1. Register at www.pearsonschool.com/access 2. Enter the first 6 letters of your code: SSNAST (You will then see…MyLab and Mastering from Pearson Register your code here. To register your access codes, simply select your discipline and textbook or resource from the drop down menu and follow the on-screen instructions. 3. Click on Covered Titles to select Science and Title: Reece et al., Campbell Biology: Concepts & Connections 7e MasteringBiology (For 5e–7e users) (You will then see…Reece et al., Campbell Biology: Concepts & Connections 7e MasteringBiology For 5e–7e users If you are using the edition(s) listed above, click on the student registration link below. Please have your access code handy, you will need it for the next step of the registration process. If the edition you are using is not listed, your program does not include this resource. Student Registration 4. Accept - Pearson License Agreement 5. Access Information * Enter or Create your username & password Do not use your full name in your user name. If you already have an Edmodo user name or some other school program user name use it, or your first name+last initial+last five of your student ID #. * Enter the appropriate access code below: SSNAST-SHALL-MESIC-REGNA-GABBY-LACES Yes No 112 113 114 ^(?=^.{4,64}$)(?!. 115 ^(?=^.{8,32}$)(?= 116 ^(?=^.{8,32}$)(?= 116 Create a Login Name firstnamelastinitial12345 It is recommended that you use your email address. It must be at least four characters. See acceptable characters. Create a Password ********** Create a password. It must be at least 8 characters with at least one capital letter and one number. See acceptable characters. Re-type your Password ********** Enter your access code. Access Code SSNAST - SHALL - MESIC - REGNA - GABBY - LACES Switch to a single box for pasting your access code When asked for a Course ID, click yes and type HHSAPBIO2. When asked for the school name, you won’t find Hahnville High School. You will have to scroll down and select OTHER. It will turn up after that. The school city is Boutte and the Zip is 70039. Once you have completed registration from this point, you will be linked to http//:masteringbiology.com where you will find access to assignments and an etext book. Check assignments for both September and October due dates before Wednesday’s test.