Oxidation and Reduction Overview • Oxidation and reduction reactions always occur together (redox reactions) • You can’t have one without the other • Includes: extracting metal from an ore • Salt on roads – Salt accelerates the reaction between oxygen and metal – Makes electron transfer easier Oxygen • • • • • • • Most abundant element on Earth 21% of our atmosphere (pure) 89% of Earth’s water (compound) 45.5% of Earth’s crust (compound) 2/3rd’s of the human body (compound) Foods (compound) Rust Chemical Properties of Oxygen • Combines with many elements and compounds • Rust (reacts with metals) • Other oxides (reacts with nonmetals) • Methane (reacts with other compounds) – Bunsen burner Hydrogen • In the universe, 95% of all atoms are hydrogen • Seldom found alone • Hydrocarbons • Hindenburg… 3 ways of looking at oxidation and reduction • 1. oxidation is a gain of oxygen atoms, reduction is a loss of oxygen atoms • 2. oxidation is a loss of hydrogen atoms, reduction is a gain of hydrogen atoms • 3. oxidation is a loss of electrons, reduction is a gain of electrons – Most fundamental explanation, what we will be dealing with the most Oxidation Reduction Gains oxygen Lose Oxygen Oxygen Lose Hydrogen Gains hydrogen Hydrogen Lose Electrons Gains electrons e- In relation to our lab… • Remember that reduction is a loss of oxygen from a compound • We converted iron ore to metallic iron – We removed oxygen from the iron(III) oxide – 2Fe2O3 + 3C 4Fe + 3CO2 – Carbon was oxidized because it gained an oxygen Leo the Lion! • LEO the lion says GER – Loss of electrons is oxidation, gain of electrons is reduction Examples • Is the reactant oxidized or reduced? • • • • • Pb PbO3 SnO2 SnO KClO3 KCl C2H6O C2H4O C2H2 C2H6 Pertaining to LEO… • Mg + S MgS • Mg + S Mg2+ + S2• Magnesium is oxidized – Said to be the reducing agent – Substance in the reaction that loses electrons • Sulfide sulfur atom is reduced – Said to be the oxidizing agent – Substance in the reaction that gains electrons Oxidation Numbers • A count of the electrons transferred or shared in the formation or breaking of chemical bonds • You must assign each element in the reaction an oxidation number • Follow a set of rules… Oxidation Number Rules 1. The total of the oxidation numbers of all the atoms in a neutral molecule, an isolated atom, or a formula unit is 0 – Examples 2. In their compounds, the Group 1A metals all have an oxidation number of +1, and the Group 2A metals have an oxidation number of 2+. – Examples Rules Con’t 3. In its compounds, hydrogen has an oxidation number of +1 (except in metal hydrides such as NaH, where it is -1) – Examples 4. In its compounds, oxygen has an oxidation number of -2 (except in peroxides such as H2O2, where it is -1) – Examples 5. In their binary compounds with metals, Group7A elements have an oxidation number of -1. Group 6A elements have an oxidation number of -2, and Groups 5A elements have an oxidation number of -3. – Examples Problems • What is the oxidation number of each element? • I2 • Cr2O3 • AlCl3 • Na2SO4 • CaH2 Identifying Redox Reactions 0 +3 -2 0 +3 -2 • 2 Al + Fe2O3 2 Fe + Al2O3 • • • • Al increases from 0 to +3, it is ______ Oxidized! Fe decreases from +3 to 0, it is _______ Reduced! Problems • • • • Zn Zn2+ Fe3+ Fe2+ CaCO3 CaO + CO2 AgNO3 Ag • Do Practice Exercises Oxidizing and Reducing Agents • Now the confusing part… • CuO + H2 Cu + H2O • Cu goes from +2 to 0 – Cu is reduced, therefore it is called an oxidizing agent because it causes some other substance to be oxidized • H goes from 0 to +1 – H is oxidized, therefore it is called a reducing agent because it causes some other substance to be reduced. Identifying Agents in an Equation Reduction: CuO is the oxidizing agent • CuO + H2 Cu + H2O Oxidation: H2 is the reducing agent Some common oxidizing agents • Oxygen! – – – – Oxidized coal in electric power Gas in automobiles Wood in campfires Food we eat • Antiseptics – Hydrogen Peroxide – Benzoyl peroxide • Disinfectants – Chlorine Some common reducing agents • Metals • Antioxidants – Ascorbic acid is used to prevent the browning of fruits by inhibiting air oxidation – Many antioxidants are believed to retard various oxidation reactions that are potentially damaging to vital components of living cells