WORLD WAR II PART 1 Unit 10 LESSON ESSENTIAL QUESTION #1 How did Lend Lease and Pearl Harbor bring about American involvement in World War II? CAUSES OF WORLD WAR II Political instability and economic devastation in Europe resulting from WWI was one cause of WWII. The rise of fascism was another cause. Adolf Hitler in Germany Benito Mussolini in Italy Hideki Tojo in Japan Fascism: a political philosophy in which total power is given to a dictator and individual freedoms are denied. Worldwide depression: high war debts owed by Germany, high inflation, and massive unemployment THE WAR BEGINS 1 9 38 : H itle r ’ s a rm y a tta c k s F r a n c e to “ ta k e b a ck” la n d lo s t in W o r ld W a r I (R h ine land) S e n t tr o o p s to ta k e o v e r S u d e te n lan d , Cz e c h o slovakia , a n d P o la nd Be g in ning o f th e wa r : S e p te m be r 1 , 1 9 39 wh en Ge rm a n y in v a ded P o la n d . Gre a t B ri ta i n a n d F r a n ce d e c lar ed wa r a g a in st Ge rm a n y . S o v iet Un io n in v a ded n e a rby c o u n tr ies a n d a g r e ed to s p lit P o la n d with G e r ma n y. By th e e n d o f 1 9 40 , H itle r c o n tr o lled D e n ma r k, No r wa y , H o lla n d, Be lg iu m, L u x e mbou r g, a n d a la r g e p a r t o f F r a n ce a n d b e g an b o mb ing G r e a t Br ita in . A NEUTRAL UNITED STATES isolationism : not taking part in the affairs of othe r nations Most Ame ricans did not want to ge t involve d in the war, but Roose ve lt wante d to he lp Britain. Hitle r turne d on Stalin in 1941 and invade d the Sovie t Union LEND LEASE Lend-Lease: policy to lend or lease (rent) weapons to Great Britain and the Soviet Union German submarines were attacking ships in the North Atlantic American ships began escorting British ships in convoys. FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT: WRITING PROMPT In 1941, President Roosevelt was ardent about keeping the United States out of World War II; nevertheless, U.S. allies need help. British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, understanding the U.S.’s position, pleaded with President Roosevelt, saying, “Give us the tools and we’ll finish the job.” Describe and explain the purpose of the Lend-Lease Act that provided aid to U.S. allies while protecting U.S. Interests. Use your notes to support your answer. “A DAY THAT WILL LIVE IN INFAMY” /topics/world-warii/world-war-iihistory/videos/attackpearl-harbor /topics/world-warii/world-war-iihistory/videos/ussarizona-under-attack-atpearl-harbor /videos/japaneseattack-pearl-harbor “A DAY THAT WILL LIVE IN INFAMY” President Roosevelt exports to Japan to protest its expansions into other countries. Exportation of oil, airplanes, aviation gasoline, and metals were stopped. The Japanese attacked the U.S. Navy fleet by surprise at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on December 7, 1941. More than 2,400 people died in the attack. Japan hoped to destroy the fleet, giving them control of the Pacific Ocean. The USA declared war on Japan. Allied Powers: USA, Great Britain, Soviet Union Axis Powers: Germany, Italy, Japan WORLD WAR II MILITARY LEADERS -military -leaders#axismilitary -leaders -military -leaders