PBIO 691: Seminar (Plant Cell Walls)

PBIO 691: Seminar
(Plant Cell Walls)
Dr. Allan Showalter
Department of Environmental & Plant Biology
Molecular and Cellular Biology Program
Ohio University
Athens, OH 45709
There are three major regions of the wall:
• Middle lamella - outermost layer, glue that binds adjacent cells, composed
primarily of pectic polysaccharides.
• Primary wall - wall deposited by cells before and during active growth. The
primary wall of cultured sycamore cells is comprised of pectic
polysaccharides (ca. 30%), cross-linking glycans (hemicellulose; ca 25%),
cellulose (15-30%) and protein (ca. 20%) (see Darvill et al, 1980). The
actual content of the wall components varies with species and age. All
plant cells have a middle lamella and primary wall.
• Secondary Wall - some cells deposit additional layers inside the primary
wall. This occurs after growth stops or when the cells begins to
differentiate (specialize). The secondary wall is mainly for support and is
comprised primarily of cellulose and lignin. Often can distinguish distinct
layers, S1, S2 and S3 - which differ in the orientation, or direction, of the
cellulose microfibrils.
The Plant Cell Wall
a | Cell wall containing cellulose microfibrils, hemicellulose, pectin, lignin and soluble proteins.
b | Cellulose synthase enzymes are in rosette complexes, which float in the plasma membrane.
c | Lignification occurs in the S1, S2 and S3 layers of the cell wall.
Middle lamella, Primary cell wall and
Secondary cell wall
Functions of the plant cell wall
maintaining/determining cell shape
support and mechanical strength
prevents the cell membrane from bursting in a hypotonic medium
controls the rate and direction of cell growth and regulates cell volume
ultimately responsible for the plant architectural design and controlling plant
has a metabolic role
physical barrier to: (a) pathogens; and (b) water in suberized cells. However,
remember that the wall is very porous and allows the free passage of small
molecules, including proteins up to 60,000 MW.
carbohydrate storage - the components of the wall can be reused in other
metabolic processes (especially in seeds)
signaling - fragments of wall, called oligosaccharins, act as hormones
recognition responses - for example: (a) the wall of roots of legumes is important in
the nitrogen-fixing bacteria colonizing the root to form nodules; and (b) pollen-style
interactions are mediated by wall chemistry
economic products - cell walls are important for products such as paper, wood,
fiber, energy, shelter, and even roughage in our diet
2.1 Sugars: building blocks of the cell wall
The monosaccharides in cell wall polymers are derived from glucose.
2.2 Macromolecules of the cell wall
Cell wall protein
2.2.1 Cellulose is the principal scaffolding
component of all plant cell walls.
• Cellulose in primary and secondary cell walls
• Made of (1→4)β-D-glucan chains hydrogen
bonded to one another along their length
• Groups of 30 to 40 of these chains laterally
hydrogen bond to form crystalline or paracrystalline microfibrils
• Callose differs from cellulose in consisting of
(1→3)β-D-glucan chains, which can form
helical duplexes and triplexes
• Callose is made by a few cell types at specific
stages of wall development, such as in
growing pollen tubes and in the cell plates of
dividing cells
• Callose is also made in response to wounding
• Cross-linking glycans interlock the cellulosic scaffold
• Cross-linking glycans are a class of polysaccharides that can
hydrogen-bond to cellulose microfibrils and link them
together to form a network
• Most cross-linking glycans are often called “hemicelluloses,”
a widely used but archaic term for all materials extracted
from the cell wall with molar concentrations of alkali,
regardless of structure
• Includes Xyloglucans (XyGs), Xylans [glucuronoarabinoxylans
(GAXs), arabinoxylans (AXs), glucuronoxylans(GXs)], Mannans
(glucomannans, galactoglucomannans, and galactomannans),
and “mixed-linkage” (1→3),(1→4)β-D-glucans (β-glucans)
Xyloglucans and glucuronoarabinoxylans
• The two major cross-linking glycans of all primary
cell walls of flowering plants are xyloglucans
(XyGs) and glucuronoarabinoxylans (GAXs) (Fig.
• XyGs crosslink the walls of all dicots and about
one half of the monocots, but in the cell walls of
the “commelinoid” line of monocots, which
includes bromeliads, palms, gingers, cypresses,
and grasses, the major cross-linking glycan is GAX
(Fig. 2.13).
In the order Poales, which contains the cereals and
grasses, a third major crosslinking glycan, called
“mixed-linkage” (1→3),(1→4)β-D-glucans (β-glucans),
distinguishes these species from the other
commelinoid species (Fig. 2.14).
2.2.3 Pectin matrix polymers are rich in galacturonic acid
• Pectins—a mixture of heterogeneous, branched, and highly
hydrated polysaccharides rich in D-galacturonic acid—have been
defined classically as material extracted from the cell wall by Ca2+chelators such as ammonium oxalate, EDTA, EGTA, or cyclohexane
diamine tetraacetate.
• Two fundamental constituents of pectins are homogalacturonan
(HGA; Fig. 2.16A) and rhamnogalacturonan I (RG I; Fig. 2.16C).
• There are two kinds of structurally modified HGAs, xylogalacturonan
(Fig. 2.16B) and rhamnogalacturonan II (RG II; Fig. 2.17A).
• Other polysaccharides, composed mostly of neutral sugars—such as
arabinans, galactans, and highly branched type I arabinogalactans
(AGs) of various configurations and sizes—are attached to the O-4 of
many of the Rha residues of RG I (see Fig. 2.16D).
2.2.4 Structural proteins of the cell wall are encoded
by large multigene families (Figs. 2.18 and 2.20)
The hydroxyproline-rich glycoproteins (HRGPs) include:
Extensins (EXT)
Proline-rich proteins (PRPs)
Arabinogalactan-proteins (AGPs)
In addition, there are the glycine-rich proteins (GRPs)
2.2.5 Aromatic substances are present in the
nonlignified walls of commelinoid species
• A large fraction of plant aromatics consists of
hydroxycinnamic acids, such as ferulic and pcoumaric acids (Fig. 2.21; see also Chapter 24).
• In grasses, these hydroxycinnamates are attached as
carboxyl esters to the O-5 position of a few of the Ara
units of GAX. A small proportion of the ferulic acid
units of neighboring GAXs may cross-link by phenyl–
phenyl or phenyl–ether linkages to interconnect the
GAX into a large network (Fig. 2.22).
2.3 Cell wall architecture
• The primary wall consists of three structural
• Cellulose and cross-linking glycans
• Matrix pectic polysaccharides
• Structural proteins or a phenylpropanoid
2.3.2 Walls of angiosperms are arranged in two
distinct types of architecture
• Type I walls- most dicots and the noncommelinoid monocots contain about
equal amounts of XyGs and cellulose
• In Type I walls (Fig. 2.23A), the cellulose-XyG framework is embedded in a
pectin matrix that controls, among other physiological properties, wall
porosity. HGA is thought to be secreted as highly methyl-esterified
polymers, and the enzyme pectin methylesterase (PME), located in the cell
wall, cleaves some of the methyl groups to initiate binding of the
carboxylate ions to Ca2+.
• Type II walls- commelinoid monocots contain cellulose microfibrils similar
to those of the Type I wall; instead of XyG, however, the principal polymers
that interlock the microfibrils are GAXs.
• In general, Type II walls are pectin-poor, but an additional contribution to
the charge density of the wall is provided by the α-L-GlcA units on GAX.
These walls have very little structural protein compared with dicots and
other monocots but they can accumulate extensive interconnecting
networks of phenylpropanoids, particularly as the cells stop expanding.
2.4 Cell wall biosynthesis and assembly
• Cell walls originate in the developing cell plate. As plant nuclei
complete division during telophase of the mitotic cell cycle, the
phragmosome, a flattened membranous vesicle containing cell wall
components, forms across the cell within a cytoskeletal array called
the phragmoplast.
• Cell wall synthesis continues after cell division.
• The plant Golgi apparatus is a factory for the synthesis, processing,
and targeting of glycoproteins (Fig. 2.26).
• The Golgi apparatus also has been shown by autoradiography to be
the site of synthesis of noncellulosic polysaccharides.
• Thus—except for cellulose—the polysaccharides, the structural
proteins, and a broad spectrum of enzymes are coordinately
secreted in Golgi-derived vesicles and targeted to the cell wall.
2.4.2 Golgi-localized enzymes interconvert the nucleotide
sugars, which serve as substrates for polysaccharide synthesis
• The reactions that synthesize noncellulosic cell wall
polysaccharides in the Golgi apparatus utilize several
nucleotide sugars as substrates.
• Beginning with formation of UDP-glucose and GDP-glucose
(Fig. 2.27), pathways for nucleotide sugar interconversion
produce various nucleotide sugars de novo in enzymecatalyzed reactions (Figs. 2.28 and 2.29).
• Many of these interconversion enzymes (e.g., epimerases and
dehydratases) appear to be membrane-bound and localized to
the ER-Golgi apparatus.
2.4.4 Cellulose microfibrils are assembled
at the plasma membrane surface
• The only polymers known to be made at the outer plasma
membrane surface of plants are cellulose and callose.
• Cellulose synthesis is catalyzed by multimeric enzyme
complexes located at the termini of growing cellulose
microfibrils (Fig. 2.31).
• These terminal complexes are visible in freeze-fracture
replicas of plasma membrane. In some algae, terminal
complexes are organized in linear arrays, whereas in
others—and in all angiosperms—they form particle
rosettes (Fig. 2.31).
• Why do plants have so many different CesA and related
CesA Superfamily in Arabidopsis
CesA and Csl families in plants
2.5 Growth and cell walls
• During elongation or expansion, existing cell wall architecture must
change to incorporate new material, increasing the surface area of
the cell and inducing water uptake by the protoplast.
• The regulation of wall loosening is considered the primary
determinant of rates of cell expansion.
• The acid-growth hypothesis postulates that auxin-dependent
acidification of the cell wall promotes wall extensibility and cell
• At present, two kinds of enzymes are being evaluated as having
possible wall-loosening activities.
• Xyloglucan endotransglycosylase (XET), carries out a
transglycosylation of XyG in which one chain of XyG is cleaved and
reattached to the nonreducing terminus of another XyG chain.
• Expansins, these proteins probably catalyze breakage of hydrogen
bonds between cellulose and the load-bearing cross-linking glycans.
2.6 Cell differentiation
• Fruit-ripening involves developmentally regulated
changes in cell wall architecture (pectin methyl
esterase and polygalacturonase I and II)
• Secondary walls are elaborated after the growth of the
primary wall has stopped
• The cotton fiber, for example, consists of nearly 98%
cellulose at maturity
• The secondary wall may, however, contain additional
noncellulosic polysaccharides, proteins, and aromatic
substances such as lignin.
• Secondary deposition of suberin and cutin can render
cell walls impermeable to water
Lignin biosynthesis
Lignin biosynthetic pathway, simplified schematic.
Ralph J et al. PNAS 1998;95:12803-12808
©1998 by The National Academy of Sciences
Possible mechanisms and cellular locations of cutin and suberin assembly
2.7 Cell walls for food, feed, fuel, and fibers
Fruits and vegetables for humans and animals
Jams, jellies, thickening agents, emulsifiers
Dietary fiber
Biofuel: cellulosic ethanol
Cellulosic Ethanol Production
and Research Challenges
This figure depicts some key processing
steps in a future large-scale facility for
transforming cellulosic biomass (plant
fibers) into biofuels. Three areas where
focused biological research can lead to
much lower costs and increased
productivity include developing crops
dedicated to biofuel production (see step
1), engineering enzymes that deconstruct
cellulosic biomass (see steps 2 and 3), and
engineering microbes and developing new
microbial enzyme systems for industrialscale conversion of biomass sugars into
ethanol and other biofuels or bioproducts
(see step 4). Biological research challenges
associated with each production step are
summarized in the right portion of the
Potential Bioenergy Crops
Model systems to study plant cell walls
Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum)
Arabidopsis thaliana
Brachypodium distachyon
Miscanthus giganteus
Methods used to study plant cell walls
Carbohydrate composition and linkage analysis
Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS)
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)
Mass Spectrometry (MS)
Sequence-dependent glycanases
High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)
High-pH anion-exchange chromatography (HPAC) or “Dionex”
Pulsed amperometric detector (PAD)
Microscopy (LM, SEM, TEM, AFM, FTIR, FT-Raman)
Plant tissue culture
Molecular biology
Molecular genetics
Transgenic plants
Resources for plant cell wall research
• Carbohydrate-Active enZYmes Database (CAZy)http://www.cazy.org/
• Glycoside Hydrolases (GHs) : hydrolysis and/or rearrangement
of glycosidic bonds
• GlycosylTransferases (GTs) : formation of glycosidic bonds
• Polysaccharide Lyases (PLs) : non-hydrolytic cleavage of
glycosidic bonds
• Carbohydrate Esterases (CEs) : hydrolysis of carbohydrate
• Antibodies for plant cell wall polymershttp://www.ccrc.uga.edu/~mao/wallmab/Antibodies/antib.htm
and http://www.plantprobes.net/
• Carpita, N. and McCann, M. (2000) Cell Walls.
Chapter 2. In Biochemistry & Molecular Biology of
Plants. Buchanan, BB, Gruissem W, Jones, RL. eds.
American Society of Plant Biology, Beltsville, MD.
• Albersheim P., Darvill A., Roberts K., Sederoff R.,
Staehelin A. (2011) Plant Cell Walls. Garland Science,
New York.