • Critical information for matching is correct name and SSID. • Incorrect SSID numbers CANNOT be corrected in the KYOTE system. • You will need to correct this during data review in order to receive credit. • KYOTE will return the student scores to KDE for inclusion in College Readiness. 47 KYOTE Available through University of Kentucky and Northern Kentucky University Contact Information: Steve Newman (859) 572-5332 newman@nku.edu KDE:OAA:DSR:cw, pp: 8/20/2014 Paul Eakin (859) 257-6798 paul.eakin@uky.edu 48 REMINDER 49 • Every A1 AND Non-A1 school SHOULD be administering COMPASS and/or KYOTE to support students in becoming college-ready 50 CAREER READINESS Career Academic (WorkKeys & ASVAB) Career Technical (KOSSA & Industry Certificates) 51 Career Ready: Must meet benchmarks for one requirement in Career Academic area and must meet one requirement in Career Technical area Career Ready Academic Career Ready Technical Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) Kentucky Occupational Skills Standards Assessment (KOSSA) ACT Work Keys (Applied Math, Locating Industry Certificates information, and Reading for Information) 51 52 OPPORTUNITIES TO DEMONSTRATE CAREER READINESS • Career Measures – Throughout high school • Career academic (ASVAB or WorkKeys) • Career technical (KOSSA or Industry certificates) • While the tests are optional, students must have these measures to be CCR. • Unless CTE Preparatory Student, ASVAB and WorkKeys does not increase your CCR. KDE:OAA:DSR:cw, pp: 8/20/2014 53 PREPARATORY STUDENTS Student who has completed two career and technical education credits in a preparatory program and is enrolled in the third credit course(s) in the same career pathway. What If… A student is enrolled in welding for 2 credits and takes nursing for another credit. Is this student considered a Preparatory Student? No. Student must be enrolled in third credit of the same career pathway. KDE:OAA:DSR:cw, pp: 8/20/2014 CAREER READY ACADEMIC TECHNICAL • ACT WorkKeys = Silver or Above Applied Math Locating Information Reading for Information • KOSSA Multiple-Choice = 70 Constructed-Response = 75 ---OR--- ---OR--- • ASVAB = 50 Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery • Industry Certificate Certification based on industry standards KDE:OAA:DSR:cw, pp: 8/20/2014 1 point 54 55 WORKKEYS Silver or Higher 56 ACT WORKKEYS • Job Skills Assessment • 3 WorkKeys® Assessments: • Applied Mathematics • Locating Information • Reading for Information • Available through KDE to all schools directly through ACT, Inc. • Student data should be entered into TEDS. • Contact: Angie Fischer (502) 564-3472 ext. 4236 angie.fischer@education.ky.gov KDE:OAA:DSR:cw, pp: 8/20/2014 57 WORKKEYS® ASSESSMENTS Online Testing Window December 1, 2014 – March 31, 2015 Paper/Pencil Testing Window February 16, 2015 – February 27, 2015 58 KOSSA Kentucky Occupational Skill Standards Assessment 59 KOSSA • Kentucky Occupational Skill Standards Assessment • KDE Contact: Pamela Moore (502) 564-3472 ext. 4215 pamela.moore@education.ky.gov • Data is entered by KDE into TEDS by the JCPS CTE Office. KDE:OAA:DSR:cw, pp: 8/20/2014 60 ASVAB Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery 61 Score = 50 ASVAB • Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery • Available through local Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS) • Data is entered into TEDS by the JCPS CTE Office. • Contact: Glenn N. Stegemann, Program Mgr. (502) 582-5921, Ext. 2241 glenn.n.stegemann@mepcom.army.mil KDE:OAA:DSR:cw, pp: 8/20/2014 62 INDUSTRY CERTIFICATIONS INDUSTRY CERTIFICATES 63 • KDE accepted Industry Certificates listed on KDE Website. http://education.ky.gov/cte/kossa/pages/validkossal ist.aspx • Career and Tech Staff—KDE contact or local TEDS Coordinator Office of Career and Technical Education (502) 485-3122 KDE:OAA:DSR:cw, pp: 8/20/2014 COLLEGE/CAREER BONUS Bonus: College AND Career Ready must meet at least one from each area College Ready Academic Career Ready Technical ACT or COMPASS or KYOTE KOSSA NOTES: (1) By meeting the College Ready Academic definition, the student does not have to take the additional tests of ASVAB or Work Keys for the bonus area. (2) For accountability purposes, the bonus shall not allow the readiness percentage to exceed 100 percent. Industry Certificates Must be a CTE Preparatory Student 64 65 • What is required when a CCR assessment is administered? • What item will you send in to the JCPS Testing Unit monthly? SEATING CHARTS! COLLEGE/CAREER READINESS JCPS CONTACTS 66 • Testing Unit • Erica Thompson • Ryan Goepper • CCR Dashboard • Jimmy Genslinger • Career Technical Education • Ken Talley • Jennifer Truax • Jennifer Hill