Divide and Conquer Name: ______________ Date: __________ Prefixes: col-, com-, con = “with, together” Divide each word with a (-) example: concern = con-cern 1. college ___________________________ 2. collide ____________________________ 3. community ___________________________ 4. conduction 5. collect ______________________________ 6. complete ______________________________ 7. convection _______________________________ ___________________________ 8. concentrate ________________________________ 9. consumer _________________________________ Why do you think there are three different ways to spell the prefix meaning “with, or together?” ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Prefixes: col-, com-, con = “with, together” “Divide” the words by separating the prefix from the base and writing the meaning, then “Conquer” the word by writing the meaning of the word. Word 1) college 2) collide Prefix and Define Root and Define col-= together -lege= Col= -lide= strike or hit to read 3) community -(m)unity= one 4) conduction -duction= lead or bring 5) collect A place to Bring together -lect = to gather 6)complete 7)convection Conquer! (meaning) -plete= finish Con = together Finish with it -vection= carry 8)concentrate centrate: center, or central 9)consumer sumer= one who takes To center ___________________ One who takes with (think an animal takes food “with” them) How does knowing the prefix com- help to understand the Commutative Property in math? Use complete sentences: ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Can you think of any other com/con/col words? Here are some helpful roots! Add to the peninsula throughout the week! -pact: joined or packed -bine: merge or join -press: push -plete: filled or finished -cern: worry Word Study Test Name: ________________________ Date: __________________ Our word part (affix) this week is a (circle one): prefix, root, suffix We are studying __________________________ which mean: ____________________________ (there are three!) Spell the Word Prefix and Define Root and Define Conquer! (meaning) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Use each word study word to correctly fill in the blank of these sentences. 1) A rabbit is a primary ____________________________. We can also call a rabbit an herbivore because it only eats producers! 2) Sometime it is hard to ________________________ when other people are talking while I am trying to work. 3) When heat is carried around in boiling water, it is called ____________________________. /38 /18 4) Jordan will _________________________ basketball cards. 5) Henry will _____________________ his drum tests every morning before class. 6) You will go to __________________________. This is a place where you will read, write and discuss topics together with peers and professors. 7) When a cold object touches a warm object and heat is transferred, we call this ______________________. 8) We have a ___________________________ contract. This is how we commit to respect. 9) You may ____________________ with others in the hallway if you are not paying attention.