College Now PowerPoint

College Now
What is College Now?
 Partnership
with JCCC that allows students
to earn college credit for courses taken at
the high school during the school day
 No
indication on JCCC transcript that
course was taken as “College Now”; will
transfer the same as any course taken at
What is Quick-Step Plus?
 For
students enrolled in College
Algebra at OE that wants to take the
course for college credit through
 Functions very similar to College Now;
different deadlines for enrollment as
well as testing for the course
How do I become a College
Now/QSPCA student?
You have to be enrolled in a College Now class at East
Apply to JCCC (online, in person)
Make sure pre-requisites for your course are taken care of:
Have transcript with ACT scores sent through Parchment
Take Compass Placement Test on JCCC campus
Verify AP scores (For Comp II 2nd semester)
Enroll in the course at JCCC and pay ($91/credit hour)can enroll over the phone 913-469-3803
AP Lit & Comp -ACT English sub-score of 19; or COMPASS
College/AP Chem -ACT Math sub score of 26; or COMPASS; or
MATH 171 with C or better
College Algebra – ACT Math sub score of 25; or COMPASS
College Physics - ACT Math sub score of 26; or COMPASS; or MATH
Pre-Calculus -ACT Math sub score of 26; or COMPASS; or MATH 171
with C or better
AP Statistics - ACT Math sub score of 26; or COMPASS; or MATH 171
or MATH 173 with C or better
AP Calculus AB/BC - ACT Math sub score of 28; or COMPASS; or
MATH 171 and 172 OR MATH 173 with C or better
Important Deadlines
College Now
(College Alg.)
Application and ACT Test score priority submission deadline. Forms
will still be accepted after this deadline, but no guarantee of
Aug. 28, 2015
processing by the enrollment deadline
Sept 25, 2015
COMPASS Placement deadline *if COMPASS is required*
(ACT Math sub-score of 25 exempts you from taking COMPASS for
College Algebra)
Sept. 11, 2015
Oct. 9, 2015
Enrollment deadline. All payment is due at the time of enrollment!
Sept. 11, 2015
Oct. 9, 2015
Last day to withdraw with 100% refund
Sept. 28, 2015
Oct. 23, 2015
Last day to withdraw without receiving a “W” on transcript
Oct. 12, 2015
Nov. 16, 2015
COMPASS Retest Policy
Fall 2015
1st time
Fall 2015
1 retest
Spring ’16
1 retest
1 retest
Fall 2016
1 retest
Financial Assistance
 Payments
can be split into 2 if you enroll in JCCC
Payment Plan
 Johnson
County Community College Grant-monies
are awarded on a first come; first served basis
Fund Grant (through Olathe Public Schools
Foundation)-monies are awarded based on need
*Student MUST show also apply for JCCC Grant to be
eligible & must provide proof of enrollment in classes
Transfer of Credits
 Students
reported that 87 percent of their College
Now courses transferred as course-for-course and an
additional 9 percent indicated their courses
transferred as electives.
 May count as elective credit vs. degree credit
depending on major/college
 Best bet is to contact college/university directly to
see how credit will transfer
 You will have to request through JCCC that
transcripts be sent to 4-year institution of choice
College Now credit vs. AP credit
College Now
To earn College Now
credit and have it transfer
to a 4 year institution, you
must earn a “C” or better
Will always transfer as
credit, but college may
not accept letter grade
or specific course
To earn college credit,
the student must score
high enough on the AP
exam; acceptable scores
differ depending on
Most colleges accept AP
scores as actual credit for
the course taken-each
college varies on this
$92/AP test
$91/credit hour
Perks of College Now
Billington Library
Writing Center
Math Resource Center
Science Resource Center
Language Resource Center
Testing Center
*Student must have JCCC ID to access resources
Thursday, Aug
There will be a JCCC representative here from
7:30-3:00 to help process applications, verify
ACT scores, enroll in courses and answer
Come down before/after school, during lunch,
or if you have any “free time” during a class!
All of this info can be found on the
Olathe East Counseling Website