Chapter 2Water and Life 20092010

Water and Life
Water and Life
– Life on Earth began in water and evolved
there for 3 billion years.
• Modern life still remains tied to water.
• Your cells are composed of 70%–95% water.
– The abundance of water is a major reason
Earth is habitable.
• Like no other common substance, water
exists in nature in all three physical
– as a solid
– as a liquid
– as a gas
Figure 2.10B
Figure 19.29d
The Structure of a Water Molecule
• What atoms make up a water molecule?
• How are these atoms joined together to
make a water molecule?
• What type of bond joins the atoms
• In a water molecule, oxygen exerts a stronger
pull on the shared electrons than hydrogen
– This makes the
oxygen end of the
molecule slightly
negatively charged
– The hydrogen end of
the molecule is slightly
positively charged
– Water is therefore a
polar molecule
Figure 2.9
The Properties of Water
• Atoms in a molecule that form
covalent bonds may share electrons
equally, creating a nonpolar molecule
• If electrons are shared unequally, a
polar molecule is created
Water’s polarity leads to hydrogen bonding
and other unusual properties
• The charged
regions on water
molecules are
attracted to the
oppositely charged
regions on nearby
Hydrogen bond
– This attraction forms
weak bonds called
hydrogen bonds
– Water model activity
Figure 2.10A
Essential Question
• How does water
rise from the
roots of a
redwood tree to
the very top?
The Cohesion of Water
– Water molecules stick together as a result
of hydrogen bonding.
• This is called cohesion.
• Due to cohesion water molecules form a
continuous column of water in the
conducting tubes of a plant.
• Cohesion is vital for water transport in
The Adhesion of Water
– Water molecules stick to other polar
(charged) molecules by hydrogen bonding
• This is called adhesion.
• Due to adhesion water molecules stick
to the charged walls of the conducting
tubes keeping the column of water from
falling due to gravity
• Cohesion is vital for water transport in
Cohesion and Adhesion in Your Life
• Can you think of an example of
cohesion and adhesion in your everyday
• Explain how these properties of water
explain this example.
Water’s Life-Supporting Properties
– The polarity of water molecules and the
hydrogen bonding that results explain most of
water’s life-supporting properties:
Water’s cohesive and adhesive nature
Water’s ability to moderate temperature
Floating ice
Versatility of water as a solvent
Essential Question
• How do insects
walk on water?
Surface Tension
Surface tension is the measure of how
difficult it is to stretch or break the
surface of a liquid.
• Hydrogen bonds give water an
unusually high surface tension.
• It is as if a film is formed on the
surface of the water and this allows
insects to walk on the surface
Surface Tension in Your Life
• What is an example of surface
tension in your life?
Essential Question
• Why do people
sweat and some
animals pant to
reduce their body
How Water Moderates Temperature
• It takes a lot of energy to disrupt hydrogen
– Therefore water is able to absorb a great
deal of heat energy without a large increase
in temperature
– As water cools, a slight drop in temperature
releases a large amount of heat
– Because of hydrogen bonding, water has a
strong resistance to temperature change.
– A water molecule takes a large amount of
energy with it when it evaporates
– This leads to evaporative cooling
– This is why people sweat and some animals
Figure 2.12
Essential Question
• Why does ice float
rather than sink?
• How would life in a
lake be affected if
ice sank and lakes
froze from the
bottom up?
The Biological Significance of Ice Floating
• Due to hydrogen bonds molecules in ice
are farther apart than those in liquid
– The density of ice is lower than liquid
• This is why ice floats.
– Since ice floats, ponds, lakes, and even
the oceans do not freeze solid.
– How would life in a lake be affected if ice
sank and lakes froze from the bottom up?
Water as the Solvent of Life
– A solution is a liquid consisting of two or
more substances evenly mixed.
• The dissolving agent is called the
• The dissolved substance is called the
Water as the Solvent of Life
• Solutes whose
charges or polarity
allow them to stick
to water molecules
dissolve in water
– They form
Essential Question
• Why is your blood
mostly water?
• Why is the inside
and outside of your
cells mostly water?
Acids, Bases, and pH
- Acid
• A chemical compound that donates H+ ions to
- Base
• A compound that accepts H+ ions and
removes them from solution.
- To describe the acidity of a solution, we use the
pH scale.
Figure 2.17
– Cells are kept close to pH 7 by buffers.
– Buffers are substances that resist pH
• They accept H+ ions when they are in
• They donate H+ ions when they are
– Buffering is not foolproof.
• Example: acid precipitation
Acid precipitation threatens the environment
• Some ecosystems are threatened by acid
• Acid precipitation is formed when air
pollutants from burning fossil fuels combine
with water vapor in the air to form sulfuric
and nitric acids
Figure 2.16A
– These acids can kill fish, damage buildings, and
injure trees
– Regulations, new technology, and energy
conservation may help us reduce acid
Figure 2.16B