Polygenic Inheritance Incomplete Dominance Codominance Environmental Factors Heredity Genetics Study of GENES Heredity Study of INHERITANCE PATTERNS Passing of traits from parents to offspring Types of Complex Inheritance Polygenic Polygon: Multiple sides Polygamy: Multiple marriages Polytheism: Multiple gods Polygenic: Multiple GENES Incomplete Dominance Codominance Environmental Factors Polygenic Inheritance Multiple alleles (more than two options) Genes spread over different locations or chromosomes MANY different combinations and mixes Examples: Hair color Eye color Skin color Degrees of extremes (Dark to light, etc) http://discovermagazine.com/2007/mar/eye -color-explained Incomplete Dominance MIXING Snapdragons: Red (R1) White(R2) Pink(R1R2) http://www.massasoit-bio.net/courses/136/136_courseassets/cummings_animations/snapdragon_crosses.html Hair Type Straight Hair: Homozygous: Incomplete Dominant Curly Hair: Homozygous: Incomplete Dominant Wavy Hair: Heterozygous: A mix (Straight and Curly) Environmental Factors Some genes are only expressed under certain ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS Hydrangea Arctic Fox http://www.interiorofficeplants.com/http:/www.interiorofficeplan ts.com/why-hydrangeas-are-different-colors/ Gender Determination Alligators, Tortoises and Turtles Temperature changes the gender of offspring! EXAMPLE: Female if Hot Male if Cold Codominance Multiple alleles are DOMINANT over others Blood Type: Dominant Types: A and B Recessive Types: O AA or AO=Type A BB or BO=Type B AB=Type AB OO=Type O http://www.google.com/imgres?um=1&hl=en&sa=N&rlz=1C1SNNT_enUS408US408&authuser=0&biw=1366&bih=66 7&tbm=isch&tbnid=8PsfdtfL6lbTEM:&imgrefurl=http://learn.genetics.utah.edu/content/begin/traits/blood/types.h tml&docid=MBMmwYaFY_nyrM&imgurl=http://learn.genetics.utah.edu/content/begin/traits/blood/images/ABObl oodsystem.gif&w=489&h=285&ei=4cdWT46aLOnE2wX08cnlCQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=735&vpy=198&dur=2272&h ovh=171&hovw=294&tx=158&ty=70&sig=115824390853095710786&page=1&tbnh=115&tbnw=197&start=0&ndsp=18&ved Rh+ and Rh Simple dominance and recessiveness Rh+ is the DOMINANT trait (R) Rh- is the RECESSIVE trait (r) + (Positive) simply means you carry Rh factor Genotype Phenotype RR (++) Positive Rr (+-) Positive Rr (--) negative Want to know your blood type? Legally, we can’t do the lab anymore BUT…you can find out by Donating Blood Here’s an example though… My blood type is O (I’m a universal donor) My brother is AB (He’s a universal acceptor) What are my parents? (Let’s do this on the board…it’ll be easier)