Social Structure Theories Social Structural Theories Development What is sociology and why did it come to dominate explanations of human behavior? Social Change Culture of Poverty Social Structural Theories Social Disorganization Strain Cultural Deviance Social Change or Culture of Poverty Social Change Post Industrial Society Change in Technology Economic Structure of Society Culture of Poverty Cynicism Mistrust in Government/ Agents of Soc. Cont. Truly Disadvantaged Never given a chance Social Change/Culture of Poverty 1920’s 1930’s The Great Depression FDR's Fireside Chats 1940’s Women vote for the first time Prohibition legislated Stock Market crashes World War II; War production pulls the country out of the Depression Scrap drives for steel, tin, paper and rubber Returning GIs create the Baby Boom 1950’s American industry expands to meet peacetime needs of thousands of young servicemen with new families, jobs and homes "Separate but equal" educational opportunities for blacks; in 1954, integration began across America with Supreme Court decision Social Change/Culture of Poverty 1960’s 70 million children became teenagers and young adults Civil Rights Movement 1970’s Women's Lib is born By 1974, economy in worst recession in 40 years 1980’s Reagan declares the war on drugs Sandra Day O'Connor becomes the first woman on the Supreme Court Volunteerism and contributions reach an all-time high ($115 billion) AIDS emerges as a Health Care crisis Three Branches of Social Structure Theory Social disorganization theory focuses on conditions in the environment Strain theory focuses on conflict between goals and means. Cultural deviance theory combines the two. Crime Social Disorganization Theory: Concentric Zone Theory MAJOR PREMISE Theoretical Basis Crime is a product of transitional neighborhoods that manifest social disorganization and value conflict. • Crime Rates linked to neighborhood characteristics • Breakdown in informal social control or inability to establish • Pulling forces that attract group membership (I.e. gangs) A decrease in the influence of existing social rules of behavior upon the individual members of the group. An area where social institutions, norms and values, are no longer functioning." Without normative constraint==>Anything goes==Deviance flourishes. Social Disorganization Theory: Concentric Zone Theory Model Strain/Anomie Theory – Anomie Merton – Anomie and Crime Merton – Strain and Crime Modes of Adaptation Extension of Theory (Agnew General Strain Theory) Durkheim Anomie – Merton’s Reconceptualization • Reconceptualizes Durkheim's concept of Anomie. • Not an overall, or even localized breakdown in normative structure. • The cultural system and social structure of society is basically intact, workable, functional. • In fact, to a certain extent, Deviance represents the functionality of the system. • Merton's "Dream Machine." • Problem is: A disjuncture within the cultural system between the Goals (values) which define our lives and the culturally determined, institutionalized, legitimate Means for achieving them. Strain Theory: Anomie MAJOR PREMISE People who adopt the goals of society but lack the means to attain them seek alternatives, such as crime. STRENGTHS Points out how competition for success creates conflict and crime. Suggests that social conditions and not personality can account for crime. Can explain middle- and upper-class crime. . Basic Component of Strain Theory Poverty Maintenance of conventional rules and norms Strain Formation of gangs and groups Crime and delinquency Criminal Careers Typology of Individual Modes of Adaptation MODES OF ADAPTATION CULTURAL GOALS INSTITUTIONALIZED MEANS 1. Conformity + + 2. Innovation + - 3. Ritualism - + 4. Retreatism - - +/- +/- 5. Rebellion General Strain Theory Strain has a variety of sources. Strain causes crime in the absence of adequate coping mechanisms. Agnew broadened strain theory Not just a difference between what is expected and what is achieved Strain produces negative stimuli removes positive stimuli Cultural Deviance Theory: Miller’s Focal Concern Theory Focal Concerns MAJOR PREMISE Citizens who obey the street • Trouble rules of lower-class life (focal • Toughness concerns) find themselves in • Smartness conflict with the dominant • Excitement culture. • Fate • Autonomy Cultural Deviance Theory: Cohen’s Theory of Delinquent Gangs MAJOR PREMISE STRENGTHS Status frustration of lower-class boys, created by their failure to achieve middle-class success, causes them to join gangs. Shows how the conditions of lower-class life produce crime. Explains violence and destructive acts. Identifies conflict of lower class with middle class. Cultural Deviance Theory: Cloward and Ohlin’s Theory of Opportunity MAJOR PREMISE: Blockage of conventional opportunities causes lower-class youths to join criminal, conflict, or retreatist gangs. STRENGTHS: Shows that even illegal opportunities are structured in society. Indicates why people become involved in a particular type of criminal activity. Presents a way of preventing crime.