1 Goodness Discipline Teach Me… Knowledge 2 Mission Statement Catholic Central High School recognizes parents to be the primary educators of their children and collaborates with them in helping their children to learn and grow in the Catholic faith. We provide a safe and challenging environment where mutual respect and high expectations are maintained through the active engagement of students in the learning process. The young men of Catholic Central learn holistically the ideals of the Basilian Fathers – goodness, discipline, and knowledge – so that they may become productive members of the Church and society. 3 Guidance & Counseling Department Guidance is an integral part of the total school program. The outcome of the Guidance program is student-centered. Guidance is not connected with school discipline, but with the self-discipline of the individual. The Guidance Department at Catholic Central presently consists of the Director of Guidance, who also maintains a counselor load, along with four other counselors, and a secretary. Students are assigned to a particular counselor by alphabet. 4 Counselor Assignments Grade 9: Mr. Stock – Interim Counselor Grades 10-12: By Alphabet Ms. Colleen Hanson: A-F Mr. Alan Barker: G-Ma Ms. Shawn Mather: Mc-O Mr. James Gavin: P-Z 5 Direct Student Services Include: • Individual and group counseling regarding the academic, emotional, social and developmental needs of our young men • Review and discuss the quality of the student’s academic work • Provide student tutor and/or private tutor contacts, as needed • Homeroom Presentations • Guidance in course selection and evaluation of graduation requirements • Academic scheduling and monitoring • Assist student/parent with the process of collecting assignments when a student is absent from school for two or more days • Preparation for and interpretation of the EXPLORE, PLAN, and PSAT standardized tests • Guide students through the College Planning and Application Process 6 Other Services Include: • Plan and participate in Freshmen, Sophomore, Junior, and Senior Parent Night Presentations • Schedule and coordinate Fall college visits to Detroit Catholic Central • Provide updated scholarship information • Encourage team approach with student, parents, and teachers • Arrange parent/teacher or student/teacher conferences when requested • Meet with parents at Parent/Teacher Conferences in October and March Students are encouraged to make use of the counseling services at Catholic Central. Parents/Guardians are also encouraged to maintain contact with their son's counselor. 7 Important Dates • • • • • • • • • • • • • October 7 – End of Quarter 1 October 12 – National Testing Day October 13 – Parent Teacher Conferences October 21 – PLAN Test for Sophomores December 15 – End of Quarter 2 December 16-21 – Semester 1 Exams February 10-20 – Drive Week March 9 – End of Quarter 3 March 15 – Parent/Teacher Conferences April 19 – Academic Awards Banquet May 24 – End of Quarter 4 May 29 – 31 – Semester 2 Exams June 18 – Summer School Begins * Check the school calendar at www.catholiccentral.net often for updates and parent meetings by class 8 Course Selections & 4-Year Plan 9 Grade English 4 yrs. Social Studies 3yrs. Math 4 yrs. Science 3 yrs. Theology 4 yrs. 9 Who is Jesus Christ?/The Revelation of Jesus Christ in Scripture 10 New Test./ Church History 11 Morality/ Soc. Justice 12 Sacraments/ Christian Vocations Elective Elective 10 11 New This Year! Naviance Program • Each student and parent has an account. • Registration codes were sent in August. • Contact your counselor if you need your registration code. • Tools include: Career and Personality Inventories, Career Exploration, College Search, Summer Enrichment Search, Scholarships, Four Year Course Planning, Goal Setting, Communication with your Counselor. • Register today at: www.connection.naviance.com 12 Course Selection Process • In Mid-January, Counselors distribute course selection sheets. • Students and parents make the appropriate selection in Net Shamrock. • Counselors check and validate selections. • Changes based on unmet prerequisites may occur at the end of the year, students are notified by mail. * Catholic Central has a “No Drop/No Change” Policy. 13 Net Shamrock • Link is accessible on the CC website – www.catholiccentral.net • Parents and students are encouraged to check grades on a regular basis. • Must use to register for courses. • Students and parents have separate login information. • If you have misplaced this information, please email Tim Henry – thenry@catholiccentral.net and specify which login information you need (parent or student). 14 Communication is Key! • If you are absent or just need to stay on track with assignments/tests/quizzes in a class, be sure to check your teacher’s page! • Teacher pages can be found on the CC website – www.catholiccentral.net - the 2nd link - “CC Teacher Pages” is on the left side. • You can contact teachers via email - first letter of teacher’s first name + last name@catholiccentral.net 15 Prerequisites • Freshman must earn a minimum final grade (Semester 2) of C- in order to take the second year of a foreign language. • Students taking an Honors course must earn a minimum final grade (Semester 2) of “B” in order to continue the Honors program in that subject area. 16 Testing Sequence Freshman - October - EXPLORE (Predicts PLAN Score) Sophomore - October - PSAT (Practice SAT), PLAN (Predicts ACT Score) Junior - October - PSAT (Practice SAT and National Merit Qualifying Test), ACT (April, June; Catholic Central is a Test Center) SAT - Spring - For Students Competing for the National Merit Scholarship Senior - May want to retake ACT in September or October SAT - Fall - For Students Competing for the National Merit Scholarship 17 English First Year: Honors English 1, English 1, or English 1A - Poetry, the short story, the novel, drama, and non-fiction, spelling, vocabulary, speech, and a study of grammar, oriented towards proper usage. Second Year: Honors English 2, English 2, or English 2A – American Literature. The course correlates composition work with speech, listening, vocabulary, critical thinking, and library skills. Third Year: Advanced Placement English Language and Composition or English 3 – World Literature. Attention will be given to the writing of the research paper. PSAT, and ACT preparations for the college-bound student are stressed. *Students must successfully complete a research paper before receiving credit for English 3. Fourth Year: Advanced Placement English Literature or English 4 – English Literature. Critical thinking and expression through class discussions, oral reports, and expository essays dealing with relevant aspects of the literature covered. 18 Mathematics First Year Courses: • Honors Math 1 • Algebra 1 • Algebra 1A Second Year Courses: • Honors Math 2 (Plane Geometry and Algebra 2) • Plane Geometry • Geometry A 19 Third Year Courses: • Honors Math 3 (Precalculus and Trigonometry) • Algebra 2 • Algebra 2A Fourth Year Courses: • Pre-Calculus • College Algebra (1 Semester) and either Trigonometry (1 Semester) or Probability & Statistics (1 Semester) • Accounting (1 Semester), and Business Math (1 Semester) Advanced Placement Courses: • Calculus AB, Calculus BC, and Probability and Statistics 20 Social Studies World History Requirement: • World History, Advanced Placement European History American History Requirement: • U. S. History, Advanced Placement U.S. History Civics Requirement: • American Government, Advanced Placement American Government Economics Requirement: • Economics Electives: • Holocaust Studies, Civil War, Psychology, Sociology 21 Science Biology Requirement: • Honors Biology or Biology Physical Science Requirement: • Honors Chemistry, Chemistry, Chemistry A, Honors Physics, Physics or Physics A Electives: • Earth Science, Advanced Placement Biology, Advanced Placement Chemistry, and Human Anatomy. 22 Spanish For each of the four years, courses are taught at both the honors and regular college prep level. The honors course for fourth year is the Advanced Placement course. The Spanish Club supplements the academic work with a taste of Spanish and Mexican culture available in the Detroit area. Specific Course Descriptions are available in the Course Booklet. 23 Latin • Latin is alive and flourishing at Catholic Central with a full 4-year sequence available at both honors and college prep levels. 24 French • Catholic Central presently offers a full 4-year program of regular and honors French. A student may thus complete four years of study in the college preparatory program, or four years in the accelerated program, with the opportunity to earn college credit by taking the Advanced Placement Exam at the end of 4th year. 25 Business Department Students interested in pursuing a career in business can receive a jump start by taking one or more of the Business Department classes which include: • • • • Introduction to Business (10-12) Accounting (12, 4th Year Math for those in Basic) Business Law (11-12) Business Math (12, 4th Year Math for those in Basic) 26 Computers • • • • • Keyboarding/Computer Literacy (9-12) Graphic Design 1 (9-12) Photoshop (9-12) Microsoft Office Suite (10-12) Introduction to JAVA Programming (10-12) *Requires a “B” in all Math courses • JAVA Programming 1 (11,12) * Requires a “B” in all Math courses, and a “B” in Intro • JAVA Programming 2 (11,12) * Requires a “C” in Java 1 • Advanced Placement Computer Science (11,12) * Requires a “B” in all regular Math courses (Semester 2 Final Grade), Cannot take in addition to Java • Website Production A & B (9-12) 27 The Music Program • Highlights of the music program are the bi-annual band trips, the most recent of which have been to England and Hawaii, where participation in major parades and competitions has brought home national and international awards. • Courses in Music include Symphonic (Advanced) Band, Concert (Intermediate) Band, Beginners’ Band, Jazz Band, String Orchestra, Music Appreciation and Music Theory. *These courses fulfill credit toward the Visual/Performing Arts requirement 28 The Visual Arts • Introduction to Art – A survey of the major forms of visual art. • Two-dimensional Art – Introductory and advanced courses in Drawing and in Painting. • Three-dimensional Art – Introductory and advanced courses in Ceramics and in Sculpture. • Principles of Design • Art History *These courses fulfill credit toward the Visual/Performing Arts requirement 29 Performing Art Introduction to Drama (9-12) 1 Semester .50 CR This semester course is designed to provide a balanced introduction for the beginning drama student. Students will learn fundamental theater skills through hands-on projects as well as theater terminology and basic production guidelines. No previous experience is required, but students should have an interest in theater and be willing to participate. *This courses fulfills .50 credit of the 1.0 required credit of Visual/Performing Arts 30 Health & Physical Education • All students are required to take Health and at least one semester of either Physical Education or Wrestling, Officiating and Weightlifting. • Courses offered include: Health, Physical Education 1, 2, 3 and 4, Wrestling, Officiating and Weightlifting (Beginning and Intermediate) and Physical Conditioning. 31 Theology Freshman year: • Who is Jesus Christ?, The Revelation of Jesus Christ in Scripture Sophomore year: • New Testament, Church History Junior year: • Social Justice, Christian Morality Senior Year: • Christian Vocations, Sacraments 32 Retreats and Community Service In addition to the academic requirements, all students are required to make an annual day of retreat. Also required is ten hours of community service per year, with a theological reflection on community service in Junior year. 33 Christian Service Project • • • • • • All students will be involved in a minimum of ten (10) hours of community service per school year. Christian Service forms must be turned in at the Campus Ministry Office within two weeks of the completion of each volunteer experience. All service should be completed, and the corresponding paperwork turned in by the deadline posted on the CC website. Juniors – December 5, 2011 Seniors – January 9, 2012 Sophomores – February 6, 2012 Freshmen – March 5, 2012 Service performed during the fourth quarter or during the summer vacation will count toward the requirement for the upcoming school year. Forms can either be turned in to the Campus Ministry Office, or dropped off or mailed to the school office. All service must be pre-approved in writing by Mr. Walters. Use the form that is available on the CC website. Mr. Walters will be responsible for verifying documentation and accepting service completed for credit. 34 Get Involved! 35 Catholic Central Academic Team/Quiz Bowl We are a competitive program that is open to all grade levels. Competition is based on a team's mastery of specific academic categories including: Literature, Fine Arts, Science, Geography, History, Current Events, and Mathematics. The Catholic Central Academic Team competes at the Varsity, Junior Varsity, and Freshman level. All three teams compete throughout the state and travel out-of-state to nationally recognized tournaments. The Catholic Central Academic Team is a fierce competitor in the State of Michigan and is recognized as one of the most competitive programs in the Nation. If you are interested in further information about the Catholic Central Academic Team please contact us. • Varsity Coach: Jason Jones at jjones@catholiccentral.net 36 Brothers' Club Brothers' Club meetings are every Wednesday morning at 7:30 in the stage room. All are invited. • Rosary • Christmas Caroling •Family Mass • Freshman Unity Events • Community Service 37 Robotics Team The Robotics Team is composed of students from 9th through 12th grades. The OCCRA (Oakland County Competitive Robotics Association) robotics team must design and build their robots for competitive events without adult help. The team designs the robot to fulfill specific tasks such as the 2007 robot which dumped balls into a bin to score points, and the 2008 robot which could fire footballs. 38 The Spectrum - Grades 10-12 The Spectrum has been Catholic Central High School's official newspaper for over 50 years. Each year, a dedicated staff is responsible for the making of the Spectrum. The paper includes editorials, a center spread, sports articles (following every CC sports team), and some articles for entertainment (the Freshman Frolics). *For the Motivated Student Only. Yearbook - provides students with a working knowledge of the printing and publication process involved in producing the school yearbook - the Shamrock. Layouts, photography, and article composition are presented. Membership is open to all students. 39 Student Government The Student Council is comprised of: • The Executive – President – Vice President – Secretary/Treasurer Homeroom Representatives elected by each room Class Officers for each year – – – – President Vice President Secretary Treasurer * A student running for student council office or class officer must have a cumulative GPA of at least a 3.0 at the time of elections, with no mark lower than a C- 40 Science Olympiad Provides students with the opportunity to compete in rigorous academic interscholastic tournaments consisting of a series of team events, which students prepare for during the year. These challenging and motivational events are well balanced between the various science disciplines of biology, earth science, chemistry, physics and technology. There is also a balance between events requiring knowledge of science concepts, process skills and science applications. 41 CHESS CLUB - provides friendly competition for those students wishing to improve their chess skills. Members compete against each other and other schools. Matches are usually held beginning in October and continuing through March. DRAMA CLUB - provides students with the opportunity to produce quality high school theater and receive first hand experience in the art and discipline of producing good theater. FRENCH CLUB - promotes the study of French and provides social activities to members. The club offers several French dinners and field trips during the year, and sponsors a victory celebration for National French Contest winners. The club also offers students the opportunity to participate in the French Summer Exchange Program with our sister school in Annonay, France. 42 SPANISH CLUB - enhances class information and the study of Spanish culture through several field trips during the year which include involvement in Cinco de Mayo celebrations and restaurant and theater visits. The Spanish Club offers students the opportunity to learn more about the Hispanic community. INTRAMURAL SPORTS PROGRAM - provides students with the opportunity to develop a sound body which is so essential to the well-rounded student. To encourage physical fitness and well-being, the school sponsors intramural sport levels during the academic year. Intramural activities include: basketball, hockey, cross country, and flag football. 43 MATHEMATICS CLUB - provides students with the opportunity to compete in the monthly Michigan Mathematics League competition, as well as other mathematic competitions and contests. MONOGRAM CLUB - is open to eligible seniors only who accept the privilege and responsibility of representing Catholic Central and are interested in leading the student body. Monogram Club members are expected to lead the student body in spirit and in action. The Monogram Club is a support group for all CC athletic events, special school functions and funerals. The interlocking Cs are the symbol of the Monogram Club. 44 Additional Clubs and Student Activities • • • • • • • • • • • • Cinema Appreciation Club Model United Nations Broadcast Club Art Club Euchre Club Forensics Marksmanship Club Mock Trial Outdoor Adventures Paintball Right to Life Boardercross 45 Academic Recognition & Eligibility 46 Semester Grades • Quarter 1 • Quarter 2 • Semester Exam These are averaged and equally weighted to make up the semester grade. Only the semester grade in each subject is reported on a student’s transcript. 47 ELIGIBILITY -- EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES/SPORTS A student representing Catholic Central in any school function/contest (including practices, rehearsals, etc.) is required to be in school for four (4) class periods on the day of the activity. • Eligibility for extra curricular activities/sports is determined after each quarter's end by using the G.P.A. for the quarter and the marks therein. • The minimum grade average to be eligible is a C-, with no more than one (1) failing mark. • A student with a grade average below a C- is ineligible for a period of two (2) weeks. At the end of that two week period, if his Progress Report indicates no failures and a grade average above a C-, he becomes eligible again. If not, he has two more weeks to improve his grades. 48 HONOR ROLL • For membership on the Honor Roll a student must attain a grade point average of 3.00. • Also, he must not have any mark below a C in an academic subject. • Quarterly qualifiers for the Honor Roll will be posted. 49 GABRIEL RICHARD CLUB • For membership in the Gabriel Richard Club, a student must attain a grade point average of 3.60. Also, he must not have any mark below a B in an academic subject. • Quarterly qualifiers for the Gabriel Richard Club will be posted. Yearly qualifiers for this Club will be recognized by the presentation of a trophy at an awards banquet for the students and their parents/guardians. • Qualification is determined by the student's 1st and 2nd semester grades. 50 Class Rank • Class rank is used for establishing the senior class valedictorian and salutatorian, however, class rank is not used for college admission purposes and therefore, is not part of a student’s academic record. • Only academic subjects are included in the grade point average. Excluded are Physical Education, Wrestling, and Physical Conditioning. 51 NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY To be eligible for consideration, candidates (1) must be a junior or senior and have completed one full semester at Catholic Central High School previous to the semester of election; (2) must have a 3.40 cumulative grade point average or better at Catholic Central. Then, each eligible student is judged on the three qualities of leadership, character, and service by three (3) teachers of the student's choice. In addition, all faculty members will be given an opportunity to submit information regarding any of the candidates. A faculty council will select the new members by a majority vote of the council based on the information received. Finally, new members will be notified of their selection by mail. 52 Academic Support 53 Brothers’ Club Tutoring • Available in the Media Center on Tuesday before and after school. • No sign up necessary National Honor Society Tutors • The Guidance Department keeps an updated list • Teachers can make recommendations • NHS students are required to provide tutoring at no cost 54 Failing Grades A student who fails the first semester of a full-year course but successfully completes the second semester, will be given a full credit for the course. The student will receive a D- in place of the failing grade received in the first semester. The failure of two subjects will mean that the student is not entitled to return to Catholic Central in the following academic semester. 55 Academic Probation At the end of each semester, those students failing to reach a C- minimum average may be placed on academic probation at the discretion of administration. Students who fail to maintain a C- average for each year ordinarily will be asked not to return. Students readmitted on academic probation, but who go to Summer School and are able to raise the average above a C-, will be taken off academic probation. 56 Summer School A student who fails any course must make up the course in the CC Summer School Program. He may not repeat the course during the regular term at Catholic Central. The summer school grade will appear on the student’s transcript and the average of both grades will replace the failing mark. Students may choose to upgrade a final mark by taking the course during summer school. 57 Looking Forward To College 58 College Admission is Based on: • • • • • Academic performance in high school Strength and quality of curriculum Recent trends in academic performance ACT or SAT results Leadership, talents, conduct, and diversity of experience 59 University of Michigan 2011 Freshman Class Profile • • • • 38,976 Applications resulted in 15,559 Admissions 6,175 Enrolled Students come from all 50 states and 114 countries 66% of undergraduates are Michigan residents Middle 50th Percentile of the Admitted Class • Average GPA = 3.8 60 UM Cont. – – – – – – – – – ACT Composite of 29-33 ACT English of 29-34 ACT Math of 28-34 ACT Science 27-33 ACT Combined English/Writing of 27-31 SAT Total of 1990-2200 SAT Critical Reading 630-730 SAT Math 670-770 SAT Writing 650-750 • AP and/or IB credit was granted to over 3,000 new freshmen 61 Michigan State Fall 2010 Freshman Profile • Entering class: 7,174 • High school GPA: 3.4-3.8* • Composite ACT: 23-28* • Composite SAT (Critical Reading and Math): 10301250* • * Middle 50 percent of admitted freshmen 62 Grand Valley State University Middle 50% scored between: • 3.3 and 3.8 High School G.P.A. • 22 and 26 Composite ACT 63 Western Michigan University • Admissions criteria • Admission to the University is decided on an individual basis. The average WMU freshman has a 3.3 high school GPA and a 22 ACT score, but these numbers should not be viewed as minimum or cutoff points since students both above and below these averages are considered for admission. Your application is reviewed using a combination of these key factors: grade point average, ACT / SAT score, number and type of college prep courses, and trend of grades. 64 Central Michigan University • Average GPA = 3.33 • Average ACT Composite = 22 Eastern Michigan University • Average GPA = 3.05 • Average ACT Composite = 21 65 Parent Involvement 66 Catholic Central Mothers' Club The Catholic Central Mothers' Club is comprised of all mothers who have sons attending Catholic Central and Alumni Mothers. Our mission is to Share a mother's love of her son and the sons of Catholic Central, Serve as we are needed, and Preserve the traditions for future generations so they too will experience the Catholic Central Spirit. This is accomplished through numerous events as Receptions, Rummage Sale, Christmas Dinner Dance, Mother Son(s) Brunch, Fashion Show, and many other committee efforts. Events take place throughout the school year and are chaired by Board Members. 67 Catholic Central Dads' Club The Dads' Club has been one of the great traditions at Catholic Central. The Dads' Club has played a crucial role in the development of many student activities and school organizations, the donation of various items to the school, and the organization of a number of events. Some of the specific events that the Dads' Club organizes are the Father-Son Mass & Field Day, the Evening of Recollection, the Academic Awards Banquet, and the Father-Son Golf Outing. The Dads' Club meets on the second Monday night of every month at CC for dinner and fellowship beginning at 6:00 p.m., with the meeting following at 7:00 p.m. 68 Net Shamrock • Check on a regular basis • Purpose is to give you an indication of current grade, not homework/assignment schedule Deficiency Reports • Given halfway through each quarter • Teachers email parents of students who are struggling “ A journey of a thousand miles begins with one small step” - Chinese Proverb