WAYLAND BAPTIST UNIVERSITY MISSION STATEMENT Wayland Baptist University exists to educate students in an academically challenging, learning-focused and distinctively Christian environment for professional success, lifelong learning and service to God and humankind. ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT MATH Elementary Algebra ACAC 0326vc VIRTUAL CAMPUS winter 2011 term INSTRUCTOR: Libby Cleveland-Assistant Professor Email: libbyleigh@windstream.net clevelandl@wbu.edu Cell Phone 806-676-7580 COURSE ID: MYMATH LAB , cleveland82564 COURSE DESCRIPTION: ACAC 0326 Elementary algebra Graphing linear equations, factoring, radicals,functions Required resources and materials needed for this course online MYMATHLAB ACCESS KIT ; THIS CAN BE PURCHASED ONLINE OR EVEN FROM OTHER SOURCES ON THE INTERNET OPTIONAL MATERIALS Video lectures on CD, video lectures on DVD ( not required) AVAILABLE FROM THE Plainview Book store ASSESSMENT OF STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT: There are three components to the final grade in this course: 1. HOMEWORK EXERCISES. The homework exercises can be found on MYMATHLAB course id cleveland82564. The sections, problems are listed under the assignments tab . When you log in to CourseCompass/MyMathLab you will be able to click on Homework and view your homework exercises. (see attachment) 2. EXAMS; During the course, there will be two major paper quizzes that I will e mail to you.. at midterm and the final exams: and the average of the quizzes. From MY MATH LAB . All will added and averaged for the final grade in the course. A: 90 – 100 B: 80-89 C: 70-79 D: 60 – 69 To pass a course in the Academic Achievement, Program, a final grade has to be at least ”C” COURSE COMPETENCIES: Upon completion of this course, students actively engaged in learning will: 1. Understand the basic algebraic 2. Learn how to plot and graph linear equations 3. Factoring 4. Understand and use the order of operations, algebraic rules involving like terms, operations and concepts of basic algebra. 5. Understand and apply rules involving exponential notation. 6. Apply rules of basic operations to polynomials;, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division 7. Radicals 8. Functions THE ASSIGNMENTS ARE ALL ON COURSE COMPASS WITH THE HOMEWORK AND QUIZES ASSIGNED FOR THE COURSE. THE DATES WILL ALSO BE LISTED ON THE ASSIGNMENT. I WILL SEND THE TWO PAPER QUIZES BY E MAIL FOR YOU TO TAKE AND SUBMIT THE ANSWERS BACK TO ME. I AM ALSO AVAILABLE BY EITHER E MAILING ME AT LIBBYLEIGH@WINDSTREAM.NET OR CLEVELANDL@WBU.EDU, OR BY PHONE AT 806 647 4450 I WILL BE GLAD TO WALK YOU THROUGH ANY PROBLEMS THAT YOU HAVE. PLEASE KEEP UP WITH THE HOMEWORK AND QUIZES AS THIS IS THE MEANS FOR TEACHING THE ALGEBRA COURSE. IMPORTANT DETAILS 1. The majority of the course work will not be in Blackboard, but instead at Course Compass. (http://www.coursecompass.com) This is where the MyMathLab tools for homework and quizzes will be located. You will need to set up your student account at CourseCompass before you begin any work in the course. You should have a Student Access Code and a Getting Started pack with your Worksheets or separately (check with your book store or the course compass help. When setting up your account you will also need the course ID when prompted. cleveland82564 The first thing you’ll need to do after setting up the account is to run the “Installation Wizard” and view “How to Enter Answers” tours and tip sheets for information about entering math notation. GO TO BLACKBOARD AND FIND ON THE LINKS THE VIDEOS AND MATH RULES THAT ARE AVAILABLE. THESE ARE NOT WITH THE COURSE COMPASS BUT ARE SEPARATE AND ARE FOR YOUR USE. THE VIDEOS WILL REVIEW YOU ON THE BASIC ALGEBRA AND THEN THE RULES FOR FACTORING, AND RADICALS. PLEASE GO OVER THESE RULES AND WATCH THE VIDEOS FOR HELP. 2. Please email me with any questions: libbyleigh@windstream.net or clevelandl@wbu.edu or call me at 806 -647-4450 or 806-676-7580 cell . DISABILITY STATEMENT: “In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), it is the policy of Wayland Baptist University that no otherwise qualified person with a disability be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any educational program or activity in the university. The Coordinator of Counseling Services serves as the coordinator of students with a disability and should be contacted concerning accommodation requests at (806) 291-3765/ Documentation of disability must accompany any request for accommodation. How to get MYMATHLAB… To register. Go to http://www.coursecompass.com. Click register button for students and then follow the on-screen instructions. The course id is ACAC Math ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA 0326VC The course id that they will use is cleveland82564. After you register for this course, log in and get started in MYMATHLAB. Read and follow the GETTING STARTED booklet in this kit. If you need help, look for the on-screen icon for help during the registration. You can also go to the side menu and look through the STUDY PLAN. This is a great way to look at each chapter and lesson and actually practice the problems. There is also a section of TRIAL TESTs that is an excellent way to take advantage of studying and practicing taking tests USE ALL THESE HELPS AND SERVICES TO BE PREPARED TO PASS THIS COURSE.. YOU CAN ALSO E MAIL ME QUESTIONS. PLEASE TELL ME THE PAGE AND NUMBER OF WHAT YOU NEED HELP FOR