Hamlet Outline

Reading Shakespeare
- blank verse- consists of unrhymed lines called:
a. iambic pentameter- rhythm pattern five
units (feet) which has an unstressed syllable followed by
a stressed syllable
b. placed words in an unusual order within a
c. divided the line of poetry between two
- writing is full of figurative language and wordplay
a. metaphors, similes, puns- play on different
meanings of a word or on the similar meaning or sound
of different words
Hamlet Outline
Hamlet is based on an older Danish text
similar to the plot that Shakespeare
adopted. (Amleth) to Hamlet.
 Setting: Takes place around 12th Century
A.D. in the country of Denmark
 Plot: Hamlet has been away and his father
Hamlet Sr. mysteriously dies. His Uncle
Claudius takes over as king and takes his
late brother’s wife, Gertrude as his own
wife. Hamlet has returned from his
Act 1 Sc. 1
Setting: Outside the castle. On watch.
Francisco is standing guard outside the gates of the
castle. Bernardo has come to replace him.
They are met soon by Marcellus and Horatio. The
men want Horatio to speak to the ghost who has
been seen at these parts.
Horatio tries to get the ghost to talk, but he is
unsuccessful. (Line 62) “Tis gone and will not
Horatio says that the ghost looks like the late King
Hamlet. He notices that the ghost was dressed just
like the king was when he defeated King Fortinbras of
Sc.1 ctd…
 Now
that King Hamlet is dead,
Fortinbras’ son has been known for a
possible attack on the kingdom of
The ghost appears once again, and just as
it is about to say something, a rooster
crows and the ghost disappears.
 Horatio and Marcellus go to speak to
Hamlet about the apparition that they have
Act 1 Sc. 2
Setting: The play shifts to King Claudius
and Queen Gertrude and others in the
 Claudius addresses his subjects and
tells them that although King Hamlet’s
death is still new, the people must move
on and focus on his marriage to Queen
 He also discusses that young Fortinbras
is preparing to attack Denmark. On top
of that, he has sent two messengers to
the uncle of young Fortinbras asking
him to tell his nephew to halt his attack.
 Laertes asks permission to return to France
for his studies. Claudius agrees.
 Claudius then tells Hamlet that he wonders
why he is still in black and mourning his
father’s death. (He is wondering if Hamlet
is faking being sad.)
 Both C. and G. ask Hamlet to stay, and
Hamlet tells them that he will. He is left
alone and lets known to the audience that
he is unhappy with his mother for marrying
Claudius so soon after his father’s death.
 He is then interrupted by Horatio and
Marcellus who tell Hamlet about the ghost.
Hamlet agrees to join the men on their
watch at night and agrees to try to speak to
Act 1 Sc. 3
Laertes is preparing to leave for France
and says goodbye to his sister, Ophelia.
He tells his sister to beware of Hamlet,
that he is insincere (and believes he is
slowly losing his mind) and that she
should put a hold on pursuing their
relationship until Hamlet is king. Only
then should she consider his hand in
marriage. Ophelia agrees to do so.
Polonius arrives and walks his son to the
ship. On their way down, Polonius given
his son advice about being mindful of his
surroundings and people. Laertes agrees
to listen to his father and sets off.
 Polonius then speaks to Ophelia asking
her what advice Laertes gave her. She
tells him that Laertes wants her to hold off
on pursuing Hamlet. She tells her father
that she will do whatever he says,
because he is wise.
Act 1 Sc. 4
Hamlet and Horatio are outside awaiting
the spirit.
 A cannon goes off and Hamlet is
shaken by the rumble.
 Hamlet explains that it is a custom done
when the king empties his draughts of
Rhenish wine. It is a celebration.
Hamlet says that he does not like it
because it makes people of Denmark look
like a bunch of drunks.
 Soon after, the ghost appears and Hamlet
tries to speak to it, but it only beckons him
to follow.
 Hamlet wants to follow, but his friends
forbid him. Hamlet breaks from his friends
and his friends soon follow Hamlet.
“Something is rotten in the state of
Denmark” Line 100
Act 1 Sc. 5
Hamlet speaks to the ghost and the ghost
reveals that he is the spirit of his father
“doomed for a certain term to walk the night
and for the day confined in fast fires until the
foul crimes done in my days of nature are
burnt and purged away.”
 - He tells Hamlet that he will be at peace
once his killer is punished.
 The spirit goes on and tells Hamlet of a
“serpent” who stung him (who now wears a
crown) and tells Hamlet to seek revenge on
his uncle to free his father’s spirit.
His father did not have a chance to
confess his sins before his death, so he
will suffer in Purgatory until his sins are
 The ghost leaves and Hamlet makes his
friends swear that they will never speak of
what they have seen on a dagger, in the
shape of a cross.
Act 2 Sc. 1
Scene: In Polonius’s quarters
Enter Polonius and servant, Reynaldo
Polonius tells Reynaldo to go to France and keep an
eye on his son to make sure he is staying out of
 He also tells Rey. to find any other Danes in the area
and let them know he is there to keep an eye on
Laertes because he is known to be a “wild man”. Pol.
wants Rey. to gauge the reaction of the Danes to see
if they agree or not.
 However Polonius wants Rey. to be careful not to soil
his son’s name.
Act 2 Sc. 1 ctd…
Ophelia enters and tells Pol. that Hamlet has
gone mad.
 She explains to her father how Hamlet has acted
towards her in a very strange manner.
 Polonius believes that he is at fault by not
allowing his daughter to see Hamlet. He thinks
that Hamlet has gone mad because he lost his
 Polonius takes Ophelia and goes to see King
Act 2 Sc. 2
Claudius and Gertrude meet with
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, two of
Hamlet’s old friends in order to find out
the cause of Hamlet’s madness. They
agree and leave to find Hamlet.
 Polonius tells Claudius that the
ambassadors he sent have returned
and also that he may know why Hamlet
has gone mad.
Act 2, Sc. 2 ctd…
Voltemand enters and tells Claudius that the
uncle of Fortinbras did not know about the plot
and immediately put a stop to it, giving an
allowance ($$$) and permission to invade
Poland instead. The uncle also asked
permission to allow Fortinbras safe passage
while on his travels through Denmark to Poland.
 Claudius is thrilled by the news and agrees to
the terms.
Act 2 Sc. 2 ctd…
After the others leave, Pol. tells the king and
queen about Hamlet’s madness and what he
believes is the source.
 Claudius is not convinced fully and believes that
there is more.
 He and Pol. decide they will place Ophelia in the
hall where Hamlet paces daily and they will hide
behind a curtain to see what happens. Just
then, Hamlet arrives and Polonius tells the king
and queen to leave while he tries to talk to
Act 2 Sc. 2 ctd…
Hamlet enters and acts like he doesn’t know
what is going on or who anyone is.
He paces and mutters to himself until Pol. gives
up and leaves.
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern arrive and
Hamlet seems to be sane. He recognizes the
two and questions their motives.
They dodge the question, but eventually Guild.
gives up and confesses that they were sent for.
Hamlet reveals that he has been sad and
depressed the past months.
Act 2 Sc. 2 ctd…
The two friends then inform Hamlet that
some players from a theatrical group have
come to Denmark.
 Hamlet goes to greet the players as Pol.
Arrives and tells Hamlet that they are the
best players.
 Hamlet then plays word games with
Polonius until he ignores him.
Act 2 Sc. 2 ctd…
Hamlet then asks one of the players to perform a
speech for him from the Aeneid.
The actor does so until Hamlet stops him and
tells Polonius to take care of the players.
Hamlet then asks the players if they would
perform a play on the story of the murdered King
They agree and Hamlet also asks to give some
lines of his own and to change the story a bit.
They agree to his demands.
Polonius and the players leave. R and G soon
leave as well.
Act 2 Sc.2 ctd…
Hamlet is left alone on stage and questions
himself on what he should do about Claudius.
 He then reveals that he will wait to see how
Claudius acts as the play goes on, because he
will have a murder scene performed.
 Then he will see if the true killer comes out or if
the ghost was wrong.
 (End Act 2)
Act 3 Sc. 1
Setting: inside the castle
 Ros. and Guild. report about Hamlet to
Claudius and Gertrude. They tell them
that Hamlet seemed distracted by
something and how he perked up when
the players came in.
 Pol. Interrupts and mentions that
Hamlet has invited the king and queen
to the play that will be performed. They
gladly accept.
 Claudius has Gertrude leave so they
can have Ophelia set up for Hamlet in
order to see if Hamlet is truly mad.
Act 3 Sc. 1
Hamlet enters with his famous “To be or not to
be” soliloquy. This is stated for the purpose to
show the audience that Hamlet is still struggling
with the fact that he has not taken action against
his uncle.
 Ophelia interrupts him and tries to give back
some things he gave her when he had shown
affection toward her.
 Hamlet treats her very rudely and tells her that
all women are liars and that only men who are
fools would get married. He is alluding to the
fact that Ophelia ignored him when he poured
his heart out to her.
 Claudius believes Hamlet should be sent to
England. Why?
Act 3 Sc. 2
Setting: inside the castle at the play
Hamlet speaks with the players about how to
perform the play and tells Horatio to keep an
eye out for his uncle’s reaction.
Hamlet sees the reactions Claudius had to
the play and discusses it with Horatio.
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern enter and tell
Hamlet that his mother wishes to speak with
Polonius enters and almost demands that
Hamlet see his mother at once.
He plays word games with Pol. and then
agrees to see his mother at once.
All others exit and Hamlet reveals that he will
speak harshly to his mother using words
(daggers), but will not harm her.
Act 3 Sc. 3
Claudius meets with Ros. And Guild. in
order to tell them that Hamlet has
become too dangerous and must be
sent to England. Claudius wants them
to be prepared to escort Hamlet and
they agree to do so.
 Polonius informs Claudius that Hamlet
will meet with his mother in her room
and he (Polonius) will hide behind a
curtain and reveal to the king what he
 Pol. exits and Claudius is left alone
Act 3 Sc. 3 ctd…
Claudius reveals that he is the murderer of his
brother and realizes there is no way to make
things right.
 He prays to the angels just as Hamlet is about to
sneak up behind him and kill him.
 Hamlet will not kill Claudius, because he is
praying. He feels that if he is praying while he is
killed, he will go to heaven.
 Hamlet will wait for a time when he feels
Claudius will surely go to hell.
Act 3 Sc. 4
Scene: Gertrude’s room
 Polonius tells Gertrude that she must
reprimand Hamlet for his beheavior and
hides behind the curtain.
 Hamlet enters and is rude to his mother,
commenting of the incestuous
relationship she has with Claudius.
Gertrude does not understand and
thinks Hamlet has gone completely
insane. She screams for help and Pol.
Act 3 Sc. 4 ctd…
Hamlet hears Pol. and thinks that the person
behind the curtain is Claudius.
He stabs into the curtains, but sees that it is Pol.
Pol. dies
Hamlet says to his mother that killing Pol. is not
as bad as a brother killing a king.
Gertrude does not understand so Hamlet pulls
out two figures for her and explains how
Claudius killed Hamlet Sr.
Gertrude becomes confused and once again,
the ghost appears (only seen and heard by
Act 3 Sc. 4 ctd…
The ghost tells Hamlet to keep explaining
what happened to his mother.
 Gertrude is scared and confused and
thinks Hamlet is completely insane.
 Hamlet shows his pulse to Gertrude
proving that he is not hallucinating.
 Gertrude asks Hamlet what she should do
and he tells her to not let Claudius know
about what happened, say that he (Hamlet
is not mad) and not to sleep with Claudius.
 Hamlet leaves, dragging the body of
Polonius behind him.
Act 4 Sc.1
Claudius confronts Gertrude and tells
her to tell him what is wrong.
 Gertrude tells him what happened
between Hamlet and her and how
Hamlet killed Polonius behind the
 Claudius decides to pardon Hamlet, but
wants him taken immediately to
 He calls R and G and orders them to
find Polonius’s body and to bring it into
the chapel.
 They agree and exit.
Act 4 Sc. 2
Hamlet hears R and G calling and they
confront him on where the body of
Polonius is.
 Hamlet plays word games with them
and calls them sponges. (because they
soak up and do whatever the king tells
 He refuses to tell them and runs away.
Act 4 Sc. 3
Claudius is upset that Hamlet is running
around the palace, but cannot order
Hamlet’s death, because he is loved by
the nobles and people of Denmark.
 Rosencrantz arrives and tells Claudius
that they cannot find the body, but that
Guildenstern is holding Hamlet.
 Claudius orders them in and questions
Hamlet and Hamlet responds to look for
him in heaven or hell.
 Hamlet then reveals the location and R
goes to get the body.
Act 4 Sc. 3
Claudius tells Hamlet that he will leave for
England immediately and Hamlet
responds by calling Claudius his mother
and exits with Guildenstern.
 Claudius left alone prays that the King of
England will obey his wishes to kill Hamlet
for him, while he is over in England.
Act 4 Sc. 4
Fortinbras arrives at the castle and
orders a Captain to deliver the message
that the army has arrived.
 Hamlet, accompanied by R and G,
arrives and speaks to the Captain about
whose army this is and the Captain tell
him and alludes to the fact that they are
on their way to Poland.
 Hamlet sends R and G ahead and
realizes that the time for revenge is at
hand. He must do it soon. His thoughts
are “bloody”
Act 4 Sc. 5
A Gentleman tells Gertrude to come
and see what has happened to Ophelia.
 Ophelia enters and is singing to herself.
 She has gone mad (real madness) due
to the loss of both Hamlet (her love) and
Polonius (her father).
 She just keeps singing crazy songs with
no true response.
 Claudius arrives and Ophelia reveals
that she must leave and go find her
brother to tell him what has happened.
Act 4, Sc. 5
Claudius tells Gertrude that they made a
mistake by trying to secretly get rid of the
body of Polonius.
 He further informs her that Laertes has
come home from France to avenge his
father’s death.
 There is a messenger that interrupts and
Claudius finds out that Laertes has a mob
that is rushing the castle to take over and
make Laertes king.
Act 4, Sc. 5
Laertes enters and demands to know what
happened to his father and why he was
 Claudius tells him that he is not
responsible for Polonius’s death and that
he will arrange his revenge for him.
 Laertes sees Ophelia and becomes upset.
Act 4 Sc. 6
Horatio receives a letter from Hamlet
which tells him a bizarre story.
 The ship Hamlet was on was captured
by pirates and Hamlet boarded their
 After the battle was over, he became a
prisoner, but was treated well because
he could do them favors.
 He tells that R and G are still on their
way to England.
Act 4 Sc. 7
Claudius has explained to Laertes that
Hamlet killed Polonius. Laertes asks
why Hamlet was not punished at the
time and Claudius tells him that it was
for Gertrude’s sake.
 Claudius tells Laertes that his revenge
will come soon.
 Some messengers arrive and hand
Claudius letters from Hamlet.
 Claudius reads them out loud and it
states that Hamlet is on his way back
home to Denmark.
Act 4 Sc. 7
Laertes is pleased by this, because he
thinks he will soon have his revenge.
 Claudius tells him to calm himself and wait
to plot it out. He wants to make his death
look like an accident.
 Claudius proposes that Laertes fences
Hamlet with a poison tipped sword.
 Claudius is uncertain of the sword, so he
will have Hamlet drink poison as well to
make sure the plan will not fail.
Act 4 Sc. 7 ctd…
Gertrude enters the room and informs
Laertes that Ophelia drowned herself while
sitting on a willow branch over the water.
 Laertes weeps and leaves and Claudius
tells Gertrude to follow him for fear of
Laertes losing control of his anger.
Act 5 Sc. 1
The scene opens with two grave
diggers who are discussing why Ophelia
is being buried even though she
apparently committed suicide.
 Hamlet overhears the two men talking
and approaches them wondering why
they can sing when doing such a morbid
 Hamlet (pretending to be someone else)
asks the two men if they know whose
grave it is and they avoid to tell him. He
then asks if they heard any news about
Prince Hamlet.
Act 5 Sc. 1 ctd…
The gravedigger tells him that Hamlet was sent
to England because he was mad.
He then picks up a skull and shows it to Hamlet.
Hamlet recognizes it as an old jester, Yorik.
Hamlet and Horatio hide when they see the
others coming and soon realize that the body
being carried is Ophelia’s.
Hamlet so overcome with emotion jumps into her
grave and pledges his love for Ophelia.
Laertes begins to choke Hamlet and they are
soon pulled apart. Hamlet and Horatio run away
Act 5 Sc. 2
Hamlet reveals to Horatio what really
happened on his way to England.
 He tells of how he stole the letters his
uncle wrote and changed them to the
order of R and G’s death, since they
had sided with the king.
 Horatio tells Hamlet that the king will
soon find out when R and G arrive in
 Just then, Osiric enters and tells Hamlet
of the challenge brought by the king.
Act 5 Sc. 2 ctd…
Hamlet agrees to the terms and Osiric tells him
that Gertrude has asked that Laertes be treated
with respect. Hamlet agrees and begins to
prepare for the match.
 Horatio tries to talk Hamlet out of the match, but
he has no luck in doing so.
 Hamlet apologizes for Polonius’ death to
Laertes, but Laertes tells him that his vengeance
will take place soon.
 The two men prepare as Claudius has a large
cask of wine brought out. He says that each
time Hamlet makes a hit, he will drink from a
glass with a pearl.
Act 5 Sc. 2 ctd…
Claudius drinks to Hamlet as a salute and
the two (H and L) begin to fight.
 Hamlet gets the 1st point, but does not
drink and continues the match.
 The next hit on Laertes takes place and
Gertrude drinks to Hamlet from his cup.
 The next point goes to Laertes with the
poison tipped sword.
 Soon after, the rapiers are mixed and
Hamlet wounds Laertes.
5 Sc.
2 ctd…
The two stop
suddenly becomes
infected by the poison. She realizes what has
happened and dies.
Laertes then falls and tells Hamlet that they are
both poisoned and blames the king.
Hamlet then slashes Claudius with the sword and
poisons him. Then he takes the poison drink and
pours it down Claudius’ throat. Claudius dies.
Laertes, barely alive, tells Hamlet that he forgives
him for his father’s (Pol.’s) death. Laertes dies.
Hamlet tells Horatio to stay alive (because
Horatio contemplated suicide as well) and tell
what has happened and names Fortinbras the
successor to the throne. Hamlet dies
Fortinbras enters and Horatio tells him everything. Fortinbras tells the
others that Hamlet will be recognized and orders the guns fired,
honoring Hamlet.
Questions Act 3 Sc. 2
What does Hamlet ask the players to do?
 How does Hamlet act towards Ophelia?
 Who does Hamlet ask to watch Claudius?
 How does Claudius react to the play?
 What might this action mean?
 Who whishes to speak with Hamlet and
 What is Horatio’s reaction to the play?
 What will Hamlet do to his mother?
Act 3 Sc. 3
What is Claudius doing in this scene?
 What does Hamlet notice about him?
 What does Hamlet want to do to Claudius?
 Why can’t he go through with the act?
Act 3, Sc. 4
How does Hamlet treat Gertrude?
 Why does Hamlet stab the curtain?
 Who was really behind the curtain?
 Does Hamlet seem to feel remorse for
what he has done? Why or why not?
 What does the ghost tell Hamlet?
A. True
Hamlet Quiz Act 3
B. False
1. Act 3 contains Hamlet’s famous “to be
or not to be” soliloquy.
 2. Claudius wants to send Hamlet to
 3. Hamlet kills Polonius in this act.
 4. The Ghost appears to Hamlet in
Gertrude’s room.
 5. Hamlet tells his mother to tell Claudius
everything that has happened at the
end of Act 3.
Act 4 Sc. 6
Where was Hamlet supposed to go?
 Why has he not gotten there yet?
 What does he tell Horatio to do?
 Who kidnapped him?
 How did he get out of it?
 Whom does Hamlet say are still on their
way to England?
Act 5 Sc. 1 Questions
1. What are the two Grave Diggers
discussing in this scene?
 2. Why is Hamlet baffled by their mood?
 3. What does Hamlet ask the two Grave
Diggers ( as someone else)
 4. What is interesting about the skull
picked up by Hamlet? Whose skull was it?
 5. Who first jumps into Ophelia’s grave?
 6. What does Hamlet tell Laertes?
 7. Why is Claudius happy at this point?