Industrial Revolution* and *The Jacksonian Era

“Industrial Revolution”
“The Jacksonian Era”
Chapters 11 & 12
Test Review Answers
Loyalty to your own region, or part of the nation rather
than the whole nation itself.
North Wanted:
South Wanted:
Free Labor
Slavery and some free labor
Wanted slavery abolished or
Wanted to be able to extend
Strong basis for industry
Relied on agriculture
Strong federal government
States’ Rights
High Tariffs
Low Tariffs
Electoral College
In the Election of 1824, Jackson won the most popular
votes. But he did not receive a majority of electoral
According to the Constitution, if no person wins a
majority of electoral votes, the House of
Representatives must choose the president
Industrial Revolution
North- Industrial Economy (manufacturing & trade)
South- Agricultural Economy
Jacksonian Era
The common man became important rather than just
the wealthy men.
Issues with: Native Americans, States’ Rights, and the
National Bank of the United States
Critics thought Jackson tried to “rule the nation” and
had too much power.
Spoils System
Patronage- When presidents give people who supported
them key positions in their new administration.
“To the victor belongs the spoils.”
It is common for presidents to appoint cabinet
members, but this was the first time a president
“cleaned house.”
Some viewed this as corrupt and too much power for a
president to have.
According to Calhoun, a state had the right to nullify,
or reject, a federal law that it considers
He said, that any state could nullify, or void, a federal
law within it’s borders.
He believed that congress had no right to impose a
tariff that favored one section of the country.
Therefore, South Carolina had the right to nullify the
Monroe Doctrine
Created by President James Monroe
United States demanded that Europe stay out of the
affairs of Latin America (no colonization).
Monroe declared it would be seen as “dangerous to our
peace and safety.”
The United States wanted to be the big influence on
Latin America.
This showed that the U.S. saw itself as a world power.
Missouri Compromise
Missouri applied for statehood in 1817
The people of Missouri wanted slavery
There were 11 states where slavery was allowed and 11
states where it was not
Maine also wanted to become a state
Henry Clay came up with the idea to keep the balance
Missouri became a slave state
Maine became a free state
Slavery was outlawed North of Missouri Compromise
Election of 1824
Andrew Jackson, “the common man,” won the popular vote
but there was no clear winner in the Electoral College
Because of the tie of Electoral College votes, the election
had to be decided in the House of Representatives who
picked John Quincy Adams.
Jackson felt as though the election had been stolen from
Over the next 4 years, the split between the “common
people” and the more privileged led to the split of the
Democratic Republican party into 2 parties.
Democrats- Jackson
National Republicans- Adams
Election of 1828
1st election where all white males could vote
Began the modern democratic party
Jackson ran again for president against Adams but this
time he won.
During the campaign he promoted his version of
democracy in which the majority would rule and the
power would be taken away from the rich, elite and
given totally to the people.
Indian Removal Act
Gave Andrew Jackson the power to negotiate
resettlement treaties with the Native Americans and
allowed the states to make laws governing their
Jackson believed this compromise would allow the
Native American to preserve their way of life and the
Americans to get the land they wanted.
Instead, it caused death and hardship.
Led to the Trail of Tears, or the forced removal of the
Cherokee Indians from native lands to Indian Territory
because we wanted their land for farming and gold.
Factory System- North
Industrial Economy (manufacturing &
Factories started in New England because rivers
were used to generate power for factories and to
ship goods.
Plantation System- South
South: Agricultural Economy
Became an economy based on cash crops and
plantations (usually cotton) that relied heavily on slave
labor to be profitable.
Jacksonian Democracy
Government run for the people and run BY THE
PEOPLE. (Democracy)
Democracy in economic, social, and political life
Wanted a split between farming and manufacturing
Limited government with a very strong president
Jeffersonian Democracy
Government for the people but run by well educated
(rich) leaders. (Republicanism)
Democracy in political life
Wanted farmers and mainly agricultural life
Limited Government
Jackson and the National Bank
Jackson thought the National bank of the US was too
The Bank’s president, Biddle, controlled the money
supply for the entire nation.
He felt the Bank was partial to wealthy clients and hurt
the average person.
Jackson vetoed renewing the Bank’s charter.
Congress passed the bill with a 2/3 majority, but
people were upset because Jackson ignored the decision
by the Supreme Court and was a tyrant.
National Bank cont.
Despite that, Jackson won the re-election in 1832 and
took it as a sign that people supported his war on the
Jackson began having all federal money desposited into
state banks rather than the federal one.
By doing this, he ended up putting the National Bank
out of business.
Eli Whitney
Cotton Gin  Allowed more cotton to be cleaned and
processed each day. Expanded the use of slaves in the
south for cheap farm labor.
Interchangeable Parts  Creation of identical parts
made production easier, faster and much more reliable.
Samuel F.B. Morse
Telegraph  Improved communication. Allowed people
to track news and movements of friends and family.
Allowed businesses to track orders and shipments of
John Deere
Steel Plow  Made plowing much easier and allowed it
to go much faster. It was easier to make a profit at cashcropping.
Robert Fulton
Steam Boat  Allowed people and goods to travel
much faster.
Samuel Slater
Textile Mills  Mass production of cloth for making
clothing and other goods. Mills employed mostly
unskilled workers. (Women and Children)
James Hargreaves
Spinning Jenny  Spun thread into cloth for mass
production of clothing, etc.
Elias Howe
Sewing Machine  Allowed cloth to be turned into
clothes quickly and on a mass scale. Clothes could now
be made in factories for profit and purchased in stores
instead of hand-made (giving women more leisure time).
Cyrus McCormick
Mechanical Reaper  Greatly increased farm
Henry Bessemer
Bessemer Steel Process  Process of purifying hot iron
ore to make steel. Things that were once made out of
iron (railroad tracks, etc.) could now be made out of
steel which lasts much longer before breaking.