CPR/First Aid Nonverbal Comm. Workplace Safety Hardware Software 100 pt 100 pt 100 pt 100 pt 100 pt 200 pt 200 pt 200pt 200 pt 200 pt 300 pt 300 pt 300 pt 300 pt 300 pt 400 pt 400 pt 400 pt 400 pt 400 pt 500 pt 500 pt 500 pt 500 pt 500 pt CPR/First Aid – 100 pt AED stands for this CPR/First Aid – 100 pt What is Automatic External Defibrillator CPR/First Aid – 200 pt The Heimlich maneuver is also known as CPR/First Aid – 200 pt What is the abdominal thrust? CPR/First Aid – 300 pt The first Step for Basic First Aid is CPR/First Aid – 300 pt What is to recognize the signs of an emergency? CPR/First Aid – 400 pt The precautions taken to prevent disease by treating all blood as if it were contaminated are CPR/First Aid – 400 pt What is Universal Precautions? CPR/First Aid – 500 pt A, B, and C stand for this when checking for breathing CPR/First Aid – 500 pt What is airway, breathing, and circulation? Nonverbal Comm.– 100 pt The practice of paying close attention to a speaker and asking questions to ensure full comprehension is Nonverbal Comm. – 100 pt What is Active Listening? Nonverbal Comm. – 200 pt Slouching, leaning, arms open, jaw thrust, shoulders forward, and arm crossing are examples of. Nonverbal Comm. – 200 pt What is posture? Nonverbal Comm. – 300 pt Daydreaming, rehearsing, filtering, and judging are examples of this Nonverbal Comm.– 300 pt What is blocks to Active Listening? Nonverbal Comm.– 400 pt In this, you tell the other person what you thought you heard, learn whether you were right or wrong, and then ask questions to clarify Nonverbal Comm.– 400pt What is clarification? Nonverbal Comm.– 500 pt This is a critical aspect of effective communication Nonverbal Comm.– 500 pt What is listening? Workplace Safety– 100 pts A disease that is carried and potentially transmitted through blood or another body fluid that contains traces of blood is. Workplace Safety – 100 pts What is a blood borne pathogen? Workplace Safety – 200 pts Heart ailments, kidney and lung damage, sterility, cancer, burns, and rashes are examples of this. Workplace Safety – 200 pts What are health effects of being exposed to chemicals? Workplace Safety – 300 pts A label is red, this means it is Workplace Safety– 300 pts What is highly flammable? Workplace Safety – 400 pts This describes what employers and employees must do to handle hazardous chemicals safely. Workplace Safety – 400 pts What is the Right to Know Standard? Workplace Safety– 500 pts A set of guidelines for preventing the spread of BBPs are called this Workplace Safety – 500 pts What is OSHA? Category 4 – 100 pts ANSWER CATEGORY 4 – 100 pts QUESTION CATEGORY 4 – 200 pts ANSWER CATEGORY 4 – 200 pts QUESTION Category 4 – 300 pts ANSWER Category 4 – 300 pts QUESTION Category 4 – 400 pts ANSWER Category 4 – 400 pts QUESTION Category 4 – 500 pts ANSWER Category 4 – 500 pts QUESTION Category 5 – 100 pts ANSWER Category 5 – 100 pts QUESTION Category 5 – 200 pts ANSWER Category 5 – 200 pts QUESTION Category 5 – 300 pts ANSWER Category 5 – 300 pts QUESTION Category 5 – 400 pts ANSWER Category 5 – 400 pts QUESTION Category 5 – 500 pts ANSWER Category 5 – 500 pts QUESTION