Unit VI Learning Objectives and Vocabulary

Unit VI: Industrialization and Economic Development
Chapters 9 & 11
Unit Learning Targets and Vocabulary
Unit Learning Targets:
1. I can discuss how the roles of energy and technology in society have changed since the
Industrial Revolution. (College Board Standards VI A1).
2. I can describe 3 impacts that the Industrial Revolution had on industries. (VI A2)
3. I can explain why the world is described as being divided into a more well-developed core
and a less-developed periphery. (VI A3)
4. I can explain and critique models of economic development such as:
a. Models of economic localization such as the Bid-Rent Theory,
b. Rostow's stages of economic growth,
c. Wallerstein's World Systems Theory, and
d. Millennium Development Goals. (VI A4)
5. I can map the spatial organization of the world economy. (VI B1)
6. I can analyze variations in levels of development by calculating HDI (Human Development
Index) for countries. (VI B2)
7. I can describe 3 economic, social and demographic indicators of development. (VI B2)
8. I can explain why deindustrialization and economic restructuring occurs and how this
impacts industry. (VI B3)
9. I can explain outsourcing and the pros and cons that it provides a country. (VI B4)
10. I can discuss how international division of labor leads to globalization. (VI B4)
11. I can explain why the world's energy and mineral resources are being depleted. (VI B5)
12. I can explain global warming and the effects that it has on the Earth. (VI B5)
13. I can give examples of 3 renewable resources and 3 nonrenewable resources. (VI B6)
14. I can explain sustainable development. (VI B6)
15. I can discuss local development initiatives and government policies as it applies to a
country's development providing 2 examples. (VI B7)
16. I can explain the Gender-Related Development Index and Gender Empowerment Index.
(VI B8)
Unit Vocabulary:
Industrial Revolution
Cottage industry
Bulk-reducing industry
Bulk-gaining industry
Break-of-bulk point
Weber's Theory
Bid-rent theory
Labor-intensive industry
Right-to-work laws
Footloose industry
Commodity Chains
Four Economic (Asian) Tigers
Core-periphery model
More developed country (MDC)
Less developed country (LDC)
Human Development Index (HDI)
Gross domestic product (GDP)
Primary jobs
Secondary jobs
Tertiary jobs
Quaternary jobs
Quinary jobs
Value added
Gender-related Development Index (GDI)
Gender Empowerment Measure (GEM)
Rostow's Development Model
Foreign direct investment (FDI)
Transnational corporation
World Bank
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Fair trade
Biomass fuel
Fossil fuel
Renewable energy
Nonrenewable energy
Acid rain
Greenhouse effect