Name: Date: Pd: Guided Reading Grade: _______/_______ Identifications Grade: _______/_______ Quiz Grade: _______/_______ 1 Name: Date: Pd: Launching the New Republic, 1788-1800 Section 1: Constitutional Government Takes Shape, 1788-1796 (pg 191-194) 1. Prior to the Revolutionary War, who did most Cherokee’s side with? Why? 2. What were the THREE issues that lay ahead for Americans? 3. Who gained control over Congress? The Presidency? 4. Which fear did Washington calm for most Americans? 5. What did Congress have control over and how did they organize it? 6. Which two elements of the Constitution gave the President a more equal partner to Congress? 7. Why did citizens fear Congress’s authorization to create federal courts? 8. How was the Judiciary Act of 1789 a compromise with state fear? 9. Explain ex post facto laws & bills of attainder: 10. Who played a major role in establishing the Bill of Rights? 2 Name: George Washington Date: Location Definition John Adams Location Location Location Definition Date Significance Location Definition Bill of Rights Date Significance Definition Bills of Attainder Date Significance Definition Ex post facto Laws Date Significance Definition Judiciary Act of 1789 Pd: Date Significance Location Date Significance 3 Name: Date: Pd: Launching the New Republic, 1788-1800 Section 2: Hamilton’s Domestic Policies, 1789-1794 (pgs 194-198) 1. What was the first danger the US faced financially which concerned Hamilton? 2. After publishing his Reports on the Public Credit, Hamilton’s report listed US debt…who did we owe? 3. How did he propose solving this debt? 4. Who paid the state debt for the Revolutionary War? 5. What were the main reason people did not like Hamilton’s ideas with our national debt? 6. Which states had not paid their war debt? 7. How did Hamilton try to compromise between the states who had already paid their debt and the US government paying off the delinquent states? 8. What were Hamilton’s chief arguments in establishing the National Bank of the United States? 9. Why did Madison feel that the national bank was unconstitutional? 10. What was Hamilton trying to promote by taking the war debt from states like New England, New Jersey, and South Carolina? 11. Why did citizens living in western Pennsylvania have a problem with the tax? 12. What did Washington do as a response to the rebellion? 4 Name: Alexander Hamilton Date: Location Definition Date Significance Reports on Public Credit Definition Location Excise Tax Location Date Significance Definition Date Significance Report on the National Bank Definition Location Strict & Loose Interpretation Definition Location Whiskey Rebellion Location Definition Pd: Date Significance Date Significance Date Significance 5 Name: Date: Pd: Launching the New Republic, 1788-1800 Section 3: The United States in a Wider World, 1789-1796 (pg 198-205) 1. What had caused American’s to debate their role in foreign policy? 2. Why did other European countries declare war on France? 3. Where was Spain’s first interest area in North America? 4. How did Spain and American extend peace with one another in 1789? 5. How did Washington try to weaken Spanish influence over southern American territories? 6. How did political groups view France’s “reign on terror” or execution of kings and their followers? 7. How did the North and South view the French Revolution differently? 8. What action did France take with involving the United States in their war? 9. What did King George III do to show America their feelings about their alliance/support for France? (TWO WAYS) 10. What did the United States gain as a result of the Treaty of Grenville? 11. Why did many criticize Jay’s Treaty? (TWO REASONS) 12. What were the THREE components to the Treaty of San Lorenzo? 6 Name: Alta California Date: Location Definition Treaty of New York Location Location Location Definition Date Significance Location Definition Treaty of San Lorenzo Date Significance Definition Jay’s Treaty Date Significance Definition Treaty of Greenville Date Significance Definition Citizen Genet Pd: Date Significance Location Date Significance 7 Name: Date: Pd: Launching a New Republic, 1788-1800 (pg. 205-219) Directions: Create two questions and answers for each section listed below. IV. Parties and Politics, 1793-1800 (pg. 205 to 210) A. Ideological Confrontation B. The Republican Party C. The Election of 1796 D. The French Crisis E. The Alien & Sedition Acts F. The Election of 1800 8 Name: Election of 1796 Date: Location Definition “XYZ Affair” Location Location Date Significance Location Definition Date Significance Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions Definition Location Election of 1800 Location Definition Date Significance Definition Alien and Sedition Acts Date Significance Definition Quasi War Pd: Date Significance Date Significance 9 Name: Date: Pd: Launching a New Republic, 1788-1800 (pg. 205-219) Directions: Create two questions and answers for each section below. V. Economic and Social Change (pg. 210-219) A. Producing for Markets B. White Women in the Republic C. Land and Culture: Native Americans D. African American Struggles 10 Name: Patriarchal family Date: Location Definition Location Indian Trade and Intercourse Act Definition Location Naturalization Act Location Date Significance Date Significance Location Definition Definition Date Significance Definition Gabriel’s Rebellion Date Significance Republican Motherhood Definition Fugitive Slave Law Pd: Date Significance Location Date Significance 11