Informative Speech

Types of Informative Speeches
How to save people from; How to buy  Objects include places,
a used car; how to write an effective
buildings, animals,
job resume; how perfume is made…
Cosmetic surgery; television viewing;
Halloween; jobs interviews…
Principles of psychology; Islam;
Extinction of dinosaurs…
Speeches about objects
Speeches about processes
Speeches about events
Speeches about concepts
A single infinitive phrase that states
precisely what a speaker hopes to
accomplish in his or her speech.
Specific Purpose Statement
Express as a full sentence
To inform my audience the three uses of laser in the
medical field.
Do not express as a question
Is US intervention in the Middle East necessary?
Avoid figurative language
To persuade my audience that Yoga is an extremely cool
way to improve your health.
Do not be vague or overly general
To inform my audience about smoking.
Limit it to one distinct idea
To convince my audience to become literacy tutors and
to donate their time to GreenPeace.
Guidelines for the Specific
To inform my audience about the three major
rituals in a Malay wedding.
To inform my audience how to make Italian
To inform my audience the major reasons for
the landslide occurrence at Bukit Antarabangsa.
To inform my audience what to look for when
buying a digital camera/handphone.
A one-sentence statement that sums
up or encapsulates the major ideas of
a speech.
Usually found in the introduction of
your sentence.
Central Idea/Thesis Statement
Topic: Witchcraft Practised in the Malay
General purpose: To inform
Specific purpose: To inform my audience the
three major kinds of witchcraft practised today
the Malay society.
Central idea: The three major kinds of
witchcraft practised today in the Malay
society are black magic (n), sorcery (n)
and satanism (n).
Example …
Topic: Social Ills
General purpose: To inform
Specific purpose: To inform my audience the
major social ills facing the Malaysian society
Central idea: The three major social ills
facing the Malaysia society today are
domestic violence, close proximity and
sexual abuse.
Example …
Topic: Chinese New Year
General purpose: To inform
Specific purpose: To inform my audience the
important traditions practised during the
Chinese New
Central idea: The three important
practised during the Chinese New Year
are the reunion dinner, ang pau giving
and lion dance performance .
Example …
Topic: The Heimlih Maneuver
General purpose: To inform
Specific purpose: To inform my audience how
perform the Heimlich Maneuver.
Central idea: The effectiveness of the
Heimlich Maneuver depends on two
factors – knowing the symptoms of a
choking victim and knowing how to
perform the maneuver to save the
Example …
Topic “ The Truth About Caffeine.”
General purpose: To inform
Specific purpose: I would like to inform
the audience about some of the facts
about caffeine and its effects on the
human body.
 Central idea: I am going to talk about
the beneficial effects of caffeine,
negative effects of caffeine and levels
of safe caffeine consumption.
Example …