Powers of 10 Review
Make the following conversions:
(Recall that if the new prefix is increased by a factor of 3, then the
numerical coefficient will have to be decreased)
1) 3500 µA = ______ mA
150 µH
2) 4.7 MΩ
2200 kΩ = ______ MΩ
= ______ kΩ
= ______ mH
3) 1510 kHz = ______ MHz
10) 1.33 MHz = ______ kHz
4) 0.3 µF
= ______ nF
11) 0.3 µF
5) 22 mA
= ______ µA
12) 0.22 mH = ______ µH
6) 100 nF
= ______ pF
13) 5600 kΩ = ______ Ω
7) 30000 nF = ______ µF
14) 3 pF
= ______ nF
= ______ nF
Topics Covered in Chapter 1
1-1: Negative and Positive Polarities
1-2: Electrons and Protons in the Atom
1-3: Structure of the Atom
1-4: The Coulomb Unit of Electric Charge
1-5: The Volt Unit of Potential Difference
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Topics Covered in Chapter 1
 1-6: Charge in Motion Is Current
 1-7: Resistance Is Opposition to Current
 2-2: Resistance Color Coding
 1-8: The Closed Circuit
 1-9 The Direction of Current
 1-10: Direct Current (DC) and Alternating Current (AC)
 1-11: Sources of Electricity
 1-12: The Digital Multimeter
1-1: Negative and Positive Polarities
 Electrons and Protons:
 All the materials we know, including solids, liquids and
gases, contain two basic particles of electric charge: the
electron and the proton.
 The electron is the smallest particle of electric charge
having the characteristic called negative polarity.
 The proton is the smallest particle of electric charge
having the characteristic called positive polarity.
1-1: Negative and Positive Polarities
 Charge of an electron or proton has invisible field of
 The invisible force can do the work of moving another
 The arrangement of electrons and protons in a
substance determines its electrical characteristics.
 When the number of protons and electrons in a
substance are equal, they cancel each other out,
making the substance electrically neutral.
1-1: Negative and Positive Polarities
 To use the electrical forces associated with the negative
and positive charges in matter, the electrons and
protons must be separated.
 Changing the balance of forces produces evidence of
 Electricity is a form of energy (i.e. it has the ability to do
1-1: Negative and Positive Polarities
Electricity in a battery is caused
by basic particles of electric
charges with opposite polarities
Fig. 1-1: Positive and negative
polarities for the voltage output of a
typical battery.
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1-2: Electrons and Protons in the
 An atom is the smallest particle of the basic elements
 Electrons and protons in an atom assemble in specific
combinations for a stable arrangement.
 Each stable combination makes one particular kind of
1-2: Electrons and Protons in the
 A hydrogen atom contains one proton in its nucleus. This
is balanced by one orbiting electron. A hydrogen atom
contains no neutrons in its nucleus.
Fig. 1-2: Electron and proton in the hydrogen (H) atom.
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1-2: Electrons and Protons in the
 Electrons are distributed in orbital rings around the
The distribution of electrons determines the atom’s
electrical stability (outermost ring needs 8 for stability)
The electrons in the orbital ring farthest from the nucleus
are especially important.
If electrons in the outermost ring escape from the atom
they become free electrons.
Free electrons can move from one atom to the next and
are the basis of electric current.
1-2: Electrons and Protons in the
Fig. 1-3: Atomic structure showing the nucleus and its orbital rings of electrons. (a) Carbon (C)
atom has 6 orbital electrons to balance 6 protons in the nucleus. (b) Copper (Cu) atom has 29
protons in the nucleus and 29 orbital electrons.
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1-2: Electrons and Protons in the
 When electrons in the outermost ring of an atom can
move easily from one atom to the next in a material, the
material is called a conductor.
 Examples of conductors include:
 silver
 copper
 aluminum
1-2: Electrons and Protons in the
 When electrons in the outermost ring of an atom do not
move about easily, but instead stay in their orbits, the
material is called an insulator.
 Examples of insulators include:
 glass
 plastic
 rubber
 An insulating material is also called a dielectric,
meaning it can store electric charge
1-2: Electrons and Protons in the
 Semiconductors are materials that are neither good
conductors nor good insulators.
 Examples of semiconductors include:
 carbon
 silicon
 germanium
1-3: Structure of the Atom
 Atomic Number
 The atomic number of an element is the number of
protons in the nucleus of the atom balanced by an equal
number of orbiting electrons.
 The number of electrons in orbit around the nucleus of a
neutral atom is equal to the number of protons in the
1-3: Structure of the Atom
 Orbital Rings
 Electrons are contained in successive rings beyond the
nucleus. The rings are called K, L, M, N, O, P, and Q,
 Each ring has a maximum number of electrons for
stability. They are:
K ring = 2 electrons.
L ring = 8 electrons.
M ring = 8 or 18 electrons.
N ring = 8,18, or 32
O ring = 8 or 18 electrons
P ring = 8 or 18 electrons
Q ring = 8 electrons
1-3: Structure of the Atom
 The maximum number of electrons in the outermost ring
is always 8.
 The electron valence of an atom is the number of
electrons in an incomplete outermost shell. The valence
indicates how easily the atom can gain or lose
 An atom’s nucleus contains neutrons as well as
 Neutrons have no net electric charge.
1-3: Structure of the Atom
One Atom of Copper
Atomic number = 29
M = 18
1-3: Structure of the Atom
The valence electron is weakly bound to the nucleus. This
makes copper an excellent conductor.
29 protons
atomic number = 29
29 electrons
(net charge = 0)
1 valence electron
1-4: The Coulomb Unit of Electric
 Rubbing a hard rubber pen on a sheet of paper
produces static electric charge
 Most common applications of electricity require the
charge of billions of electrons or protons.
 1 coulomb (C) is equal to the quantity (Q) of 6.25 × 1018
electrons or protons.
 The symbol for electric charge is Q or q, for quantity.
1-4: The Coulomb Unit of Electric
 Negative and Positive Polarities
 Charges of the same polarity tend to repel each other.
 Charges of opposite polarity tend to attract each other.
 Electrons tend to move toward protons because
electrons have a much smaller mass than protons.
 An electric charge can have either negative or positive
polarity. An object with more electrons than protons has
a net negative charge (-Q) whereas an object with more
protons than electrons has a net positive charge (+Q).
 An object with an equal number of electrons and
protons is considered electrically neutral (Q = 0C)
1-4: The Coulomb Unit of Electric
Fig. 1-5: Physical force between electric charges. (a) Opposite charges attract. (b) Two
negative charges repel each other. (c) Two positive charges repel.
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1-4: The Coulomb Unit of Electric
 Charge of an Electron
 The charge of a single electron, or Qe, is 0.16 × 10−18 C.
 It is expressed
 −Qe = 0.16 × 10−18 C
 (−Qe indicates the charge is negative.)
 The charge of a single proton, QP, is also equal to
0.16 × 10−18 C .
 However, its polarity is positive instead of negative.
Problem 1-2
 If 18.75 x1018 electrons are added to a
neutral dielectric, how much charge is
stored in coulombs?
-Q = 3C
1-5: The Volt Unit of Potential
 Potential refers to the possibility of doing work.
 Any charge has the potential to do the work of moving
another charge, either by attraction or repulsion.
Two unlike charges have a difference of potential.
Potential difference is often abbreviated PD.
The volt is the unit of potential difference.
Potential difference is also called voltage.
1-5: The Volt Unit of Potential
Fig. 1-7: The amount of work required to move electrons between two charges depends on their
difference of potential. This potential difference (PD) is equivalent for the examples in (a), (b),
and (c).
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1-5: The Volt Unit of Potential
 The volt is a measure of the amount
of work or energy needed to move an
electric charge.
 The metric unit of work or energy is
the joule (J). One joule = 0.7376
 The potential difference (or voltage)
between two points equals 1 volt
when 1 J of energy is expended in
moving 1 C of charge between those
two points.
 1V=1J/1C
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9 joules
Problem 1-5
 What is the output voltage of a battery if
10 J of energy is expanded in moving
1.25C of charge?
V = 8V
1-6: Charge in Motion Is Current
 When the potential difference between two charges
causes a third charge to move, the charge in motion is
an electric current.
 Current is a continuous flow of electric charges such as
1-6: Charge in Motion Is Current
Fig. 1-9: Potential difference across two ends of wire conductor causes drift of free electrons
throughout the wire to produce electric current.
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1-6: Charge in Motion Is Current
 The amount of current is dependent on the amount of
voltage applied.
The greater the amount of applied voltage, the greater
the number of free electrons that can be made to move,
producing more charge in motion, and therefore a larger
value of current.
Current can be defined as the rate of flow of electric
charge. The unit of measure for electric current is the
ampere (A).
1 A = 6.25 × 1018 electrons (1C) flowing past a given
point each second, or 1A= 1C/s.
The letter symbol for current is I or i, for intensity.
Problem 1-14
 A charge of 6 C moves past a given
point every 0.3 seconds. How much is
the current?
I = 20A
1-7: Resistance Is
Opposition to Current
 Resistance is the opposition to the flow of current.
 A component manufactured to have a specific value of
resistance is called a resistor.
 Conductors, like copper or silver, have very low
 Insulators, like glass and rubber, have very high
 The unit of resistance is the ohm (Ω).
 The symbol for resistance is R.
1-7: Resistance Is
Opposition to Current
Fig. 1-10: (a) Wire-wound type of resistor with cement coating for insulation. (b) Schematic
symbol for any type of fixed resistor.
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Problem 1-19
 Calculate the resistance value in ohms for the
following conductance values: (a) 0.001S (b) 0.01S
 Note: Conductance is the reciprocal of resistance.
The symbol for conductance is G = 1/R and S,
Siemens, is the unit of conductance.
a) R = 1/0.001 S = 1000 Ω = 1 kΩ
b) R = 1/0.01 S = 100 Ω
2-2: Resistor Color Coding
 Carbon resistors are small, so their R value in ohms is
marked using a color-coding system.
 Colors represent numerical values.
 Coding is standardized by the Electronic Industries
Alliance (EIA).
2-2: Resistor Color Coding
 Resistor Color Code
Color Code
0 Black
1 Brown
2 Red
3 Orange
4 Yellow
5 Green
6 Blue
7 Violet
Fig. 2-8: How to read color stripes on
carbon resistors for R in ohms.
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8 Gray
9 White
2-2: Resistor Color Coding
 Applying the Color
 The amount by
which the actual
R can differ from
the color-coded
value is its
Tolerance is
usually stated in
Gold = 5%
5% of 4700 = 235
4700 - 235 = 4465
Yellow = 4
4700 + 235 = 4935
Violet = 7
Red = 2
The actual value can range from 4465 to 4935 .
is the nominal value.
2-2: Resistor Color Coding
 What is the nominal value and permissible ohmic
range for each resistor shown?
1 k (950 to 1050 )
390  (370.5 to 409.5 )
22 k (20.9 to 23.1 k)
1 M (950 k to 1.05 M)
1-8: The Closed Circuit
 A circuit can be defined as a path for current flow. Any
circuit has three key characteristics:
1. There must be a source of potential difference
(voltage). Without voltage current cannot flow.
2. There must be a complete path for current flow.
3. The current path normally has resistance, either to
generate heat or limit the amount of current.
1-8: The Closed Circuit
 Open and Short Circuits
 When a current path is broken (incomplete) the circuit is
said to be open. The resistance of an open circuit is
infinitely high. There is no current in an open circuit.
 When the current path is closed but has little or no
resistance, the result is a short circuit. Short circuits
can result in too much current.
1-8: The Closed Circuit
A closed circuit
(current is flowing)
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The purpose of the
resistor is to limit
current (flow) or to
generate heat.
1-8: The Closed Circuit
An open circuit
(no current is flowing)
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1-9: Direction of the Current
 With respect to the positive and negative terminals of
the voltage source, current has direction.
 When free electrons are considered as the moving
charges we call the direction of current electron flow.
Electron flow is from the negative terminal of the voltage
source through the external circuit back to the positive
 Conventional current is considered as the motion of
positive charges. Conventional current flows in the
opposite direction from electron flow (positive to
1-9: Direction of the Current
Fig. 1-13: Direction of I in a closed
circuit, shown for electron flow
and conventional current. The
circuit works the same way no
matter which direction you
consider. (a) Electron flow
indicated with dashed arrow in
diagram. (b) Conventional
current indicated with solid
arrow. (c) Electron flow as in
(a) but with reversed polarity of
voltage source. (d)
Conventional I as in (b) but
reversed polarity for V.
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1-10: Direct Current
and Alternating Current
 Direct current (dc) flows in only one direction.
 Alternating current (ac) periodically reverses direction.
 The unit for 1 cycle per second is the hertz (Hz). This
unit describes the frequency of reversal of voltage
polarity and current direction.
1-10: Direct Current
and Alternating Current
Fig. 1-14: Steady dc voltage of fixed polarity,
such as the output of a battery. Note the
schematic symbol at left.
Fig. 1-15: Sine-wave ac voltage with
alternating polarity, such as from an ac
generator. Note the schematic symbol at
left. The ac line voltage in your home has
this waveform.
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1-11: Sources of Electricity
 All materials have electrons and protons.
 To do work, the electric charges must be separated to
produce a potential difference.
 Potential difference is necessary to produce current
1-11: Sources of Electricity
 Common sources of electricity include:
 Static electricity by friction
 Example: walking across a carpeted room
 Conversion of chemical energy
 wet or dry cells; batteries
 Electromagnetism
 motors, generators
 Photoelectricity
 materials that emit electrons when light strikes their surfaces;
photoelectric cells; TV camera tubes
1-12: The Digital Multimeter
 A digital multimeter
(DMM) is a device used to
measure the voltage,
current, or resistance in a
Fig. 1-16: A handheld digital multimeter and a
benchtop unit.
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