Incomplete Dominance - Ho-Ho-Kus

Understanding Genetic Disorders
Incomplete Dominance
In this section, you will learn about a genetics concept called incomplete dominance.
Follow the steps in order.
I. In the Life Science Textbook, read pp. 591 on Incomplete Dominance. Carefully study
the pictures and their corresponding captions.
Add the following term to your Genetics Vocabulary List. Remember to
underline and highlight all vocabulary words. You may continue to number them,
if you wish.
o Incomplete Dominance. In your definition, indicate who, in 1900, came
up with this idea.
Copy out the diagram with the four-o-clock flowers, Figure 23-9 at the top of p.
591 in the Class Notes section of your binder under a heading, “Incomplete
Dominance”. Also, copy out the caption underneath your diagram. Date your
notes. Fully label and color in. You may use the lab’s colored pencils.
II. Now, create a diagram for Palomino horses, just like your diagram for four-o-clock
flowers. Fully label and color in. Also, create a caption to go with your Palomino
III. Copy out the 6 Basic Principles of Genetics found at the bottom of p. 591. Do this in
the Class Notes section of your binder.