Character analysis: The Crucible

Character analysis:
The Crucible
Write-Along PPT
Outline of your paper
Intro (with thesis as last sentence)
Body Paragraph #1: Character One (with first sentence as
topic sentence)
4 Quotes with analysis/commentary
III. Body Paragraph #2: Character Two (with first sentence as
second topic sentence)
4 Quotes with analysis/commentary
IV. Conclusion
Elements of a paragraph
Topic Sentence
Lead-in with evidence
Repeat 2-4 as many times as needed
Topic sentence
• A focused idea that supports a thesis statement or responds to a
• It is the FIRST sentence of the paragraph
• It tells the reader the specific topic and any related issues the writer
will be discussing in the paragraph.
• Contains NO EVIDENCE (no QUOTES!!!!)
• Introduces the answer to the big idea and connects it to the
little idea -- makes a specific claim and states why it is
important to notice
• Example:
• Both fictional character Romeo Montague from William
Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet and real-life professional golfer
Tiger Woods can be considered tragic heroes through their shared
tragic flaw of impulsivity, demonstrating that even men of great
stature can fall victim to their own reckless desires.
Step One: Create the topic
sentence (TS)
• Step one: The topic sentences should be in support of your thesis
statement, and come from the actual ideas presented there. Do not
put it in a topic sentence if it does not come from your thesis…..
• Example of a thesis:
• Arthur Miller wrote The Crucible as a statement against the ills of
Communism of his time by closely aligning the oppression of The
Salem Witch trials with modern day events.
• Example of possible topic sentences:
• In America in the 1950’s, the Communist scare brought out the worst
in people, acting on vengeance instead of common sense, much like
the scene in Salem in 1692.
• Oppression can be defined as the intolerant treatment of others, and
can be used as a tool by those who seek power.
• The Salem Witch Trials act as an ideal juxtaposion against the
McCarthy Hearings on Communism as both situations involve
oppressive behaviors and power hungry individuals.
Step Two: Gather evidence
supporting the topic sentence (EV)
• Gather evidence that includes specific details (concrete,
showing details in the text)
• Make sure the evidence proves, or supports, the topic
sentence. You may even need to revise your TS after gathering
• Consider the following questions when searching for evidence:
• Where does the evidence occur in the plot?
• What actions of the characters support the topic? When do these
actions occur?
• What does a character say that supports the topic? When does
the character say it? Why is it said?
• What is revealed by the narrator that provides supporting
• NOW- write out key passages (yes, QUOTES) that relate to
each topic sentence
Step Three: Organize the
• AT LEAST one additional sentence after assertion statement
• There should be NO evidence in your commentary!
• Adds your voice, talks about the importance of your claim (not your
• Example:
• Had Romeo not been so impetuous as to declare his love for a
forbidden woman, or to immediately kill himself upon news of
her supposed demise, perhaps he would have lived to see the
truce between the two warring families.
• Wraps up the topic sentence, paying particular attention
to the analysis of the big and little idea
• A good conclusion answers: So what? Why should I care?
What’s the point of this paragraph?
• Example:
• While both men acted in hasty and ill-considered ways, a great
lesson can be learned from their behavior. The actions of Tiger
and Romeo paint a gruesome reminder that power and position
cannot stave off the inevitable downfall from impulsive actions.
Both men could have been lauded as symbols of prestige and
wealth, yet now they are synonyms for destruction due to
careless impulsivity.