CRE August Faculty Meeting 2014

August Faculty Meeting
“I did then what I knew how to do. Now that I know better, I do better.”
― Maya Angelou
Welcome to the FAMILY!
Jennifer Arjes-1st
Sara Yocum-1st
Abby Wells-1st
Victoria Hutsell-2nd
Corey Huddleston-Special Education
Haley Toombs-Nurse
Shelly Ray- Paraprofessional
Megan Chiasson-Paraprofessional
Jonathan Beasley- Paraprofessional
Bill Christenson-Paraprofessional
Jennifer Franks-Paraprofessional
Tricia Clark-Praprofessional
Kim Ayres-Reading Recovery
Shelia McCullen- Kitchen Manager
Student Teachers: Ariel, Jordan, Stacy
Office Updates
 539 students at CRE
 1st- 209/20.9
 2nd-171/19
 3rd-159/22.7
 Total = 532
 We are looking good!
 Car tags-Evelyn
People to Know
 PDC Reps: Nancy Brashers & Nancy Longo
 PBIS Coach: Pam Hazell
 Math Leads: Daralyn Scroggins, Donna Schisler, & Juli Stutesman
 Webmaster: Ginger Conner
 Interventionists: Marty Bowling (ELA) and Leah Edwards (Math)
 Grade Level Reps: Jennifer Engel, Donna Schisler, & Melissa Harris
 Special Area & Sped Reps: Nancy Dygert, Jan Dongarra & Maggie
 TAC: Cindy Nevins & Juli Stutesman
 ELL: Marta Nangel & Dana Maple
Content Area Updates
 Literacy Update-Michelle Brown Meetings
 Math Update-Juli Stutesman
Health Service Update
 Nurse Haley
 AED Location (Automated external defibrillator) - Lounge
 AED training would have been provided in CPR Training
 Trained staff would staff with the victim, other staff may be directed to go retrieve the AED device.
 Emergency Meds-Location in Nurse's Office
 Asthma- Nurse Haley will come to the child in need instead of the child traveling to the Nurse’s office.
 Nurse Haley will communicate with each teacher directly if a student has a critical health concern.
 Fieldtrips- Be mindful of group assignments when a student is in need of medication/severe
allergies/asthma, etc.
 School Health - Nurse Haley will provide on-going communication regarding school health news
throughout the school year.
 Nancy Longo & Nancy Brashers
Teacher Association
 Cindy Nevins
2014-2015 PBIS/Character Team
Pam Hazell (Coach)
Ben Lekar
 Melissa Harris
 Cody Swearengin
 Lindsey Brummel
 Daralyn Scroggins
 Bayli Ijames
 Melissa Halbrook
 Ellie Brubaker
 Victoria Hutsell
 Jessica Dale
 Julie Ipock
 Stacie Thompson (Admin. Rep.)
Positive Behavior Instructional Support
 The PBIS program strives to provide consistent building wide expectations
for all students using common language. The goal of PBIS is to recognize
and reinforce positive behavior in students. Our school’s recognition
system is both individual and group focused.
 This year, our building is in Tier 2 which means we will focus more on
individual student interventions.
Cedar Ridge Elementary School-Wide Expectations
All Settings
Take Care of
Be Safe
Do Your Learning
Short Line
Be Safe With Your
Use Good
Do Your Job
Strong Sitters
Be Safe
Take Care of
Be Respectful
Let Others Do Their
Learning Jobs
Be Safe With Your
Personal Space
Respect Privacy
Active Listener
Be Respectful
Take Care of Our
Be Responsible
Responsible Use of
Straight Line
Be Safe With
Clean Up
Clean Up
Show Appreciation
Be Responsible
Voice Level
Morning GymAssembly
Announcements & Assemblies
 We will have morning announcements again this year at 9:00. Students will
be asked to stand for the Pledge, Pirate Pledge, and Pirate Code.
 Assemblies will be once per month on varying days (M-Th) at 9:15. Each
grade level will be responsible for 2 assemblies.
Individual reward system choice
 ClassDojo
 Clipboard
 Flip Card/Clip Up
These systems will be discussed more in your grade level meetings.
Class reward system
 Loops and Plinko for 100 loops
 Students being recognized for following school wide expectations can be
given a loop by any staff member. These loops should be taken to their
classroom and given to their teacher or deposited in a designated area.
 Please do not allow students to take the loops home. Maybe a loop
monitor could collect your class loops at the end of the day.
Mandated Reporting
New Law SB505
 You have always been a mandated reporter!
 Old law allowed you to report to a supervisor and cause a report to happen.
 New law will not allow you to stop at reporting to a supervisor – YOU must make the report.
~A student discloses to you, you see the evidence, or you hear of the abuse
~A private place to make the report must be provided
~Release time (from class) to make the report must be provided
~An in-service must be provided to all school officials by January 1, 2014
**A full presentation and the hotline document can be found on the blog
Intruder Drill
 Intruder Drill- Will take place at the end of the day on Wednesday ( 3 p.m.)
 Quick overview + drill = no more than 30 minutes
Policy review
Policy GCBD and BCD
Employee Compliance Handbook– Found in ZENworks
Blood Born Pathogens– The video can be found in ZENworks. You must sign saying you
have watched the video with Nurse Haley.
Hot Sheet
Discipline Blueprint
 Walk through Blueprint
 Recovery Room
 Think Sheets
 Discipline Referrals
 Please be sure to include Evelyn, myself and Mrs. Thompson in your email notifying us of a referral.
 Helps us communicate in the office
 After referral is submitted, please call Evelyn.
 Be sure to not include names of other students in referrals…confidentiality.
Talent Ed Updates
 Evaluation Cycle
 Artisan Teacher Monthly Focus
 Learning Goals/Targets
 PGP process will begin in September
Strategic Planning (MSIP5)
 E-mail – information only, not opinions…those are face to face
 Stay on top of e-mail…important communication
 Be sure to stay updated with the Google CRE Calendar
 Added a running list of dates to the SIS Home Page-Evelyn
 Social Media – remember just how social it can be
 School Technology – please use common sense
 Remind 101 is now Remind
 This will be used to send staff updates and to notify of school cancellations.
 New staff need to connect. Mentors help access blog and info on blog to find all CRE information sources.
Home to School Communication
 An expectation
 Often and Accommodating for Parents
 Follow-Up
 Consider how it’s received
 Who gets to who first wins!
 Don’t hesitate to call a conference!
 Positive Parent Contacts Due by September 12th- Prefer Phone or Face to
Face, email or note is acceptable
Wear nametags daily. Help others remember to do this as well.
Orientation Meeting/Assignment Prep
August 19th @ 11:45 am
Substitutes and Days Absent:
Teachers can use ¼ of a day and subs will be scheduled for a ½ day to cover. Let’s explore creative options to cover when it works for
everyone. I am flexible with minimal adjustments to the day, until it becomes burdensome for others or the flexibility is taken for granted.
SIS glitches/placement
Thank you for accommodating the many phone calls for meeting families.
Park at field tomorrow
Leadership meet briefly following Faculty Meeting.
Instructional Focus
 Instructional Grid in Lounge
 BINGO Cards
 All conversations, agendas, time conscious tasks should relate to teaching and learning.
Final thoughts…
 When they are little, their DREAMS are big…It is therefore our privilege to make sure their dreams do not
get little as they grow big.
 Culture eats strategy for lunch.
 This is every students only chance at 1 st grade…2nd grade…3rd grade… MAKE IT MATTER!
 Pictures for #crestrong
 Brashers
 Helms
 Stutesman
 Poor
“I did then what I knew how to do. Now that I know better, I do better.”
― Maya Angelou